Stella Dimoko Late Singer Mohbad's Wife Served 3rd DNA Court Order


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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Late Singer Mohbad's Wife Served 3rd DNA Court Order

The wife of late Nigerian singer Mohbad, has been served a court order regarding a DNA test. The Chief Magistrate Court in Ikorodu, Lagos, approved the use of  alternative means to serve the notice after two unsuccessful attempts to serve her directly. The court documents were posted at her last known address.
However, she has stated through her counsel that she was unaware of any pending DNA test orders.


  1. Make them free this woman
    Allow her to mourn her husband
    Time will tell if the child is his or not
    Truth cannot be hidden for so long.


    1. Haba, let's be honest nau, if she has nothing to hide then why the whole hide and seek?

    2. At this rate now,she must do it. She's behaving all suspicious now.

    3. She asked to be sued in court.
      She may yet get a judgment in her favour, which is better for those advocating against relatives of deceased husbands asking widows for DNA testing of their children.
      That is how the law moves forward. And She may thereby secure her place in the legal history of DNA testing in Nigeria.

      Her Lawyer(s) is/are just being legalistic.
      What was served on her is the court case papers and a court summons to respond to the case/appear in court.
      No order for DNA testing has been made yet against her. The Lawyer(s) know this and should have explained rather than being deflective.

      Contrary to twisted wide reports that representing that Mohbad's father personally went to paste the documents at her gates, such papers are served by the court officials.

  2. You see that DNA test, whether she like it or not she must do it.

    1. And The child looks like Mohbad. I no understand why the running

    2. Go and confirm your own paternity.

  3. You can't run forever

  4. I think she should just do the dna once and for all to clear her name and also help this case to progress. Once the dna is done, all focus would be on finding those behind his death. I don’t know why she is playing hide and seek with this dna issue. I mean if I’m the one being accused of all those atrocities, I would have done the dna without being asked just to have solid paper evidence evidence to jail anybody who talks trash about me.

    1. Unless she is just proving stubborn as revenge of being falsely accused. I would be pleasantly surprised and impressed. if that’s the case. Because most Nigerian women were raised to be/are super agreeable under pressure. If it’s any other naija woman she would have buckled and done the dna just so she can rest. But this girl’s strong head is quite inspiring as it is annoying

    2. 22:04
      She is acting under legal advice. That is why her repeated social media outburst is not doing her image any good.


      She knows the result. Some people who know, can stand against all till the end.

  5. It's about time,she insisted on it.🙄🙄🙄

  6. if she is also avoiding the court order then abeg something is not right ..I have kids with my husband if someone tells me to do DNA because I am sure I will even ask the person what will you give me if it is confirmed I can benefit but if if start running up and down something then is not right

    1. Thank you!
      She should ask to be compensated when it comes out confirmed her son is Mohbad's, not running up and down!

  7. Why is she making the whole thing difficult, I understand she is mourning but to help this case faster, she needs to clear her table

    1. So that if the results turns out positive tomorrow, she will cash out with sympathy from Nigerians.

    2. She’s dragged it too long now at anon 21:34 it’s gotten past the point of sympathy. Even me that was formerly wanting them to let her rest is wondering why? Cus that child obviously looks like Mohbad. If I was her I would’ve done it, pasted it and told them all to F off. Or better yet be super heavily paid to do a dna result reveal on a live talk show just to shut people up. Learn to make your silence super expensive so that when you open your mouth you can make money from it

  8. Y is she dragging dis issue of DNA sef

  9. If she does thus, it will become a trend where DNA tests will be forced on children of widows just to find a way to deprive them of their inheritance. Nigerians are bullies and entitled on what premise will you demand a DNA test of a child whose father accepted him while alive and never publicly denied him. Since none of you can claim he is your child why harass her. To my sisters from the east supporting una doo o, because this is what the husband's relative will use to deny you and your children of their inheritance.

    1. For those that have inheritance waiting for them and also for those who fixed their minds in it.

      For this particular one, we are talking about murder case here, she should be the number one person championing this with all she knows and all things necessary to be done.

    2. What is the cause of death? Why don't they start from there? No be only murder case.

    3. This is a murder case and they are trying to establish if there was a motive for murder.

    4. No need to tribalise the matter. The Justice for Mohbad crusade had/has people from the East at its vanguard. Even on this blog, people from the West are asking her to do the test for different reason. What is more, the Number 1 person asking for the test is a Yoruba Man - mohbad's father.

      Any widow who has no worry over the paternity of her children should have no fear over doing a DNA test. In fact as a Bv has said under this post, a smart widow would even use it to her advantage.

      What is the big difference between doing a DNA testing for Visa (which she would have done since) and doing it to fully claim inheritance?

      All said, every man should be advised to make a Will or use other available methods of settling his family (children, wife, and dependent parents).

    5. We all know our people will influence the test to suit their narrative. What does the boy's DNA has in connection to the murder case pls.

    6. 07:28
      If the test shows that the child is not Mohbad's child, should would be a prime suspect in the man's death if the Coroner says he did not died from natural cause or from medical related matters.

  10. Has he provided the money for the DNA Abi ma who go pay for am

    1. If the order is made, the court will order who to pay. Usually and by simple logic, the person asking for the order gives an undertaking to pay if the order for the test is made.

  11. She would have done this if she truly wants justice for mohbad. Because this DNA saga seems to be dragging alot of issues, so they can even bury the poor guy

  12. Chika(hello iya boys)27 April 2024 at 22:40

    I sense that she's feeling that after the DNA Test it might be Change o
    Una go see am if she agree to do DNA test the Results will show that the Son is not for Mohbad..
    Evil people will change it..

  13. I wonder what she's hiding..

  14. At this point, she should just do the DNA and let everyone rest.

  15. Somewhere in teh world that VDM guy is chuckling to himself at teh uproar he (a stranger and unknown individual to Mohbad) has managed to cause in Mohbad's family

  16. Wunmi, forget these clowns they have abandoned your husband's fractured corpse to torment you and your child. Let them keep wasting their time, paper and masking tape. The person who should have questioned paternity of his child is dead and those who should be caring for you are wearing his clothes. Face your baby. When God makes him great, they will claim him and you will be the one fighting for a safe distance from them.


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