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Monday, June 24, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


I got married to a man who lied to me that he is a medical doctor. 
 I was also doing a good job. Ours was assumed love at first sight. We wedded six months into our courtship. I got pregnant immediately and requested to be registered into the hospital he works for antenatal but he refused with the excuse that he does not want his staff to see his wife's nakedness.
 As a submissive wife, I agreed and never suspected anything. 
I am a very busy person coupled with pregnancy stress and he goes out very early and comes back late. Some days he sleeps over claiming he was on call.

 After my first child. I found out he is a laboratory technician and not a medical doctor. This brought a crack in our relationship. We fought openly during my baby dedication.
 My mum pleaded I forgive him which I did and got pregnant for my second child.

 This man turned to a beast in the house. Sent my niece and maid home. Refused to help out. Insisted I resign from my job. My home tuned upside. My mum is a divorcee she doesn't want me to end up like her and she pleaded I endure. I gave birth to my second child and the issues continued.

One day I packed my things and left to a friends house for my mental health. I stayed for two months. This man did not call nor visited us. I went back to the house and he locked us out. Told me he is tired of the marriage and don't want me and the children again. 
We slept in the neighbors house till the next morning. The neighbor and her husband went to plead on our behalf and he told them bluntly he is done with the marriage. I left to my mum's house.
 It's been two months. This man has not brought anything nor called to speak with his children. My mum has sent so many people to him and he has refused to say what went wrong.
 I called the parents and told them I intend coming over with the children and the mum told me her son warned them never to allow me into their house. He suggested I settle with the son first. I am supposed to resume work next month. I am dying. My mum is depressed.

Hmmm, why didnt you have a plan B before you left in the first place?Well, you definitely can go back cos the altercations will definitely become physical..He says he doesnt want again and its not by force...Hhe is probably seeing someone else already.
Just send him a message on the welfare of his and kids and beg your mum that you want to stay with her until you get yourself sorted out...This is your new reality so you have to accept it...Why exactly did you go back nd why are you dying? you want to continue livng with him? why?
Please move on!!!


  1. Human beings ehn. Why do we keep causing pain and harm to people we claim to love? Why?
    If it were to be in a good country, he'll sit up and pay child support for the children he gave birth to.
    Just freaking painful 😣😭.
    Let your mom calm down. This wasn't the plan, but Life happens.

    1. You are not a sharp woman. A man lies to you about his occupation and you then go on and have a second child. Okay second child came you got angry and left then complained that he did not look for you and the child for two months. His lying in the first place without remorse should have told you he did not love or care about you.
      You should have stayed, be nice to him, endured ensuring he takes responsibility for the kids as long as he wasn’t being violent, whilst you carefully plan your escape with the kids when you can afford it. You kicked yourself big time.

    2. Anonymous 15;30, she said he turned to a beast when she got pregnant for her second child and why in God's name should she live with a beast? Why? She should stay and do what??? Be nice to a beast? Na she i blame sef, because I don't understand what she's begging him for.

    3. I think the reality here is that the woman is financially handicapped.
      School fees,baby food and diapers, house rent .... ain't no beans.
      I pray God come through for you

    4. Anon 15:30. Kindly read again. She said they fought openly on the day of her baby naming ceremony. The man sent her cousin and maid away and insisted she resign.

    5. Baby am sorry I don't ever blame people because life is a manipulator!
      The red flags were there your discernment spirit was low!
      Hear me every woman coming from a polygamous home, single mum home, dysfunctional home a spirit has been awakened and it will follow you around to make sure you keep the legacy so please and please be extra careful in making life decisions such as marriage and awaken your discerning spirit and know when to draw the line.
      Forget about that marriage but let it end with you, guard your kids jealously with your knees on the ground!

    6. Eya, thank you for highlighting how the man was to her, I didn’t see that.. apologies. Well Mrs I must be married to this man by force, I really hope and pray you are financially stable so you can stand on your own two feet with your children because this man clearly not send you. And please don’t think when you make it he will come back running to you… just do your thing as the kids need stability. I apologise for being a little harsh with you up there

    7. He needs to cater for his kids. Get a lawyer then move on.

  2. Sincerely at this point the man went too far, no explanation to what he did to you and wouldn't let you talk at least so you know your faults. This is pathetic ,I don't know what else to say. But you've got to double your money now cos it's obvious the children's welfare see solely on you

  3. I can't imagine that you did not know your husband's actual job before you both got married.
    The signs would have been there but you chose to ignore, probably because you were hell over heels with him.
    You also have every right to be angry after the discovery, also his actions could be that you are always using it against him. There is always two sides to the story anyway, there must be something he is totally fed up with hence his decisions.

