Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section.


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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Doctors In House Section.

Reaching out a hand when one is in need gives the best feeling ever....Have you tried it?


I am a 27yrs old married woman,i have been trying to get pregnant since december as my baby girl is already a year and some months but no positive result.I went to see a Dr who said i have PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
due to the evacuation i did after a miscarriage.

He said  its not properly done and my womb is not yet healed and its the reason i've not been to my question stella,BVs and doctors.

1)is it possible for this disease to prevent me from getting pregnant just after three months of the evacuation?

2)is it possible i dont ovulate during my cycle(i have a normal period and cycle)

3)is it expensive to treat because my Dr said its 35k and i my husband dont have that amount for now.

Please Stella Bae and great BVs this is an advice/begging post.please help a sister in need.

Please if you are a Doctor and think you can help her with a cheaper treatment,please contact her



Hi Stella,could you please post this in Doctors in House?Thanks
I'm a new mum and I plan on giving my baby exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months..just breast milk,no water or formula till she's 6 months old..The problem right now is after 2 weeks,she refused to suck the left breast. I've tried all means to make her take it,but no way. I wait till she's very hungry,then offer her the breast,immediately it gets to her tongue,she spits it out and starts crying. I've tried expressing it in a bottle,she still refused it.

 If I offer her the other breast,she grabs it by force and can suck for 30minutes straight. Its been over one month and the left breast has stopped producing milk because she doesn't suck it.

The question now is can one breast be enough for her for 6 months,or should I just forget about the exclusive breast feeding and give her milk?

Ah ah,what is wrong with your left breast?


  1. Poster 2,your left breast is contaminated....
    You better start giving the poor baby formula...hunger must have dealt with her...

    Sorry poster 1....

    1. Poster, hv u tried expressing the milk out? I think the milk tasted sour hence ur baby's reaction. It could be infection

    2. ***my bad! I didn't d read d part u said u ve xpressed***

    3. Poster1 I forgot about you. You stated that you and your husband can't afford 35k? Really? Why are you then trying to have another? My dear, you both should be thinking of how to up your finances not having another baby. You hear?
      Don't know what it is about .... people and having babies. Rich people that have 1 or 2 know why. Sorry if I sound rude but I had to say the truth. I also think you're stylishly begging, not cute. Send me your ad so I can send you a box of condoms. Do get your pid treated tho

    4. Hshahahah, Abi the armpits they smell

    5. MzAnon! Oh my goodness! Thank you, an adage says, when crying make sure you can see..
      Poster 1-- please I take God to beg you. Make sure you're 100% okay before making any more babies. Don't go making any more babies when you can'take afford to properly care for yourself first.

  2. Lol
    Warrapun to your left nyash?
    Did u sit on nail?
    It must be oozing
    Go to TB Joshua
    He has all d solution

  3. Ahhh this one pass me @ poster 2, wonder y she keeps rejecting the left breast. Anyway am here to learn.... Waiting for doctors in the house

    1. Poster2 I think your left breast has gone bitter please see a doctor

  4. N1 follow ur doctors prescription, or better still try a new doctor. N2, go n see a gynecologist, n get ur breast milk tested. Maybe sometin is wrong.

  5. YES. 1 breast can be enough. I have two children and neither sucked my right breast. after a while it stopped producing milk. and yes, I did exclusive for both babies so I am talking from experience. and NO, you can force the baby to suckle on a breast she doesn't want. apparently the taste might be different.

  6. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    By the sound of breast every doodie must rise.....

  7. Poster two give her milk biko
    How can ur baby suck only one breast for six months? At d end of the breast feeding ur chest will have a lopsided shape as one breast will fall pass d other.
    Poster one pray *in bv's voice*

  8. At poster 2, get your breasts checked out ASAP. I once read about a woman that discovered she had breast cancer because her baby refused one of her boobs.
    This won't be our portion in Jesus' name, but please go for a checkup quickly.

    Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

  9. P1- over 2 d doctors.
    P2- since she doesn't wnt d milk na start tryin out oda baby foods na, get ur left breast checked. Biko since d girl doesn't wnt breast leave her na, u no hw many mothers are prayin ddier baby wuldnt suck so dier breast wil nt fall? *side eyes*. (I no 2). Bt wat do I no? I neva even marry sef. Ova 2 d doctors.

  10. Poster 2, e be like say your left breast dey bitter... very funny post..lf you know what is good for that your right breast,introduce formula and water to your baby ASAP..

  11. @poster 1&2, the Lord is your strength, may the Lord heal you

  12. P1: while I think you should find a solution to the PID, don't you think it's absurd that u want to have another child when both of you don't even have 35K? I'm not insulting you or anything but it's really expensive to cater to children's needs these days. May God see you through.
    P2: Something is definitely wrong with your left breast.

    1. Thank u,exactly wat I thought.hw can u be trying for anoda baby wen there's no money?

  13. Lol @ what is wrong with the left breast? It's well.
    Doctors over to you.

  14. Poster one relax alrdy.....why do u want Anoder baby wen u can't even afford 35k for medical pls get ur priorities right haba............I hope u find healing but pls easy am sure ur husband isn't ready for Anoder two cents though

  15. Poster2,u have to force her totake it. I had same problem with my first child 'cos I felt more comfortable holding the left breast with my right hand than holding the right breast with my left hand during feeding. It got so bad he refused to take it n my right breast became bigger. My mother inlaw continued to help me force 'cos I heard if d first child refuses a breast,every oda child after him will refuse same breast. Besides,u cant stand d pain n discomfort. If she is very hungry n u dont give her an alternative,she will take it.

  16. May God continue 2 heal d sick amongst d righteous pple in d land. And 2 d unrighteous, change ur ways, seek God's face and u'd be free 4rm all ailments.

    *lips sealed and watching*

    1. This poster is an unmarried female, easah should volunteer to suck the other side till it starts flowing well... and it will be the best thing you ever did for humanity in your miserable existence. I haven't forgotten what you did to bitchplis. Bitchplis isn't my paddy but I hate men who snitch. Go ahead and suck you miserable son of a bitch.

    2. Is about to go down ,the men want to open the boxing ring ,am right here

    3. @Officer I wasn't gonna revisit dz issue but u are leaving me with no option. Do u really think that wht I did was wrong? For standing up 4 what is just? Do u really think he was gonna feel remorseful and send in dt apology if I hadn't brought back dt comment. Do u kno that it took my bringing back dt comment and all d bashings 4 him 2 accept his wrongdoing, feel remorseful and even apologize? Don't 4get that he was jes gloating abt it! Do u really know wht snitching means?

      PS-Insulting me without even knowing who I am says a lot abt u.

      I rest my case.

  17. Poster 2 sometin is wrong wit ur left breast since ur baby is refusing 2 suck it. Go 2 d hospital asap. Poster 1 it is well.

  18. Its so easy to keep up with Stella via twitter..I'm not missing anything

  19. @poster 1, no idea

    @poster 2, hahaha, sorry, it's so funny when Stella said,what is wrong with your left breast

    But really what is wrong with your left breast?


  20. Poster 1 the Lord will help u.

    Poster2, maybe the left breast milk is sour or bitter. Did u try to taste it?

  21. i wonder whats wrong wt d left breast.
    make money thru this link

  22. Second breast might have soured.

  23. Over to the doctors in the house!

  24. @P1 no idea. @P2. Please go to the hospital to check your left breast to make sure nothing is wrong with it. If your baby took d extrected milk from the left breast the n I won't have been worried. Milk from your righ breast won't be enough to take care of your baby for 6mths. You will need to add formula

  25. No 1 poster, ur. Email address seems wrong. Sent a mail and it failed to deliver

  26. Poster 1, May God provide the help you seek.
    Poster 2, I once heard that if a baby belched on a particular breast during of after breastfeeding (I'm not sure which one), s/he will refuse sucking that breast for some time. It's what I heard o, I never born pikin. Maybe you should see a doctor.

  27. N1; sorry about your condition. Why don't you visit a Government hospital? It will be wayyyy cheaper to get treatment there and you also get to meet consultants.

