Stella Dimoko Revenge On My Mind - Blog Visitor Sad Narrative.


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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Revenge On My Mind - Blog Visitor Sad Narrative.

Listening to her story and reading it hurts......why are people so heartless?

Aunt Stella/blog visitors,
This nightmare is 15 years old and its not going away....
  I have not discussed this with anyone,it is my top pains.. 
It happened when I finished my Junior class exam and one of my church member begged my mom to allow me spend my holidays with her family and that when school resumes they would pay my school fees.

 My mom saw it as a relief on her side because she was the only one taking care of 5 kids with the small business she was doing. My nightmare started after two weeks in the church members house when  her husband  started coming  home every afternoon to make advances at me behind his wife.

 In night he would pretend as if he was going to urinate but sneak into my room pressing my breasts,kissing and sucking my Virgina and swore to kill me if I tell anyone, I was helpless . I started wearing tights to bed and he warned me not to but I didn't listen until he resulted in seizing my under wear when ever I wash them and spread out to dry. 

It got to a time we travelled home to his home town and his wife left us behind because  of her job and one night I woke up saw the man holding my two legs with his sperm all over my laps i didn't know what happened but can recall I felt sick that day.

 In that same house one of their cousin raped me through my ass as well and when my mom came to see me I told her I must go with her or I would run away and that was how I left the house BUT since then I hate men, I'm confused I'm helpless and everyday I go to bed I crying out my heart .

Now I'm thinking of revenge because I know where those two men are ,do I revenge ? How do I grow above this stigma?  will i ever trust a men or stop feeling that every man around will hurt me?

'Dearest one,I heard the tears in your voice when you called me yesterday,I wish i could hug you and
tell you everything is gonna be fine.
Forget about revenge and concentrate on healing,revenge will make you even more bitter


  1. God!

    I don't even know what to say dear.
    Stella has said it all. Please let them be.

    God said 'vengeance is mine'.
    Please let Him do the fighting.

    I only pray for your healing.

    1. What can I say.....this is a story that I just recently told, 10 yrs after it happened. I was molested as a little child and now I think it affected me, the way I act. I am a male and was molested by a man. People especially Nigerians might wonder why this or that is happening, maybe they should try and prevent the older men from staining the minds of the little ones....instead of blaming the little ones for the outcome of certain things...even though I am commenting as an anon I still find it difficult to say everything that has happened to me....all I can say now is that I might be gay.......

    2. @ Poster, the strongest of emotions is hatred. Like a volcano, it builds, erupts n destroys everything in its wake. Embarking on revenge is self destruct.

      Painful as it is, u really shud let go over of d negative energy of hatred n forgive. So u can move on. Just make constant attempt to forgive n wit d passage of time, u will embrace healing n closure ( I learnt d word on this Blog. Thanks to SDKers). U r gonna b fine d moment, u take d hard step to forgive n let go.

    3. Anon..*connfused*are you not supposed 2 hate men because of this experience?? Or is it that you enjoyed it so much that you now prefers the men?? Don't get me wrng. I thot when some1 is being raped by a particular sex they end up hating the sex of the rapist. Eg most women hate men cuz they were molested or raped by men so they end up loving fellow women. Pls dnt use dis as excuse 2 be gay. Not good enough

    4. You are not gay.Its the lie from the Devil. I'm sorry about what you went through. The Lord will heal you. I was abused as a child for over a year by houseboys in my aunts house. I resent my mum for ever taking us there. I guard my children like a hawk. I committed all to God. God bless you.

    5. Revenge will give u d closure u need. Dont mind all these pretenders. Revenge n move on. Do me I do u.

    6. Try not to be so judgmental when you don't fully understand the human psyche and things of the spirit. Most homosexuals were molested by men when they were young and a transference of spirits occurred. Our body parts react to any form of stimuli but our minds gradually developes to a stage where we are either attracted to or repulsed by stimulai from a particular gender. So a person's sexuality can be determined at a very early age. If a boy gets his 1st sexual experience from a man, chances are that he will crave more of that. He may hate that particular man but something sexual has been roused inside him. Then again, the spiritual corruption. Same way a girl molested at an early age may hate men yet be promiscuous. To the guy who thinks he may be gay, there's still hope if you truly want help. You can go for deliverance and a lifetime of counselling. No case is hopeless if you truly desire a change.

    7. It is when I read stories like this that I wish our legal system is functional in Nigeria. I salute the U.S, and the U.K especially..for they will revisit any sexual abuse case no matter how old the case or the participants. But unfortunately, the poster here is not only traumatised by the lingering thoughts of the despicable act, but is also made to see the perpetrators walk free and grow into normalcy, perhaps now raising their own family.
      What a resounding torture. How can I preach against revenge....personal revenge, maybe not. But any other revenge that will confine the duo and make them experience deep rooted pains? Oh YES I would gladly encourage u. The burden of proof is upon u poster even though I believe your story. But to the doubting Thomas what do u do? May God redeem your lost glory and may He renew a right spirit within u.

  2. I pray karma bites both of them in the ass. Dear,leave vengeance to God,s Stella said,work on getting better. It is well.

    1. OMG so srry dear I dnt really hv much 2 say,I knw how it feel 2b raped.

    2. Everybody is singing"poster forget it and leave it to God like is all sweet and easy to guys can't understand this pain nor actually know how it feels.its not even the physical scars that is the problem but the ones left psycologically.poster if you feel revenge will give you peace of mind,den do it! EVE E UME

  3. Is this real? Cheii you must be a very calm and quiet person. This is why it is good to be aggresive!! I am so sorry for what happened. Very barbaric.

    1. That is exactly what i thought. Even from her write up, you can feel her softness.
      Dearie, leave them for God. No karma is sweeter than the one served by God.
      You need to let go and grow into a beautiful human being inside-out.

      The more you are hurting, the more the devil will be joyful. Be free and be positive and watch how well you will easily forget about the hurt and pains.

    2. She is really calm, I had same experience as a teenager, my aunt's husband was always doing same, I had to fight him and finally reported to my aunt and he said I was trying to seduce him. My aunt gave me the beating of my life and made sure I slept outside without food for days. That's why I would never forgive my mum in this life, I understood the fact that my dad was busy, but my mum chose to be following him about. Now she is asking me what she did wrong, that I hate her so much. She hasn't seen anything yet. When i tell ha the truth of what happened then, she would choose to believe them over me, and say they are disciplining me, that they are the 1 that fit me bc am too stubborn. I feel ur pain @ poster, leave it to God.

