Good day Stella, i don't even know where to begin, i just need you and other bvs advice.
My husband is a regular bv here so i know he will see this, infact this is more like a threat to him if he still doesn't stop the rubbish he keeps doing, forgive my typos I'm in para mode.
Good day Stella, i don't even know where to begin, i just need you and other bvs advice.
My husband is a regular bv here so i know he will see this, infact this is more like a threat to him if he still doesn't stop the rubbish he keeps doing, forgive my typos I'm in para mode.
Stella I'm the sort of wife that my husband will say he wants to go out to have a night out with his friends and i will say no problem babe, have fun. I have a toddler and no one at home to stay with so i always stay at home most times with him while he goes out. I don't bother myself because i trust him very much but i have noticed lately that most times when he goes out he meets girls and takes their number and begins flirting with them via messages.
I wasn't team snoop initially but ever since i caught him once by stumbling on one of his messages to these girls, it planted this seed of doubt in me so big i check his phone constantly.
He apologised, said it was harmless flirting , we settled it. I'm a very very spiritual person Stella, I'm the kind of person if you cheat on me, it will be revealed to me in my dream and its 100 percent sure.
Later after this incident, i dreamt we had a fight over a girl he had just met and was sending money to regularly. I woke up and didn't say anything, i just waited very carefully and checked his phone when he was sleeping and lo and behold i saw his messages with a new girl, he had been sending her money, and having s#x chats with her. They hadn't had s#x yet via their convos but i was furious, i confronted him he kept on begging saying it was harmless , they were just flirting. I forgave him again Stella , he promised not to do it anymore more so i didn't want to harm him because if i cried about it or cursed him , bad things would happen to him in different ways of which he knows and fears as well.
I'm the kind of person that when i pray for him he gets money and contracts instantly and when he hurts me and i cry the opposite will happen to him as well.
Stella i have attached my picture, i am a mother of one, i am not ugly, even after birth my tummy is very flat and i have a good shape.
When i go out, i get lots of attention because no one would imagine i have a baby or even married but i don't even leave room for these because i respect my marriage but its obvious he doesn't do the same. There was a time we hardly had anything to eat, i even applied for a cash giveaway one time on this blog as well that's how bad things were for us then. During that period Stella there was nothing like him flirting around or doing stuffs like these, but now we are getting very comfortable so i don't understand if that's what is giving him room for all these again because he has money.
The reason for this epistle is i have noticed again that he has started, he will be chatting with them on whats app and once he notices I'm close he will quickly close the phone. Recently one of them called him, i saw the girl's name he saved on the caller id and was wondering who it was cus i know virtually all the contacts on his phone and i hadn't seen that name before so i knew it was a new girl, he quickly ran over and snatched the phone then refused to pick up the call claiming he didn't know who was calling lol.
It caused a fight between us that day Stella and i cried so badly, i was broken because i kept wondering what i was doing wrong. Food, bed, care, prayer, everything Stella i don't lack in them. Stella i pray for this man more than i pray for myself , even after i was hurt that day i kept on praying for him because i didn't want my anger and hurt to affect him financially or spiritually. He has begged again telling me if i continue to cry i know how bad things will turn for him and it wont affect only him it will affect me as well because i am not working so i tried to push my hurt aside and stop crying
That's what he uses to threaten me, that it will affect me as well. I'm not a promiscuous person, he met me as a virgin so i don't know why, i don't understand. Apart from this he is a very good husband and takes care of me well but this things he keeps on doing has planted this seed of paranoia and doubt in me so much that it keeps me on edge anytime i see him go out or be with his phone or do things that normally i wouldn't be worried about and it bothers me that i can't trust him anymore and now i keep on getting paranoid about anything he does wondering whether he is going to meet a new girl or something.
He says its just harmless flirting Stella but how do i even know its harmless, if its harmless when will it not turn to full blown cheating, why is he even flirting around in the first place when you have a wife at home?
He bought an iphone Xs recently, the phone has face id so now he is very comfortable still doing it, I'm not pained that i cant access the phone but Stella I'm just hurt that he keeps doing it and doesn't respect me, i feel cheated greatly, i don't know what to do anymore, i cry almost everyday.
I have decided to stop praying for him and start praying for myself alone because as it is it is this same money he goes to spend for them outside when he gets it. i am good in fashion sketches so i will get a sewing machine and focus on my work to start making clothes. I know i will be successful because with designs i am very good, it will keep me busy and help me focus. I won't bother anymore about what he does, if anything affects him i won't lift a finger to help him.
I am happy you want to get busy,stop crying and ignore this asawo man you Married....Some men are only Faithful when they are broke,once money comes,their real character comes along.
You clearly have some kinda powers ?or what?Please channel your gift positively and use t to help yourself and those around you....
Madam, self discipline is imbibed through fasting and praying. You and your husband should be doing it together/learning to do it together. If he does not discipline his flesh, he will flirt/cheat. How can a young man keep his ways pure? By giving heed to God's word (google it).