    N2: your baby is just her own kind. She alone knows why she rejected your left breast.

    On a second thought, its possible there is a painful lump or part on the area she rests her head when sucking the left breast. So whenever you position her to nurse, she starts feeling pains hence the crying. Take your time and do a little examination on her body see her reaction.

    Surprise your loved one in Abuja with a cake. Call/whatsapp 07034794947,pin 531753FB.

  28. Poster 2:

    I would have expected you to express from the left breast and taste it, is it different from the right? Not likely sha.

    It may be that the left breast is not "rushing" well like the right.

    Or she just prefers how she positions for the right breast.

    As for quantity, one breast can even feed 10 babies as long as its flowing well.

  29. Your Milk in the Left has soured
    Docs in the House Advise

  30. Poster1: don't border urself for u don't have any problem, just relax and don't throw away money,
    Poster2: One of ur breast milk got soured that's why it is now dried up, please add other foods to ur baby menu, even pounded yam and okro soup with no or less pepper,soya bean, mashed yam, akamu, moi-moi, naturally when ur baby gets to the due stages of taking any of these, don't force a baby to eat any food she refuses, always be ready to try somthing new, goodluck.

    1. Please always give her enough water .

    2. Bia Emporio,this your advice is so funny...
      See me laughing like a mad woman....
      No be only pounded yam,fufu nko??...lmao...

  31. Poster 2 you would have been expressing the left breast so that it won't dry up. One breast is not enough, start massaging the left breast using hot water and expressing it gradually till it starts coming out again. My baby find it difficulty to hold my left breast, possibly cos the nipple is bigger. But I make sure he suckle them. Keep trying.

  32. P2 get your left boobs checked out.... May be nature's way of warning you about a lump.

  33. Poster1.i pray you get the help you are looking for.your baby is not 2yrs yet why the hurry to get prego for another could get that 35k here in dis blog tho-good luck Poster2.let me sit n read comment

  34. P1 ur healing will come, pls Docs in the house help!
    P2 ah ah wat is wrong with ur left breast *in Stella's voice* hehehehe anyways its like ur baby likes the right position during sucks, as for the 6mnts exclusive if u feel u re up to it why not, buh d right breast will be bigger than d other.

  35. What ar the symptoms of the pelvic inflammatory disease?????

  36. 1. All will be well by God's grace.
    2. I haven't heard of this before, I only know that my nephew didn't take breast milk for long. He refused it until his mum had to stop giving him breast milk. Maybe your baby might stop sucking from the right breast soon or he/she prefer lying on the right position than the left. . I'll suggest you seek a doctor's advice on this.

  37. Poster 2 taste ur breast milk to c if d taste is thesame. Heard some breast milk can b bitter at times.

  38. Poster two :
    Are you sure your left breast isn't bitter or something?

    You should probably try to express and taste



  39. Your left breast is bitter did you put bitter leaf

  40. Poster1, your baby is just a year nau, haba! Why re u desperate? Wat of ppl without a child?

  41. @poster 2, I am not a mum yet but from my experience with my godson n my friend (I was with them from birth till the 1st 3months), it might be that she got used to the right breast because that's the one you found comfortable to feed her with, considering you are a 1st time mum. Some babies have a favourite breast though they later take the other one as a kind of top up. As for bottle feeding, not every child takes bottle. Over to the Doctors but I don't think anything is wrong with your breast sha.

  42. children are sensitive. you better check if your left breast has sore or may be your baby is sensing cancer. Do a check on your bobby. Never too late to try.

    Poster 1 --- you will get your desired help

    1. Cancer ko, cancerous niiiiii... poster pls dnt worry urself abeg, der is absolutely nothing wrong with ur breast. ur baby is just very comfortable with d way u position her while taking d particular breast she loves to take, Dats all. Don't mind all these ignorant comments about cancer.