    3. @poster is such a softie and seem weak' sorry to say,but how can a man have sex with u without ur knowledge,keep seizing ur undies,creep into ur room etc u had option to at least go back home!and another rape u thru d anus in d same house?dats too much na,u should have left or do something.
      Well I am so sorry abt ur ordeal,pray to God for the grace to forgive!and unto hating men:know dat there will always be angels where demons are,so u don't let d good ones pass u by cos u think men are evil,there are good men out there.

    4. Hmmmm... and i'm seeing this movie, Revenge. It has given me an insight on how holding on to hurts and pain can make one damaged as well as living an unhappy n unfulfilled life. Most times its best to let go n forgive, then there are times u'd feel better avenging. Poster u can pick the battle if u will feel better or u can choose to let go, forgive, heal and love... it's all up to you.

    5. Reminds me of my nursery sch days when one stupid housegirl of ours takes my sistas and I to d room asking us to lick her p***y and suck her boobs.. forget, lesbianism no be today. But then, it dint make me a leasbian like my bro that want to use his experience in becoming gay. Say no to child molestation by reporting any act of such. Y cover up such. Btw poster, feel free to revenge. It's up to u

  4. Pervs and pedophiles should be locked up for life there are just annoying and disgusting. Just leave them as nemesis will catch up with them trust me.

    Mr Lyca

    1. Dear Poster, from your write up I can see that you are a quiet type. Pls if u don't have the heart for revenge pls just let it be. But since you know where the idiots are, it means you have been following their progress. I will suggest you take a step, not revenge perse but in a form of closure. Remind them of what they did. Set them up if need be. Look for their weaknesses and use it against them. Personally, I have vowed never to allow anyone cheat me and go scot free. Na do me I do you level. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I feel your pain and helplessness. Look for how to let this go. Though revenge or not God bless you.

  5. Oh my God this is just too sad.. Pls listen to stella bcos revenge doesnt change anything as the hurt will still be there. Leave everything to God and I pray for healing for you aswel as finding peace. It is well

  6. So sad...Ask for the grace of God. He will heal you and see you through. #PrayingForYouDear

  7. Replies
    1. Dear poster, the truth is most of us can't relate with how you feel because we didn't go through such a harrowing experience. I can only imagine how messed up your mind may be especially as it happened during your formative years. Revenge isn't always what it's cracked up to be. Even if you kill them(God forbid) it wouldn't heal the void in your heart, on the contrary you'll end up compounding your predicament because you'll have gone against nature and set an action in motion which will come back to haunt you. Please my love, go back to God. Only He can fix your broken spirit and make you whole. Joyce Meryer the televangelist was molested by her father and other family members when she was young but look at her today. Please let go and let God fix you. There's still hope. #hugsnkisses

  8. There are very few people i have shared this with. Now i think its time to speak this into your life my dear online sister.
    If there is one person who has been through a lot in the ands of men,it is I...lets leave my name out for now.

    My NOT seek physical revenge,BUT do something...SPEAK what you want into their lives.

    Years ago,someone hurt me so bad that i thought i would die from the sheer wickedness of it all.

    I cant even go into details of it. But i cried and cried and cried.

    Then one day,i got up,stripped myself naked and i spoke into his life.
    I spoke FOUR things and backed it up with the And i asked God to seal it UNLESS he is no longer on his throne,

    My dear THREE out of those FOUR things have happened to him.
    He has spent the past FOUR years trying to reach me to beg me,but i said NEVER.
    It was so bad,he took refuge in a church and even the pastor told him to come and seek me.

    Now the issue between myself and this demon didn't even involve was money..lies..cheating.

    My dear now imagine what would happen to these devils who laid on you and abused you in the most vile manner?

    My dear,i am not a "spiri" person. BUT i learnt that if your hands are clean towards the person who has hurt you,cheated you, can speak ANYTHING into their lives and ask God to take it from there.

    If we ONLY we all knew the POWER we possess in our tongues and the powers we wield as women.

    And in all you say...ask God to go before you.

    My dear,don't EVER go and seek PHYSICAL revenge.
    Ko worth e.

    ONE night is ALL you need. Strip,GET ON YOUR KNEES and CRYYYYYYY to God....back it uo with the elements.

    Speak forth that wherever they BOTH go in this world,ALL the elements will always work against them and continue to reject them.
    My dear who can do without water,air,fire or earth...hmmmm.
    SPEAK my dear and TELL God what you want to happen to them.

    Then move on with your life...

    The day you hear that what you asked has happened in their lives,come back here and tell us about it.
    Dont let anyone also deter you...NO amount of grace can protect them.

    My dear....dust yourself up and move on with your life.

    1. Hmm Na wa o. Ezenwanyi is this you?!

    2. Wow!!! Anon 12:14, this is deep... Poster I know that you must have undergone serious physical and psychological trauma because of this experience but oftentimes, the best form of revenge is forgiveness. Holding on to the hurt, pain and anguish really does no good because it takes away the joy and beauty of life thus giving your enemies a certain hold on your life.... Don't let that happen, be happy, be free, take it to the foot of the cross and watch them screw themselves up in the end. Remember!! The good book says, that vengance is the Lord's.. Trust Him, He is the God of Justice #Peace

    3. Are you sure you have moved on? I don't think so.
      Dear poster, leave them to God.

      Oluyomi Odukoya

    4. This is strong and deep.
      God surely fights for his children if we give our battles to him.

    5. @anon 12:37. I doubt if this is Ezenwanyi, she won't hide under anonymous to say her mind. Poster, you can do what is stated above oo. But sha seek healing. Pray to God and see a clinical psychologist.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Wow!wow! wow!
      Water- wasser
      Earth- erde
      Air- luft
      The four brothers of pepper ose oku!who gave you that secret anonymous?

      Pepper ose oku!

    8. N.Dr. Agwoturumbe22 July 2014 at 14:07

      Bullocks. Witches are giving advise.

      Why do you all hide under anonymous to yarn dust?

      I am Agwoturumbe. The only Antelope that was chewing gum as they were shooting gun. The buffalo that killed a lion.

      Any woman that goes naked to gba nkwukwa (lay curses) is a witch and mind you, as long as you use the elements, it will work but the sender will end horribly herself.

