Stella Dimoko Couple Die Same Day After 60th Wedding Anniversary..


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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Couple Die Same Day After 60th Wedding Anniversary..

 Just like a clip from a movie, an elderly couple who were together for over 60 years died just hours apart on the same day, months after celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.

On May 14 2018, New Zealand couple Peter and Ruth Bedford passed away just nine hours apart......Peter was 86 and Ruth was 83.

While speaking to a correspondent, the couple’s daughter, Caroline Bedford said, “It’s good they went together. They would have been completely lost without each other.”

Caroline said her father was admitted to the hospital on Saturday evening. “I think Mum decided he wasn’t coming back,” she said.

“She died at 10am on Monday morning and I got a message to Dad. He followed her about nine hours later,” she said.

Peter and Ruth Bedford, were married on December 30, 1957. Peter had emigrated to New Zealand, from Britain, where he fell in love with Ruth, from Wellington.

The couple were well known in the Kaikohe community where they had lived since 1980, and were heavily involved in the A&P show.

The couple are survived by their three children Michael, Simon and Caroline, and two grandchildren.


  1. Forever in love. May their lovely soul rest in prefect peace

  2. "It's good they left together, they would have been completely lost without eachother" that comment speaks volumes, shows a couple that loved till they died. Good thing they lived long.

  3. Eeyah! RIP to papa and mama.

  4. May their souls rest in peace..

    This is called Love..

  5. Bless with such a marriage filled with love,peace,joy and understanding;one with a partner I will be glad to go through times of difficulty with;one with whom I can count my failures and successes with....bless me indeed Lord.

  6. RIP to them, I tap into this one Biko. 60 years no be beans

  7. Love so profound you can't imagine living without the other.
    It's rare nowadays jare so if you found the one hold them tight!

  8. Omo this one even death can't separate them.Their love continues after death

  9. Entangled in love till death.

  10. Love their selves and died on same day wow this is L.O.V.E RIP.

  11. Rest in Peace Papa and Mama!...

    This una Love strong oh...


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