Stella Dimoko Man Reveals His Brother's Pregnant Wife Kneels Down To Serve Him Food...


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Saturday, June 01, 2024

Man Reveals His Brother's Pregnant Wife Kneels Down To Serve Him Food...

A Nigerian man on X posted a video and captioned it
"My Elder Brother's Wife is 7 Months Pregnant but she still Cooks for him and kneels down to serve him food, this is the exact type of Lady I am Looking for to Marry"


  1. Replies
    1. Content?
      Just like most of the men and women this and that all over the net from country A to village Z.

  2. That's how a good woman treats her King 👑 and preserves her home.


    1. See your mouth, yen yen yen!
      If na your sister now, you will foam and change mouth, nonsense

    2. Smello! Once you find a woman like that, keep her oo, make we no for see rubbish outside.

    3. Like seriously??? Tufiakwa.

    4. Unfortunately it doesnt....D men then look for strong - character women who walks all over dem.
      WOMEN love urselves ..Try to be self sufficient all round. CHEERS.

    5. 7 months pregnant kneeling down to serve good,very wrong.
      I don't support this one,will he help her to understand up..
      Good wife ko good woman ni

    6. As far as I am concerned, that woman is in bondage.

    7. At that stage, bending is not good for her.

      Mao Akuh

    8. So this is how a Goodman treats his Queen 👑.

    9. Women had the upper hand when riling was verbal.
      Now it is video and online, the scales have balanced.
      One woman throws her jab and jibe today.
      Tomorrow, a man does his.
      The anonymity of the net covers the man from the old shaming question of "you be woman".
      And netizens squabble over what might have been staged to score gender spat points.
      The discerning audience enjoy themselves laffing.

      Abeg, any woman who wants to kneel or stand or lie down to serve her husband food for content or real is free.
      The woman looking for a husband to do the same for her is free.
      To each their own marriage pleasures and ...
      When people do things, they know the gains or expectations.
      No time to judge. But enough to laff at online gender squabbles.

    10. "A good woman '? 🤣🤣🤣

  3. All this content creator be doing too much abeg.

    1. Truly appears as content.

      However, If true in fact, the woman knows what she is doing and the reason.

      The typical woman only has instinctive love for her child(ren). For every other person, a woman's actions are mainly retaliatory or lessly reciprocating.

      The woman knows what the man has done or is doing for her or in her life that deserves her retaliatory or reciprocating gesture of cooking and serving her husband food as in the pictures or video though 7months pregnant.

      No man or woman should marry as slave to each other or their spouse's family under the guise of traditional obligations.

      The irony of life is that while one gender wants to be free from the traditionally imposed marriage obligations, the same gender wants to hold the other gender to their traditional obligations in marriage.

    2. It had better be content o

  4. Shaking my head for women who have decided to live as slaves in the name of marriage. Imagine the poster even saying that this is the exact type of wife he wishes to marry.

    1. I don't think she is living as a slave. I mean, not from this picture up there.
      The woman's kneeling had nothing to do with respect or whatever spin this guy is trying to put on it. She's pregnant and carrying stuff, so it's probably just the most comfortable way for her to put what she is carrying down without bending her belly. But the poster (Man-child )who seems more interested in finding a slave than a wife, wouldn't understand that.

    2. She is living like a slave. Not only is she pregnant, but the husband does not acknowledge her presence as she boosts his ego. This is horrible. Beyond horrible.

    3. So it’s better for her to kneel to serve him food due to discomfort than for the man child to take the food from her hand? May we not marry nonsense

    4. I get your point @Amy. But seeing how heavily pregnant the wife is, a considerate husband should have collected the tray from her instead of allowing her kneel to drop it.

    5. I agree with you Justamy, bending down with the big tummy will be very uncomfortable.

    6. Yeah right @Morayo.
      The man too na same boat carry am with his brother the poster..
      Slave masters

    7. @ Mo, he didn't even acknowledge her presence. She struggled to get up sef.

    8. @Candilicious, you can imagine that.

    9. Justamy,

      Please find somewhere to watch the video. I was livid when I watched it!

      NO!!! It's not more comfortable to kneel when heavily pregnant. Getting up can be hard.

      I watched the video and she found it very difficult getting back up and the man didn't even try to help.
      He didn't even look up from his phone. Neither did the animal that was busy recording attempt to help. The husband didn't even acknowledge or thank her.

      This was clearly not a one off and shows how unkind both men are.

