Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Good day, SDK Family.
There's something that's been on my mind, I'll go straight to the point. I'm 27, a virgin and I intend abstaining from s#x until marriage.

I met this guy recently who has been talking marriage and I already told him that we take our time and first get to know each other better. He is a nice person and possesses qualities I want in a man.

We got talking lately and he mentioned he has a small sized p*n*s. I didn't think much of it and thought he was probably joking until he mentioned it again in another conversation.

Now here's my question, does the size really matter? Is this something I should be worried about? I've never had s#x and I wouldn't want an unfulfilled s#xual life in marriage.

I'll really appreciate your responses.
Thank you.

Hmmm to be honest before anything is done is good but this small thing he is talking about, I hope that it is not like the last finger? Because he has informed you twice, meaning it is serious....Please if you guys see again, ask him to show you so that you can decide....Make him feel comfortable and subtly demand to see it...DO NOT MARRY HIM without first seeing the first of what he is alerting you about.......Since you have not gbenshed before, you will not know how you will react to the first time and if it is small and you feel nothing, wahala dey!


  1. Why should the size of his manhood be a concern to you at this tender stage?

    You guy's should know each other fess before talking about sex.

    Have you asked the Holy Spirit if he's the man for you? have you checked his background and other important info??

    Leave Preeq now, as that one no be serious issue.


    1. 27 tender age kwa😳😳

      Dear poster it's not by size o, can he use it well?? Some men carry weapon but can't use it

      You are a virgin, you are still tight, i hope for you sake he is good in bed, no one deserves to keep their virginity for that long to now have bad sexual experience πŸ₯Ί

    2. 27 tender age kwa😳😳

      Dear poster it's not by size o, can he use it well?? Some men carry weapon but can't use it

      You are a virgin, you are still tight, i hope for you sake he is good in bed, no one deserves to keep their virginity for that long to now have bad sexual experience πŸ₯Ί

    3. God, I beg you. Protect my three boys. Na you create dem, no be dem create themselves. I will not be happy if my sons are judged by the bulge in their pants rather than the quality of their hearts.

      Body shaming is disgusting!

    4. Na matter
      Demand to see it and come and tell us. Maybe he can get erect, and check the inches.
      Don't be fooled that it doesn't matter

    5. Check his index finger to know the size πŸ™„ or romance him Small so when he get elected you touch it simple
      Is your choice we can't choose for you

  2. You should be is an important part of marriage..

    1. Poster I will be honest with you...Size matters wella!! Like it matters! matters!! matters a lot....While I understand that you are a virgin, s3x is very importakpa....You see say I add Igbo to the word important....It is one of the top leading causes of divorce along with Finance....That being said....

      What I will tell you to do is a risk because if he gets there, he will want to knack you and you sef fit go do am because you are curious to eat the forbidden fruit.....

      While I will say he mentioned it twice and there is an element of truth and sincerity in his voice, he may want to say that to increase your curiousity to find out his size and may want to seduce and knack you.......

      Now back on what to do, when both of you are together, there is a way you will touch a man that will get him aroused, make sure he is wearing a pair of pant trousers not jeans so you can see his 'mamba' when it is wake.....Even when wake no mean say e go shot live rounds....

      Some men don't have huge mambas but they can turn you like a DJ table while some men with big joystick but it is just a stick with no joy......

      Once you have established that the size of his mamba is the size, length and width that you want (Did you see the dimensions I mentioned)...Then you both can do fertility test to be sure he is carrying live rounds not blank bullets.....

      With these steps, you can retain your virginity and both of you are happy till you get married....

      I hope I have been able to convince you....Be sharp oh no dull at all....Ehen!!

      All the best.....

    2. A stick with no joy 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  3. He didn't create himself. Some guys are big for nothing they'll just damage your cervix for nothing tomorrow you'll they have weak cervix baby can't stay. The weapon is in how you use it not size. I'm happy he's honest too. If you like big gbola pls free him fast.

  4. Replies
    1. She has not seen it yet, Candy.
      Poster may God guide you as make that decision

    2. Some people check by playfully touching it or seeing how erect it is when aroused. For him to mention it twice seems he is not comfortable with it, make sure it is what you can leave with, marriage is not a joke or a game

    3. Joan, I know she hasn't seen it. Since he has mentioned it more than once, I'm wondering if he also told her the size.

  5. Not that I advice it o but this uncertainty is one of the cons of not testing before marriage.Abi how you go know how when you no fit test and there’s nothing worse than a man having a small dick with a very sexually active wife. Sexual frustration is real in marriages too. Think about it well poster.