      If u like believe me. If you like don't but the most effective way to deal with someone who hurt you is to forgive. That way Amadioha has to act to restore balance in the metaphysical world.

    9. @anon 1; 10, very correct!!

      This poster is too kind compared to what I would ve done!

      I dont know how forgiveness works,neither do I forget .
      I dont bear grudges cos it affects my spiritual .
      There are some boundaries I dont allow people cross no matter who u are.
      ....and there are some pains that can only be assuaged only through revenge.
      Those that think they know they me and tried mebonly had themselves to blame.

      There was this my mother's friend,not really friend friend oooo....then we were living @dolphin estate,I didn't know my mum discussed my sex life with her and sharp sharp d woman started grooming her daughter to take over my home not that I would ve minded but I hate sharing anything that is mine....I slept and it was revealed in d dream to me and I was also shown what to do and I did it without wasting time.
      when wahala started and they were told were d arrow was coming mum's friend couldn't believe d fresh faced 18yrs old girl with d "evil" they her that I had done.anyway to cut d long story short my mum's friend is still paying d price cos d curse will and only be destroyed after was supposed to be for only 13yrs but she an attempt at my life and after dealing with her I added more years to d 13yrs.

      nb;this tory is not for everyone biko b4 some preachers will come and start running their mouths...and others will look for who to cuss but be rest assured I will cuss my back afterall I get mouth too.

    10. Nice one!!! Poster, go spiricoco on the #mufus. God will surely avenge you.

    11. I've heard abt praying to God naked in d middle of d night wen somone hurts u deeply. Somone hurt a member of my family who's a widow and she did just that in the midnight. The man was knocked dead by a bus dt failed brakes. His wife dt was mockin d widow became a widow. Do wat this poster said nd then let go of d pain. Embrace God nd he wil wash away the pain. I feel lik crying...God! Why re ppl so wicked?

    12. Nice one!! Poster, go spiricoco on the #mufus. God will surely avenge you. It is well. And this is a big lesson for parents to be careful where they send their kids to.

    13. Ezenwanyi ibilibi ogada1,okara madu okara muo...hahahahaha...

    14. I'm afraid of some people here! Jesu N'ogie!!! The heart of a man is indeed wicked. In as much as revenge is good sometimes, going all out like Ezewanyi and Anonymous said is just not the way forward. That's witchcraft.
      Dear Poster, Pray. Tell God to help you forgive and take anger and revenge from your heart. Let God deal with them the way He wants.
      Some few years ago I was in Foundation class in Church and somebody asked the Pastor about being a new creature and God washing away old things, the Pastor answered yes and told the person...even though God forgives and washes away old things, there is always Karma and whatsoever a man sows, that he must surely reap.
      So dear poster, forgive, talk to a psychologist if you must, try to free your mind. Yes! It's not easy but it won't hurt to try and try and try and try again. I wish you all the best. May God be with you.

    15. Anon 12:14...vengeance is God's,ur curse might be workiin on him but ur own life will turn out miserable n end on a sad note too. No be curse....@poster,pls don't mind all these sad people o. Let God fight ur battles.noone can help God...remember wat happened to d guy dat wanted to help God by steadying d ark of covenant wen it wanted to fall?...

    16. Na wa o! I Don't know which god u ppl go naked to and curse another human being but be rest assured it is not the almighty God in heaven because he is forgiving God his punishment is not on earth but in heaven... the evil god u invoke has powers and will make the curse get to the person temporarily on earth but just know that your own punishment for not forgiving will be for eternity.... God doesn't accept offerings or prayers from unforgivers (matt 5:24)... so pls don't listen to these witches askin u to go naked and curse God's creation, pls go on ur knees and forgive them (matt 18:22) even Jesus forgave the ppl that killed him even as he was being killed... they only hurt ur body... fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell (matt 10:28) over somtin as small as unforgiveness

    17. Bwahahahaha.................keep saying what u dont know @JayEm.
      I am like an Orisha,whatever I want ,I is not by my own making but by d grace of Almighty God!

      Continue calling witches anyhow until u meet them that is when u will know na ife a abulo utaba eku na aka agba egwu.

    18. Linda Eze onye nkem,ogadiliginmma!!!!!

    19. I see some pple on dis blog really need God in their lives..see horrible advices..pls poster don't mind all these witches forming advice here aunty stella said,vegeance is of d Lord!..hmmm,women#..I fear my kind#

    20. Notice how its all men coming to cry hahahah.

    21. @poster,dont mind bitchplis ooo......these sexual predators,good for nothing men that waste a woman's time with I go marry u promises,men who fuck and dont settle need to be taught bitter lessons;that's y they came out in droves shouting witchcraft....if they are not disciplined,they will not conform.

    22. Exactly Nwandu..they have not seen anything...

    23. Don't curse them, sometimes people do things and naturally they have cursed themselves, if you curse them you yourself the curses would work against you, you want progress yet bitterness and anger would hold you! My darling poster I'm a woman like you, you sound so soft and gentle I know what I would have done to dose people but I've been in almost same shoes before and I know how it hurt, my dear you have to let go and Let God, trust me the best way to move on is to continually confess with your with your mouth that you forgive them both you'll be surprised. In fact talking about on here is a process of healing. Rather than speaking negative things into their lives speak positive things into your own life, in Fact begin to praise God, if your a christian let Him hear your praise even in troubles He would look down from heaven and wonder where the praise is coming from, when He hears the sound of genuine praise He shines His countenance upon you, celebrating God in the midst of adversity, pain, deep hurt is a sign of Faith. When you leave God to do everything for you it could take a while but even in His silence believe He is working, i'll plead with you don't lay or speak curses, you'll be dragging yourself backward don't seek revenge either it's pointless! I do pray you read this from my heart! God bless you and heal you.

    24. I go marry so...this today girls are way wicked than the can you go naked and. curse a scared ooh....tho men who rape girls deserve pains too but leave vengeance for so scared now of female wonder men marry badluck as wives

    25. @Linda and Nwa,Bwahahahaha. sure they are pissing in there pants as I type

    26. I noticed it too... how's it's all men that are coming here to cry, witch craft this, witch craft that.

      Personally that prayer worked for me, in the middle of the night, I took of my clothes and cried my eyes out to God.

      I was filled with peace and God gave me closure, in the end I came out victorious and all those using their mouths to curse me? Now used the same mouth to sing my praises.

