Stella Dimoko Marine Engineer Victor Silas Has Been Missing Since July 2015


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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Marine Engineer Victor Silas Has Been Missing Since July 2015

#WhereIsVictorSilas?..This is a horror for any parent to have to go through!

Victor Silas aged 30 is a marine engineer employed by Q n Q Control Services. On the 25th day of July 2015, Victor headed to Bonny to work on a ship MT Abiola. ......

On getting to Bonny, he was told by the operations manager of QnQ Control Systems, Mr Watiemie Dokubo to take a speed boat to meet the ship......that was the last time Victor was seen or heard from again. 

When Victor's parents did not hear from him after 3 days, his father Elder Silas went to the company office in Port Harcourt to enquire about his whereabouts. 
Mr Dokubo, the operation's manager told Victor's father that he had not heard from Victor and he was trying to make contact.

 Victor's family reported the matter to the police and ever since then it's been a wild goose chase. The police told Victor's family to keep the matter quiet and the family were forced to oblige as they were worried about his safety. The case was also reported to Zone 6 Calabar. 

The police have done virtually nothing to find Victor and his company Q & Q Control Services have basically ignored the family. It's crazy that an almost 6'5 healthy young man will vanish into thin air while on official duty, and nothing has been done to help find him. 

The Family who contacted me says..

 ''Please help us ask the Nigerian Police and especially his company Q & Q Control Services where Victor Silas is. Mr Watieme Dokubo (operations mgr) and Mr Bobmanuel Omubo (director) Where is Victor Silas? #WhereIsVictorSilas 

 Please if any one has any info that can help us find Victor Silas, please call his elder brother Ubong Silas on 08101360445. This info can be given anonymously, if required.


  1. Replies
    1. Have they contacted the place of which he boarded the ship to know if he made the trio and got to his destination??

      Was there an accident like a wrecked ship or boat..was there any attack from militants he can't just get missing like that.

    2. This is not the first time this sort of thing is happening. If you cannot make efforts to find a dedicated staff then how do you explain to those remaining that it won't be our turn someday.
      I knew something was wrong when Mr Bobmanuel met with one of the police men. Ever since then,i have been trying to find out what they are hiding. Money exchanged hands. People are talking, rumours are going round the office. Some people said the company doesn't want to pay ransom to militants,,, and yet everyday they send us out there. Please let the appropriate authorities take charge, people are willing to talk. I wonder how they made the family stay quiet.

    3. I hope the guy is still alive.

    4. Na wa. They shouldn't have kept quiet since July! The trail might have gone cold now

    5. Such a fine young man; hope he returns safely oh. #prayingforvictor

      Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

    6. Lord have mercy

      So handsome.... Good for Single and mingle post

      What a sad thing.... Lord let him be found alive mbok pls


    7. Lord take control and keep him. So sad

    8. God! I just feel like crying. After spending so many years in the university. May God expose every hidden truth.
      Please the company should be held responsible for Christ's sake.
      I hate this kind of news. How do these policemen sleep at night?

    9. How could the family have obliged them for such a long time? C'mon people.. this doesn't make sense!!

      Your child went missing for months and one stupid company asked that u keep mute??? In all of the wasted time anything could have happened to him. The company is useless and should be held accountable for his whereabouts. He was on duty, so heck!!!

      I hope he isn't dead. He cannot be alive and not contact his family for this long. Impossible. I'm sorry but that is the reality. This was kept for too long abeg.

    10. 6months gone
      When the investigation could have been carried out almost immediately
      Who owns the speed boat?(privately owned by the company or commercial?)
      Did the boat get to its destination safely? And if it did,was Silas on board?
      Was he the only passenger on the boat?(if not, look for the others and question them including the driver)
      Who was he to meet at the ship? Question his colleagues on duty that day especially the operations manager.
      If they can give accurate answers to these questions then we would know exactly what happened to Silas
      I believe say dem throw the guy inside water(I hope I'm wrong though)

  2. Replies
    1. Gov Nyesom Wike. Please do something about this.

  3. MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person

    I just hope he's fine even though the chances are pretty slim.

  4. Since July 2015?
    Dis is very bad o.

    1. Only in Nigeria. How can this sort of thing be happening.

  5. Oh no, this is heart wrenching.... Oluwa pls intervene....

  6. hmmmmm...this kinda news give me goosebumb.I pray his family finds.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Chai.
    Oh God!let him be alive plsssss

  9. Father, please bring victor silas home

    having a bad feeling that something has happened.