ReplyDeleteAnd let him stay away from alcohols. Alcohol is an aphrodisiac and an addictive drug. If he indulges, he must get loose with women; it is a matter of fact.
For those Naija girls wey go begin chant "offload ya husband", them no mean well for you at all. Marriage na strong work and two of una go work am together.
That man knows what he is doing, leave Bible out of this. He can't change, if he isn't ready to change.
DeletePoster from what you said about your horseband, stop describing him as a good husband. Because a good horseband won’t cheat on his wife or family.
DeleteThis is where you get it wrong, you can't leave out the manufacture's manual and you want to fix a gadget or get it working.
It wasn't written there that he does not know what he is doing; was it? And you ended up not giving any solution yourself; did you?
I'm glad I didn get married a virgin. I'll also never advice my daughter's to keep their virginity for any yeye man coz truth be told, no man deserves it. Girls better enjoy ursef just like men are coz weda he disvirgins you or not, he'll still cheat on u...
DeleteWhat you call "enjoyment" is to be opening ikpu for every deek and hungry okwa ya?
Ngwanu gwazianu your daughters make them come become ashawo for every street and cyber space
Make them shoot porn distribute inugo?
Tomorrow echi you go emerge from ghost mode begin chant "god, god" which god; na Molech?
Ndi Pharisee 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
15:42 Enjoy yourself you say. What about saving your body for yourself? Rather than for a man. Stds are real o.
DeleteSomeone is happy that she married a borehole?
DeleteI didn’t know the was harmless cheating till I read this post.
DeleteSo you've concluded that all girls keep their virginity for a good & deserving man? Wow! What a mindset you've built... If you gave yours freely, thats ur bizness, but my virginity is my pride, and i'm doing it cus thats what the holy book commands, so leading your daughters astray is your terrible parenting decision. These are the kind of 21st century mothers we have today.
She being a virgin isnt the crux of the matter but the fact that she married a man who doesnt know or revere God.If you are a virgin or not and didn't marry within his will you wont be happy.
DeleteUnknown stray ghosts are having a meeting here?
Ajuju n' ese okwu!😊😊😊😊😊
@anon 15:56 yes girls keep their virginity for their husband to be, if not why is it a taboo in some african cultures if a girl isn't a Virgin upon getting married. Some families even go as far as viewing the bedsheet they slept on to see blood. I agree with you that girls Should keep their virginity for themselves or because of their religion.
DeleteWell know that some girls are in love with Jesus' teachings and Christ is the bridegroom for whom they are keeping it.
Are u sure u r giving him the kpekus? ..doesn't sound like it..it sounds like u are the holyer than thou type... Like If he should tell you to bend over &spread it,let's try something new, u will be evoking evil spirits and binding the demons that gave him such a Perverted sexual thought
DeleteAnon 16 39 are you the horseband and is that your stupid excuse for being a chronic cheat
DeleteAnd also with this your spirikokoness if u are giving him the kpekus constant ..then he is not satisfied bcuz only he knows what he is looking for out there..if he truely loves u,he'll come around..especially if he hasn't fully given in to the temptation yet and if he knows his family's worth.. Talk to him..not accusatively so its not where he's defensive and u are dropping accusations and it turns out an argument.No..just real talk like relate as his best friend that u supposed to be..communicate..yan & find out what y'll are missing that could be implemented so as to live together in peaceful happiness &faithfulness..he probly doesn't want to continue life without u(unless he does o).thisz me speakin as a husband sha. & those your dreams tho Na Wa.
DeleteI think I have read your husband's chronicle before. He is so ungrateful. Some men deserve bad luck
Delete@ anon 17:03.. Whether I'm the husband or not that is not the solution. And yes that is a legit reason that leaves guys more open to temptation and considering other options u fucking weyrey.. U will be there leaving your husband sexless and now come online to be chanting its a "stupid excuse" men are cheats blah blah blah abeg b4 u get married make sure u are ready to constantly spread it for him.. Or instead leave him and be praying that thunder will strike those other babes that are ready to spread it indefinitely
DeleteLeave alcohol out of it oo. It's not Alcohols fault that a fully grown married man is indulging in phone sexting. Some others will blame the 😈 devil, it's not his fault either.
DeleteObviously your hubby doesn't respect you. this goes beyond cheating. He repeatedly hurts your feeling and does so intentionally.
I pray you find your feet soon in business then u won't have to depend so much on him. He will come back to his senses once he sees you doing well.
God bless you, Hadey!!! Someone can not intentionally keep hurting you and call it harmless. Focus on yourself! Pray for yourself and your child and focus on your new business. Let him pray for himself since he doesn’t appreciate good things!
DeleteAnd stop crying! That crying is giving him power. Stop it! Clean your eye and get a notebook and let the creativity flow. Channel your heir and your passion into making yourself since he doesn’t appreciate the covering he has from you. Go ahead, apply for sewing contracts in school, companies and parastatals abi, you wouldn’t love to handle millions? That contract that he gets, you get it!
