Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Friday, May 10, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


Am I overreacting if I delete all the contact information of a guy that always keep malice whenever issues arise between us, I'm the only one sacrificing and always reach first whenever we have issues, but this time, I'm tired and want to focus on myself.

Your mental health is very Important, please block him before you delete him....If any woman mistakenly marries a man like this, it doesnt get better but worse and can lead to depression.Protect your mental health from relationships like this..


  1. Please go ahead and quickly delete him and anything that has to do with him. Some people are sponges and baskets. Always taking and never giving back. These kinds of people are very exhausting to date. Kick him to the curb and don't look back!

    1. Nothing to add to what Stella said. Just face front or regret.

  2. My sis Nigeria is already hard, so don't add any more stress to your head? Just kick him out for good and dont allow him back again..

  3. Don't allow a man or anybody to stress your mental health like this. You have tried your best over the years to make him change but he is not growing mentally, it's time for you to give him same energy he gives to you or end the relationship ASAP else your mental health will suffer in marriage.

  4. As far as I am concerned, this is one-sided story.

    1. One sided story or not, truth is adults need to learn how to resolve issues, instead of keeping malice..anyone who punishes a loved one with silence because they are angry is exhibiting a trait of narcissism, do it once forgive,talk about it and move, twice, consider, third time...DELETE

  5. Yes. Delete everything about him and move on. Stella is also right, because it will get worse in marriage, so don't start what you can't finish.

  6. Nah, I can’t deal with malice especially from a partner.

  7. Your mental health comes first. Block anybody or thing that gives you headache, i do this a lot and have peace after that.

  8. I was married to a man that kept malice with me for eight months. He'll knack and still continue the malice. Even demand for food. I stopped cooking and gbenshing. You see those people they have a very wicked heart. Runnn

  9. Ozigbo ozigbo


  10. Please don't ghost him. Block and delete. You don't need such negativity hoovering around you.

  11. Overreacting ke? Baby girl you are doing the Lord's work, keep it up.

  12. Your happiness is very crucial dear

  13. you will continue to reach out to him when you both finally get married. Please block him, delete his contact, if he reach out to you just drop the call and still block that number.

  14. Your peace of mind is very important. Block and delete

  15. But man wey dey keep malice wetin we go call that one kwanu?
    Haaaa, if you are a man and you do this, you are empty, as in. FINISHED!!

    1. Abi?

      Afterall, malice is reserved for women.

      Women who keep malice are always full.

      Some gender based insults aimed at men indirectly point the "proverbial 4 fingers" at women.

  16. It's annoying how some men will be keeping malice with their full chest😏. Dear poster you are not overreacting....All say DELETE!!

  17. I know someone like this. I used to tell him it would affect his marriage if he continues like this. Today, his wife has left him. Run away from this guy. It never ends well

  18. Keeping it for how long?? As in, you guys don't say a word to each other?? What happens when you apologize???
    That's kinda draining. Just keep it cool with him, don't just off it totally.

  19. My dear, run as fast as you can and never look back. My daughter was married to someone like this. He was over 14 years her senior and he would give her the silent treatment for weeks on end whenever they had an argument. It started affecting her mental health. After 7 months of marriage, she packed her bags and came back home. She is never going back. Those men are wicked creatures. Delete and block him forever.


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