Stella Dimoko Indecent Dressing Might Cost You Dearly In Dubai


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Friday, September 28, 2018

Indecent Dressing Might Cost You Dearly In Dubai

Legal experts in Dubai have warned that Residents and tourists who dress "inappropriately" in public places can face up to three years jail time and deportation for "harming the country's public morals", after a heated online controversy across the country.

"There are no context or law that regulates or controls clothing limits or set penalties for it, but there is the Article 358 of the Federal Penal Code of the State, which says that indecent actions or anything that might be prejudicial to public morals made by a man or woman in public and could be considered as indecency would be punishable by six months to three years imprisonment and deportation, according to the first paragraph of the Article 121 of the same law,"

The UAE government's official website also asks tourists to "dress modestly".
"Emiratis dress conservatively in traditional dress and can be offended when people dress inappropriately or not in accordance with Islamic values," the website says.

It adds that both men and women "might feel more comfortable wearing loose-fitting clothes" that cover up the shoulders, arms and legs.
There is also no separate law for men and women

It is the duty of every resident and visitor to dress appropriately in public. Generally, ladies in public places like streets, shopping malls and restaurants etc, should wear shorts, skirts which are of appropriate length and down to the knee or of knee length. The authorities may punish an individual by imprisonment or impose fine on him or her for wearing indecent, vulgar or inappropriate dress in public. Beach wear and swim suits are only allowed in designated areas of beach or swimming pools."

Men should also follow appropriate dressing sense while they are in public. He said men should have shorts that reach to the knees, t-shirt or a shirt.
Clothing shall not indecently expose certain parts of the body, be it transparent or display obscene or offensive pictures, slogans, or gestures and anything that might cause religious or cultural offence, etc.
Most malls in Dubai have signs in place at the entry gates that warn visitors to dress appropriately. 

A spokesperson from one of the malls said in a statement to Khaleej Times: "We welcome diverse visitors, both residents and tourists from all over the world throughout the year. We remind visitors' about the culturally appropriate dress code and behaviour in the UAE with messaging at our malls' entrances,which is in line with the government guidelines on dress code, to help guide our visitors and ensure the comfort of all guests."



  1. Lol..they want to come n spoil Dubai for us.

    1. This is not spoiling but putting things in order. You wear your indecent dresses there and could get your a55 locked up in jail


    2. You want to spoil Dubai for them!!

    3. If you've been to Dubai, you would know that the dress/decency rules have always been in existence. You are not supposed to wear bikini, show PDA in public places etc but people ignore it in a bid to slay.

  2. Lol..

    I knew it would come to this.

    1. It has always been like this. They don't want your corrupt practices here. Period

  3. Very good for them! If you go to another country for holidays, work or stay; you must abide by the rules of the land.

    1. Yes unless you are a Moslem then you take your own laws with you and expect the people of the land to abide by your laws.

  4. This is how it should be everywhere, even in Nigeria๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    Indecent dressing has caused only harm and no good to the world.

    A lot of attrocities and sins have been commited because of indecent dressing. A lot of husbands snatched,a a lot of illicit sexual relations initiated etc

    1. And who said all those happened cause of indecent dressing?

  5. Nice one.
    Say no to indecent dressing.

  6. When you go to rome, your behave like them...that is to say we must 'to' wear FULL HIJABI lol

    Hello BVs, let us win this award for very own.... @stelladimokokorkus as BLOGGER OF THE YEAR, by texting sma18 stella to 33352.

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    I love that

  8. All our celebs go shift to Mumbai no more Dubai, watch out! wetin we go they hear from now on go be 'Mumbai d new Dubai'

    I laugh in Calabar.

  9. Let's make our obonge Stella @stelladimokokorkus, BLOGGER OF THE YEAR "text sma18 stella to 33352"

  10. People should also remember that you can be charged for having sex if you are unmarried there. All these ppl running off for couples getaway who are unmarried just remember their law that you are not safe there as an unmarried couple and having sex in the country. Same with the drinking of alcohol you can be imprisoned at any time for having consumed alcohol. While they are not out monitoring to enforce these laws at every moment, if they need to enforce it and you get caught up in the system just know that you will be looking at a few years in prison for any of those offences.

  11. Dubai wey i go in August, aside heat wey too much, i see ladies wear bum shorts for dubai mall


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