Look at them. Married women. Let me PAROLE with my husband b4 I do whatever, mud slimming a single mother because of her choices, yet ur house is on fire, he stays out up till 12 mid 9t, once a good boy turned to a club boy, carries extra clothes for after work, from club he has reduced it to hanging out at spots.
DeleteHow do I know is u? With d twisted tales of one son. AUNTY 2 girls , that to tell u I know u well, the more u gossip and abuse me with that Bloody jehova withness WHORE who slept with her boss and got snitched by one of d staff d more pain will befall u, as for her, hers is on d way! U r not spiritual anything, cos if u were, u wld have prayed for greatness and it will come. Obioma keep sewing away. 2 side bitch! Low down runs in d name of tailor. I get ur gist for Allen Hotel. C them “ my husband my husband “ outside to try oppress single girls. Hissssssss
@Unknown, you are the weyrey. If you like do monkey in the shadow.Spread your private from here to Mongolia so your husband can have easy access till point of stupor He will still cheat on you because your little mind still can't understand that cheating has nothing to do with the woman. A man would have a pot belly, quick ejaculation and lack of erection yet most women would stay. Yet the moment a woman complains then it must be her fault.
DeleteLmaooooooo @ from here to Mongolia
DeleteLook u this loaded pile of functioning arrant stupidity @anon 20:04 you say it like cheating only comes from guys ..listen u mentally segregated dingbat.. Don't come online and be advising wives rubbish bcuz people as idiotic as u come online and hear one side of the story and start yanin men will always cheat no matter what bullshit without hearing both sides.. U probly are someone who isn't married or u have an unrepentant cheat for a husband.. Clearly Anyone that wants to be happy shouldn't listen to sadistic limp brained pig like caricatures like yourself. Ewu ×10
DeleteChei! From here to Mongolia.
DeleteShet lmao @ functioning stupidity ..pls what is a mentally segregated dingbat again abeg lol
DeleteToo much grammar in the abuse don make it lose flavour, this is not nairaland biko
DeleteAnon 21:44. Only you all those miserable names. No wonder you are so bitter. E pain am ooo 😋😋😋.Stop referring to yourself in the third person.
DeletePiece of shit always making excuses for men since marriage is your only achievement in life. Tata am married to a man who takes responsibility for his actions. Not you who hoard a baby in a grown man's body and call him a husband all in a bid to bear Mrs.Keep making excuses for your helpless toddler and while you are at nail your private to the wall so he can always unrestricted access you hear. Dumbskull thinking men cheat because they are deprived of sex. Degenerate oshi
I like the decision you have decided to take
ReplyDelete@ Decision Ndi Pharisee?
DeleteNgwanu okwa odebego chronicles.
I pray for myself thrice before my partner, the joy will spread from me.
DeleteI think God has wired women to be like that,every woman prays her husband should be more successful.
DeleteAre you minding this one, you pray for him more than yourself that's why things go well for him.
DeleteYour prayer is so powerful yet you don't have money of your own.
Trying to make it seem as if your prayer is the reason he is successful in life...all of you will wake up from these your dreams one day.
Don't go and look for your own money, keep on hinging your shortcomings on the fact that you use all your prayer quota on your husband.
Reasonable doubt d tin tire me. Haba. Is dis goodluck charm not applicable to d carrier?
DeleteTynu Akom...not every woman, only Nigerian woman or probably some other African countries!!! They are wired like that cos they are of the believe that the man brings money while theirs is to birth children, cook,clean and eat!!! Exactly why men feel its their right to cheat!!! Its obvious in the story!!!
DeleteWomen who thinks marriage is an achievement also end up like this
DeleteImprove on your skills and help yasef o, pray for yourself so u go hammer, let him pray for himself...what a disloyal husband... That's how they are o my dear, take heart.
DeleteHammer wetin?
She tell you say na hammer wey she no hammer be her problem?
Onye isi ndi Pharisees na Herodians na Sadducees
Nwuye herod keep kwayet there.
DeleteYou don cook ya river niger soup finish chop come dey yarn akamu okwa ya? 😂😂😂😂
DeleteWhat does men really want?
ReplyDeleteOga madam...I hope u have heard your wife, better pit a stop to those your shenanigans.
What I will say is to be careful. That was how a friend was so sure of her spirituality until her husband infected her with HIV. When he starts sleeping with them you will be vouching on dreams and God.
ReplyDeleteI am married and 100% team snoop. If I smell rat with my husband he won't see the color of my bra not to talk of pants.
...wont you wash it and dry it again?
DeleteSee correct sense from yaba left. Yeba left carry go, madness is not for lazy people at all.
DeleteYaba left escape he will even help to bring them inside once dried.
DeleteMadness is not for lazy people oooo😂😂😂😂😂
DeleteChei! Ayam laughing ooo! Madness is not for lazy people ooo!
DeleteLolzzzz SDK see comment section reliever Biko 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Delete..... so you think since he married you he hasnt cheated abi? Yimu...
ReplyDeleteAnd you think ur prayers are keeping things going abi? You ppl are funny
Azzin I'm dumbfounded at how some women reason
DeleteGood decision poster. Keep it up
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile continue Voting For Your Favourite Female Blogger of The Year!