    I pray he comes back to his senses and for the children.

    I advise people not to love with their hearts only, but with the brain as well.

    Take care.

    1. I've read stories like this and find it hard to believe that someone will get married without due diligence. Why did he lie about his profession? You didn't go to his office, didn't send anyone to investigate? That's a big risk. If he is as bad as you wrote, why are you dying? Please move on with your dignity. Take him to justice court if you are in Lagos so they will make him pay for the last day school fees, Medical, and upkeep.

    2. She is dying because her mother is a divorcee and can't stand the shame of her only daughter being a divorcee too.

    3. Someone close to me who lives abroad experienced this too.
      She actually married this guy who said he works in a Federal parastatal(the juicy one), meanwhile, it was IT he did there.
      She requested for a video call which he did with his supposed colleagues and presented a current ID card with his name boldly written on it.
      Unknown to us, he was quite close to the ogas he worked with so he was always going to the head office to do stuff for them and would lodge in Eko hotel with them when they had a special assignment.
      They were mostly on video calls and the colleagues/bosses would even say hello to this lady in that same office.
      I’m yet to understand why someone would go to this level to lie, unprovoked, to another human being.
      She discovered just 6 months into the marriage and the marriage scattered after dragging for a while.

    4. Proudly Foodie24 June 2024 at 20:15

      Many issies that often lead to divorce are avoidable at the dating or courting stage.

      I counsel people to get God involved in their choice of marital partner.

      God is Omniscient. He knows the future; the hidden secrets of man; and is willing to guide people who diligently seek His help.

  4. Why are u dying?
    What u should be after now is for him to provide for his kids..

  5. Poster we all make mistakes but we must not live and die in our mistakes...If it is true going by your chronicle, the foundation of the marriage is based on LIES and anything that is founded on lies cannot stand the test of time....Plead with your mom to stay with her and the kids while you find your own accommodation....

    Why do you think you are dying? You are alive and you have to be strong for your 2 kids...Make up your mind that you will get it right and don't compare yourself with your mom...Life happens and Please pray hard so you can break family patterns....

    Whenever you want to give love a chance, please shine your eyes well and be discerning on the type of man that will be a husband and father to you....You will not die but live to testify to the goodness of God.....Please leave him alone for now; create the conduciveness for you and your children....

    Learn from all your mistakes and decide to do better going forward

    All the best...

    1. You seems to be the nicest "person" with comments on this platform.

      Hey Angel 🌹

  6. Your marriage was built on a faulty foundation🀦... Didn't you take out time to pay him surprise visits at work while courting? Or where you so busy?
    I pray God gives you the Grace to move on, because clearly this man doesn't love you

    1. Honestly, if only she took time out. The guy played her the moment he realized she earned better. Married her like almost immediately. I wish she did due diligence.

      To what extent were you verbally disrespectful to him after finding out about the lies? Was it something you always brought up at every argument and fight? Did he apologize for the lies?

      Poster at this point, just maybe you need to seat your mum down and tell her the harsh reality. It’s better for you to be alive and get back on your feet than as a corpse (God forbid) and the children are left to suffer. Also, if all what you said here is true, please tell yourself the harsh truth and make a decision. If he says he doesn’t want you guys, then that’s the glaring hand writing on the wall that you have purposely been ignoring.

      Anyways, Please for the sake of your kids and life, think it through sha.

  7. See the lab scientist with so much shoulder lol...his offence is that what really? And the parents agreed? My sister tell your mum to be brave, it's your mental health here and move on. Marriage is not a do or die affair. Your mum will be fine . He was a big red banner

  8. Why exactly are you begging him to take you back? He abused you, made life hell for you and you ran off for your mental health? Did you completely get rid of your mental health while you were away?
    As you are begging him to take you back don’t you know you will be coming back to a worse fate?
    You said you have a good job so I’m assuming you can take care of yourself and kids.
    This man is bad news and the marriage dead on arrival. The moment you discovered his true status his ego was bruised, he created a faux persona as a medical Dr which someone made him feel worthy of you but it’s finally gone and that was why he started to resent you. You probably earn more than he does reason why he wants you to resign from your job too most African men don’t know how to really handle such situation well.