  5. You need a slave. Kneeling to serve doesn't mean she respects him. I hope she calls him "My Lord"🙄

    1. My deeper life neighbour called her husband Mi'lord. Na still she dey drag and blow am when he comes home smelling of liquor & she was taller than him.
      Her name is love but that woman na war. Comes home 2 days after she gives birth and attends to household chores like it is nothing.

  6. Enter village nau, e go find dem boku, but when dia eye tear finish, na wen dey dangerous pass

  7. Lol. If na by this one na im be say people like me no go marry ooo. I never dish food finish na to come kneel down serve am 🤣🤣🤣
    It's always "babe food is ready ooo, come and dish yours" over here.

    1. Lol...I'm on this table...I for balance well for my papa house...respect Kee una dia

  8. Her armpit go dey smell mere looking at her

  9. This should be a skit, but if not pele ooo understanding wife.

    1. It's a skit content.

      Licious babe

  10. Men with this kind of wife material mentality biko avoid me o

  11. Torr,me I like money very well.

  12. This is what they understand as submissiveness in that part of the country

    1. Close your mouth, it's smelling.

    2. Hehehehehe like my tribe's woman.

  13. This is all shade of wrong. In matrimony, none should be treated as less human. Unless she's doing that on her own wish which I doubt and frown at.

    Come to think of it, why snap and post this online?

    © TEEJAY

    1. I'm just wondering too.

      Licious babe

  14. Mtcheeeeew 😏😏
    This is master and slave kinda marriage...if you check now,this bingo still has a sidechic oh

  15. This is skit
    Kneeling down doesn't mean she respects her man,she is kneeling down to support herself..
    All this content creator be doing the most this days,posting nonsense..

    Poster's brother,you can as well ask your sister inlaw to introduce you to her friend or cousin also..

  16. Awwww, how sweet and submissive..(sic)

  17. And people wonder why I settled down with my beautiful wife among all the other beautiful ladies. Since we started dating, she has always made sure she serves me food and always pack the plates immediately I'm done, she's always intentional about wifely duties, respect and submission even tho she's a successful business owner and I'm only 3 years older than she is. I didn't have to ask before she added 'sir' when relating with me from our dating stage. She also accord same respect to my friends. I'm also not doing bad myself and I make sure I'm always there for her and forgive her wrongs when she eers. The only thing I cannot forgive this woman for is cheating. She's not perfect but she strives for it. Imagine waking up this morning to her praying for I and the kids and committing the new month into God's hands. She is baking a cake and making zobo already. I'll surprise her with something nice before the day ends. I love her so much

    1. God would continue blessing your home.

    2. Looool wait a tale 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    3. Are your friends wives also calling you, "Sir" ? Do they accord you the same respect your wife accords their husbands? Do they accord you the same respect they accord their husbands, your friends?

      The problem with people like you who brag about and rain praises on their husbands and wives is that they always fail to reveal what they do in return for their partners.

      Even if they do, they are never specific about the exact thing their partner is gaining from them in the marriage(it is always about what the other person is doing for them) so in the end they always look like takers and users while their husbands and wives end up being viewed as fools and not the sweet person they were hoping to portray for the world to see.

      A lady came here, praising her elder sister's husband. He did this and that for her family, put their parent and her on monthly allowance and he was saving to send her younger brother to school. Okay, your sister, what have she done for his family? or is it to only suffocate him with your family problems? Is your family his responsibility? What impact have your sister made in his family as well with her sweat, 'singlehandedly'? She could not answer. Then, they asked her if the table was turned and her brother was the husband will she be praising him, she ignored.

      My wife did this and that, you, what have you done too in return, EXACTLY? You were explicit when addressing her part but vague with yours. Why can't you be specific too? You forgive her when she wrongs you, like she doesn't forgive you too or maybe she is only the one that sins and you are a SAINT without flaws.

      When you brag about your partner balance it up with yours and be explicit about your inputs, else you just end up
      embarrassing them and making them look stupid.

    4. Awwww, how sweet @anon 09:52, so what do you bring to the table? Oga better learn how to pray for your home and your family, You are the HEAD, and a larger part of the responsiblity lies with you.
      If you must follow your biblical teachings, dont just pick and choose scriptures that suit you...I hope you are also ready to lay down your life for her???

    5. Welcome to your world of vivid imagination 😉😁😁

    6. Good for you both

    7. Anonymous 10:35 & 10:38
      You saw where he said he is always there for her, you saw where he said he'll surprise her before the day ends. You also saw where he declared his love for her, but that's not enough for you, you are just pained that a lady is doing right and being intentional about making her marriage work
      The brother that posted the story said he wants a wife like his brother's, he didn't say he wanted you and your likes, so what's the whole insult all over the post for?
      If a man writes that he gives all his salary to his wife, it would be praises all over the comment section, but if it's the other way around, it'll be insult upon insults. If she's a slave in her marriage, leave her alone, it's not your business. Her brother in-law wants someone like her, leave him alone, you're not who he wants. What's the problem with you people

    8. Nice. God wey do am for your wife should avoid me mbok. Imagine calling you sir after seeing your nakedness and exchanging private parts.

