Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



BVs pls is it right for a married woman to wake up one day and decide that she wants to start wearing leg chain?

My wife just bought one last week and started wearing it on her right leg. I asked her why, she said she likes it and how it looks on women's leg. I asked her if she knows that all these things have deeper meanings than we know. Leg chain may mean you are a le*bian. Also, a man wearing earring in both ears may mean he is a g@y. These are what I discovered from experience.
I asked her if she has made her research and discovered that it doesn't mean anything, she insisted on wearing it anyway. I told her it's fine.

I'm thinking of secretly removing the chain when she is sleeping and throwing it away. If she buys another one I will do the same thing and then tell her that it may be evil spirit associated with it that is removing it since she is not one of them. I'm not comfortable with her wearing it. It doesn't portray decency but she is ignorant and is adamant on wearing it. I don't want it to cause issues between us.

LMAO....Oga if you dont have the liver to sit her down and tell her you dont want it, then there is no need to spin stories or steal her leg chain to throw away.... Or is it not expensive? Please tell her you dont want it or leave her to wear it.....Leg chain was in vogue long before le#bians turned it into their thing.......Pretend you dont know the meaning and let her enjoy it abeg.... I have a wrist chain, pure gold, it was bought in Dubai, its this same not wanting to be tagged that has made me not wear it..... Na wah!!!


  1. So you mean I’m a lesbian???
    Looking at my leg chain on my right leg 🤣🤣🤣
    Kai! Nawa!

    1. Dear Anon I tire oo,me that sells assorted of them nko😜 even male earring sef I be lesbialization abi homo wetin 🤣🤣🤣

    2. This is Sexy I Love you for this 🥰

      Hello iya Boys

    3. Even when a woman is decently dressed, men pursue her for sex, imagine wearing leg chain that screams promiscuity!!! Oga, your wife is not ready for married life…

    4. Poster, history made it known that it is an African thing for Africans to adorn themselves with ornaments on any part of their body for beauty sake both male and female, young and old. The more ornaments you have, the more respect you accord.

      Religion came and changed everything with a twist (tho it is still pointed out that MAN WEOTE THE BIBLE) . In All, there’s nothing wrong in her adorning it, it’s all about YOUR OWN MINDSET. En General Monsieur, you need to work on your mindset so tou see things from YOUR OWN EYES not the eyes nor mindset of others.
      She also would come forward to complain about some new interest you have picked up but she isn’t here to seek our opinion but rather she has come to accept it.

      I thought they said COMPROMISE is key in marriage Abi it is one sided 😳🤔

  2. Get Nigerian Foodstuffs Abroad18 January 2025 at 15:17

    Oga please come out straight and make her understand that you don't like it. Don't hide and remove it. She is your partner and both of you should be free to air your opinions to each other - no need to pretend or hide.
    You can also negotiate with her, like do this for me and I will do this for you. Eg. Stop wearing the leg chain and I will stop staying out late, etc. Just look for a way to gently win her over.
    Best wishes.

  3. People like copy copy, it's good on someone she see and she wan to wear,she forgot we have different types of legs,the yam legs,the broomstick legs,the nbaye legs ( man) the k legs etc 😛 chain no be for every leg

    1. And how was this comment helpful to the topic at hand? Or you just wanted to comment for commenting sake.


    2. I have skinny legs and I wear it and it looks very good on me.

      Na una Dey look for issue where e no dey.

      Send us your picture let’s see you before

  4. Pls I love it
    Leave her ti enjoy this
    It’s not that deep

  5. Tell her how you genuinely feel about it

  6. Brother poster allow her to wear her thing Biko or you sit her down and tell her that you don't like it simple, after all you are the Boss
    But we go dey shop nah 🙄😜

    1. Twinny Nwannem let me Rocking my waist Chain ooo, It's sooooo Sexy ooo, 💃💃
      If I reach Island Make I buy Leg Chain nah that one Sexy Dieeeee ..

      Hello iya Boys

  7. If she likes it why can’t she wear it? What harm is a simple anklet causing? She’s a married woman trust me no one will ever think she’s a lesbian. It’s a simple fashion accessory for women she may even eventually become bored with.

    Truth is you just don’t like anklets but sadly that’s not enough reason for her to stop. You are crossing the thin line between submission and control. Insist and she will build a lot of resentment towards you. When the one that really matters comes up m, she will lash out and remind you of how you stopped her from the simpler things. Pick your battles wisely Mr Husband.

    When women get older we want to experiment with fashion and our hair. You’re lucky she hasn’t decided to cut off her hair and dye it pink or pierce her eyebrows. Anklets are very pretty and I’ve been wearing since secondary school. I’ve also never kissed a girl. My partner hates it but he said he will manage anklets and waistbeads because I seem to like it for whatever reason. What I now do is that I don’t wear them if we are going out together. He didn’t have to ask for this compromise. I did it because he respects my bodily autonomy.

    Again pick your battles very wisely so you don’t turn your wife into a woman that becomes rebellious and resents you.

    1. Exactly, this is crossing a line into control.
      Oga who told you that you can dictate what your wife puts on her own body? Can she wake up and tell you to start keeping dreadlocks if that is not what you want? Or tell you not to wear a particular style of clothes?

      If you tell her you don’t like leg chain and she decides to remove it, it is your luck. If you tell her but she still decides to wear, it is not in your place to start to nag or threaten her about it, or worse still, remove it from her body without her consent.

    2. That's why he is still your partner and not husband but carry go...

    3. Well done u dey enter husband and wife issues. Can we wear when she is 60 years

    4. Anon 16:18 The joke is actually on you because we’ve been married for almost 5 years. A stereotypical response from a broken man.