    1. How many small d person daughter wan test before e marry eh. Is this the only option your mind can give you? There are other ways, read comments.

  6. You are a virgin and intends to get married as a virgin, nothing concern you concern size of dick. As long as it stands and can father a child, if you love the man, Go ahead. The size of the dick does not really matter for a virgin or someone with low millage. Some have trailer size but can't satisfy a woman while some with moderate size will make you cry for more.

    1. So what happens after she has given birth??

      Jikwelunu nwanyo na enye advise.😎

    2. This one is not true oh!
      Don’t let anyone tell you that the size doesn’t matter because you’re a virgin.

      There are variations within the normal size and that will not matter. But there are some that are really small, that will barely enter well. Once you begin to enjoy sex, after the first few times, you most probably will want an average sized D.

      Best for you to verify the size. Maybe you ask him plainly if he can show you.

    3. It is a matter of Choice. My then boyfriend had a massive weapon of distribution down there. I am always in pains when ever we meet. He started coming for marriage, I ran away before someone kills me for my mother. Luckily I met my husband with a good size, his seems small until you tamper with it and it stands. I prefer his, one million times.

    4. Size may latter matter to her in future. She won't remain tight for ever. Some male member are like the cover of lacasera bottle, asin, biro cover is bigger than it. Can you manage that if you were a virgin?

  7. This is a delicate issue, ask God first then check his personality and other important things also before you conclude based on size. But my sis seeeh for him to tell u abt the size thing hmmmm
    That guy is really big down there(opposite)well for the fact you are a virgin, u can cope sha mehn!!!!Ara agbalaaa advisor I don't know what to advise again

    1. Abi? He might be big down there, just wants to see how she's going to react or even trying to make her curious so that one thing could lead to another and she will want to see and from there it may progress too...

  8. Check it na
    Size matters
    Too small will be an issue that only you can decide if you’re okay with

  9. This really cracked me, we no go decide for you dear, follow your heart. What he is testing you so that you can come out and test and see. , may be as you are curious now

  10. Try to see it.
    If you have a high libido back out.
    Personally, I would go for him cos streets dey red , plus I’m not really into sex like that. I’m ok with vibrators etc

    1. If you’re not into sex, you have no business using vibrators.
      Make una sufri dey lie.
      Poster you better back out.

    2. 15:46 read again pls

  11. You don’t really a big gbola although extra small will be a problem.
    Nothing like a gbola that fills up and hits your gspot. You’ll just be speaking in tongues 🀣😫
    Kai! Can’t wait to see my husband πŸ˜‹

  12. You don’t really a big gbola although extra small will be a problem.
    Nothing like a gbola that fills up and hits your gspot. You’ll just be speaking in tongues 🀣😫
    Kai! Can’t wait to see my husband πŸ˜‹

  13. My dear size matters o
    Have you been pounded before and you can barely speak? πŸ₯Ή

  14. Thank him for his sincerity but what if he was just joking and you see it and it is BIG what will you do? because so boys uses that to lure girls into sex against their will because bif his gbola is big?you will be tempted to ask for action,and you might be hooked .Somebody has done that before,it opens a gate of unending genshing and at last they didn't marry

  15. It’s easy to say it doesn’t matter until u get married and lack sexual satisfaction. Just saying 🀷🏾‍♀️

    1. Leave dem make dem dey lie give am. Will she be a virgin forever? In your thirties, the way a woman’s libido skyrockets ehn… it will not be good for you to be married and be wishing for what is outside.

    2. Anon 16:26, still waiting for my own to skyrocket. It still remains the Same.

  16. Check, if na average, nothing to worry about.
    But if na finger battery, nwanne gbawakwa door.😎

    1. What if your son or brother have that can of size will your reply remain the same?

    2. I will not allow my son to frustrate another persons child sexually

  17. I like the fact,he was honest from the get go. Poster the choice is yours entirely. For me the size and usage matters.

  18. He can be a grower, where the man is quite small naturally but gets larger when erect. There are a million and one things that a couple can do to arouse themselves and have pleasure during intimacy. A big penis is not necessary, and not every woman can easily deal with a big or long man. All v@ginas are not the same, some are shallow, others are deep, some are narrow and others are wide. Every penis has its fit, but we cannot sleep with everyone to find out if they are right, so we have to pray to God that we are aligned mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically with our intended. God knows our bodies and who is right physically for us. So seek divine guidance.

    The next time he brings it up, ask him plainly if he can get and maintain an erection. Ask him if he has had complaints from other women about his size. Tell him to put faith in God and to pray for what he needs to pleasure his wife and to align him with a woman whose body is created to be a perfect fit for him. Tell him that there is nothing that God cannot do and instead of lamenting to pray for good health and the right connection.

