Stella Dimoko Ruggedman Denies Dating Halima Abubakar.


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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ruggedman Denies Dating Halima Abubakar.

*shaking feverishly at the mention of halima's name* LOL

Huh?...What happened that Ruggedman is sending out this memo to bloggers?
When i first saw it my heart skipped a bit and I said to myself ''Stella you don find Halima wahala again!''....Anyways these days its not only the Journalist who has a right of pen,the celebs now share the that power through their social network handle.
Ruggedman memo below.

''Dear bloggers, you all need to have a little respect for peoples feelings (which is hard because all you care about are hits on your blog) and once in a while pretend to show a little professionalism. Do not be afraid to ask real journalists how it is done. 

Yes twisting her words to make  it look like Halima insulted me will attract attention and then what?  

I have been reading silly stuff about me being in a relationship with my paddy Halima Abubakar. I didnt feel it was necessary to say anything about it because it is what it is "a silly rumour". Not until an angry fan of mine insulted her on my twitter timeline and i thought to put an end to it before another rumour gets blown out of proportion. 

When asked about it the same silly rumour, Halima replied" I dont like responding to such rubbish insinuations again I'm bigger than that" . Meaning she is bigger than false rumours but leave it to an attention seeking blogger to twist her words and make it look like she said she is bigger than me. You say you could not reach me to hear from me? Very funny. Na lie go kill you hahahaha!!!

Halima is one of the closest people i can call bestie.We have both supported each other coming from nothing to now. So i will not stand by and watch anyone insult her because of the silly antics of an over zealous blogger''.

*looks back and scratches head*



  1. There's no smoke without fire. Definately something is going on but why is rugged man not married, irresponsible man.

    1. Is marriage a do or die thing????....smh...African mentality

    2. Tot he married dt Olaide Olaogun GF of his last year secretly? 4 someone dt started pro music around 89' not 2 be married @ his age, then he is irresponsible like Olisa Adibua that's abt clocking 50 years right now. Call it African mentality or whatever, but @ dz age, they shld me married!

      *lips sealed and watching*

    3. Oh cos he's not married he's irresponsible? See your thinking! You should hang yourself. Barbaric idiot!

    4. Kike you must spew so much sh*t from your mouth that your ass is green with envy

  2. She is too dirty for Ruggedman abeg..... Shak!

    1. Dirty ke???she is too posh and big for ruggedman.who dash monkey banana.
      Can ruggedman fuel her car?????she meant exactly what she her words,8 am bigger than Ruggedman.

    2. Nah! She can't stoop so low. The mere thought of it is so grosssss... #yuck.

      #Hot Ice.

    3. AdaDiUraNma Love HotIce22 October 2014 at 16:22

      Day 9 of 10. Let the drum roll.

      SDK am suppose to write a letter to u. Just to say 10k you. I Will still do tha sha is not late right?

      Okay it happened that i was denied visa to Germany 2weeks ago. U know how stupid this embassies can be. They asked me 2 apply sometime in late December. Lol! Heart of winter. Wicked souls. So Hot Ice decided to come to Cyprus to see me instead. (Her new passport is visa free). And she's leaving tomorrow mornings your time.

      Is no news i met her for the 1st time here on ur blog. Then in Abuja Nigeria when she came 4 summer. Ceede/Chelsea. Stella, believe me the stupid girl is a different personality in real life. People tha met her in Abuja can testify lol! Abuja cake girl inclusive. She's a frd anyone could wish for. AllInOne#

      I just wana say a big thank you to you. If not for this medium, how could i ve met the "bone of my bone"! My BFF. Hehehe... SDK BV'S can be annoying sometimes but still we are kinda like family here. We fight and makeup. We cuss and still give listening ears, and advice uptop. Lol!!

      So She will be here tomorrow by God's grace. Will try and send in pictures. I know she won't agree but will try. Even if is side view pictures. She will be here for 14weeks.

      Keep up the good work.