    Pls move on. It will be tough now especially initially when you single parent on your own but trust me it would be much worse with him, both for you and your kids you want to raise in such toxic environment.

    1. Well said Yvonne. Poster take a cue from Mabel and may and other strong women that dusted themselves up and moved on well. Be strong. Imagine wanting to die because of a loser. Bone him and his family make sure the appropriate authorities seek child support from clean up real good adjust your crown as the queen you are and move on. Smh for your mum. Rent a place , get a maid and start over. God will strengthen you just ask..

  9. "One day I packed my things and left to a friends house for my mental health. I stayed for two months"

    This is the part that caught my attention. If you came home to discover that your husband has left the house with your 2 kids, and he continues to be absent for two months, how would you feel? Your story didnt say that he was domestically violent, or that he was cheating, or that he chased you away. You were the one who chose to leave, and you deprived him of his children for two months.

    It is clear that he has moved on. The same way you left for your 'mental health" is the same way he also wants to take care of his "mental health".

    1. Gbam! Only sense here truly...

    2. Hmmm. Sounds like the truth. Maybe he felt like she "abandoned" ship.
      Poster please take it to the Lord in prayer, there is nothing He cannot resolve for us.
      I wish you the very best.

    3. Sound truth. Very bitter. But the truth. The earlier the old rule that children belong to the mother only is removed from today's woman's head and heart, the more sober they will be in dealing with matrimonial issues involving children.

      All Poster wants is child support for "her" children "that do not belong to her husband". Is that fair?

  10. How do you allow someone to lie to you about their job ? Or profession ? Like he said he’s a whole a medical doctor and you didn’t do any due diligence, anything and you just accepted it like that?
    You married 6 months into courtship? Definitely you were desperate and you can’t tell me nothing .

    Also why do you want to go back so bad ? The man has clearly shown you that he doesn’t care , he doesn’t want you anywhere around him so why are you and your mother pushing to go back ? So that it turns physical and he ends up killing you ?
    It’s marriage , divorce, separation is ok ! Don’t be too desperate to go back . The kids deserve better than this .
    Please re strategize and see how best you can do this solo because that’s your new reality but seeing as you and your mom are desperate to be married and be called a Mrs , I do wonder

    1. Too correct. Desperation leads to desolation.

  11. This is heavy, especially with two kids involved........ Please stop begging that man for now.

  12. You see why I don't smile too much on some wedding days. See what we women wants to break out waist for on our wedding days. You dance a heavy David dance just to enter and face total rubbish.Poster you want to go back to his horrible man for what. Go to court to seek child's support and leave his man for your mental health.

  13. I want to ask your mother will she be happy if your corpse were brought back?

    1. The mother needs to snap out of that depression and be there for her daughter and grandkids. The man no follow, mistake has been made and there are kids in the picture. Poster, divorce happens everywhere,not everything is spiritual or generational cycle.

  14. I don't understand. Did you marry him on the grounds of being a medical Doctor? There's something called background checks, and these are the things one does during courtship before the marriage proper. You didn't request his medical license? Didn't visit his place of work? Enquire about him from the hospital where he works? All I can say is that the kids are here and they need to eat. Work on yourself esteem and focus on raising them. You will be fine!

    1. Answer to your first quest is an apparent yes. The marriage turned for bad after she found he is not a Medical Doctor.

  15. Married 6 months into the relationship. Lol, guys, it hardly ends well. Almost all the chronicle posters who claimed to marry shortly after their relationship never have good stories to tell. It's always that the guys have something they were hiding from them . They rush the marriage so their wives won't get to discover their secrets until she they marry so she won't have any reason to reject them.

    Many of the men that do this are gay as well.

    1. Dont project your personal experience to others. Which one is most of the men that do this are gay?
      There are countless stories of people who courted for a short period and still had the happiest marriages.
      6 months is enough time to date and marry someone.

    2. Melancholic 101

    3. 17:10 I am not good in English but let me educate you on what the word 'most' means.

      Most means--- many: the majority of; more than half of. I have never seen where, when someone uses the word majority, then It's automatically believed that the person means 'all' as in, 'ALL of them'. Always read to understand you hear?

  16. You shouldn't have left in the first place, because some people forbids it.

    Just see how you can resume work, maybe you should leave your kids with your mom for now and see how you can adjust for work then take it from there.