    *no condition is permanent*

    1. Na today? Those companies know the risk involved in those waters. They would rather sacrifice a staff and pay police some tips. Everything na business.

  10. They are hiding something from the family.

    This is beyond normal work hazard.

    If he drowned or anything they should let them know.

    This family needs serious help. That operation manager and the police in charge initially should be arrested.

    Lord come to their aid

    1. They prolly know that something has happened to the man. And are trying to evade paying them insurance.

  11. *sad* ds handsome young Man, could it be he drowned or sth? Jesus help d Silas" family.

    1. Even if he drowned. Did the boat sink? Where is the captain of the speedboat? Something is fishy.

  12. The father n a human right lawyer was on air last week on Nigerian info, it broke my heart to hear what happened and the company don't even want to take responsibility saying he is a contract staff, for crying out loud, he was during your duties, and was last seen in your premises they should pls produce him, the father even said his number still rings and our stupid network providers aren't helping him track his location, police nko another bunch of incompetent force only after money. Mitchew

    Pls let victor be found alive and healthy. Amen

    1. God. This sends chills down my spine. I have a feeling they will get closure. They shouldn't give up. I can't even imagine my brother missing. #please find Victor moses.

    2. If his phone still rings. It is a good thing cos they can track the location and start from there. Please let the authorities sit up, they might still break the case. This is sickening.

    3. Phone still rings? Who dey charge d ba3 or e get ba3 wey dey last 4 7months? Mk me too go buy dat phone. Truth? It's a case of kidnap/militant wahala. D company is so stingy n dnt want 2 pay ransom. #myopinion#

    4. His phone is still on? What bloody network is he using that they cannot track him? Ah what is this? The family should publish his number and let Nigerians intercede and see whether the network provider will not say something. Gosh

  13. July last year till date? Why keep it quiet till now? I smell rat devoid of lassa fever.

  14. I can imagine how this guy's family are feeling right now,Elder Silas pray,praise God and hope for the best. God will do it.

  15. Dear Lord
    The guy is so cute to be missing

    Lord take control

    1. Even if he's "ugly"...

      But the guy is too cute mehn!!!

  16. Since July???? Oh gosh. The company knows what exactly happened to that young man.

  17. May God help us oo, since July???? I pray the family find him alive in Jesus name Amen

    1. Amen. The police will suddenly be on their toes. Why did they ask them to keep quiet initially? I don't understand. I just hope he is fine. God help us.

  18. Omg! I hope he dint drown in water. Nawa Oo

  19. Nigerian police force is dead. Can u imagine telling the parents to keep quiet, it's so obvious they r hiding sumtin from the parents. Hmmm, I smell sumtin fishy.

  20. OMG
    Where can he be?hope he's Alright, wherever he is

  21. Wow! Since July, I think the company knows what happened to him. Maybe there was a boat accident.... Anyways I hope he's found or he rest in peace

  22. Na Wao, who thief dis guy, plz return him to hi family oh.

  23. What can i say. should i put RIP or what. Since July is a long time. I hope he did not drown

  24. May the Lord bring him back safely.

  25. May he be found in Jesus name

  26. Oh no this is bad! What could have happened to Silas? God please intervene.

  27. o God this is heartbreaking!! since july ? o lord I feel like crying

  28. God pls bring. Him back safe

  29. Probability of seeing him alive is very slim. Seems the young man is long dead..

  30. The guy prolly drowned n d company is trying to hide it? Not fair..july? Haaaa

  31. This is so sad. Working as a marine engineer has to be one of d scariest jobs for me. I hope he's found but ehn....

  32. Please anyone out there with useful information, should help this innocent family unravel the mystery behind his disappearance. Victor is such a calm, hardworking and gentle soul, I know this first hand as they are my childhood friends. Once again, the police have failed an innocent family, by covering up obvious foul play in this case.

    1. The police and every other person has failed but God will never fail. It baffles me that people do not know how powerful and mighty God is. The parents especially the mum had better start praying fire. The only person that can review secrets and hidden things is God,they better turn to him now. They waited till now to complain. God will still do it,it is never too late.

    2. Sometimes most times we re always a minute a moment too late.

  33. God help pls! Police, Hmmmm na only God go save us.

  34. Why exactly did the police tell the family to keep it a secret.? I am sure Something fishy happened. May the lord help to solve the mystery.

