Stella Dimoko Breakfast Today.....


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Saturday, October 13, 2018

Breakfast Today.....

Breakfast can be anything you feel like eating......

This Morning I am opening a tin of sardine,mashing with a spoon,adding butter and eating with fresh baked bread from the bakery!

I dont drink Coffee as often as i used to so i will make hot peppermint tea and put in some horlicks
What about you?


  1. Intermittent fasting till noon,eko and vegetable soup when I'm ready to eat.

  2. Choi, you are eating one of my favorite πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    I am making Adalu... Beans+Corn
    Corn is gradually going though

    And I am craving for Okro and Titus with semo
    That will be in the afternoon

  3. Rice and palm oil stew on my mind.

  4. Just finished a glass of tea with bread, mixed with fried eggs. Its a resting day for me. I need some good films recommendations guys.

    1. GLASS of tea?

    2. When I was little it was bowl of tea. Lolll

    3. Till now, it's a bowl of tea for me

    4. Hahaahhahahahahahaha...Teejay to the rescue!

  5. I've already eaten my left over jollof rice and hot fish peppersoup in a bit.breast feeding mother things.

  6. I’m about to fry plantain....... pray for me fam that I don’t burn the plantain

    the kitchen

    the apartment.

  7. Akara & oat with plenty milk gat me this morning

  8. On ma way to school, I'll pass by the bar and get me some coffee and briochi

  9. Tea with bread. Find it hard to make serious foods for breakfast.

  10. Efo riro and Eba for breakfast😜

  11. Rice and beans combo,with chicken stew and plantain .

  12. ewa agoyin and agege bread. Eating it jare

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    I just finished eating....
    Jollof rice 🍚 with plantain and salad πŸ₯—

  14. 'Sipping on gin and juice'😎

  15. I just had fufu and yellow soup that has plenty of prawns, periwinkle and fresh fish. As a Bayelsan 😁😁😁

    1. Which one is yellow soup again nau? My friend it's called poloufia.

    2. Yellow soup is different from poloufai. Even thou it's made of red oil. In yellow soup you can use either biscuit or custard or garri as thickener. In Polofia, some persons use little bit of unripe plantain and they use native salt, pottash or even starch to thicken the soup. Ask a bayelsa, a rivers or a delta man to teach the difference. The taste are all different

    3. Biscuit
      Freshfish (cat fish or river fish)
      Fresh pepper
      Red oil
      Knor (I prefer)
      Firstly you wash your fish (for cat fish you use warm water n salt)
      Grind your pepper ( I don't like mine smooth so I do it a bit rough ) ground your onion smooth.
      Grind your carbin biscuit smooth( for a family of 4 we use 2 packets.
      Wash the periwinkles and prawns
      step one.
      Put ur red oil heat for few mins, pour in your pepper n onions and fry for some time, then you can add desired water quantity and add your prawns. Allow to boil very well for like 5-10mins.
      Then you add the fish, seasoning and allow to cook again.
      Periwinkle and grinded biscuit are the last things to put.
      It's usually good to put the periwinkle at the end so that it's still crunchy.
      Some people do not like onion in soups like this, but there is this taste onion gives food.
      So for this soup, you can make it smooth.
      This soup can be used to eat white rice and also you can use it to swallow fufu ,semo or eba
      The lighter the soup is, the better.
      Hope this helps. Sorry for any typo. U can ask questions

      U can still custard to thicken it. For custard, u dissolve in cold water, little of it.

  16. Just had eba and okraw with assorted meat 😁

  17. Baking is going on.
    5 things; Danish pastry, doughnuts, waffles, rough cake and spring rolls.
    Chin chin will be fried later.

    With thick akamu or soya milk. Choose the colour you want and it will see hot water.
    Me I dey munching mode.

  18. I woke up very weak,been battling dry cough since yesterday.Cough lintus got me ooo.I just ate Okpa and water.

  19. Just had Moi Moi and sliced bread

  20. Had green tea and two boiled eggs this am.

    1. I want to start taking green tea. Can you help me with a brand and why it's good. Thank you

    2. Oh well anon, I take LEGEND green tea. it has different flavours in d market; apple, cranberry,ginger and garlic flavours and what have you. I go for any flavour cos all join.
      As for why its good, I just read up on net and saw good reviews about it tho.. maybe u should google as well or just go for anyone u sight in d supermarket jor. Green tea is green tea. Lol

  21. Fried fish and bread with a slice of coconut cake for dessertπŸ˜‹


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