Stella Dimoko Waje Talks About Suffering From Depression And Conquering It


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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Waje Talks About Suffering From Depression And Conquering It

WOW...Who knew!!!

The talented singer in an interview shed light on her battles with depression and anger and how she conquered..

She said:

"I remember that time, that was the year we got signed as G** ambassadors so actually my career was doing really good. I just released my album, I was nominated in four categories in World Music Awards every year, money dey come. But I had anger issues, why because I just didn't see myself the way I wanted to see myself. I saw myself through everybody's eye. I would look at you and whatever you tell me about me is what I would accept.

"I remember one time I was so angry, I didn't want to break my tv because na me pay for the tv, I broke my phone, can you imagine holding a phone and bending it like literally bending it, you can imagine the rage for being able to break a phone.

"I have come to realise that you have to guard yourself, you have to understand what is going on around you. You are in the limelight, there is Waje and there is Ebele, Waje is now, we are having this interview, Ebele is when I enter my house, don't come and tell me anything that is happening in social media and add to a headache that I already have. The only thing a depressed person needs is your time and love, not your judgment, not telling the person that he has to pray and trust God. Trust me the person knew about that before they went into that state,"she said.

How she defeated Depression...

"I changed my environment, the people I hung out with a lot. I changed my friends, I started looking out for friends that would tell me things to boost my ego. The truth is that your friend is the person that would tell you the truth about you. What is the truth, the is that you beautiful, you are amazing, you are peculiar, you are unique, you are strong, you are bold, false, yes but that doesn't take anything away from you.
From Pulse


  1. You never know what people go through until you are being told. It's well.

    1. Tales by the moonlight. Don't tell me u believe that crap she said up there.
      It's their failures and sense of entitlement that's worrying them. These Desperados should shut it and not confuse depression with their bloated ego and unfulfilled lives.

    2. This people don't know the meaning of depression. Waje, you were having insecurities and anger issues. You seeing yourself through people's eyes was simply due to insecurities. You diht ferl good until you are told by someone even if you come out the best. You squeezed your phone just because of what? You obviously finished talking with someone on phone and you got irritated and angry okwaya! Please, let the real depressed people get help biko and stop yarning rubbish. You just wanted to belong and you changed environment to where your celebrity friends are so you can feel among. What was wrong with you was non contentment. Do you what depressed people go through, they stab and cut themselves, they talk to themselves most of the time, they look lost and tattered, they are never hyper but super quiet. They don't mix with people. They are always on their own. You were not depressed, don't even pray for it.

    3. Shut up anonymous 13:04 you must be very stupid don't you know depression Is a disease anybody can get it

    4. So Anastasia u are trying to tell me dat all these Celebs surfer depression as they claim

  2. Same Here.
    Stella Depression is a respecter of No1.
    It is well wit u waje!!

  3. Do these people know what depression means?
    Every sad or disappointed person will claim to be depressed.

    1. Am telling you,All of em be claiming depressed

  4. Depression is real. A very bad experience, thank God for everything.

  5. I noticed she looks really good too. Glowing skin and good sense of style.
    When you are healthy physically and mentally, It shows.

  6. If you conquer depression,change ur circle and be mindful of what u listen to

  7. Thank God for deliverance.Depression is real.The worse form is friends,relatives,lovers are the ones dragging people to the brink of depression.That is why you have to let such people go no matter who they are so your healing can commence.

  8. Waje, good for opening up.

    Anytime I write "FAKE lives -everything they do is for people to see" in celebrity posts, I know what I mean.
    If you are close to any of these celebrities you will understand that those
    Instagram displays are fake.

    When I say weird post some days ago that "those who try to make others happy are the loneliest", I knew it was true.

    Waje, good you came clean and overcame it.

  9. I think Waje had what is called Mental agitation. Anger is not part of diagnosis of depression. You need 5 of more symptoms to diagnose depression she might be suffering from bipolar disorder with manic episodes.
    Depression symptoms from Wikipedia “” Major depression significantly affects a person's family and personal relationships, work or school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health.[19] Its impact on functioning and well-being has been compared to that of other chronic medical conditions such as diabetes.[20]

    A person having a major depressive episode usually exhibits a very low mood, which pervades all aspects of life, and an inability to experience pleasure in activities that were formerly enjoyed. Depressed people may be preoccupied with, or ruminate over, thoughts and feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt or regret, helplessness, hopelessness, and self-hatred.[21] In severe cases, depressed people may have symptoms of psychosis. These symptoms include delusions or, less commonly, hallucinations, usually unpleasant.[22] Other symptoms of depression include poor concentration and memory (especially in those with melancholic or psychotic features),[23] withdrawal from social situations and activities, reduced sex drive, irritability,[24] and thoughts of death or suicide. Insomnia is common among the depressed. In the typical pattern, a person wakes very early and cannot get back to sleep.[25] Hypersomnia, or oversleeping, can also happen.[25] Some antidepressants may also cause insomnia due to their stimulating effect.[26]

    A depressed person may report multiple physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or digestive problems; physical complaints are the most common presenting problem in developing countries, according to the World Health Organization's criteria for depression.[27] Appetite often decreases, with resulting weight loss, although increased appetite and weight gain occasionally occur.[21] Family and friends may notice that the person's behavior is either agitated or lethargic.[25] Older depressed people may have cognitive symptoms of recent onset, such as forgetfulness,[23] and a more noticeable slowing of movements.[28] Depression often coexists with physical disorders common among the elderly, such as stroke, other cardiovascular diseases, Parkinson's disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.[29]

