Stella Dimoko Lady Who Went Viral for Tattooing Davido's Face On Her Chest Is Reportedly Missing


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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Lady Who Went Viral for Tattooing Davido's Face On Her Chest Is Reportedly Missing

A certain Lady who went viral months ago after she tattooed Crooner Davido's face on her chest...according to an Instagram post by her sister says she hasn't been seen since Friday ........


  1. Hmmmmmmmmm is all I can say.

  2. The Lord will bring her back

  3. God will bring her back safely.

  4. How can someone be missing and people will think it's a joke or a did we get this cold towards our fellow human being😯😯😯


    1. Well, I never thought of that but a lady that went an extent to tattoo someone's image just to be noticed can also pull such stunt. I just wish her safe!

    2. Sky So her missing is to get attention?Really. Some people are hard fans doesn't make them crazy or anything and that said tattoo might even be a temporary one

    3. Google "borderline personality" @ anonymous 19:48, then you will know what she is capable of.

  5. The same Davido whose 3 friends died mysteriously??? My dear, you just donated yourself to his source of accolades...

  6. The comments you read on social media these days...............
    God keep her safe abeg

  7. I pray she's found in one piece.

  8. Nor be small, Nigerians no get chill at all....Even if this appears like a publicity stunt at least let's pray for her safety na,she is human and she has a family that cares..haba!!

  9. God forgive me ,i thought so too immediately i read the headline, that she is seeking for attention. May she be found ,if she is truly missing.

  10. Hmmm this tacha girl is full of drama first time I heard of her on instagram she openly refused her boyfriend’s engagement last year at the mall.In the video her friends were begging her to accept but she left the boy standing later releasing a video the guy slept with her friends and all her popularity on Instagram increased even me I started following her then the Davido tatoo saga..Now she’s missing...Hmmm this girl is full of drama I just hope this isn’t one of her stunts.You know when you’re full of drama when something happens people actually start doubting you


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