Stella Dimoko Akwa Ibom Corps Member Who Slumped Dies After Doctor Allegedly Delayed Checking Him


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Saturday, March 25, 2017

Akwa Ibom Corps Member Who Slumped Dies After Doctor Allegedly Delayed Checking Him

This is sad and confusing Judging from the Narrative of what happened....

I got this on my inbox from a Corps member who witnessed it..

''Batch A (stream 1) National Youth Service Corp member lost his life yesterday while playing on the pitch at Abak local government area in Akwaibom.

The Corp member Abraham slumped at the football pitch, was revived and brought back to a recovery state before transporting him to Mercy Hospital in Abak, while arriving Mercy Hospital, we met a doctor who told us to get a card first.

 We identified ourselves as Corp members, telling him to start checking our friend while others with us proceeds on to get the card. The doctor didnt touch him but rather voiced out to us that "there is no life in him, he repeated that twice that there is no life in him".

At that point, those who went to get card rushed back begging the doctor to run some test on him but before we could understood what was happening, the doctor was no where to be found. An elderly nurse received him from us, prayed for him whilst Running the little test she could on Abraham. His head was resting on my arms. We were all praying together for God to bring him back to life for us.

Few minutes later, a reverend father came in and joined us in praying and conducting some test using his own personal and unprofessional experience. After checking his BP, PULSE and HEART BEAT, the nurse told us that nothing is wrong with Abraham if only we can have a doctor right away. 

The reverend father in his quest to save our brother prescribed medication for his injection but the nurse said no, that she can't inject him as it wasn't from the doctor.

The question was, where was the doctor? 

After several minutes of searching for a doctor, we did not even know that the same doctor who that the was no life in him without looking at him twice was at one point of the hospital corner relaxing. It took the mercy of God and more than 30min of the reverend father's pleading for the doctor to sluggishly check back. 

When he sluggishly came back, he administered injection to the patient after Which he told us earlier on that he was dead before our brother was taken to Uyo teaching hospital where he lost his life. 

An active young man. Just few weeks to passing out.
What a country we serve without common health security? This is a call to unity n love among us as Corp members serving in the same land and non-negligence on the part of health workers.

This is a state where you have got no one, no relatives, except you and still treated like a visitor''.


  1. JESUS CHRIST!may his soul rest in peace.

    1. So so sad.

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    2. Mist people who have lost someone r sentimental, believe what they want and look for who to blame for d death.

      The story up there is so contradictory - u were praying for God to bring him back to u, yet he wasnt dead, u wee willing for an untrained 'reverend' to prescribe medication for him (who else did u people allow treat him before d hospital).

      Most of the comments below r pathetic and just show d mob mentality a lot of Nigerians have.

  2. Replies
    1. I am a doctor. When I was younger and a patient is brought in dead, if I try to tell d relatives the patient s dead and they start making trouble I simply run away. Go and look for a place to hide. Especially when I was serving in Sango ota and they bring in smugglers dead. Before they go and beat me for my parents. I treat the sick and not raise the dead

    2. I am a doctor. When i was younger in my profession if a patient is brought in dead, and I try and tell the relatives who brought him and they start making trouble I simply run away and go and hide somewhere. Especially when I was serving in Sango ota and they bring in dead smugglers. I can't go and be beaten up for what I didn't do. I treat the sick and not raise the dead

  3. So sad... that doctor deseeves death by hanging... wat nonsense!

    1. Hear from the doctors side before you pass judgment. Ewu Gambia

  4. same stories about doctors everytime

    if the mob decides to lynch him he Will say it's the devil


  5. My God! What did i just read?

  6. OMG
    If this by any means is true then the Dr should be punished.

  7. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 may his soul rest in peace..!! That Doctor ehn.!!! I leave you to God

  8. But ofcourse they'd always look for a way to rope a doctor in or blame it on the health sector.
    Don't get me wrong,i know some doctors have a lacklustre attitude towards work but until i hear the said doctor's version,no comments further.

    1. Something is truly amiss,the story just doesn't sound straight to me...RIP

    2. Some Nigerians medical professionals are just horrible and lazy.

  9. This is SAD! That Dr deserve serious beating, How can one be so heartless, some of them don't see human life as anything.