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Sorry darling 😘....I guess your marriage is still very young that's why you are so heartbroken....With time you gonna grow a thick skin to his philandering nature...The only way forward is get busy..Find something doing and make enough money
ReplyDeleteHmmm...... By the way, a lot of women with that kind of thick skin also have hiv. Just Saying
DeleteMadam you better start praying for the betterment of yourself. Have your own money and see how things will work out fine for you guys.
ReplyDeletemadam take it easy before you develop HBP on top side chick matter. Your husband own na follow come. Maybe you should pray for him to change. How come you are the only one praying for him? Hope he prays for you as well
ReplyDeleteYour last sentence is everything! Why lose sleep on a man that doesn't care how his actions affect you.
DeletePlease focus on your skill. Get him to pay for sewing lessons and a shop. Hone your skills as best as you can.
Pray for your child, yourself and your business. If you channel the energy spent monitoring your husband on self improvement you'll be happier for it.
Always use a condom if you want to have sex with him. Do not let him infect you with an STD. Your life doesn't revolve around him! You have your life to live and a child who needs an emotionally stable mother.
Make sure you save like your life depends on it. My mother told me that men who have money to spend on side chics obviously have too much disposable income. Tax him like hell! Send your kid to a more expensive school. Make up household problems that need solving and save the money you collect from him.
Does he give you money for food stuff? Inflate the prices of food expenses.
By the time his responsibilities double, he will have less and less for his side chics.
...even if he submits his entire monthly salary to the wife, it wont change anything, side chick will still remain, you think they give these chicks money on a monthly basis?
DeletePoster, follow this advice. It is full of wisdom.
DeleteHerpès knows no Condom.
Delete@white enchantress please tell them o.. people of the world thinks condom protects them from all disease ...Cytomegaloviris is real
DeleteMadam, Stella has said it all. Your husband has no respect for himself. Pray for yourself only. Why would you pray for him more than yourself? Who did this to African women? He will even be sending money to side chicks...smh
ReplyDeleteAfrican women are prayer warriors! They can see visions when it comes to cheating husbands but not a single premonition when it relates to their own progress.
DeleteThey are warriors when it's time to fight side chics but will never fight for liberation from physical and emotional abuse.
They can cook 6 course meals for their boyfriends but some won't cook for their parents!
Nawa for us!
nicole hahahaha you make sense welllll
DeleteHow do you pray for others without preparing for yourself?
ReplyDeletePoster,we are in the same WhatsApp group.90%.what I dream is what we happen in future in my marriage.if I don't pray well, it happens.but if I do,it won't.hubby doesn't cheat,he flirts.am using my own method to deal with him,now he is scared of collecting numbers. See if you don't deal with it now,it will graduate to full cheating.unless you want to ignore ,but I tell u its not easy to ignore them. Madam go on ur knees too
ReplyDelete"Hubby doesnt cheat, he flirts" 😂😂😂... my dear, dont deceive yourself, just say you havnt caught him, i hate to burst your bubble, but he hasnt stopped flirting & collecting numbers, hes just very good at hiding it.
DeleteAre you the hubby? I don't understand people like you who derive joy in other people's sadness. And you are even laughing, what is funny about your comment?
DeleteAnon 15 :53. Don't mind the idiat
DeleteIts really funny to know that we still have women that believe men collect numbers to flirt alone... and dont cheat, meaning they know the line & dont cross it, lemme laugh again at your ignorance 😂😂😂😂.
DeleteHe doesn't cheat, he flirts....are you this naive?
DeleteContinue laughing until you fall into the gutter. Misery loves company. Whilst I get the point you were trying to make, you are a very insensitive person.
DeleteBlackberry, when a woman has built the great wall of china around her heart, so high that she believes her husband cant have an erection for anyother nude, theres no need trying to burst her bubble & give her sleepless nights... flirting without cheating? Who loves sniffing food without wanting to taste?
DeleteDefence mechanism raised to power 4.
Kwakwakwakwa.Anon let me follow u laugh..Some of us women have fish brain..Saying a man firts bur doesn't cheat is like saying a man is masturbating but doesn't cum..There is a thin line between firting and cheating..
DeleteMadam with a firting horseband,let me help laughing Anon to burst ur bubble,ur husband is already cheating..If u believe he is only firting but not cheating,then u have a brain of 3yrs old child..Chai women dey Mumu well well...Bwahhahahaha..LWKMD! 🤣🤣
Madam those numbers hes collecting its not to fill up his phone contacts o. Just know he his acting on those numbers. You just havnt caught him yet.
DeletePraying for yourself i mean*
ReplyDeleteYes, babe. It's time to be selfish!! Pray for yourself alone, focus on work, with your spiritual gift, nothing stops you from calling on God to make you rich. And remember if you can't handle it anymore, ask God, if you should leave. If you die today God forbid, just know that you can be replaced easily with any of his flirts. So babe, it time to be selfish with everything, including your prayers!!
ReplyDeleteEndtime husband.
ReplyDeleteEnd time Josephine.
