Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section


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Saturday, March 05, 2016

Doctors In House Section

Na wah!!!

Good day Stella and BV's
Please I would reall appreciate it if you post this in Doctors IN House section
I started having my "red days" in January 2012. Then it lasted 7 days monthlty. It reduced to 5 days in 2014. But that is not why am sending this. 
Last year I started experiencing severe pains on the first day the monthly visitor comes around but I would take drugs to stop the pains.

I didnt take t serious then but it continued monthly.

Last month was the worst I cried and cried. The pain comes with vomiting too. Even after I used drugs it continued.I couldn't go to class that day,couldn't do any work or even eat.

Please if anyone has a solution to this drop a comment


  1. Is there a solution to this?
    Doctors BIA oh

    1. Eat raw ginger, u will be shocked. It happens 2 my frnd and her mum gv her ginger omo d babe was cool.

    2. Mine was bad,but I learnt to live thru it cos my mum wasn't sympathetic. A friend introduced me to FELVIN & d pain vanished, as long as I take it a day b4. But as time went on, I noticed my days started reducing, from 5days to 4 to 3 to 2days flow, no be person tell me to drop d drug oh. Mind u, I had used FELVIN every month for almost 10yrs.
      I went back to enduring d pain like that, I'm married now with 4 kids, & sometimes the pain comes.

    3. Please visit your doc for endometriosis check and please read about it

  2. I would av said pain is normal. A lil waist pain but u cried? Go to the hospital

  3. Omg!teenagers visits this blog?with all d raw languages here and there!#AppleofGod'seye#

    1. thought exactly @anon 11:09
      poster go for a medical check up..d pain is normal to some but then better be sure by consulting a professional. Sori.

  4. There is a solution...go and see a doctor

  5. I used to have this type of painful period for days comes with vomiting too. Everyone in my house and neighbours would know I have started seamy period every month. I told traditional medicine but it didn't work. I used to take fevin to reduce the pain and vomiting. Until I left nigeria and it stop it self after 6 month. It will get to some stage and it will go. Pls don't use anything, Becos that has course problem for me I have not seen my period for 3 yrs now. And I have been to the doctor many thing. And gynaecologist. I think it was the traditional medicine I took
    And I have not had any kid yet. I have to be taking medicine to have my period every month now. Pls God hear my prayer and let my period come back even if the pain comes back. I can bear it. I want to have children. I know God will hear. When I am ready to have kid.

    1. God will answer your prayers

  6. Solution? Go and see a doctor pls.

  7. Swallow sperm it will stop d pain since u don't want to go to d hospital.

    1. What sort of nonsense comment is this? If she were to be ur sis or daughter will u say same? Shameless pipo upandan..mswww!!!

  8. This is normal nau more especially to girls your age!...
    It will stop when you start having sex constantly..
    There's nothing to worry about...

    1. Sex never stops Dysmenorrhea
      Some girls go through it like any other day..

    2. Illiterate.

    3. Anonymous 12.45 you said it all. She's nothing but a bloody illiterate. Always showcasing her ridiculously high level of ignorance.

    4. Don't,mind her jare..trying to show the innocent child the wrong path

    5. WTF is wrong with you? What kind of useless advice is that? Who told you sex stops painful periods? If you don't know then don't speak before you start misleading people

    6. What kind of local bush rat is this queen? Thank God u don't have daughters they would have turned out a total mess and an absolute irritant in marriage....pity the kind of boys u are raising tho

  9. Go see your gynecologist, you might have endometriosis. Go for check up first

    1. Most likely endometriosis or growth of began with same symptoms for 2 years then I did transvirginal scan only to get the dire sentence of endometriosis and fibroids.

  10. Reduce your sugar intake before your lots of vegetables and fruits before and after ur this a month before period..ul see d difference

    1. A month before her period?
      may b u wanted to say a day perhaps..or week

  11. Replies
    1. Side effects attached. Be careful with ur choice of pain reliever dear

  12. My dear, yours is nothing compared to mine and to imagine it started right from when I started seeing my pain lasts for three days,vomitting,waist pain,stomach pain and to imagine I can't eat for the three day,just drinking of tea.u need to see me during my monthly flow.i miss my one waec exam cos of ordinary menses as some ppl would tell secondary and university friends if they want me to do something for them,na to first ask me if my period falls into so so date .my mum said it happen to her eldest sister but not as severe as mine.have learnt to live with it till I marry like some suggests.

    1. I missed Literature in English too in mai GCE because of it.

      The let my people go 'E's / 'D's I got in my Uni day same issue, just because I can't think in midst of the pain, not dt I didn't read.

      Take a hug dear

    2. Endometriosis can't be cured with sex or childbirth or any of that story you have heard. A cyst can dissolve with childbirth tho. Know the difference and you can only know with a scan. Don't delay anything.

  13. There is nothing serious to worry about. It could be cyst but this cysts dissolve(as my doctor would say disappear) on their own after the period. This is due to hormones. Also if you do take prostinol 2 or have taken it then I would advice you to stop and go for a pelvic ultrasound. Do both the invasive and non-invasive unless you are still a virgin. You might have uterine polyp or it's just a regular menstrual pain which some people have it worse. Went through all of that and it was discovered I had a polyp growing on my uterine wall. Went in for surgery and it was cut off and biopsied for cancer and thank God it was just an ordinary growth. I don't know how Nigerian health care is but I know there are few good hospitals around as long as you don't go to a fake one. I am in Canada so.....

  14. Visit the hospital and not stella's Blog.

  15. Preety 5C38A8375 March 2016 at 11:54

    May God heal you dear, my sister own even worse but it's getting better now.