    No be by force to be married, as he said he no want again.

    Please, dey your dey to avoid one person harming another.

    May God come through for you.πŸ™πŸ˜πŸ˜Ž

  17. Stella has switched to black pen LoL, seriously though why are you dying??? Dust yourself up Swits and move on. God delivered you from a lunatic.

  18. It won't be easy. But still you have to be strong both physically and mentally. Just create an illusion in your mind that your husband and the father of your children is dead. Because if you don't come to that conclusion, you'll keep feeling hurt and disappointed with your choice.
    Also, his parents aren't helping either.
    Its obvious you made the wrong choice but you have to think ahead especially for the sake of your children.

  19. because you don't want to answer same name your mother is answering now that is the reason why you want to kill yourself with an emotional abusive husband and also a lie lie husband. You should better put yourself together and face your children. Your marriage will never remain the same as long as you found out the truth about your husband, he is feeling terrible that his lies cut up with him. Some men want to tell lies, cover up their lies till they are gone but once you already know their secret nothing again.

    You are feeling terrible after you left the marriage on your own without him sending you away. Why are you coming back to him after you left on your own? you have gone and see that nothing is outside and now want to go back. If you are the man in this case will you also accept in and out without proper explanation. You should written to SDK before you left his house, you should have prepared emotionally and accommodation before you left his house.

    Just put up with your mum for now, take your time and get a place for you and the children. Your husband is not ready to foot any bill. He is using this one to give excuse. Tell your mum not to worry herself cos of her health condition. You said you are doing well with your job, just hire a nanny who will come wash, clean the house while your mum holds your baby for the main time. You will see that you will be fine with time, your husband will not send you money and please stop calling his family for now till he is ready to take up his responsibilities.

  20. Married a man I thought loved me as much as I loved him. One day he left with my children. We’ve had issues but we managed it most of it from him part of it from me but I stayed. Nobody is perfect they said I kept at it.
    He got up one day and left with the children,I was heartbroken,near suicidal,deeply wounded and intricately damaged. I had every medical condition associated with anxiety pain and depression. I went through hell.
    It’s a miracle I’m alive
    He wants back,he wants to apologize
    I’m numb
    I have no feelings,i think about him I cry not because I haven’t healed but all I went through. I’m at peace ,I’ve forgiven him,but I don’t want him.It will take God and a host of angels to convince me. I rather die unmarried.
    When you leave especially with children when you are not in danger, it hurts.
    What do you want now?
    Has he changed?
    The greener pastures that called you out have you answered it.
    I understand your husband
    Probably you need to do more
    If he is like me and other individuals who have been wounded battered and humiliated by the actions of our spouse…,You need God and likely need to move on and face the life before you.

    1. He wants back because where he took drinks to had no occasion going on. Needless unless you want the children near you.

  21. In this story, the only thing that seems not right or good enough from the man’s side is his role in the hospital as a medical practitioner.

    From your own writing , I can see that you must have frustrated th man. How could you have had open altercations on your naming ceremony? To what end? Who were you trying to impress by fighting or disobeying your husband? It seems you married him for show off and personal ego and aggrandizement.

    You packed out for 2 months with children? You abandoned your home? You ignored his authority?

    But you want him to be sending money to an ill-trained woman? If your brother’s wife does same to him, what would your reaction be? Women must always marry a man they can respect. Because no man, in his right senses, would tolerate some behavioral misdemeanor that many women want to rob in their husbands.

    Most women cannot take half of what they like to dish out to their men.

    You too should just flip this case over and see if you can take what you are pushing to the man.

    1. Well said.

      She classed the marriage has spoiled from the day she found he is not a Medical Doctor. There is no complaint in the narrative about the man before that date. She graded the man as a lower irritant after that discovery. That mindset influenced all decisions. Disrespect do not sit well with some men and their families. The typical Nigerian family would not see the academic point she sought to prove if the Husband is meeting his traditional roles in the family.

      Every person has a choice whether or not to stay in what he/she calls a bad marriage. But those of us (especially singles) who are quick to advise wives to leave their marriages should also remember to give detailed steps on how they are to handle the after effects because as the saying goes, what is after 5 is beyond 6.