  43. That breast is bitter. taste it your self to know.Then go to the doctor for cleansing not spiritual oooo!

  44. Poster1: If you cant afford to pay #35,000 for your own treatment, how on earth do you plan to raise the child you sound so desperate to have? Ageb sort your financial life 1st before planning for a child. Fuck can sweet poor man!

    Poster2; You caused it prolly by offering your child just the left breast, please be patient she will take it. Or you express and throw away so you dont have breast cancer on the said breast.

    1. Lol @fuck can sweet poor man, hahahahahahaha....true talk sha. How can u find 35k difficult for you n ur husband to raise n yet wants another child when d first is just a year/ few months old??? Poor people, make una de pity these children u people bring into hunger. Eja shawa, garri n beans that use to be d solution for d poor is now very expensive. Beans is even more expensive than rice these days, make una de pity ds children.

  45. Doctors make una come explain oo.

  46. Poster 2,try as much as possible to know if the other breast taste sour,and if your baby is not taking the 2nd breast maybe you should stop breast feeding him/her,because something of his nature happened to a family friend and she was breast feeding the baby with just one breast,she noticed 1 breast is now bigger than one and can't go out without padding the smaller breast because the baby refused sucking on both breast.

  47. Your breast will not be equal with time.

  48. May be she belched on the left breast.

  49. Poster2 I'm surprised that's what's bothering you. Have you asked yourself why she isn't taking the other breast? You do realise your baby isn't drinking from that breast because there's something wrong right? So 3 things, you probably have a growing tumor or your child has some sort of pain in the side of her body or your left breast wasn't producing enough milk. Exclusive doesn't necessarily mean a smarter baby I hope you know that? Your baby also needs a little water from 3 months, forget what doctors tell you if you go to their houses you'll see their wives doing the opposites of what they advised you.
    Off topic, anyone with a child with teething issues and was told by the dr not to give any drug to relieve your babys pain? How did you cope please. Some drs are wicked tho, growing a new teeth as an adult is painful as f*ck! My baby is doing same and you're telling me not to give her drugs? Bullcrap!

    1. At least pcm can relief the pain but an NSAID wld have been better.if not for the strict rule in administering cos of its gastro-effect.
      You can buy bonjela and apply to the gums where the teeths are coming out wl sooth your baby's pain.

      Its not bull crap dear,some people bombard their child with so many things all in the name of teethin so your doc is just tryin to help you cut down cost by wasting your money buying drugs that won't be of any use to your child.

    2. At least pcm can relief the pain but an NSAID wld have been better.if not for the strict rule in administering cos of its gastro-effect.
      You can buy bonjela and apply to the gums where the teeths are coming out wl sooth your baby's pain.

      Its not bull crap dear,some people bombard their child with so many things all in the name of teethin so your doc is just tryin to help you cut down cost by wasting your money buying drugs that won't be of any use to your child.

    3. My dear u should be thanking that paediatrician for helping u not to waste money instead,those drugs don't work if u really know wat they are really supposed to be used for,the only thing u do is make sure the baby does not have fever which then he/she can take meds for.

    4. u re a mum n u have bad mouth like this? Lol, na wa o, character full this blog. Anyways Bona Baby is very good for teething in babies, try n get one frm a reputable pharmacy.

  50. P2,so.for one month you have not gone to see a doc?. E no good Na. Go to ur hospital n complain

    P1,let me read comments first,then I'll know what to do. I know nothing about PID.Elena and Sabo,come forth.

  51. Without sounding rude....poster and your husband do not have 35k but you are "desperately" trying to conceive????
    Well, I guess its a good wouldn't have found about about your condition otherwise.

    1. Yes it happens,that doesn't mean they shldnt have a child.I understand your plight but they just don't have the money to use for treatment at the moment

  52. There's something wrong with your left breast o!!!! Lmao!!!!

  53. @Poster 1, God will send helpers to U soon, @Poster 2 I tink ur daughter belched into d left breast and so d milk der tastes sumhw in her mouth, in as much as I advocate for xclusive, I won't advice u to continue nursing her on just 1breast, reason is, with time, ur right breast will be bigger than the left and u might ve to start packing sum cloth to fit in ur bra later on. Go to 'elewe omo' in oyingbo and ask for 'ewe blom blom', boil it and use d herb water to wash ur breast, it will help, did same wen my daughter belched in my breast and I had difficulty giving her the breast coz it was so painful. If u need help getting d 'ewe blom blom' ask for my mail, will help U

  54. P2: Maybe your breast is sour (that's what my mum told me when I told her a friend's baby refused to suck her breasts). Let the docs tell you if one breast is enough, as for me I would advise you do three months exclusive.