      Take your time to forgive, first of all try to forgive yourself, cut your self some slack, work with your pains, as you succeed, you will eventually let go without even noticing it.

      There's nothing like "forget it or forgive and move on" thats complete bullshit! I repeat work through your pain, channel it, let it motivate you to be a bigger and a better person, with that you will forgive without noticing and boom you will forget, because your life is so much better.

      Do not let pain define you, instead let the pain work for you, manipulate it, that's why we as human beings are the most intelligent creatures on earth.

      Get a grip on yourself and manipulate all that pain, and you will see yourself moving up in no time.

      God bless you.

      I am also a rape victim.

    27. Hmmmm. Well, all I can say is that anyone who tries to understand God, His ways, or underestimate Him, will go mentally derailed overnight. Having said that, God has a peculiar attribute in the midst of all our inadequacies, it is called MERCY.

      He says I'll show mercy to whom I'll show mercy. He is not called the God of the 99th hour for nothing. Best believe that Osama Bin Laden...all the terrorists group put together... including their BH counterparts that we curse daily...they may all say a word of prayer in the morning and ask God for pardon after causing the world to be in disarray.., and guess what? This merciful God will forgive them.

      My dear, pls show me anyone who has never known pain, and I'll show u a person who never lived nor existed. As it is impossible to live and not get pained.

      Imagine if all the females have to start to curse every love that broke their hearts? Or men every woman that took their monies and left with another man. Or say if a man had to seek vengeance from a wife who brought in a bastard into his house and he looked after such a child without knowing it. And the list goes on....guess what my friends, we would all be dead.

      Poster, I said earlier that I am with u on any revenge battle for as long as it is not a physical fight that may be fatal to u. And here uv been given suggestions on how to seek revenge in the spiritual format... which I am not quite against. However, once u adopt this method you will have a spiritual burden on ur neck even though u may be oblivious to the effects when it starts to work against the offenders.

      In the course of their struggles they may meet God and seek repentance and He will surely forgive them. BUT for you my dear, and for as long as the cuss tarries against them..u would be limited...ur burnt offerings will be rejected before God's altar because of the unforgiving spirit u carry about.
      I would say that if the law nailed and punished them it would suffice it, hence absolving u of any spiritual burden/implication that may hinder u and ur generation to come. Think about it.

    28. Native Doctor Agwoturumbe! I hail o! You have spoken the truth.

    29. So JayEm and Ezenwanyi disagreed once.

  9. Oh dear, I knw dis is a terrible experience but its time to let go. 4get dem n all they did to u,dat way u'll be able to let go n move on wit ur life. By knowing where they r means u've kept tab of dem 4 15yrs honey dats a long time,bury d pain n every memory of dem n u'll be fine. It is well dear plenty e-hugssss

  10. See me screaming on top of my voice reading this...some people are so mean,heartless and wicked..infact,that house is evil...OMG!!..O hancha,ndi church...
    If na me,I must revenge ohh...hmmm..God knows i will commit murder I swear..can you imagine?...
    Poster,am so sorry for you..*Crying*

  11. Oh lord! Wat can I say? Y is it dat men r so dear just leave dem to God I knw he will fight for u nd find a place in ur heart to forgive nd let go so dat gud people can cme into ur life

  12. My dear many people have seen worse than you but are still moving on with life. No need for revenge honey, am not saying they did the right thing cos even if you kill them tomorrow, it will never pay the price rather it will worsen your nightmare, allow God to avenge you, for whatever a man soweth he must reap be it good or bad, it do apply to natural science too. I know u will never forget this experience but be strong cos only you alone and knowing God more can wipe your tears. The first step in healing is speaking out n with this bold step you are gradually getting there. Finally sweethrt, their are many decent men out there just like we have nice women too,be careful before going into any relationship. I wish n pray the best come your way.

  13. Anty stella its not easy as it is o


  14. Awww, I can feel yor pain poster. Pls, don't revenge. Leave it to God, his form of vengance dey sweet pass.....I pray he keeps you alive to watch what will happen to them. Revenge will only make you bitter, besides, when you are done the pain won't leave but would grow worse. The lord is your strength. Not all men are the same, I pray he sends you a nice man who will make you feel better and treat you like a princess that you are. I'll put you in my prayers. E-hug.

  15. Useless pedophiles everywhere. Dere r ladies of easy virtue everywhere waiting 4 as little as a wink. Y choose children huh? Stella has said it all. I would have said seek justice but na Naija we dey we know how it works. It is well with u.

  16. whaooooooooooo...

    revenge is of the Lord sweetheart, but theres no harm in telling your mom now or just calling them out

  17. Jesu Kristi!!! Oooo. Sorry dear! Kai dear God this is too painful. Yet you said vengeance is yours! Please avenge for this girl! Make these men taste the bitter sting of their own venom! Do not punish their kids if they have any... No, let them bear the consequences of their evil deeds!!!

  18. Dear poster take Stella's advice Forget about revenge and concentrate on healing,revenge will make you even more bitter.

    Let what you will become tomorrow be your greatest revenge.
    Cheer up girl.

  19. Poster forget abt revenge bcuz its not makin u move forward. In dis type of situations it alwys seems as if God is slow but trust me he will avenge 4 u at d appropriate time. Always put it in prayers 4 God 2 heal ur wounds n try 2 open ur heart once again. Believe me u will laugh last. *hugs* Kai Stella,now now u don comot d 9ice gist.

  20. BLOG ANALYSER: it is well dear, pls seek the face of God he alone will give u the inner peace that u despirately need. Taliking abt it has given u some relief. May God u give more inner peace Amen

  21. times like dis i wish i was a witch/any evil thing or have the power to inflict pain to some ppl so i can just sit down, relax and watch them suffer* yes i'm human*, then i remember his love and promises towards me saying"Dota be still and know that i am God and the battle is mine". Honey trust me don't dare to help God fight his battle by revenging* SOME PPL DIED IN THE BIBLE TRYING TO DO SO*, keep bringing it b4 God in prayers, supplication and thanksgiving and back it up with his word for you cos his word said " let no man trouble you cos you bare in you the mark of Christ" soo dis is contrary to his word for you cos its troubling you sooooooo let the angel dat visited the first born of the Egyptians *DEY WERE TROUBLING THE ISRAELITES* visit whatever is contrary to the word of God in your Life.*JUST KIP SPEAKING IT AND WATCH WHAT WILL HAPPEN COS ONLY WITH YOUR EYES WILL YOU SEE THE REWARD OF THE WICKED*

  22. OMG! What sort of human beings do we live with now sef? Poster the Lord s ur strength. Am confused I don't know what to say. Nawa oooo for people.