  22. Get Nigerian Foodstuffs Abroad24 June 2024 at 17:20

    Poster, sorry for your ordeal. I wish you and your family had done some background checks on him before the marriage, that way you would have understood the type of person he is early enough.
    Please channel your energy now to getting him to start paying for the support of the children. Thank goodness you still have your job.Try and get your mum and yourself to calm down, so that none of you breaks down healthwise. Both of you need to be strong for the children.
    All will be well by His Grace. Best wishes.

  23. I feel you ain't saying the whole truth. He lied about being a Doc, are you that daft that you couldn't tell the difference? The wedding was done without his doctor friends? His family didnt know too? Too many gaps. Anyways, Why are you dying now? Why are you begging and and sending people to beg? Because a man you called a liar and a beast refused to take you back?

    1. I wonder too o, poster didn't say everything that needs to be said in this chronicle. The most important question is why she's begging the liar husband to take her back!!

    2. By her story, Poster did not present the man as a bad man.
      Between the lines, it appears the man reacted to Poster's actions induced by her disappointment over his lie.

  24. I know a man that was parading himself as a gastroenterologist to me and claimed he works in korle-Bu teaching hospital in Ghana, I believed at first, but when i had access to his location and socio media profile, I wasn't convinced, his location always showed Akinyele local Government in Oyo state , even his numbers are two Nigerian numbers(MTN & GLO), I asked him why was he claiming Ghana and using Nigerian numbers, he gave me an exuse that, it was very difficult to get Ghanian number as a foreigner, meanwhile he said his father is Ghanian while his mother is a Nigerian, his appearance didnt even look like a doctor to me, even though he posted in uniform many times with hospital office background, I'm not convinced because it looked like made-up.
    I know that something is fishy about him and just cut him off.

  25. Something Must have pushed the man to this extent. Life happens !!!
    If he dies want to continue the marriage, pls pick the pieces of your life and start afresh . it's not a death sentence or end of life Inugo ?
    Bear hugs πŸ€—

  26. Any relationship built on lies will likely suffer crack but rarely crumble if both partners forgive each other.

    Seems you still want the marriage, sadly the man is done. You should have thought this through before leaving.

    Men lie alot, especially to keep intact their self esteem, boost their ego, pacify their woman or even keep the woman they love. You should have tread with caution. Unfortunately nothing can be done except God steps in.

    You didn't tell us if he has remarried.

    Since you still want the marriage I suggest you pray fervently, let God touch his heart because kids are involved and to be candid they suffer long term in situation like this.

    Honestly there is nothing out there. Staying under your partner's roof and building your life is the best, weather the storm together as no bad situation last forever.

    May God touch his heart and may your marriage be restored, till then never stop fighting for his soul on the altar of prayer and make sure you sync with his family especially the mother.

    Chin up dear, it is well.

    1. This is the type of advise that killed Osinachi, "endure, endure, build, build, nothing dey outside, there's no perfect man". Didn't you read where she said he turned into a beast? Na until when person die inside mouth go change. Poster, face your new reality and move on. God be with you.

  27. When you married and things were no good why having a second child ?now double wahala

  28. I am sorry for what happened to you. In all thank God you still have a job dust yourself up and face the reality, it's not easy, but you can do it. May God come through for you in all ramifications.

  29. Onichabor Christopher24 June 2024 at 18:29

    Hmmmm, so sorry about this madam. My gender no dey try at all , some of them but there are several cracks, I can't imagine not knowing the mans professions. I tire, pls move on dear

  30. The man is a liar and a deadbeat. Move on with your life. Look for a job or a business to do and take care of your children. If he ever comes back don't go back with him. Take him to court. Let him pay child support. As for you, focus on your children and never leave him with the kids unsupervised. This your husband can kill.

  31. Inasmuch as you deserve some bashing and questioning, I’m truly sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds incredibly challenging and truly painful. Agreed, you are in a difficult situation, and I think some of us women make the mistake of not thinking love through. For some, courtship is short and direct; for many more, it requires taking their time before proceeding. While we cannot predict how relationships will pan out in the long run, with a peculiar case like yours, we can at least deduce a measure of objective worthiness to avoid patterning.

    Where you find yourself requires prioritizing your safety and well-being because this abusive tolerance could degenerate into something physical. Your mental and physical health, as well as that of your children, should come first. Staying in an environment where you feel unsafe or unsupported is not healthy for any of you. At the same time, I believe at this point you need to seek legal advice by consulting a lawyer to understand your rights and options regarding custody and support since you are doing well for yourself. This will help you make informed decisions moving forward.