  10. Hmmmmmm very painful. RIP Abraham. May God comfort your family and friends Amen

  11. SIGH! This is so sad! His soul rest in peace. God comfort the bereaved.

  12. Oh God.....what a country?

    No value for human life....

  13. Another victim of a failed's advisable to go for routine medical checkups from time to time, there are so many silent killer diseases that might not manifest till it becomes too late.
    I feel fine, is never enough.
    RIP Abraham, his family will be distraught

  14. May his soul rest in peace.
    NYSC is now a dead sentence for young and promising student.

  15. This happened in my zone, less than two weeks to pass out, he left without collecting his cert, may his soul rest in peace. That doctor is from the pit of hell. Also, corp members were robbed in Ika local government on Thursday after CDs at gunpoint, we had to report to the state coordinator and we were asked to vacate the place with immediate effect. So happy to leave that local govt. Ermm, shout out to blunt chic(sugar), I finally left ika oo, they didn't eat me...hahaha

  16. Nysc should be scrapped. You can't take people miles away from the security of their loved ones and leave them at the mercy of Heartless and cold strangers.
    RIP Abraham

  17. Hmmmm... Some doctors are very nonchalant in their approach to patients.
    Death is no respecter of man...May his soul RIP.

  18. God! This Is heartbreaking. What's up with our corpers? Lord have mercy!

  19. Am presently serving in Enugu state I can boldly if I had my way I will decline this call and kick off my lif....they send you to a strange land with provision for accommodation it actually crazy ...this country has failed us,Nysc is bullshit

  20. #Never judge someone without knowing the whole story. You may think you understand, but you don't*

  21. I'm not finding it funny any more is high time government should do something about this what's your work as a doctor when you see patient you run,government should sack any doctor that's not serious with His/her work......I'm hungry let me and look for food

  22. to him.with all this story am hearing sef one is scared of going for service.i shall not die but live to proclaim the works of the Lord in the land of the living

  23. This is truly sad.
    Oooh Lord please console this young man's family and friends, Amen.
    Lord have mercy. Such a tragedy.
    May he continue to rest in peace, Amen.

  24. Reminds me if the footballer who slumped on the football pitch. How many hours did the paramedics/doctors work on him before he was revived? Shame on that demonic doctor and all those who can't find fault in him, that includes a country that will not lock that pathetic piece of garbage up for life. RIP corper.

    And please scrap NYSC, please.

  25. That wasn't a Dr u met,unfortunately its what we xall chews or so. Happens alot in d suburbans ,non drs posing as drs,and when a case comes dey have no knowledge about,they freak ts unfortunate .DO you know how hard d council is going on Drs? ,you cant even afford to slip. If you sure that personnel is a Dr,all you gotta to do is report to the medical council,and he would be fished out.If his not a Dr,he would be discovered ,and youve done the community a huge favour by getting rid of the virus in the medical system.if he is a Dr ,then he wd be suspended and prosecuted .

  26. So sad.
    Our country is in a mess,just God saving us. That was how a pregnant roommate of mine in law school complained of pains in her stomach,we rushed to the school clinic and the doctor was grumbling because he was called to come and attend to her. I asked the nurse why the reaction from the doctor only for the yeye nurse to tell me that the doctor's closing time is 4p.m and he only attends to emergency people, I asked the nurse what is more emergency than a nine months pregnant woman screaming that her stomach is paining her? I shouted that day at the clinic and told them that when the doctor was taking oath to save lives, he didn't know it wasn't an easy task. The nurse had to keep quite and frown till they finished attending to my roommate but I no send or look her face. Nigerian doctors be killing more than they are saving livesπŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
    R.I.P to the dead

    1. Using the same brush to paint all doctors,Nigerians never cease to amaze me...

  27. That doctor didn't try at all.

  28. Rip young man, that's what you get when you sort out in school to become a Dr that's why they r not regarded outside the shores of the county without reducating them to brush off Nigerian Dr ego mentality,cos grter %of them are actually empty upstairs. Though there are good ones amongst them which are very few.

    1. Wow.i hope you always fly abroad when you are sick and not allow them touch

    2. ode! read the story well. If it makes complete sense to you then u need re-education


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