ReplyDeleteEvery time he slips and get caught. He chants his usual mantra" it's harmless, it's harmless".
He approaches a strange woman yet that was harmless.
He took her number yet that was also harmless.
He hides his from from you;that was also harmless.
He sends erotic messages too and that was also harmless.
When he eventually sleeps with her, am sure he will tell you again "THAT IT WAS HARMLESS".
Your husband excuses are so cheap. To think he blackmails you untop of it all, is appalling.Telling you not to get upset, else you also bear the brunt of it all,phew!!!
The truth be told. He is just starting out on his late night rendezvous and he seem to me like someone who isn't ready to stop any time soon. God help you.
I can imagine all d harmless fucks he is giving those girls..Chai dat man is wicked..
DeleteOga, stop cheating on your beautiful wife with small small girls. You won't like it if she devotes her time to chat with small boys & call it harmless flirting.
ReplyDeleteMadam, please begin to pray for yourself & grab your self esteem from where it's lying.
Thank God you have decided to work on that fashion designing,it will help and at the same time put your mind off what your husband is doing.Men are bound to flirt,are you just realising that?it takes great discipline for most men to resist temptations outside and inside,focus on your baby,yourself and securing your home.He probably wanted to feel the single men lifestyle again..lol.Pray for him everyday.It is well with you madam.God will help us women.My own too dey my body.Lol
ReplyDeleteStella, you crack me up sometimes with your somewhat innocent questions. Lol @ you clearly have some kind of powers.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, poster, I was going to say yet another "I pray for him more than I pray for myself" story till I read to the end and saw your resolution.
Good thing you know your problem and the solution.
All the best in your endeavors.
I have similar habit but I'm single sha. I so fucking being this way
ReplyDeletePls stop it before you go and carry someone's daughter and you end up giving her High BP
DeletePoster stop praying for him, let every mallam mind his kettle.
ReplyDeleteFocus on your work, pray that God bless you soo much that you can also buy iPhone X and chat with people he doesn't know so that it will pepper him also.
Husband BV let me tell you something, the fastest way to loose face in the sight of God is to break the vows you made before him.
Don't be stupid don't destroy your home over cheap pussy when you have a good woman in your corner...Once you lose her you will regret it forever.
Keep on praying for him. Perhaps, he might change for good.
ReplyDeleteI could have sworn I wrote this couple of years back. Hahahahahaa, forget the agbero u married,he can never change. Just pray and do ur thing. My ex husband did same and left wit majority of our money and properties. Guess what now, he is squatting at his younger brother's house penniless. They feed him wit insults wit their wives. And me, balling so hard and nice about yo remarry. I allowed him go wit everything we worked for then focused on myself and kid, we made it so well wit Gods Grace. Now, he can't even come near us cos of shame. So go figure, poster.
DeletePrayer warrior,pray for yourself. You love your husband more than you love yourself.So if you pray for yourself,and you prosper,is it a criminal offense? Every bvs on SDK na virgin.
ReplyDeleteWe have virgins here ooo.. If that's what u want to hear.
DeleteMe sef I be virgin too..Yimmu..Na d line Dem dey use to avoid being bashed..
DeleteMy dear, it is well.
ReplyDeleteJust yesterday, my hubby of 5 years told me that he was sure that his mum's prayer has been saving him from something. I said what about my prayers, he told me that he didn't know I pray for him. Someone I do pray for most at midnight for success and breakthrough. He knows how he was before marriage and now. Hmmm, I shock. Since then, I stopped praying for him oh. I feel strange stopping but I feel hurt not acknowledged cos I always tell him I pray for him. It is well
Stop praying for him. Pray for yourself instead. It is well
DeleteGo and sit down. It's not your prayer Thsts helping him.. His mother was there before he married you.
Let him go and marry his mother then. Madam focus on yourself and your children.
DeleteThe loyalty of a poor man is always in doubt,
ReplyDeleteHowever it's important for you both to pray together about his weaknesses,
But he needs to stop taking your meekness for granted its really unfair of him ,
However don't even feel less of who you are
Cos you are worthy of love ,loyalty and respect .
You deserve way better than you are getting but do not lose heart it would all end in praise .
I'm glad youd be praying more for yourself.
Ignore him and make him feel so invincible that he would be scared of your next move .
Preeq dey scratch your horseband, the thing wey he dey find he go soon see am
ReplyDeletePoster please include me in your prayers.. 🤗🤗🤗
ReplyDeleteTry and get busy.. You will be fine.. In case you need Ankara for sewing, please Holla me let's do business..🍎🍎
😂😂😂 Don’t know why this just cracked me up.
DeleteOga you are reading abi? You better retrace your steps or it's gonna end in heartache, sorrow and multiple STDS. There's nothing out there, face your wife. Those adventurous styles you think you'll get from those whores will send you straight to hell. Be careful.
ReplyDeleteMadam protect yourself!
Ma'am please just focus on what u want to do and your child....I know it is hard to ignore his flirty character but trust me those girls ain't worth your stress.... he will change and always pray for him cos he is your husband... start up your clothing business and but everything in God's hand...