  35. The company should be held responsible. Since july . Haba.

  36. July???? And they are just talking to social media now

    145 comment 2016

  37. This is heartbreaking.some of all this firms don't have a solid HR department ,they just see employee as an asset which they paid for.that was how Nkechi went missing in my former place of work,November 2014 and the MD couldn't cancel the end of year party he still went ahead to invite everyone to the company's head office in south south. You threw an exquisite party while one of your hardworking staff is missing?imagine. Since 2014 til date Nk is nowhere to be found.we miss you NK,God knows best.

    1. God! Stories like this scares shit out of me. We are so heartless in this world. What if it was his wife that was missing. You don't even know what to believe. Atleast talk to the families. You are not carrying them along in the investigations yet you asked them to keep quiet.
      I am sure they asked them to keep quiet so that the kidnappers won't know what company the guy is working for.
      Usually once they kidnap someone and they release info on the social media the kidnappers will know exactly the worth of their kidnap and how much to demand.
      I hate this country. You want to save your company at the cost of the safety of a human being.
      Is it Rivers police or cross rivers that are involved in the investigation? May the wicked have no rest.

  38. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    This is no gud news though....

  39. God please bring Victor Silas Home and Safe In Jesus Name.. Amen.

  40. What?

    *Sits up*

    This handsome 6/5 man missing? God forbid. He will be found in Jesus name. No harm shall come upon him.


  41. Jesus you are still all knowing, kindly bring him back safely or reveal to his family his whereabouts. Let everybody know you are God alone.

  42. Jesus you are still all knowing, kindly bring him back safely or reveal to his family his whereabouts. Let everybody know you are God alone.

  43. This guy was my officer in school and he was a nice and easy going guy, I pray he his found, this is wat we go through on sea, most coastal shipping companies don't care about there seafarers, the government should look into that, nimasa is meant to look into this but all they do is steal funds. May God help us all

  44. Since July 2015???? And it's now the public are hearing about it? ARE YOU GUYS KIDDING ME???? Well...I do hope he's found

  45. Stella, I am in shock and I have been crying since last week saturday . Got to hear abt his missing on saturday on radio. I met Victor on dec 22, 2012 and we kicked off immediately. He is veryyyy tall, veryyyy handsome, veryyy funny and verryyy calm, I loved him and I knew he liked me too, we spoke every hour, we went to d mkt and virtually everywhere 2geda holding my hands in dat short 2 months we were 2geda but being d kind of girl I am ( I believe any man that comes my way comes for sex), we had an argument abt it and broke up in feb, 2013( I wrote abt us here in 2013 when u asked abt how our 2012 was). Fast forward May 2015, I got back home from work and my little cousin gave me a note with a phone number and name written on it, I was somewhat excited, I called and it was Victor. We chatted and recollected all our fun and sad memories. We continued talking and were actually looking at rekindling our r/ship. I was actually ready and excited. After some few days we hadn't spoken, I tried calling but couldn't reach him, then he called me on d 5th of july, we spoke and had a lil misunderstanding. He didn't call me again and I didn't call him either thinking he neva wanted to call me again. After waitng for 5 months without a call from him, I deleted his number 3 weeks ago. Until that fateful saturday I heard abt it on radio. I can't forgive myself for not calling him and deleting his number wen he was actually missing all this while, I neva got to tell him how much I loved him and I regret it with everything in me. I went to their house on tuesday after work and met his mom and she told me abt how it happened. Stella, I have not been myself since saturday, I've been crying and thinking like crazy. God plsssssssssssssssssss bring Victor back for his family and friends' sake ( and my sake too). Monica

  46. Lord let victor be found alive and well.Ha!I can't imagine what the family is going thru,it's horrible how d coy n police is handling this matter.Pls members of staff of Q n Q should volunteer useful information don't hide pls..this is about life.

  47. Lord let victor be found alive and well.Missing for 7 months? Horrible! Colleagues of victor pls volunteer useful information to unravel this mystery. Don't shy away,this is about life.

  48. Victor mother, Victor father, please stop depending on any man on this issue, please, go to God in prayers, get the pictures of your son, take it to pastors and minister of God in Redeem Church, Living faith church and Maintain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM), and other Good churches around. Start family midnight prayers.
    I remember some yes ago, a girl working in one of the best bank then, got missing for some months, and I told them to go into prayers and they did, as they were praying, God reviewed that their daughter was still alive, it gave then good hope and they continued, after, about 5 months plus, God save her from the hand of people that kidnap her. Her man friend kidnaped her so that he can use her for December money sacrifices.
    I believed if they have not killed him for sacrifices, and you go to God in prayers, God will free him.


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