  16. Hmmm endometriosis pls see ur gynae fast!

  17. Eyyahh,sorry. Maybe you should see a gp.

  18. Why do you peeps always bring things you should be asking your doctors here? Go and see your doctor whenever your menses is about to start so strong analgesics can be administered. What you have is called dysmenorrhea

  19. My dear OP and every woman who has very painful menstrual pain, read this:
    Menstrual pain is not normal. Cramps and little discomfort is okay but when you can not perform normal daily activities when you're on your period, there's something wrong with you. Infertility is a serious matter and the earlier you deal with it, the better. You need to take matters in your own hands because it is your body. REQUEST FOR A SCAN. Insist on it and stop self medicating with pain killers that may lead to long term side effects.

  20. Kpele my dear

    Dysmenorrhea ! ! Mine was horrible.
    I fainted on three occassions.
    Throwing up in various degree:- whitish, yellowish, greenish..
    You will surely conclude that I was pregnant, if u are around me.
    Drugs doesn't work, except little relief. Even the multinational drug. I can't be on it all through just for a relief. I stopped.
    Anything that smell disgust me... I will always cover my nose with handkerchief, and stay far from people b/c of their perfumes else I will throw up, (always with a nylon to do the deal and throw away).

    Those days no cream, perf for me, not even a white powder.
    One of my course mate (a lady)asked me in front of others "... if am the only one seeing her period, why must mine be different..." I almost cried out my eyeballs in my closet.

    I was told back then by a medical personnel that if it is only pregnancy, labor, vaginal birth procedure will put a permanent end to the pain.

    And it worked like an Indian talisman.
    Freed at last! ! ! After having my first kid

    Nne I feel for you, was once on your shoe! ! !
    Hang on it is well!!!

  21. See a doctor.
    Even though they didn't help my case those days.. it was horrible. I missed exams because of my painful period.

    I would throw up and all.
    Even the Felvin I resorted to had to be taken a day before miss flo or else,na wahala.

    It is in the past now though.
    Try and get a hot bottle sweets,and don't try to get drugs without your doctor's prescription. You will be fine.

    1. Oh I just remembered something...
      Sit ups helped me a great deal too.

  22. Medicine don't usually stop it

    Reduce yr sugar in-take according to my sis.

  23. Had same. Don't think is as serious as people thinks. Always take hot water and felvin three days b4 d date

  24. Am not alone on this......but try felvin, though some months the pains refuse to welcome felvin.

  25. Sounds like dysmenorrhea - menstual cramps. Hope these help,
    1. Reduce sugar intake.
    2. Take PCM 2 tabs 3 times a day for 2 days before your period starts.
    3. Exercise
    4. If the pain is still unbearable might need to take an NSAID like Ibuprofen only if you don't have ulcer oh!
    5. Pain still unbearable after these? Run to a hospital to see a gynaecologist.

  26. Was listening to a radio program on rythm 93.7fm, and the topic was about menstral pain and ENDOMETRIOSIS
    Painful cramping during menstruation may be a sign of potential infertility issues. One of the most common causes of painful menstrual cramping is a condition known as endometriosis. With endometriosis, the tissues that line the uterus (the endometrium) are found outside of the uterus in
    the pelvic cavity. During menses, these tissues are triggered
    by a woman's hormones to thicken and break down - just
    like the process that happens to the lining of the uterus. Symptoms includes
    Pelvic pain .
    Severe menstrual cramps .
    Low backache 1 or 2 days before the start of the menstrual
    period (or earlier).
    Pain during sexual intercourse.
    Rectal pain.
    Pain during bowel movements... Go see your doctor for possible test's.

  27. Mine was terrible while growing up. What I normally do then was to drink hot water, gin a or takes pain pills. Again try to stay in a clean environment . It took like three years for me to get normal menstrual without much pains. Then after I got married and started having kids can't remember if I am on my menstrual period or not. Have been married for 15 years with with 3 beautiful kids now.

  28. Mine was terrible while growing up. What I normally do then was to drink hot water, gin a or takes pain pills. Again try to stay in a clean environment . It took like three years for me to get normal menstrual without much pains. Then after I got married and started having kids can't remember if I am on my menstrual period or not. Have been married for 15 years with with 3 beautiful kids now.

  29. Just reduce ur sugar intake, drink lots of water, You could also take some pain relief meds like Ibuprofen or Advil before ur suppose period and lastly endure the pains. If it pain is still unbearable, pls kindly see a Doctor Asap!!!

  30. ? Endometriosis. Go see a gyne.

  31. Go see the doctor had same experience growing up

  32. That's an ovarian cyst dear.Visit your doctor and get a scan done as soon as posible.The pains alone is out of this world.He may place you on antibiotic after the scan. Pele.

  33. Is a normal thing just learn to live with it,mine too comes with pains, heavy flow, so painful, weather I talk sugar or not is still the same thing. For the one that people said if you are married, when you start having kids, all is super story cos I have three sisters that are married and have children and they still go through such pains. Just learn to live with it, take pain relief ones it come, I take more of warm water with Lipton from d day it start till am done. The pain is not here o, some times they I can't eat or even talk, some months name injection go help my ministry o. Thank God for everything.

  34. Hello dear ! Go to any pharmacy close to you and ask for Mefenamic acid(it's in capsules) or ibuprofen. But I highly recommend Mefenamic acid. You should use it like a day to your period on while you're on. 2 tabs first then 1 tab 6-hourly till the pain subsides. My period used to be worse than yours but once I take the pills, I can attend classes and have very negligible pain while I'm on.

  35. You need to take an NSAID like naproxen, Ibuprofen or Aleve. Acetaminophen doesn't really help. You want to take it prior to your period actually starting, like a day before. This advice is just based off what you wrote.


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