ReplyDeleteyour husband is a dog. skido. yes i want him to read it...sorry but just the truth...start living for yourself, hardbut doable. another thing you need to note is a man will cheat cos he wants to so dont let anyone blackmail you emotionally. even beyonce was cheated on so wetin. name the most beautiful and shapely woman, dem don cheat on am so dont start feelingthere is something wrong with you..i have been married 14 yearsso trust me i know what am saying. my hubby tried that blackmail with me that it was because of my attitude, man wey i dey carry like god...till i started to analyse his roots for him and howhe has no respect for marriage cos of his upbringing naim he shut up. some men were not raised right and believe a man must cheat and have side chicks while the woman is to endure whatever they dish to her..take care of yourself and child. just let him know you are not a walk over and will not be disrespected. if he continues to cheat use protection and test yourself regularly cos his type go dey lie plenty to cover their tracks..make your money and dont let him give you HBP, fighting every time no be am. when they no you dont give a hoot they will sit up. maybe cos my own don fuck around and body don tire am he now stays at home and goes to church more. so keep praying for him but dont let him treat you anyhow..only God can change a person not talking or fighting or quarels
ReplyDeleteEverybody now dreams and sees visions like Iya Oshoronga. You people are just hallucinating in the name of dreams and visions
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, you are the one that will hallucinate. Kontinu mocking others.
DeleteWhat a dumb comment like out of the billions of people on earth she is the only alive with such a gift swerve biko
DeleteEven the iya whatever is hallucinating too. Her comments always sound weird like someone struggling to sound or seem different and unique
DeleteI used to be in your shoes, because I always saw it in my dreams whenever my husband strayed. Look poster, the best thing you can do to help yourself is to stop thinking about what he is doing with his phone, it can actually drive a woman crazy. Instead, develop yourself, and yes, pray for yourself more. Pray for him too, don't curse him o. Some people cannot be cheated on and I believe that you are one of such. Just keep calm, and ask God to always expose his philandering. It will always work.
ReplyDeleteYes am of those people too,hubby cant cheat on me the day he tries it everything crumbles.believe me its the truth I know most people wont believe this but it's the truth.people have been saying all sort,like I gave him something if not I wont be in charge of all accounts of our business.
DeleteAnd he wont carry my matter for head the way he does,guess my spirit can never be cheated on.have always known I have a strong spirit but never knew it will come handy when I married.i am 100%team snoop from contact,to fb,watsapp and email still nothing.we go to work together,though I close 6pm because of our son.he is clean
this is the same thing my boy friend is doing. flirting with different girls, presently feeling depressed because of his attitude. my own better i never marry him yet. donno how a guy will have small prick and still be flirting. breaking up with him soon sha.
ReplyDeleteYou're depressed because of a bf..woww
DeleteAHAAAAAAAAA, BIRO COVER SIZED PEEPEE, that one na national embarrassment just free the useless and penisless idiot.
DeleteYou are going nowhere.
DeleteLol @ how a guy will have small prick and still be flirting. You gan,what are yoy doing with a guy with small prick
Delete@ Prudent Tabitha Yes i am. i am not ashamed to sincerely like someone. its not my fault that he is a flirt. i will be fine
Delete@ Anon 16:34 as in! i just weak
you mean oooo!"donno how a guy will have small prick and still be flirting."laugh wan kill me ooooooooooooo
DeleteTell him he has small prick, and you wonder why he is cheating.
DeleteI have told you people to stop praying good blessings for una horse and until you notice God is strong in him and he wont misbehave.
ReplyDeleteMadam good you have decided to pray for yourself. Men are just too selfish.
The problems is that they know God answers women sharp sharp, so they take it for granted.
It is well with youe
Oga Bv , try and change.Make your beautiful wife happy.
ReplyDeleteYour husband is a 21st century husband in an open marriage.you better move with the tide and stop complaining. Get a side boo you this woman.You both will be happy for it in the long run just make sure he doeant catch you as he is making aure you do not catch him.you may find out your husband isn't good in bed afterall and you have being suffering with his poor bedmatics since without realising it since he was your first.you are a virgin so he may not be getting it from you sexually like he does from those experienced girls out there.look at the bright side of it you can bring the experience you get from your side boo home and turn his head in bed. Your cheating will bring prosperity to the house since those mwn will be given you money unlike your husband that waste your money outside.if you don't cheat now or later with the way you husband is going and have fun too trust me you will leave that marriage las last. Nobody should say rubbish underneath my comment because you said your husband is reading I don't care if he replies in anon mode .
ReplyDelete"Your cheating will bring prosperity to the house".... see rubbish talk!
DeleteAnd u think all side dicks are always top notch abi?
This is how I got out of Avery deep depression,I decided to give a side boo a go...Best decision of my life,I would have been dead..Now I don't care if he cheats or not Because we are both happy...I use condoms all the time.