  23. 'Try to forgive and move on' but you think she hasnt tried that for 15yrs? it is easier said than done coz the pain is eaten past her heart into her innermost soul. Poster, i Only pray that God leads you in the right path that will free your soul and make you whole again

  24. Dear poster, vengeance is for God.
    You might land yourself in more trouble if you carry out revenge on your own.
    Just allow God to treat their fuckup for you.
    I know it's not easy but please try and let go. Don't allow them rob you of happiness in this life. Live your life to the fullest ok.
    God will definitely fight your battle for you.
    I pray you heal soonest, Amen.
    The Lord is your strength.
    # e-hugs

  25. I dnt think i can forgive.
    I went fr deliverance in my church( an anglican church in fadeyi)
    The church evangelist conducts deliverance on fridays.
    Na so i carry my church mind waka go deliverance.
    Come see dekiverance,he put his hands inside my shirt and was touching my cleavages.he also put his hand inside my skirt and was delivering my punani. His hand didnt touch my punani though
    He also was drawing me so close to himself so dt my breast cld touch his chest.he also put one of his laps inbtw my legs
    He was praying while doing al these oo
    When i got home,i told my hub and he was so angry. I later confined in 2sisters and they confirmed that it had been going on fr a long time but none of the victims ha cme out openly cos nobody wants to be tagged a destroyer jst like they did to ese of coza unto touch not my annointed things.
    I v decided to be the sacrificial lamb
    I still v another session of deliverance wt him cos he told me i sld come bck again.
    Iv decided to carry out my revenge cos i felt used
    I am going back there.and when he does that again,am gonna gv him a dirty slap like he had neva been given bfr.then run to d vicarage and report him to the vicar.i wl make sure dt my slap gives him a map on his face.

    1. Is there anyway he can be caught on camera if he tries it when u go back?.. try and get a pen camera if you can, not sure if it will get a good viewing angle but qt least it will capture the drama after u slap him.

    2. Why must you go back? Is it necessary.. That's how I went to see a pastor years ago and he said he had to sleep with me to deliver me. I was stunned. That I have kini mini spirit and I need to be delivered by his manhood. Choi. I just laughed and went home to tell my hubby. Ah,see him vexing and calling all the police men he knows but I kept begging him not to go that way,he should let God deal with him. And the man was more than serious and misquoting scriptures like I don't read the bible..

      Poster,let go. The day you let go is the very day you will heal. Forgive them and you will find peace.. Let go fight for you.

    3. Na wa ooooo! Things dey happen

    4. Evangelist Ugochi Nwoke..we get dsame gist o!!pls expose him abeg..cant wait!

    5. Evangelist Ugochi Nwoke,ma dear he did dsame 2 me and elder sis..Can't wait 4 him 2 b exposed ok!!

    6. Biko when is this deliverance ? I want to go with you. I go stand for corner. When time reach just signal me I go show. You say the man dey touch wetin? He gon learn that day. Dirty animal. God punish his entire lineage. Bastards. I hate ndi church that do nonsense. They are the ones that should be killed and torched. Bloody wankers.

    7. Hian!!!!
      There is something I would ve told to do,once u rub it on his blockus it will release maggots inside and it will continue to swell and itch him until he confesses.
      That man is not sex starved,he is using those women as a spiritual exchange.

    8. Things are happening oooooo....

    9. Fetish devils on this blog..Linda Eze and Ezenwanyi, Anambra women are full of evil.tueh! I spit on una!!

    10. @Ezenwanyi no wonder u calked urself queen of the coast then,tufiakwa Nnewi pple and their worship of mamie water,pls go for deliverance,Alu

    11. If u like spit thunder it doesn't change d fact that u ve a dick and that u are a guy.
      Bwahahahaha. .......learner mmuo!!!!!!
      Kai!!!!fear fear mmuo!!

    12. If na u nko???oh so!ur name is not chison again????Bwahahahaha. ......kai!bros u be proper mumu!btw,how many inches is ur blockus ????

    13. See ur mouth like deliverance,u wan make evangelist ugochi for igbobi finger me abi or are u him????maggots will finish ur blockus onye mmuo

    14. Lmaoo! Read somewhere that prophet ajanaku had spinal injury whilst thrusting one of his female members that he lays regularly. A sickness that eventually took his life. What is going on? Na wa o

    15. Chisom why not read and pass
      It's a blog, it ain't that serious biko.

  26. Why do I get the feeling the wife was aware of everything

  27. Am soo sorry dear. Am shocked and speechless.

  28. Cassandra baby22 July 2014 at 13:10

    @ poster forget revenge,,,Gog wl do dat @ His own time,,surely dey must suffer for whatever deed done to u

  29. Forgiveness is not wat we do for others but for ourselves in order to move on. Forgive dem and move on with ur life. God will surely pay them back.forget about revenge cos it might land u into a bigger problem. There is no rapist that has a good story to tell even when they repent, they still suffer for their iniquities. I pray that God will heal u and free u.

  30. My dear, i was molested when i was 8 years old by a 30 year old man. he used to play with my vagina and masturbate aftawards. this coutinued for years till i turn 11 and he stopped. when i was in university i was raped by my boyfriend's close friend who was my very good friend too. i was damaged goods. i started smoking and drinking and had no regards for men. but i pray about it much later and knew dat the hatred was eating me up and i was not living my life the way i should. one night i cried unto God to make me free and i hve bin at peace. i saw the guy dat raped me later and i realised my battle was bin fought for. the guy has no head way in his life. till now he is not yet a graduate and no future ambition. so my dear lay it all at the masters feet and u would be just fine.

    1. Ewoooooo. ...
      what happened to d 30yr old man??

  31. Poster, it is well with you...EEE!!!

  32. @poster i am so sorry about what you have gone through, you need to forgive and move on!

  33. 2545 8967 0021 mtn
    9687 3547 5684 mtn

  34. A guy once raped me and nothing hurts like it I felt I was going to die because he betrayed my love for him but @ night I spoke to God in prayer I told him to forgive me and heal me and I told him to do sth to d guy which God did and that was the day I realised God existed and he loves you no matter what.forgive so that u can have peace I no longer feel remorse or pain when I hear sth about him..