    You also need all the emotional support you can get. Lean on your support network, including friends, family, and possibly a therapist. Your mum’s support is crucial, but also consider professional help to navigate your emotions and plan your next steps. While it’s important to keep communication channels open for the sake of your children, it’s also essential to set boundaries. If your husband is unwilling to communicate, focus on what you can control. While you plan for the future, start by avoiding getting pregnant. Think about your long-term goals. Resuming work is a positive step towards regaining your independence. Ensure you have a stable environment for your children.

    But in the event that this ridicule persists, please accept the new reality and move forward. Nothing about marriage is easy; we only pray for an understanding partner with whom we can add value to each other while we grow our marriage, and being accountable for our own defaulting omissions in it. Accepting the reality of your situation will be tough but necessary. It’s clear that your husband has made his decision. The earlier you focus on building a new life for yourself and your children, the better it will be for rebuilding your self-esteem and self-care. Take time for yourself. Engage in activities that bring you joy and peace. This will help you stay strong for your children.

    I know that the pressure to not fall into the same cycle as your mom, thereby creating a pattern, may prevent you from thinking clearly. You need to look around and understand that this is not only about you; you are not alone in this. There are resources and people who can help you through this difficult time. Stay strong and take it one step at a time. As a life lesson, in anything you do, always have a well-defined plan B. May God's will be done concerning your marriage.

  32. This poster lacks wisdom and sense and will definat3my learn thr hard way and understnd she is on her own..not even thr peoplw supporting you will stand for you when you are in need.wprk your salvation.poster is the problem.just like so many ladi3s out there they lack wisdom.

  33. You could have have plan B before packing your bags ...
    You could have started something in his house o, As you said now you have gotten another Job
    You could have been dropping your kids with your mum instead of Re-signing o
    When you were working before
    You could have bring in a Nanny who comes and go..
    Pls Nne stop begging him for your mental health o
    It is well with youπŸ™πŸ™
    The Lord will see your throughπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    Hello iya boys

  34. Poster, if you both were in any religious group, try the leader(s) of the group. If that fails has failed, seek a lawyer who is skilled in handling matters like this. Not just any lawyer. A lawyer experienced with good references can solve the marital conflict and or children financial support.

    But be warned that if you get back into the marriage you will have to be over-submissive to keep it. His parents and family who were present at the naming ceremony were clearly displeased with what happened that day. Your leaving home was a tipping point. It is never liked by traditional families. In those days, you were expected to go that his family or to your family, not a friend's place. You have been seen as very disrespectful. That is why his family are not as influential in resolving the matters as you expect. Know also that a man whose parents cannot calm down is also a very tough man to deal with.

    You know the other parts you played in causing what is on the ground. No need to speculate on them.

    Again, look for a good experienced lawyer. Who can talk him back at least into being responsible for children maintenance and, if that fails, use the legal rules non--acrimoniously to get him to do his financial duties to the children of your both marriage.

  35. Marriage built on lies cannot stand, etc.
    Do such lies include those that body count is just 1 or two (you may be the second)?
    No sticks and stones please.
    Only a question was asked to learn.

    Men be telling this kind lies since Ms Flora Shaw gree for Lord Lugard.
    At least he had a job. Was he meeting his husband's financial roles?
    Was there room for career improvement that would not distablise him as in the case of that Poster's husband who cannot speak English language?

    Be like say Madam jus troway a fair marriage.
    Life must sha go on.
    All doors are never closed
    Best wishes

  36. You're not going back because you love him. You're going back to appease your mum. Leave him alone. Just try and I survive with your kids. Whatever will be will be

  37. Sorry to hear singles investigate very well before marriage at least you will get some information either male or female.

  38. Why do you want to go back to him?
    Move on too and ask your mom to help you with the kids while you get yourself together since you are doing a good job.
    Thank God you didn't resign because he wanted to render you useless and utterly dependent on him before doing what he did.
    Move on.

  39. You went to your ex house to enjoy yourself for 2months none stop! This is exactly what I will assume if I were to be in your husband's shoe; a doctor or a lab tech doesn't count. Just move on since you are even doing better than the man. I will also assumed that you are of eastern extraction.

  40. If I were to be in your husband's shoe? I'll believe you just went to enjoy with your ex boyfriend, the doctor and lab tech are just a cover up story. I am sure that it is a Igbo man, just move on.


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