Delete@Ybl She isnt stupid to allow herself to jump from grying pan to fire. she just needs to get the one that makes sense.if she isn't ready to cheat then she need yo get out of that thing she called marriage.most husbands are in open marriages anyway.open marriages isn't a crime her husband will get used to it with time Like she has done with his cheating if he can't cope he can file for a divorce but what is the assurance that the next woman will not cheat on him.
DeleteMadam pray for yourself and your success. Also have a backup plan incase he doesn't stop this attitude early enough
ReplyDeletePoster my story is exactly like yours except this man doesn't know that when I cry or stop praying for him things go bad. I also started my fashion designing course too and I ignored him totally.
ReplyDeleteLet me tell you what to do, don't stop praying for him totally just that the hurt he has caused you won't allow you to pray for him, I complained and complained tire, he didn't change always saying its just flirting and not cheating, it got bad to the extent that I can't use any strange number of a girl to call him because he can chat the person up later. He is that bad in his flirting or cheating.
Now, I stopped complaining and I focused on my fashion designing, he didn't help me out with the fees or anything, I got the machine and paid over 100k for 3month first, looking for money to pay for another 3month of advanced training when I am done with this one. I ignored and neglected him, no sex, just greetings, I don't bother about him cheating or flirting anymore and I don't cry again either. I have met people during my training that we talk and gist, also I have a lot of practicals to do with the designs they teach everyday, so practically I am always busy, even when he gets back from work by 11 or so, I am always sowing and cutting cloth for practice. Now he misses me and doesn't know how to come in because I don't give him face. I don't know if the marriage will break or not but now I seems not to care. I have a son just like you and since we stopped having sex, no child anytime soon so I can focus on buildimg myself although I rush home all the time to pick him up my son, because school bus drops him but anytime I can' make it, I call them up in school to leave him there, then I pickup while coming.
He has been complaining that I am selfish and inconveniencing our son because I don't have a car so I have to take maruwa whenever he is left in school and hubby doesn't like that so he keeps complaining, I can't be using the little money I have to take taxify. He isn't ready to drop a car for me and me too I am not ready to drop my training for anyone. I am selfish now too, by the time I am dome with the training, my son will enjoy better because I know with Gods grace I will make it.
Just leave him and ignore him, Don't talk about it again. And pray and pray for yourself and child, just put your hubby once in a while. Our relationship isn't fine anymore but I don't seems to care, he feels I may be cheating or something but whatever he thinks is his own problem. I have a life before meeting him and that won't stop because of him. I stayed 5yrs at home because he doesn't want me to work but now I have to take my life back by force. God will help you my dear. His trying to be my friend again but I am not giving him that opportunity again, not now.
Just ignore him and focus on your training, he will sit right later.
Sorry I didn't include this👇
DeleteYou see when I ignored him and stop praying, those times I was really hurt I wanted to swear for him but I realise my son bears his surname and I don't want anything that will affect my child, so I release all those bitterness and hurt with the grace of God. I am a happy person now and he always look at me with awe of the reason for my happiness.
He was managing too before he met me and money came but since I ignored him, he has been very broke ehn. He barely can drop money in the house, it has affected me because I don't see money to save anymore like before but I don't care. So far it isn't affecting my son's school fees and his needs, he should remain broke like that. He hasn't realise that since I ignored him, he has been broke. He told me himself that it was when I came into his life everything started going on well and money was coming left right and centre for him but now na only his salary he is getting but by the time month ends now he has debt piled up for him, no extra income coming in again. His business has took another turn, one of the cars had fault about 1month ago, no money to fix it since he refuse to not give me the car for easy movement. The other car na tuketuke the thing dey do. I look good now with smiles all over me but his the one that is always bitter. The day we will finally talk ehn, he will hear things that will make him go crazy. I am a better person now.
Poster it will affect you when you stop praying but you have to prepare and be strong oo, ignore totally.
Good luck
Deletetypical nigerian marriage. yet you people will condemn brave western women...
Deleteso this is how you will live for how long? when you want another child and sleep with him, hopefully he doesnt have HIV or any other STI by that time
DeleteAll these young Nigerians married women are so daft. Who do una like this?
DeleteI like your decision, true it's about time you start up something you love doing and that you are good in can can also come with. I pray God restore back joy,commi commitment and faithfulness in your marriage aldo bless the intending work of your hand
ReplyDeleteHello dear! Let this be your mantra and you better believe it that " your husband is cheating, sleeps around, he is a shameless He dog with no respect for your feelings" Don't decieve yourself by feeling he is just an harmless flirt enjoying text sex, He is an adulterer with zero respect for you guys "vows" . If you condition your mind strongly to above said, face your reality boldly and focus on your coping mechanisms if you decide to stay put in the marriage.( In reality ,sadly but the truth is infidelity goes on in majority of affluent marriages, even in poor as church rat marriages! And couples still maintain the marriage or some sort of working marriage.Do I preach / subscribe to above?? Not really, but it s the reality out there! My advice: If you can emotionally handle this reality, then focus on developing yourself financially, pray mainly for yourself and child, if you can't stand the heat, do not get pregnant again for the He goat you married. Trust is broken, so you gotta protect yourself against STDs from the rabid dog you married, Use Condom religiously with him. The anonymous up there suggested you too can play the game,I am a realist and I know you will need your emotional needs to be met- that will be your call. I just need you right now to channel all your energy on growing this business you have passion for.memo to you - useless,ingrate husband, I purposely used all those harsh adjectives for you as you are a BV and you will see it all,there is a popular saying that money shows the real character of a man that poverty hides,you didn't refute the 'sayings'with your character post little coins you have now. You lack conscience, why were you not flirting around during the humble days? During the time you pushed your wife to be begging for blog giveaway?( It takes a lot for people with self worth to resort to begging,) you are a man whore, only prayer can't help you, you seriously need therapy.