  35. Had goose bumps reading this....Dear poster don't put ur self thru the stress of revenging trust me God will do that for u....May God heal u

  36. Romans 12:19 19Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”d says the Lord. 20On the contrary:

    “If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
    if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
    In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”e
    21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.


  37. Anon 12:52pm..i knw who u r talking abt...Evangelist Ugochi@St.Stephen's Anglican Church Fadeyi Igbobi..He did dsame 2 me and ma elder sister,but I kept on goin bcos I nided dat deliverance..This man even went further by kissing ma lips after prayers,i got so confused I had 2 stop goin.exactly what u talked abt tryin 2 touch ur vagina,d cleavage and his lap inbtw ur legs den he wud go by. Saying...Let it!Omo I carry ma slippers dust am and never returned,he kept on calling and asking y I stopped and sef I want him exposed..u sef try 2 tell hubby if na ma husband he 4 don die by now or even exposed..

    1. Abeg wetin fit carry persin go deliverance?
      Hmm....u kept on going cos u needed the "deliverance"?
      Oriegwu really!!

    2. Why go to an human being for deliverance when it only God himself that can deliver you. .you just have to ask through prayers.

      I don't believe in churches because they are all ran be agents of the devil. I pray to GOD and him answers me. I cannot let any soulless perv molest me and still go back there...kaiii Nigerians.

    3. I could have been a victim too but I saw all the red light fast and I was naturally a suspicious child. I use to go with my friend to another friends house to watch movies becos they always had light then plus gen...I was abt 10yrs old. That was how the Dad took an unhealthy interest in me. He would try and hug and kiss me good bye, he would ask me to come alone without my other friend but i refused. Touchy you would to a child but I knew there was more to it.

      One day he sent his kids and my friend out to buy drinks and said i should stay natural suspicious instinct kick in and I ran. That was the last time I went to that house...who knows what trick he would try next...maybe drug me. Hellz no!!!

    4. I'm sorry ? You kept going because you needed the deliverance ? Please explain because I think I'm going blind.
      Deliverance na by force ?

      Mrs. BitchBiko.

    5. Rotflmao! Let it vibrate ko. Any private/night deliverance, watch it. Sorry poster, this ur story is quite pathetic, but worry no more, cos God 'll surely pay them back. Do not go 4 revenge.

    6. Lol @ let it vibrate. Who says that.

  38. Ok o. All of u sayn move on, na so. Ain't dat easy. Me I wld so plot my revenge but in a nice way. If not dey wld do it to sm1 else. D revenge wld b full disgrace. I dnt mind if am also going to b tlkd abt. At least I wld b helping others. Thank God for Discovery ID on dstv. Move on ko,move on ni. I rmbr how I took a bottle to a guy dat almst tried dat shit with me wen I was little. Defo not to kill him o but enuf time for me to run and scream.

  39. @poster,i have to be very frank with u....Revenge is d only thing dat can save ur soul,if not u spend d rest of ur life wondering if u did d right thing....I will give u d idea,just tell him u can get him of ur mind dat u miss him,start a relationship with him,and when u have gained his trust,....kill him, and if u feel he doesn't deserve to die,...then video ur act and blackmail him......and if u want to leave revenge for God then go and buy 90 towels,u still have a lot of crying to do.....Am d only one dat knows how u feel,i felt dis way sometime ago and now I feel like I can fly.....Its your choice.

  40. @ Poster,
    The tin wit God's judgement is dat it is very slow,
    But I can assure u dat it's surer dan death.
    I just read somwhere rite now that 'God's mill goes slow, but grinds small'
    So chill cos soon u wld join dose wu wld pity dese rapist.

    @ the anony @ top wu says e doesn't no if e is a gay.
    Do not allow dat misfortune shape ur future.
    U r stronger dan dat, shake of dat self pity and move on wit ur life.

  41. JUST GO NAKED BETWEEN 12 AND 3 AM AND CRY TO GOD…Wait and see what happens.

  42. Dear Poster,
    The best you can do is to forgive!
    Forgive them! Dat's d best revenge.
    And I know for certain that God will restore those years that the cankerworms ate. I feel your pain and I know that it isn't easy to forgive but sincerely dat's d best u can do.
    Be grateful it wasn't family members.
    I pray God heals you totally and I believe he will.

  43. Anon.2:13.u r very right.he s the one. I was told he has been doing this for over 13 yrs. Wonder y nobody wants to speak out. Same wt me,he keeps asking me when am coming bck fr 'second round'. U need to see how i run wheneva i see him in d church. I even stopped coming for faith clinic and bible study cos of this man cos. But i v said enof is enof cos i see no reason y i sld be running fr someone in d house of my father. U need to see how my quiet hub threatned fire and brimstone. It was by God s grace dt i was able to calm him down. To make matter worse,after d so called deliverance my car refused to iginite. I didnt leave d church dt day wt my car and i had to spend 50k on it. Dt one pain hub pass cos he said dt God was angry wt me and evan ugochi.lmao.
    If i dnt go bck and report him,i wl call d vicar and tell him
    Seriously,i felt used and d guilty.

    1. Anon 3:45PM! You have to have an evidence, before you can report Him.If not it will be your words against His.

  44. I was molested by my father's driver and my father's younger brother who do I tell, Nobody!! This is the first time I'm mentioning this, my dear I grew with it I felt pains but I just let it go, revenge isn't the answer let God revenge for u. I got preggy twice I had to abort, the so called father's younger brother isn't doing well, and his marriage is about to crash!!! That's enough revenge to me.

  45. Poster, believe me, you should not curse with the elements, because these kind of curses rebound, you shall also feel the effects of this curse. The ripples it will cause will be very visible. Trust me , the best form of revenge is forgiveness. #mystics#

  46. My dear, please leave everything to God. Just keep praying that you are healed spiritually from whatever may have affected you from those people. It won't take time, but when God works, it's worth the wait.

  47. not to be a spoil sport but I just cant connect the midnight nakedness, the elements and God,don't u think u will be praying to some demon on his way somewhere who will then take it and start working on it???im confused is God who will do all the horrible things that will happen to the person???

  48. It is easy to preach forgiveness but it is easier said than done. Some of these hurts practically affect you for the rest of your life or even destroys you.

    It takes the grace of God, for a long time that word forgiveness was missing in my dictionary, I believed in an eye for an eye, if u do me one I will do 5, it gives me satisfaction, fulfilment and complete closure.

