Stella Dimoko Rev. Father Mbaka Accuses Federal Government Of Marginalization


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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Rev. Father Mbaka Accuses Federal Government Of Marginalization

The Political preacher spares nothing in this rant!!!

The Director of Adoration Ministry, Enugu, Nigeria, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, has alleged high level of the Federal Government’s marginalisation of Ndigbo in the scheme of things in Nigeria.

The fiery priest said he is pained that in spite of his support for President Buhari, Igbo are so marginalised to the extent that he slept in Abuja for weeks to get a loan from the Bank of Agriculture to energise his farming vision in order to create jobs to teaming unemployed graduates.

Fr. Mbaka, who spoke yesterday at the Adoration ground, during the flag-off of a three-day farmers empowerment programme by Multi-Life Saver’s, a corporative society made of 18 clusters with 5,000 members and visiting officials of the Bank of Agriculture, described the government agricultural programme as ‘poor claim and fake’.

He said the cooperative has 470 hectares of farmland with Certificate of Occupancy, but could not get loan because he was not a northerner.

“Whenever I went to obtain loan from the Bank of Agriculture, they would tell me to get a commercial bank that will do this and do that. The commercial banks will asked me to brink the feathers of one snake and leg of snake. This went on for many years and we are ready to impact significance into our agriculture; the only barrier is funding and encouragements.

Mbaka begged the officials of the Bank of Agriculture to give his cooperative loans to help him create employment opportunities for the youths who have no jobs or either hope of getting a job.

He said: “It’s a sad development; if a northern has this kind of vision they would come around him, but here, we are alone. We started it in Adani and there was no help; there was flood and we lost N830 million and I went down to Nkereife. We had the largest poultry farm in the east of the Niger. In one day we lost 939,000 births. With the type of courage God gave to me, nobody knew and nobody will know apart from the fact that I’m disclosing it now. No encouragement and they are longing for authentic farmers, and we are farmers.

“So, please, on behalf of the adoration members, we want them to monitor the funding and implementation. We don’t kill criminals here, we kill crime. If you go to Aqua Rapha investment Ltd, we have thousands of them working, yet, we don’t have governments’ support apart from Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, who remembered us and created a road to this place. People thought President Buhari is helping me, but he is not helping us with one kobo. So, those who could have been helping thought he was helping and now he has become a hindrance.

“If you go to the North, you would see how billions are spent there. If you go to my farm, there is a River that separates the land which makes it difficult for me to move equipment, and now, I’m doing the bridge by myself without help from anywhere, yet, I’m a priest.

“So, I’m representing the poor, that is why I’m attacking many governments because when they cannot help the poor who I represent, and when the pressure is too much on me, I attack them.

“Why can’t the federal government which claims to support agriculture not help the agriculturist? So, it is a poor and fake claim. Why can’t we have here a pilot farm that would be the eyes of this country? “We have in our aquaculture fishes one of the species which contains five billion fishes, but lack of good road to the farm led to the closure of that farm and the federal government is aware of this. So, for me, it is not just negligence, but wickedness and unhealthy marginalisation, because I’m not from the North. If a northerner had this kind of vision, from the Central Bank, order will be given. There are subsidies here and there to be granted, not even loan. They will have to seek grants, give the farm grants for whatever it takes. That is why the Igbo are crying. Some of us have been friends with the president, but when you seat down and think deeper, you see his nepotism,” he lamented.

From The sun


  1. is he trying to say because he went to abuja and couldnt get a loan...igbos are marginalised? just a question oh...

    1. Please read properly and stop asking stupid questions that makes me wonder if you ever passed through the 4 walls of a secondary school.πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
      Even a secondary school student will read and comprehend that he is speaking on behalf of the corporative society of farmers where he is also a member.


  2. See who is talking.
    Oh, you just realized you're not from the north? You never thought about dt when you were campaigning for vuhari then?

    I love this proverb in my language that says "if the heaven/cloud were to collapse anyday, e no go kill only one person, e go kill both the sinners and saints." Thank God na all us dey suffer am na.

  3. Oh u Don lick bubu ass finish be4 u realise say he dey fuck up.

  4. At a point reading this, I felt like crying. The government should assist a genuine course in creating employment. Imagine agriculture that served as a means of income to the nation yet the government is being begged to finance its production.

    This is so sad of things I have read today. Project in the eastern part aren't taken seriously, yet we are assumed to be one Nigeria. Obviously the 95% against the 5% of Mr President is playing out. Tomorrow some Igbo politicians will gather themselves and confide in him chifetancy title 'Enyi ndi Igbo' yet he has never being nice to the region.

    When we talk about marginalization, some people think we are being sentimental but truth be told, it is all glaring. Please mention one government major facility or presence in the East? Last time 2billion was said to be initiated in starting an army university in the north and I ask what about the Eastern part? You see why there is an agitation. Tell me why won't the youth be provoked to demand for secession. I really weep for this nation on how badly it is seated on nepotism and sectionalism.

    1. #Karma! What you sow, you reap..Mbaka never chim chon.

  5. in as much as people may not understand this man, there is some truth in what you are saying. he has employed thousands in Aqua Rapha investments. the Good thing is that even a secondary school leaver get paid well. I worked there immediately I finished from secondary school about 6 years ago and I was able to save a lot when I eventually entered university.
    the government don't really support private companies as they should have

  6. We buy bad solar battery contact me 0814139511330 August 2018 at 17:15

    We people warned him he refused

  7. The truth is that when it comes to agricultural loans,grants and subsides if you are not a northerner with a farm in the North no none will give you 1kobo.

    Even if you have a farming idea that can revolutionize the agricultural sector in Nigeria they will not listen to you because there is this belief that once other parts of the country become Farm to feed themselves and commercialise it, it means the North has nothing to offer the rest of the country therefore Nigerians can say we no longer need the North.

    So the refusal to help farmers in other parts of the country is a power play and the Bank of agricultures refusal to develop other parts of Nigeria is from the Northern Elite playbook.

    2019 is coming the IGBO community can use the election as a bargaining chip,if Buhari wants to win in the East then he should be made to drop special intervention funds for agriculture, roads and any other development they need now.
    No intervention funds No votes simple


    1. πŸ™‹my LEP you are a wise woman
      I love this write up of yours.

    2. Another crazy analysis. So the Igbos are ready to go into agriculture over their general kind of business inclination? The present administration doesn’t need the Igbo votes so there is no need to stand for any bargaining chips. They didn’t vote him the last time yet he won. So what difference does it make now? Nothing.

  8. Hmm last three years history is about to repeat itself


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