    5. Who told you a lot of married women are not bisexual? Dey play! If only some husbands know who really they are married to. There are lots of coded and active bisexual married women (young and old) in PH, Uyo, Owerri, Abuja and Lagos.

    6. When your husband wakes up and pierces his nose and tongue tomorrow because it makes him happy, remember this your advice.

      In marriage , we are both accountable to each other. Nobody should decide things spontaneously because they just feel like

  8. Poster your approach to the leg chain is quite infantile...Do you think she is a baby to get spooky around evil spirit story....I am sorry to say this but this is not a matured approach....

    People can decide to change up things based on how they feel...Asides from her being your life, she is an individual with preferences too...Leg chain is a fashion accessory and does not connote anything evil....

    Discuss with her like adults and since she said she likes it. Allow her be, you don't need to force your will on her...After all there are somethings she doesn't like but she allows you have it.. Compromise comes to play here....

    All the best

  9. Come out straight and make her understand that you don't like your woman wearing a leg chain ⛓️ is as simple as that

  10. Replies
    1. It is entirely not a fashion thing - lots of lesbians and bisexual women that I know, use it as an identity tag. Let's be truthful to ourselves.

  11. Poster why not you man up and tell her your mind that you don't like it. Trying to steal it from her leg while she is asleep may definitely leads to that problem you are avoiding if she eventually finds out.
    Most people that wear leg chain do it for fashion especially those that have clean straight spotless legs. It has been en vougue before le* bian.

  12. Wow her body, her choice. Married woman look after you men and they have to also suffer you people telling them what to do Ugandan. Hian

    1. Lets flip it.

      His body, his choice. Married men look after you women and they still have to also suffer you people telling them what to do.

      Now, how does this sound?

  13. Better tell her what you wanted and enforced it period,maybe na your wife dey feed you?so in that case better leave her alone before hunger carry you go where you don't want

  14. What is all these? so a grown woman cannot wear what she likes on her body again because of your local mentality hian na wa o.

  15. And I love ankle chain o, just tell her your stance, no need for hide and seek games.

  16. You might just be the one ignorant. I wear ankle jewellery purely for fashion. Woe betide any lesbian that sees me and picks a meaning. My husband doesn’t mind at all.

    However, I also love waist jewellery but my husband who at first said it’s ok, would burst out in laughter anytime he holds me and feels the beads on my waist! He had the funniest reaction towards it. He said beads looked tacky and cheap. I took it off and eventually got a real gold chain and he liked it but I couldn’t wear it 24/7 carelessly as I would wear beads because i feel it’s delicate and might cut. So I kuku leave am and wear it once a while.

    Oga, it’s fashion. Relax.

  17. I wear leg chain and I hate everything lesbianism, in fact my fellow woman is not allowed to touch me inappropriately in disguise of playing.
    Maybe you should let her know you don't like it in an amicable way, but if she's adamant, I don't know what to say.

  18. You cannot force anything on an adult.

  19. I like those on my wife, I love to see them stare when we both go wife is beautiful and if she forgets to wear it I usually remind her to adorn it.....Guy don't be reading too many stories if your wife likes those let her wear it

    1. Tor! One man's food is another man's poison. Lol

  20. Anklets wey my ancestors wear well well. Reserved for high ranking women in society. Dey play. Approach this with wisdom and be ready to compromise

  21. Call me local or old fashioned, I don't like ankle chain, nose ring or multiple ear piercing on women. Thank God, I am not married to a vain woman - yes, only vain women love all these. Check out if serious minded women have these vain things on them - Alakija, Okonjo-Iweala,female MDs of Fortune 500/global companies, Michelle Obama, IMF MD, etc. Nonsense! Let the abuses commence - that's your business

    1. None of these women married men like you either.
      You found the one that came down to your level.
      Let others find what matches their level.

  22. Women of old including Israel wear a lot of fashion accessories. I have finger rosary I wear on my thumb because that is the finger that it fits. Sometimes, people will tell me it is cultists that were ring on the thumb and I ask them did God create that finger for cultists. If queer people use leg anklet as a form of identification, does not mean someone cannot wear it as a fashion accessory. Live and Let live.


  23. And yesterday, a customer was telling me about how her husband asked her why she doesn't wear leg chain as leg chain is in vogue...

    Poster, is your wife really a lesbian? Who even made these interpretations that you are giving to these things?Are there no lesbians who don't wear leg chain as well?

    Funnily, these things that you are trying to stop your wife from doing, if you see a girl outside who wears them, and offers to give you kpekus you will still fall for her.
    Many who said they don't want their wives to wear trousers still sleep around with girls who wear trousers. Na wa.

  24. It doesn't mean anything sir. It is a fashion statement just like waist beads. Yes. This is different from guys wearing earrings and nose rings. And again did you people not court before marriage? Dem waybill your wife to you? Atleast these are some of the things you supposed to have asked yourselves before moving into marriage. Anyway. It is well.

    @ Akporoghene

  25. The sight of leg chains dey irritate me.

  26. Oga this your narrative no follow, she is your wife doesn't mean you dictate what she puts on.. I wear anklet and i am not a lesbian nor bisexual. She is MARRIED AND SO WHAT? Let her be and face your front. She is an adult... We Nigerians always read meaning into everything....Everything is not spiritual.

  27. Lmao. I'm such a light sleeper..if you try to remove that chain from my leg, I will definitely know. Abeg just tell her you don't like it. I'm indifferent about those type of things

  28. Oga, if you don't like it please stop her from wearing it or go and open your ears with ear rings and start using nose ring, tint your hair when she complains remind her of her leg chain.

  29. Speak with her about it and tell her you don't like it, nothing is wrong with someone wearing it.


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