ReplyDeleteOga BV, stop allowing the devil to use you to test God's patience. You're the one who will lose. You think you're a superstar but you're just a fool. The God that uttered the words in 1 Kings 16:1 is looking at you in 5D and shaking His head at your stupidity.
ReplyDeletePoster, wipe your tears.
DeleteMr husband, God is about to replace you. I didn't say you will die, oh. But you're an idiot or someone has sworn for you. Cos that has to be the reason you will marry a wife that you should be treating like orisa, just so you can annoy her. So even if you have useless friends that treat women anyhow, did you not recognise that your wife is different? Forget all the comments making you feel cool, God will use you to show He is the one that instituted marriage. You know the way fear of God fell on the church and people arranged themselves well after God touched Ananias and Saphira? That's how people will shake when God comes for you. I'm sure I don't know your wife so it's not personal for me, but God has seen what you've done that you think is hidden. Because you knew the right thing to do and didn't do it, the God that mercifully allowed your path to cross with that of your wife, has decided to answer you by Himself. So, go and do whatever you want.
Enter your comment...My ex boyfriend oo.Will post pictures of different girls,stay on long calls with them with the excuse that he is encouraging them.In my mind i am like,how come your not encouraging your fellow men.He gives everyother person,even to his last but i always had to understand why he didn't give me a penny in the 7 months even on my birthday.My birthday he said i annoyed him and all so he is delaying the gift.Too many girls around him oo.I couldn't wait for the gift men and brethren i took off immediately.Many other gists oo.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't love him, you were just with him for what you can't get. Long throat girl.
DeleteDear Poster, your husband is already cheating, it's called Emotional Cheating. It may progress to sexual, it may not. Truth be told he is not a good man and he is causing you trauma knowingly.
ReplyDeleteI know all these because I am currently going through this.
Pls don't blame yourself in any way, as per, don't think it's because you are not giving him enough attention and all. Even if you follow him to work everyday and talk with him 24-7, He will still do this.
When mine happened I realized that what hurt me most was I had trusted him 100%, and yes it was also emotional cheating. Now I can't seem to trust him again because I can't afford to get that hurt again.
So please, get busy, distract yourself and stop paying attention to him and his activities. Get your own money and focus on your child. I can't say you should flirt too because that will be hurting the new innocent person and besides, it also drags you down to his low level. Believe me you don't want to be at that level because you are the better person.
Time heals some of these type of wounds, but if it isn't going away, you will find the best solution within you.
All the best....
Stella, where is my comment?
ReplyDeleteWith all the spiritual stuffs we read and stds flying around , people can still cheat?????
ReplyDeleteMen have taught women how to harden their hearts...
Both sexes have to learn self control and discipline in all areas of life
From clapping , we enter into breakdance, shaku shaku, azonto etc.
Flirts will lead to actually having sex.
All those monies you are giving side chicks, invest it and you will be amazed at how much you have saved .
They say sex with one person becomes boring , sweeten it up! No threesomes o ooo.
When a man is devoted to his wife, he enjoys all the days of their lives .
I don't blame those women that pray their spouses don't get rich or remote control their husbands .
Mau God put in all men the desire to be godly husbands in Jesus name I pray .
Stella yes some women have powers. Not evil God deliberately placed them there to be a helper sort of in praying and other things. And they are very rare. God Himself said who find a wife find a good thing and obtains favour from the lord. It means yes God put some powers in women. If they curse you things will go wrong if they pray for you things will go right. But those people are rare they are not so much espcially the ones that tried to stay clean and disciplined. Not random babes that have been used . If women weren’t blessed men won’t sleep with them for jazz work. To your story madam your husband is a reckless person. To be honest no appropriate self discipline. Sick man he is actually. He has a jewel at home yet treating her like trash for those trash outside. You respect your jewel and control yourself when you’re with the woman you love and helps your life in every way. Yet he is willing to make you feel bad and treat you like trash . Don’t listen to him if you Chanel your prayers and energy on yourself things will work much more better for you but you will have to be patient with it coming out. I wish you all the best in your new decision . Good luck.
ReplyDeleteWell sweet sister I'm wondering whether you married Gods perfectchoice for you, he's your husband so use your special powers to pray and ask God to stop him, let him replent for real, then pray that his preek will never respond to any other woman but you. Then pray for yourself too. The moment God arrests him, you will see the difference. It's well