  55. Poster one,u and ur hubby can't afford 35 k for evacuation or wateva and u are trying to take in? Y not ur little girl d little u can afford instead of trying to get pregnant? D next minute u will start to beg for everything in IHN.stella no go die for dis point I want stella to start educating people on d need to hv d number of kids u can take care of...

  56. I pray u both get help.
    Poster 2, I don't know if diaris anything wrong.
    Mothers wey una?

    *Rmn blessed*

  57. I still don't know the importance of exclusive breast feeding,how can you eat without drinking water?mtchewww....

    I think you should go check your left breast,just to be sure everything is all right. I have never heard where a child would reject one breast and prefer the other.

  58. Have you tried tasting the milk from both breasts? Maybe the milk from the left breast tastes funny.

  59. Poster 1,I pray you find someone to help out wt your bill

    Poster 2,have you done breast self examination?. Babies don't just refuse breast except there is something wrong wt it especially if they are rejecting a particular one.ifknow how to self check,then talk wt your doc to help you check.its not only for the baby' sake here but for yourself.
    Breast cancer is common these days,stay safe dear but your safety is in your hands and how you attend to your health issue.
    As for the baby,if the second breast is producing enough and she is not the 'too much eating'type,I guess its okay but ii will suggest you give her water to augment.

  60. Poster 2..6 months is a long time for only one breast o. .my sister put to bed 2wks ago and she planned to do exclusive. .The baby no gree o. .Always crying. .wouldn't sleep during d day or at night. .Everybody that came said it's hunger. .that she should go buy baby formula. .cos only breast milk won't b enough d way d baby is going. .she had to go buy d baby food. .d baby eats and sleeps well now. It's not all babies that can be satisfied with only breast milk. .please don't starve ur baby and give her food. .This one that it's only one breast that's working..abeg go.

    1. 6 months on one breast? Go and get baby food o.

    2. I did exclusive for 7months.7 because after d 6the month d babe just refused any other food.She is so healthy, smooth etc At 3yes now getting to 4 she has the intelligence of a10yr old.Very bright and intelligent I can go on and on.I intend doing same when next I hv a baby.Please if u can't do exclusive don't discourage someone else sha

    3. Madam Jay, it's not the breast milk that made her intelligent, she's probably just an intelligent girl. If it was the breast milk do you know how many intelligent kids that would have be out there? You. May try it with your second baby and you may not get same results. Doing exclusive just builds their immune system, shikena.

  61. poster pls find out wot went wrong wit ur left breast biko, smtin must be wrong wit dat breast makes ur baby to reject nd cry weneva its gets into her mouth. Any way, let me wait for comments from doctors since am not one.

  62. Choo your baby too get style.If you think she is full after breast feeding her in the right side then is ok ,but if she still wants more then you have no choice than add baby milk ,have you tried testing the other milk from your left breast ?

  63. First of all I will advice you keep pumping out the left breast every 4 hours that's 6 times everyday in other for it to produce milk. You can throw it out if she refuses to drink it from the bottle

    Secondly while doing this please run to your gyno and carry out a breast test. That breast might be sick/have infection

    Happy meal to your baby

    I wish you well

  64. I will just wait and read comments cos the two pass my power

  65. Poster one, I pray help comes your way don't worry, God never sleep,

    Poster 2, Biko be forcing your baby to be sucking your left breast , but do it gently, you know you caused it all because you are always giving her your right breast because it is more convenience for you.

    Now listen, please force your baby to suck it, if not you re in trouble because it is not safe for you by giving her only one breast , my baby did the same thing when he was three months, but I force him regularly and he started sucking the two breast.