    9. 10:35
      How my friends wives behave or act is none of my business, I am not their husband. I'm only concerned about the lady I married. I owe you no explanation to list all I do in my marriage, I have said why I love my wife and why I settled for her, it is my marriage and not yours, I don't know why you're so bitter about it. Feel free to be disrespectful in yours and to yours. If you cannot pray for your family, that's fine too, that my wife prays for her's shouldn't be your worry. Maybe you prefer to be visiting prophets to pray on your behalf, if that's what works for you, fine. I'm talking about what works for me, focus in yours and leave my marriage alone, this is what works for us and we love it here

    10. Na wa o
      Everybody with their own o. Huh!

    11. 11:07 I am pained a lady is...but you failed to see where I addressed both genders, right? You should be the one to take a hike with your selective hypocrisy. Always whining about gender war yet still not satisfied even when both genders are addressed accordingly. My comments still stands.
      My comment still stands! stop flaunting what your partner does if you can't be explicit with your own effort, else you make them look stupid!
      Stop embarrassing your partner!

      Taking about if a man writes, "he gives all his money to his wife, he would be praised" it shows your glasses wasn't functioning properly or you shamelessly pretended not to notice that part was already addressed in my comment.

      11:37 But you owe it to us to list everything she does, right?
      Every other thing you wrote is for your pocket. Instead of being bitter and defensive take the message; praise your partner all you want but while at it, be fair.

    12. Anonymous11:07 you that is talking about what is seen and what wasn't seen. What about you.You did not see the 4th paragraph of the anon you are attacking too ba you are a pot calling kettle black.

    13. Points well made.

      Take away:
      List your partners virtues.
      List yours too.
      As you List what your partner proverbially brings to the relationship table, explicitly list yours.
      But we know the lines here. The Listers are never ever explicit of their contribution as they do of their partners.
      The stories therefore read fake or as a pepper them tale of very selfish persons who most times have caustic tongues for those who challenge their tales or one sided views.

    14. I’m glad the God that did it for ur wife avoided me like a plague.

    15. Definition of radarada

    16. The wife ugly na why she submit like that read the first paragraph well it’s there.

  18. I don't believe this.....awon content creator.

  19. Anything that rocks their boat, as for me, I'm not kneeling down for any husband except I commit a great crime against him and asking for forgiveness.

    1. Why would you commit a great crime to kneel for your husband. It means the kneeling is fake.

      If you can't kneel to serve your husband food. Don't kneel to beg him for anything.

  20. Her knees will tell the tale in due time. What business does a pregnant woman have kneeling down for anything. Mtsscchhwww

  21. See good wife ooo
    He pay bride price
    Come carry belle they kneel give him Horseband food
    Virtues woman that is Living in bondage

    Hello Iya Boys

  22. E no get wetin Musa no go see for gate. Rubbish!!!

  23. And this should be called submission??? No nau
    This is wrong!

  24. Some Men see Women as their Slaves…

  25. Haba she forgot to use her back as table while he eats. Ndi apari.

  26. Lagos Mainland Girl1 June 2024 at 11:52

    Only God know you will let your own wife pass through if you can do this to your elder brother's wife

  27. I guess that's how she understands submission,if it works for her,who am I to judge?

    1. It's not that bad afterall this is part of exercise that's meant for pregnant women.

      Licious babe

    2. 12:42, NONES£NS£ TALK

  28. If she wasn't pregnant, I'd be indifferent. It's how they choose to run their home. I'm bothered because even when pregnant woman try to bend to greet the elderly, the elderly stop them from doing so because it's not good for their condition. Any body that sees nothing wrong with a pregnant woman kneeling unnecessarily like this, needs serious help.

  29. This one na Living in Bondage 😔 Maybe she's enjoying it too who knows ?

  30. What some men want is slave and not wife. May God epp us all

  31. So the food go Choke if they no kneel down Serve am?? Mtcheewwwwww!!!☹️

  32. Rubbish content, you think a woman that dyed her hair like this one will accept such.

  33. This video totally spoilt my day yesterday..master slave relationship

  34. Useless character imperfect insecure males looking for servant slave as wife

  35. Useless character imperfect insecure males looking for servant slave as wife


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