    In the end he may not be the right man for you and as you seek clarity from the Creator you will eventually know.

  19. When you want to buy a car or a property with your life savings, please don’t test drive it or go for thorough inspection o. Just close your eyes and buy it. Mtcheeew…

    Do you know you can not guarantee the love and respect a man claims he has for you until he has slept with you? The person you are keeping the virginity for, I hope he kept his for you? Virginity guarantees ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN MARRIAGE. And do you know that not every virgin bleeds when broken. What if after keeping it he begins to doubt if you are really a virgin or a refurbished virgin? A 27 year old that should be carefree and enjoying her youth?

    Please keep it and leap with your eyes closed if it makes you feel superior.

    1. Leave her alone
      Her choice is not yours
      I don’t like oversabi life

    2. I gave my virginity at 31 and I didn’t bleed. And really, he doesn’t believe I was a virgin and I feel bad. My sister is also of the opinion that if a man is still obsessed with you even after seeing you at your “lowest”that is the man to treasure. After sex, their eye clears and the true colours comes out.

    3. I thought it’s only women they use car metaphor to describe 🀣🀣🀣.

    4. And you kept your own till you got married if I can remember..
      But look at you giving bad advice

    5. Dante, I kept mine till was mature enough to handle the consequences. The person I gave it to just ended up as my husband later on.

    6. Sapphire, where your wisdom cannot be greater than God's own. You can't know better than God except you are an atheist. It's fine if you are an atheist, at least I won't be expecting a sound advice from you in matters like this.

      In Christianity, no man is wiser than our God. God says, the best is to abstain and now looking at how you countered God's claims.

    7. God's precepts* not claims.

    8. Who still keeps virginity because of a man? Damn what he will think if you don't bleed. If he can't believe you then you have not found love. You didn't keep yourself for him right? So why should his misconception bother you.

    9. Thank you Ms Saphire for both comments. Ndi Christians, long hiss

  20. poster size does not really matter but how well a man can use it matter, you know everyone has their preferences. You may prefer small while another prefers big, in all you do and before you say yes to forever with you just try and check the size to be sure that is all that you want. Do not enter with the hope is okay and while you are in you want to run out, since you don't want to taste before you say yes please find away out to confirm what you will be keeping forever with a day after.

    Marriage is not a day job for one to take some chances , the s** is very important in every marriage. Please pay close attention to it and never you assume anything in your relationship until you are very sure of it.

  21. Lagos Mainland Girl4 February 2025 at 16:59

    Dear Poster

    One step at a time
    Have you asked GOD about him if he is the right man for you? Never take away the God factor, we know Segx is important in marriage but there are so many marriages breaking down even with all the great segx.

  22. i remember years ago there was a chronicle poster who was about to marry a man with small p**** and after listening to naysayers and yaysayers she eventually went with her heart and married him. Only for her to return and share how thankful she was she went with her heart, because her hubby's size ended up being perfect for her. if memory serves me correctly she also got pregnant.
    poster, please dont let size be the determinant for you to continue in the relationship. It may just be that he is insecure about it, compared to other males he knows who have bigger ones. if he has good character, he is loving and kind and you know in your heart he is the best person for you, then proceed with the relationship... if it's God's will the two of you will enter a fulfilling and life long marriage.
    i wish you all the best!

  23. Try and feel it .So you will know the level of the small.

    1. Poster , don't touch that thing. It is temptation. If you are born again, pray to God, he knows what's best for you. If God tells you to stay with him, please stay. God will figure out how you will enjoy him.

  24. So far the guy is good, to me size isn't an issue. I won't want a wicked man big dick

    1. Both are not your only options, use your head. You can get a good guy with big dick, they exist too


  26. Hmmm. This story just reminded me of when I was single. I was considering one man for day he started asking me if I can cope with his gbola. I thought it was hooge..see me drooling that I would have a fulfilled marriage. One day I was in his house and this guy shamelessly removed his towel after taking a bath. What I saw still shocks me till date. This thing was like a finger. I couldn't hide it ooo. My behavior changed towards him. And that was the last time I saw him. The next time I saw him, we were both married. He has 2 beautiful kids. So I guess the point here is different strokes for different folks. If you can cope, all the best to you

  27. Don't let anyone deceive you, sex is important in marriage, you will never be happy if your husband doesn't satisfy you. My husband doesn't satisfy and it make me unhappy but in every other aspects, he is a very good man and I love him. If God says he is the one for you then just allow God lead you.

    1. Anon abeg did God tell you your husband was the one for you?, very important question biko


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