Stella Dimoko Actress Bukky Wright Posts Proud Photo Of Her Son As An American Airforce Officer....


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Friday, April 22, 2016

Actress Bukky Wright Posts Proud Photo Of Her Son As An American Airforce Officer....

Congratulations to her.....


  1. For that Mr Man that was claiming in the single mothers post, that their kids don't amount to nothing or whatever rubbish you said.
    Bukky wright is a single mum, and it takes discipline to be in service ( Airforce ) in America.
    Clarion chukwura raised her son, alone. Is he not a pioneer music video director in dis country.
    Even our dear President Obama was raised by a single mum along side his grand parents.
    It is better you grow up in a loving environment, with no DV, no drama, no unhappiness with one parent, than a disfunctional home full of DV, fighting day in and out with 2 parents that hate eachoda.

    And No I am not a single mother, I just know shit happens. And you have to make lemonade out of lemons in any situation you find yourself.

    Congrats to Madam Bukky and her son.

    1. my dear dont mind dat stupid man that wants to denigrate strong single mums. i was raised by a strong single mum. my siblings and i turned out awesome infact. its d hqrdest job 2 play d role of dad and mum 2 a child

    2. A million kisses

    3. If like options were in comments section I would have liked your comment. Anyhow your comment is LIKED. ;). I lived with both my parents but my mum held the forth for so many years and her words of wisdom is why I have quite a few degrees, have assets and married to a strong old fashioned man who believes he only should take care of me. Life is good. I can't complain. Congrats Bukky!

    4. My dear I second ur comment. Congrats Mama.

    5. 1,000,000, likes for your comment.

    6. God bless u

    7. Your conments here gladen my heart and give hope to many proud single moms out there.

  2. I'm currently less busy, going through the snm comments. If I see a number, I will select and copy and my trucaller app will do the rest.
    Atheist is GAY? *faints*
    I can't believe the many things I discovered. I'm looking for an app that can identify bbm pins without me adding them. Any idea guys?

    1. How did u find out he is gay?
      But come oh..Are u dis jobless to d extent dat u check people's phone numbers on trucallers? what do u want to achieve?

  3. Shut up anon 21:21 why are you mentioning stella kids, who dos dat ? Can't you channel ur hatred towards her alone.
    And it's a big deal to Air Force officer anywhere, especially in America where the training is intense. Many don't even complete d training and drop out before completion.
    If you can't celebrate son ones sons success pls skip the post. Anuofia

  4. Happy for him, i hope he can start making money now to keep his mum off her bed hopping job because one would have thought having kids this grown would desist the aunty bukky from her bed hopping, but na lie.......she has used mr adewale onitiri to get what she wanted and dumped him as predicted

  5. Some people just can't be happy for others. The bile in their lives oh my...He has chosen a career whether or not he dies on active service is irrelevant. He is happy where he is. Thank you for the education since you are so knowledgeable.

  6. Congrat

    I'm Success.

  7. Very nice. Happy for her...

  8. @beds&roses, don't try to sugar coat anything. It is wrong for any to be gbenshing different men and having children for different men. Ask d boy privately, he will tell you that he would have preferred to grow up with his father around.
    Btw. For every single mother that appears to have successed, there is a thousand single mothers dat has failed woefully.

  9. Awwww. Wonderful
    Congratulations to them

  10. Anonymous why so much hate, wishing to be shoot instead of congratulating them, may your hatred not take you to heal.

  11. Congratulations madam, may God keep him safe.

  12. Congrats to him, I rejoice with her household

  13. Officer?
    That would refer to a graduate of the Air force Academy in Colorado Springs. The uniform is raising questions. That is an enlisted mans camouflage uniform. Officers dress differently from enlisted men, dress, ceremonial, battle fatigues and otherwise. Not an attempt to remove from his service but just noting some obvious inaccuracies.
    Utilize the GI bill before you disengage.

    Semper Fi.

    1. U sound like a loner who's psychotic. Are u peeping from ur window? U sound like someone angry at d world so u pick on everything. I'm sure u talk to yourself n pick ur nose

  14. Is this James an outright dumb ass... Woow such a mess of an xy sperm.


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