    At the end of the day if you know Christ and want to make heaven then you have to let certain things go so that some cursed souls will not make you miss your blessings. Leave your battles for God to fight.

    The Lord is your strength @ poster, please move on and try live a normal life, all the best.

  49. i feel ur hurt dearie.
    prayer is the answer even tho its so difficult to forget.

    MINE was that in my primary 6,my own Dad tried raping me,i use to be a daddy's girl,was the closest to him and he gave me anything i asked for.i always sleep on same bed with him,in the middle btw him n my mum.

    Any1 that needs anything from my dad have to go via me.
    NOT untill one night i slept off in the living room with him while playing with him as usual,and he brought his penis,tried pulling off my panties,i felt like i was dreaming n i found myself pushing him away.
    the next voice i heard was my mum calling him to come to the room and sleep,and that was how he withdrew it

    NO MATTER how hard i try to convince myself that it never happened i just cant cos it plays in my head like a movie.
    Mothers watch your daughters so well especially "daddy's gal" infact once my daughter is upto 3yrs of age i will definitely talk to her abt sex.cos the devil is out to destroy n dont give him a chance.

    Dont know the damage i wud ve passed tru if He had succeeded.i thank God for using my mum that night.
    i still really Luv My Dad

    THIS IS a SECRET i have Never told any one.

    1. What???...Ask your mum,he is not your real father..

    2. What???...Ask your mum,he is not your real father..

    3. Yes. Definitely not her dad.. or there were mental issues involved.

    4. That's not your dad seriously, do you still have communication with him,you must have been dreaming.

      Mr Lyca .


  50. Na wa o! I Don't know which god u ppl go naked to and curse another human being but be rest assured it is not the almighty God in heaven because he is forgiving God his punishment is not on earth but in heaven... the evil god u invoke has powers and will make the curse get to the person temporarily on earth but just know that your own punishment for not forgiving will be for eternity.... God doesn't accept offerings or prayers from unforgivers (matt 5:24)... so pls don't listen to these witches askin u to go naked and curse God's creation, pls go on ur knees and forgive them (matt 18:22) even Jesus forgave the ppl that killed him even as he was being killed... they only hurt ur body... fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell (matt 10:28) over somtin as small as unforgiveness

  51. My dear revenge oo!!! There is no such thing as Karma, trust me, all these wicked people, watch and see them continue to prosper, then when they pray, God will now forgive them... biko, if you need any help revenging, just contact me... Useless men

  52. Poster forgive and forget.let me tell you my tale.i was 9 yrs old and we went to church i.e my family and I.we actually use to attend the church of my God mother and her family, she is late now and may her soul rest in peace. She had a younger bother, he was like an uncle to me and I loved him so much. Every time we visited we went to his room and he would make us watch interesting animations with him and he would tickle us so hard we would laugh until we cried.He was the best then.This faithful Sunday we went to church, which was in their compound and i left Sunday school to go drink water and he called me to his room and I responded thinking it was the normal tickling and laughing.he started ticking me which was normal and next thing he hit my head and I fell on the bed, he said he wanted to try something to make me laugh more and he stripped removed my pant and the next thing I felt was some kind of sharp knife pain in my vagina.I screamed and he quickly covered my mouth and said I was a big girl and I should life instead of cry and he tried so hard to go all the way but he couldn't (I'm guessing I was too tight)by now I was almost in coma, it was too painful for words and I was bleeding Like something else, he eventually stopped, cleaned me up and let me go, I just couldn't tell my mom! He continued every Sunday for like 3 months (one time he actually put groundnut oil in my VJ)until he finally entered chai!! I was miserable, but I just couldn't talk. I don't hate men because I have long since realized some people are sick and my daddy's cousin wanted to try the same thing with me again but I don get sense by that time,I was walking with a limp for those months and when my mum would ask I always told her I slipped and fell into the drinage(gutter) near my house.Plus there was this my lesbian neighbour that use to call me and my best friend to suck her breast, we were like 7 or 8 then,mistcheewww.This one of the reasons I don't want to marry or have kids because no matter what, you can't protect them from everything.Poster forgive and move on, Biko let God be the gonna go anon for this one.It is well!

    1. Jezzzz...what did I just read??...
      With all these stories I read here,my eye don more uncle,aunty and brother..I will protect my kids to the last..

    2. So like my own story. I was a full blown lesbian before the age of 10 and experimented real sex before the age of 7 with kids of my own age. I almost had sex with my cousin @ d age of 13. Parents need to pray for their kids because no matter what you do, one way or another, someone will always try to take advantage of them.

  53. How will you revenge this? The only thing adviseable is to expose them all publicly. Nothing you do will erase what they did to you, and nothing you do will replicate the harm they caused you on them. But please it sounds to me as if the wife was aware of this all and you might have been targeted for this reason alone.
    If you have to confront them, do so, but be careful trying to cause any harm to them.

  54. Dear Poster, I salute the courage you had to even write and share this ordeal. Its a good sign it means you want healing and some kind of closure if you can get it. But you can. To him that believeth ALL Things are possible. Its rather unfortunate that you have had to go through all these humiliating experiences. But I tell you, you can forgive with Gods help.
    A close friend once offended me, and it was very hard for me to forgive, each time I saw her I felt deep pain. I confided in a friend and this friend helped me, suggested we fast and pray for 3 days I think, and I asked the Lord to lift it I practically gave it to him. My dear, it was as if God just cut it out. I looked for it and couldn't find it.
    You have a lot you are carrying and to move on in life you need to drop this load you are carrying. I therefore suggest, that you make up your mind to forgive these people, but pray and take a fast ask the Lord to remove it, since He is a righteous judge ask him to judge and leave it to Him. Vengeance is mine says the Lord. My dear, by the time God will deal with them, first you will realize that what you would have done to them is small compared to the way He judges. Including the man who made passes at you when you went for deliverance. Pray, by yourself you don't need anyone. Ask the Lord to lead you to scriptures you can use.
    Ps 55:22, says to cast your burdens on the Lord and He shall sustain you...You can forgive that's the power you have over those who have hurt you. If you don't forgive then they still have power over you and are still controlling you.
    God is a healer, and He will definitely heal you perfectly. But first, forgive.
    God bless you as you take deliberate steps in freeing yourself from their hold over you and your emotions. Don't forget Gods plans for you are not evil, to give you a future and a good end. God still loves you inspite of the evil you have experienced. Peace

  55. NONSENSE lies. all be advising the hurting babe not to ask GOD to deal with the bastards

    ...i am THE one who spoke to some bastards life with the elements and better KNOW that my life is A+

    NOTHING dey rebound.