    Concerning exclusive breast feeding, you know what you want, for me I did exclusive for my baby for the first six months, no water, my dear if you see my baby, you will love to carry him, there is never a day we went out that people will not dash him money or toy, so that one concerns you, if you wish your baby well, exclusive is the best,

    There are so many benefits for exclusive breast feeding.
    -- it protect the baby from diarrhea, ear and chest infection and other health problems.

    -- breast feed many times day and night so that your breast milk will flow very well.

    -- breast feeding helps protect babies and young children against dangerous illness.

    -- breast milk is an important source of energy, protein and other nutrients such as Vitamin A and iron.

    What am I saying? In all Exclusive breast feeding is the BEST. I am a living WItness, First time Mum,

    Good luck.

    1. Please enough with all these exclusive breast feeding campaign,its all a haux,if u can and want to breastfeed ur baby for life,have a go at it but a baby who didn't take breast milk but had formula with all the added nutrition will still be healthy and live well if when taken care of.made me remember my mother-in-law with her "babies who were not breastfed have animalistic behaviour",i almost laugh die that day,all the mumu roaming the face of the earth,na dem suck breast pass oh

    2. Exactly anonymous,I didn't give my children much breast milk yet they didn't have any dangerous illness or whatever....
      I think the cause of those illness Angelic mentioned is caused by dirt...some mothers don't take precaution when preparing their baby's food...
      Am not bragging but my kids are very smart and intelligent...smarter than most children that were breastfed for 100 months....they don't fall sick and all that...
      Am not discouraging breastfeeding abeg...
      Do whatever rocks your boat jare...

  66. Poster one this is probably non of my business,but how are you considering a second child so soon, if between you and your husband can't afford 35,000 for something as important as your treatment ? Can you really afford another child? Food for thought..,.

  67. Maybe u were only giving her the right breast from birth so d left breast milk might be sour and not sweet on her mouth.

  68. @Left Breast buhaha!Poster 2. Stay there and be asking don't go and see a doctor to help you extract the bitterleaf water in that breast, choi some women with there tigaligali brain.
    Ps 1, Ask the doctor for an alternative remedy, am sure there is.

  69. Poster 1 i pray u find help,and pls halt the more baby making process,don't bring children u can't cater for to the world to suffer.
    Poster 2 get your breast checked,giving only one breast will make it longer than the other one so i heard.

  70. Poster 2 : just pump and mix the milk from both breast together. Your baby won't know the difference. My baby was formula fed from 2 months and he more intelligent, taller, has nice skin and hair, hardly falls ill compared to other breast fed kids I know. So all this" breast is best" campaign is a haux. A well nourished baby is what you should aspire for.

  71. it means that the left breast is officially for your husband and the other for the baby..if you don't take care of them who will?

  72. Poster 1, I have the same thing PID and am just 21 n single,never had an abortion or a miscarriage before. Had mine as a result of toilet disease that I ignored for many years due to ignorance and lack of funds. The doctor placed me on medication and it's 5500. Am taking them and I don't feel the pains anymore. I cried too when I heard it and I've been believing God for total healing. Here are some tips: don't wear nylon panties,avoid public toilets,no sex,don't wash your vagina with soap and avoid vagina wash.

    Put these things into place with prayers.

  73. People are really just coming to beg here on this and ur husband can't afford 35k and una wan born? Who will feed the new baby?

  74. Ur baby is just a yr and three months and u also miscarried earlier what's wrong with family planning must fuck and get pregnant ???!!!! Use a condom abeg and a poster said she used 5500 to cure hers how come urs is 35k ??!!!! Sofri sofri dey beg . Haba .

  75. Poster 2 - In as much as I do not want to scare you, I advise that you go see your doctor to examine your left breast. A colleague of mine experienced the same thing with her son and the result was not palatable at all cos she was diagnosed of breast cancer. Although am not a doctor o, but its better to go see your doctor so they carry out diagnostic investigations on your breast - at least to be sure you are okay rather than assume that all is well. But in all, I pray all is well with you. God bless.


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