    Depressed children may often display an irritable mood rather than a depressed mood,[21] and show varying symptoms depending on age and situation.[30] Most lose interest in school and show a decline in academic performance. They may be described as clingy, demanding, dependent, or insecure.[25] Diagnosis may be delayed or missed when symptoms are interpreted as normal moodiness.[21]. Called from Wikipedia

    1. can my guy be depressed? He comes back from work 10 sometimes, will not sleep till 2am then wakes up 5.30 2 start preparing to work. Have talk n beg him tire, it long distance relationship. And he can stay indoor for 2days n not go out. Very shy away from crowd. Even his church has to be very few people. Even to go and eat when he hungry mbanu. And he very comfortable, shy, handsome, and speak well, know God tho not yet there. I love him but his character gives me concern. Doesn't date a girl up-to 2 visit. I'm the only one that has gotten this far believe me it not easy. He lost some loved ones n I feel he suffering from it n can't say it out.

    2. Cannot tell you if he is depressed from the little information you put up here. If he stays in diaspora or even in Nigeria, he can see a psychiatrist for clinical assessment of his state of mind. Has he always been this way? how long ago did he suffer the loss you mentioned.The base line is you should encourage him to see a psychiatrist. It’s not only mad people in Naija term that need one.

    3. Cannot answer your question with the above information. The concerned individual have to under go a clinical assessment by a psychiatrist that will now give the diagnosis.You need to encourage him to see one.

    4. Anon 13:06 our analysis is not conclusive though. But from what you wrote , he seems to be more an introvert. However, the latest studies on depression have shown that such people from what you wrote tend to fall into depression faster than the regular outgoing type. I mean real outgoing guys.

  10. Trade your faulty/spoilt inverter battery for cash:08117903918‬29 July 2018 at 12:27

    Good for her

  11. Aunty pls find out the meaning of depression.What you had,was anger issues .simple

  12. Like I always say, 95% of these pop/circular musicians are depressed and suicidal. With this sorta life of satanic music and influence they have chosen and living, they'll always be depressed. Waje should watch it cause if she doesn't drop this life of Baphomet inspired music, she'll slip into depression again and again.

    1. Lmao! Same you that sang to ‘Hello’ by Adele😳😳😳
      Or Adele is not part of the Baphomic movement or you repented? Or no be the same EEsah?

  13. I was almost falling into depression ,but I thank God,i snapped out if it and accept life the way it is, and I embrace positive vibes.what she says about friends is true, some friends are jealous if what you have and will want to make you feel bad for having it, I thank God for my life.#onemanmopol

    1. Are you sure you're truly out of it? Well time will tell

  14. From what I read up there, this is no way attributed to depression. She more or less was suffering from insecurities and wanting to become what she was not at the time, hence the anger and the feeling of not ‘arriving’ which stems from surrounding yourself with fakeness and fake people. If you truly meet depressed people, you will not see mouth talk this kain story here. A recent one I witnessed, the chap withdrew from our own eyes, he was suddenly afraid or timid to be around people. If he heard voices, he would run back upstairs. Anyway music was being played he reacted negatively to it. Would be in the room till you will be so afraid, wondering if he must have stabbed himself. You have to keep checking on them per minute, per second. Loss of appetite, more or less trembling, hands always shaking. Sleeping long hours. When they now give them their medications, at first it becomes worse become of withdrawal symptoms, but over time they begin to respond to it. The key thing is whoever they love most should always be around them, talking to them, encouraging them that its gonna be good and they can make it. All is not lost. If they failed in something, encourage them that it’s alright to experience failure but it’s how they snap out of it is the koko.
    But in Nigeria, seems all these ‘brities’ feel saying they suffer/ suffered depression is their new cool.

    1. Sounds more like panic disorder/phobia/anxiety than depression.

  15. Don’t forget that psychiatry has a manual that is updated periodically. DSM upgraded sex addiction to a disease and removed homosexuality. The reason I’m saying this is that “Big Pharma” corporations have to sell so shyness is sometimes diagnosed here as SAD, social affective disorder and then they start pumping meds into a 9 year old.

    From what this lady wrote, like most Nigerians with everything going on, she had “situational depression “ which usually resolves when the situation resolves. Like losing a lover you will have situational depression”. It should not be confused with Clinical Depression though situational depression can become clinical if prolonged. Bottom line is that depression is under diagnosed in black populations but over diagnosed in some populations. Clinical depression, Bipolar disorder, psychosis, schizophrenia are VERY serious and require professional help including pharmacotherapy, cognitive therapy, counseling etc. Ms Waje didn’t seem to require any help. She probably had a situation she was unhappy with and should refrain from confusing really clinically depressed people who are more likely as the others in the group to have suicidal ideation on a regular basis and sometimes go on to carry it out. They need professional help not celebrity bandwagon tale on anger and insecurity issues.

    1. Gbam!
      Depression is now the new 'song' if you have not sing it, then you no be celeb😎

  16. Waje needs to learn how to LOVE and APPRECIATE herself.


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