    Just ask diezani and the man who jilted her as well and what happened to him.

    Witches sha...
    I hear you o.
    Siddon dia dey allow orishirishi people break your life apart.

    Do you all even know that one little thing is enough to set some fragile people over the edge?
    Somebody raped this girl through the ass,besides all else she faced,im now giving her the BEST advice i know that works and some are crying demon,witches blah blah. People are sick and think toooo dark.

    Shey because i have not told you people the one about sticking your hand in your vagina abi?

    Some clown is even saying that the guys will ask God for forgiveness and will be forgiven and she will bear the brunt.

    You people aint loyal to your spiritual powers AT ALL.

    I,i believe in ONE GOD...the i am that i am,the king of kings,the one who uses the heavens as his throne and the earth as his foot stool,the Lord of Lords...

    And he has NEVER failed me...
    I know my i dont go out there and murder ANYBODY,i cut a nice deal with it this and this way for me and HE does it EVERYTIME..l

    I guess everyones covenant with God dey different.

    I no dey siddon dey shake and stuff...i talk to baba God the way i would expect my earthly father to go kick the fuck out of the ass of whoever dares to rape me through the ass.

    And guess what?


    Once again,my dear,abeg no go do physical revenge
    Go spiritual on their cursed asses and SPEAK what you want and ask God to seal it.

    You people need to be aware of what God is about and the powers we possess as individuals to do some things.
    But we are all spiritually lazy and insensitive and expect that you just dump it all to life and karma.

    Nobody is telling her to buy seven candles,seven white goats,seven red wrappers,water from bar beavpch..NIOOO.

    I am telling her to USE what she has...her clean mind,innocence,hurt,tears,GODS natural elements and the SPIRIT of the most HIGH to seek what will give her peace,sit back and then watch what happens.
    And she HAS to be naked because thats the height of innocence as she came into the world....

    Kaiiii,my people persih for lack of knowledge.

    If only you all knew what Gods you all are individually.

    1. *in Goldscents voice,please shed more light on sticking your hand in your vagina...

    2. Linda Eze!!!!!!
      Bwahahahaha. ......

  56. PEOPLE O, crying to "God" from 12 to 3 is pure withcraft. It is not my Father that prescribed that nonsense o, naija women and nollywood tins. Sister, I feel your pain. The number of us that have passed through nonsense in the hands of these "Uncles". Let me tell you how mine ended, I cleaned up my self, forgave from the depth of my heart and refused to let these men keep residence in my heart. Then you know what God did? He dealt with both of them. If I write my story, Stella will not post it because it is long but God showed up for me. I used to pray for them to repent but they refused to repent. My dear, God's mill grinds slow but small (meaning, when His vengeance will be so deadly and almost irreversible). It is well and please don't go to anybody for deliverance. All these molesters taking advantage of the vulnerable. Seek God's face, google material on healing from molestation and get yourself together. Many of us are now married to good men and some decided to just lead their lives without men. As long as you do not give these evil beings residence in your life, you will be truly free.

  57. This is very serious ooo.....Poster,,if i were in ur shoes(God forbid),,,i will place a curse on him in the name of the Lord and will even hold God with his words to fulfill the curse i placed on him. And i will keep watching till my words are fulfilled.Even the bible says "God exalts his words than his name" there's no way u will hold God with his words,,and he wont fulfill what you requested.

    All in all....pls be at peace with yourself. May God heal you.

  58. Forgive and God will revenge for you.

  59. Dahling, wipe your tears! Read the book of psalms on your knees from your heart. The GOD of Israel neither slumber nor does he sleep! One lady that tried hurt me immeasurably, without pity (went as far as to heap insults on my mum, who did not even know she existed) I read my bible with tears and weeping (over and over again without ceasing), do you know where she is today? In the ground! Do you know how she got there? She set fire to herself!

    So get on your knees my sweetheart, cry for the right reasons from now on.

  60. I totally agree with Anon 6:47pm. Some things are beyond forgiveness.

  61. Hmmm, for once in my 30 years of living on this earth I will mention that at age 7, my dad's younger brother raped me & warned that if I ever mentioned it to anyone he will kill me. Though I was very innocent & didn't really understand the gravity of what happened I never told anyone & not too long after that incidence the man just disappeared, it's a little over 20years now & no one ever heard from him or anything about him again, so the family assumed that he died. As an adult now when I think back I just believe that God fought that battle for me. We live in a wicked world, but my God is still on the throne .It is well indeed....

  62. @poster I can only advice you to wake up at 3am and do a Divine Mercy prayer for them and for yourself. Ask a Catholic about divine mercy prayer, it works faster than any curse. God will take away every pain in ur heart and revenge on ur behalf. Try this prayer 3am or 3pm

    1. Divine mercy at 3 is not for laying curses on people,its for d forgiveness of ur own sin.
      I went to a Catholic school and am also an ordained Dame.

  63. Dearie my advice to u is 4 u to go 4 deliverance ,so dt u can be spiritually free ds bondage ur in & hv a total cleansing of body & soul, & only then can u be completely released 4rm ds pain of d past & be able to let go. Then commit everything unto d hands of God & watch him do d battle 4 u, I tell u, u'll marvel at hw God will fight 4 u, bcos he is a God of Justice & vengeance is his & he knows hw & when best to serve it. So 4get abt Revenge,purge urself of all d hatered thru Deliverance & move on wit ur life. It is well.

  64. You all saying midnight prayer is witchcraft sure don't know your bible. With the book of psalms,you can kill anyone or keep them alive if you ate innocent with a pure heart. Go to the book of psalms and see the curses and blessings there...

  65. folks this lady got molested severally and even got raped in the Ass...and y'all talking about forgiveness? poster i have a nine millimeter, #talkwhenyouneedme


  66. folks this lady got molested severally and even got raped in the Ass...and y'all talking about forgiveness? poster i have a nine millimeter, #talkwhenyouneedme


  67. if God kills that person that hurt u, will it heal the hurt u feel or reverse what happened to you? am asking you?of cos not, so pray for God to help you to forget the pain and heal you... forgive and leave the rest, God is the one that avenges...

    magical eyes


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