      Okay bye.
      Am open for cusses. What's it gona be??

    4. Nice. Really cool. Let me hurry and open a Google account. I might just find my hubby here mbok.

    5. AdaDiUraNma love HotIce22 October 2014 at 20:48

      Sorry. #14days.

    6. Una well done oh! Lesbian alert. BFF ko. Agaracha must come back. 14years is waiting for u two. And while you are at *love HotIce, DNT LET IYABO O CATCH YOU OH! I heard Hot Ice is her wife. And she cant stand competition. Good luck. Stella if u like dnt post my comment.

  3. E don happen *singing*. Who b dis blogger ehee?

  4. I didn't even hear d rumor sef so dis is news 2 me.

    1. *yaawwwns*
      Oga ruggedy I did nt read ya story on any blog o
      Cud dis be a stunt lol

  5. Lol! This one you are scratching head so, you carry any story?

  6. These people have come again today....@kike, so because he's not married,he is irresponsible? stop talking trash.

  7. Stella aaaaaaa. You are too much. What did you do? Why looking back and scratching

  8. I believe them
    Can't women have male bff anymore?
    Most babes do that and doesn't have to be they re sleeping
    Abeg madam tharcher @ Halima
    Relax joor
    I believe u

  9. The blogger have heard you, sorry besties. Next time they will professional about it, you hear?

  10. ........and dis is none of business

  11. Thanks 4 clearing d air rugged man,but Halima should be careful with her use of words

  12. I didnt even hear the rumour and errr'm,how come our first class Amebo pple too no see/hear am? Anyway i dont know if someone else is thinking what is in my mind?.. *comment reserved* i love rugged baba anytime.

    Most of my friends are guys bcos i no fit for women wahala, u c u bloggers, ya all ve dirty mind. But if u ask me, i think they look good together.

  14. That's their cup of tea, I know they can be friends with benefits but I know they ain't dating.

    Mr Lyca

  15. Stupid Stella and stupid gossip, it's in your blood...that's y they sacked you from that magazine cos of gossip and u make it sound like they set u up......can't a guy and a girl be friends? Keep scratching that your ugly head....mschweeeeeew .....if u like post if u like no post

    1. Eeyah, pls run to the nearest shop and get a satchet of hypo, mix it with ariel or klin then drink, pls do it fast cos ur heart needs to b cleans & purified ASAP!

    2. Lmao. And so insulting her (Stella) with the gist she voluntarily provided her readers with will make ur cussing sweeter or it will hurt her? When it's not like it was an outsider that revealed to us what she was hiding. I don't get how people throw baseless shades these days. I am not saying u shouldn't tell Stella off o, who she be? But I had to pass a comment on ur choice of insult to her, e no enter at all at all. Ok bye

  16. Eesah you are just a stupid local there any law in this life that says everybody must marry? Not even the bible says so......stupid goat, some men who are married are so irresponsible it's amazing, then u come with your retarded mind to say he is irresponsible cos he is not yet married.....thunder fire that your ugly mouth

  17. Ruggeddy baba all is well o, but you self he never reach you to marry? Always finding yourself in scandals and trying hard to defend your self. We need never forget your role in 9ce and payne's breakup o. Abeg you did self go settle down. I believe you are innocent just like you said but please get serious relationship wise too. Biko. Oya next gist Abeg.

  18. Halima is too big for rugged man jor

  19. Aunty Stella,u wont kil me wit lafta.u ve great sense of humour

  20. Ermmm scratches yansh....I love dis guy...

  21. Rugged man @ your age you never marry, u dey there still dey disclaim woman. na so you go reach 50 and still single. true o, that Olisah thinks hes still a kid or what? na so so 18 n 19 year olds he go dey follow up and down

  22. This people can lie for Africa.

  23. Halima I know. You are here ,because you have manner less way of reply .i have gone through all the comments ,and I can gladly pick you out ,why don't you just get yourself blog id .you can curse like barrack girl I swear.


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