Stella Dimoko Nigerian Govt Extends Application For Management Of $10bn Diaspora Fund


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Friday, May 03, 2024

Nigerian Govt Extends Application For Management Of $10bn Diaspora Fund

 Nigerian federal government has shifted the application deadline for companies interested in managing the $10 billion Diaspora Fund.
Minister of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Doris Uzoka-Anite, disclosed this in a circular on Thursday in Abuja.

Accordingly, the deadline for May 6 has been shifted to May 13, 2024.
The minister urged prospective applicants to utilise the extra time to complete their submissions, ensuring they are thorough and competitive.

She stressed that the extension is designed to allow stakeholders additional time to adequately prepare their applications following the guidelines established for the fund.
“The Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Investment wishes to inform all interested parties that the deadline for the submission of Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the Nigeria Diaspora Fund has been extended.
“The new submission deadline is May 13, 2024. This extension is intended to accommodate stakeholders who require more time to prepare their applications by the guidelines provided for the $10 billion Nigeria Diaspora Fund,”

From dailypost


  1. Dr E.B Things3 May 2024 at 10:58

    Dear fellow diasporians,
    If after working 3 jobs, and paying 40% to HMRC, you take what is left to invest in Nigeria's diaspora fund because you are a coconut-headed patriot.

    Please dont come crying to us when 2 years down the line, you hear that the chairman of the fund, one Alhaji Yusuf Tanko Something Something, has stolen $9.5bn from it, and has fled the country.

    Anyone stupid enough to invest in Nigeria, after what Nigeria has "shown you", deserves whatever they see.

    1. Investing with Nigerian federal govt is safe actually
      Never heard they didn’t pay required interest or that anyones mone was lost

      Also this is not a call to invest at this time. It’s a call to be in charge of managing the funds

  2. What's the fund about? The article could have given a background info on the expectations for the companies that wish to participate. Dies it mean those companies will be given part of the manage?


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