Stella Dimoko ONE Launches Health Campaign in Nigeria.


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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

ONE Launches Health Campaign in Nigeria.

ONE Campaign, co-founded by Bono of U2, yesterday April 25th, launched its health campaign in Nigeria "Make Naija Stronger."

AUSBETH UDEBU who lost his wife recently at LUTH making a speech.

The event which attracted dignitaries from the Ministry of Health, NGOs and celebrities took place at the Sheraton Hotels and Towers, Lagos.

Dignitaries included Mwambu Wanendeya (ONE Executive Director, Africa), Edwin Dan-Ikhuoria, (ONE Country Representative), Waje (Award-winning singer, philanthropist and ONE Ambassador), Dr. Francis Ukwuije (Representative of Federal Ministry of Health), Rotimi Sankore (Coordinator, Africa Health, Human & Social Development, AFRIDEV), Dr. Ben Anyene (Chairman, BOT, HERFRON), Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu (Nigeria Health Watch, EpiAfric), Representative of Centre For The Right To Health, Dr. Nkem Onyejizu (ONE Champion), Marvella Odili, (CEO, Save Our Needy), and a representative of Mamalette NGO.

Dr. Francis Ukwuije (representative of the Federal Ministry of Health) making his speech.

One of the highlights of the event was the speech given by Mr Ausbet Udebu, invited as one of the special guests, (who recently lost his wife, Ngozi Udebu to LUTH inadequate healthcare system). It was emotional as well as eye opening to the malfunction that plagues the Nigerian health care system today.

An emotional video showing the visit of award-winning singer, philanthropist and ONE ambassador, Waje, to Mr. Udebu and his children at their home, was also played at the event.

ONE hopes through this health campaign to urge the Nigerian government to increase budget allocation to health care as well as accelerate the much-needed reform to the health sector.

Everyone present at the event agreed that the Nigerian health sector is in dire need of investments and reform.

No Nigerian should die needlessly due to inadequate and a malfunctioning health care system. #MakeNaijaStronger


  1. The fulani herdsmen are planning more attacks on innocent civilians. Don't be a victim. Attack them on site.

    1. Anon06:24 I don't think attacking them at sight is a good option, what if the one you are attacking is innocent? I know we are all pained but let's act with caution, pls only fight back in self defence and watch how the lord will deliver our enemies into our hands.

  2. proudly ONE member....kindly join by visiting and sign the petition.

  3. Stella, thank you for this post. Nigeria needs this now. Mr. Udebu and so many other families have been through hell because of bad health care system. Even health workers have to be taught to be compassionate.

  4. I'm just seeing this post now. I was there at the event. That video of Waje and Mr. Udebu with his children was too touching. The Nigerian government has to do something fast about the health care system. It is in a very bad state. #MakeNaijaStronger

  5. God bless ONE for this. This is very timely. I just wish the Nigerian government will listen and take action so that many lives will be saved. God bless SDK blog.

  6. We need to make naija stronger. A prosperous nation is a nation with healthy citizens. No Nigerian should die needlessly. Let's do this for the millions of Nigerians losing their lives daily due to an inadequate healthcare system.

    Please join us to sign the petition so that together we can put pressure on the Nigerian government to take action and reform the health sector:

    Thank you Stella Dimoko Korkus and SDK blog for being a huge part of this!


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