Stella Dimoko Social Media Handles And Getting Visas....


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Thursday, March 07, 2019

Social Media Handles And Getting Visas....

This piece of info is for those of you trying to get Visas out of Nigeria......

According to the gist around,some Embassies if you approach them for Visa's,they check your social media handles for the kind of posts you make and that will determine whether you will be given or not......

For those who already have;your Visa will NOT be renewed.

For those who have been using theirs to cause havoc or working for politicians and posting all sorts of Violence inciting posts,please know that whilst your 'Principal' might have multiple visas,you will not be wise up and think twice about letting anyone use you.....

Don't use your social media handle to cause havoc.....

Just thought to let you know......I am sure some of you will start deleting and cleaning out your handles as soon as you read this....LOL


  1. O don't post anything implicating or political on my facebook page and other social media platforms.

    1. This one na another lie from Lie Mohammed and APC, So that people will not say their mind again. What is wrong with someone using his or her social media handle to say the truth? @Blessed Princess

  2. Issokay 👌👌👌👌

  3. I am clean.... Nothing to kukuma delete.

  4. i wont even agree that i have any social media aside LinkedIn. The email and number i dey use for visa applications different.

    1. Lol. Embassy that wants to find you on social media will.

  5. ok o, let me go and be posting God bless American , Canada and UK on my timeline, though I no even get passport, but who knows what will happen tomorrow

  6. Very true for settlement visa, especially Yankee and Cana. Most EU and uk don't give a hoot

    1. Stella, you are very correct. That Canada is so 100% correct.

  7. I will agree with this to a reasonable extent but again I believe one among the major determinant in getting a visa is the amount of money one has. There should be a statement of account showing steady flow of income as a business individual, this is so prove you won't end up becoming a nuisance when you travel.

    1. It will shock you.

    2. Teejay it will shock you that irrelevant things matters most to them such as this.....An owner of a company that had billions in his company's account and personal account was once denied visa to Netherland, so dear sometimes it luck not always the amount in your account.

    3. Is not about money cos mine had 35m inflow for like 8 to 9 yrs with about 8m investment and cash in the bank of about 3m yet Canadian Embassy refused me Visa.

    4. in this economy u have 35m reasons u were denied

  8. What of blog post will they

  9. i am good at cussing nepa, will my uk visa be denied bcoz of that?

    1. looooool I'm sure NEPA is not their concern in this case....hahaha

    2. this comment .. lmao

  10. The most important is your whatsapp chats. Please always endeavor to clear it or better still, don't exchange any sensitive information on the platform. Not just embassies, even govt, international agents etc sees and have access to some of these things you think you are gisting about. For US Embassy specifically, they pull out your recent chat on Whatsapp regarding your Visa application and any other related info, they weigh this with the infos provided in your Visa application form. You know how you'd be gisting with your pal like 'guy, if they give me visa ehnn, na cut out be that, I go carry Naija sand as i dey go' etc. I know this as an IT person working with some of the few top Govt agencies on Security. Let's be guided please.

    Mwanwhile, just before typing this, I was chatting with my boss on Whatsapp and instead of typing 'your madam' auto correct turned it to 'you madman'...........God!! You need to see how I exclamated "MY GOD!! SORRY SIR, I MEAN YOUR MADAM" and deleted the messsage afterwards. He just said "okay"

    1. You are not just a false alarmist but also a liar. WhatsApp is one of the most secured form of communication for now with its end to end encryption.

      Stop your nonsensical lie.

    2. Your first paragraph looks like the type of whatsapp Broadcast my mum would send. 🙄

    3. Anon 14:24 you're very naive if you believe that thing about WhatsApp being secure. You think because a company says their files are encrypted or deleted, they're telling the truth? I laugh in Chinese

    4. For those calling Aisha a liar say what you know.FYI Whatsapp can be tampered with

    5. I laugh at some of you sha! Ignorantos. As usual, over sabi won't let you know better. Encryption you say? Ordinary WIRE app is more secured than Whatsapp! Let me not say much. Wallow in your ignorance.

    6. Liar,you Nigerians are too extra,always forging things.

    7. Anon 14:24, in fact there are some words if you write them, it sends an alarm or signal to security agencies.
      Wisdom is profitable.

    8. All of you writing against 14:24 still think with Naija experience where government or companies are not held accountable. I’m sure none of you has gone out of Nigeria.

      Listen, you make millions if a company breaches your privacy. The only caveat is the fine print when you signed their privacy terms.

    9. You really feel American govt has the time to be hacking into whatsapp of every applicant from a so called shit hole country as their president called us.
      Do you know the resources and time they need to do that to each applicant. U.S. visa ppl dat hardly look at the plenty docs you bring. They just check some. Last I applied dey didn't even check my bank statements.just asked few questions and checked my travel history.
      Except maybe you have been flagged as a terror suspect or you have any links that will breach security in their country or you have ties to any terror suspect that is when they can have that time.
      Yes whatsapp can be hacked. But the question is. Do you as an applicant that important to the US. Because of your 2yr visiting visa that is not even settlement visa sef, you think they have the time.
      Stop believing hearsay and stop spreading lies.

    10. I don’t tithing you’re really an ‘“IT” if you were, you wouldn’t have said this crap.

  11. We already know but nobosye gives a fuck,if Nigerian was a better country,nobody would go abroad to do menial jobs,seek for better health care or better education etc,nigeria and Africans should set their priorities straight and start giving it back as this developed nations do.

  12. I will insult any agency,country or whatever that ,messes up,do your worst.

  13. Not just embassies but also employers. I ALWAYS check applicants' social media, even before their educational qualifications & work experience on their CV. I'm not even talking about LinkedIn; I mean Facebook and Instagram. Those of you that keep shading others, posting naked pictures (or of drug use, drunkenness or other funny behaviour), and are extra & unreasonable when it comes to politics and religion - it is well...

    1. You know not everyone uses their real names for their pages though.
      I am on all social media but they bear names that except you know me on a personal level you can get it. I am also on private so my page can't even be viewed.
      And as a rule for me I don't add work colleagues. I keep both lives totally separate.

    2. Most people don't use their real or full names on social media so would you ask them for their social media handles? Don't think that is allowed


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