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Tuesday, April 02, 2019

World Autism Day Is April 2nd....

Today April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day.....

Autism is a complex Neurobehavioural condition which causes problems with language and communication skills. It also causes a person to have repetitive and rigid behaviour....There are some cases that are really extreme.

There are some Adults living with Autism and there are some kids growing up with this condition.......

Are you Autistic or bringing up a child who has this condition...?
How are you coping?How are you managing the child/person?


  1. May God give the Autism parents the strength to forge ahead... Its not easy o

    1. Honestly any woman that has Autistic child, people should continue praying for them it is not an easy task. I pray healing fall on all Autistic children all over the world as they mark their day today, amen

    2. Amen. Those kids r a blessing in disguise if managed well, highly Artistic and smart.

  2. My cousin and I were just discussing about autism and why it has become so prevalent nwdays and we don't know whether some vaccines have anything to do with it, especially in the UK its an ongoing debate.
    I know atleast 3kids diagnosed with autism. 2 of the 3 function relatively well, but the 3rd still cant verbalize properly at 6. I really give it to the parents, its not an easy task, the expenses with therapy plus the work they put in daily.

  3. The earlier parents start acknowledging that their kids have delays or something is not right somewhere and take them to a developmental paediatrician the better. They are not doing themselves or the child any good by hiding them away or pretending that all is well. As the child grows older, therapy becomes more expensive and unavoidably long-term.
    Don't be afraid to seek for solution, a good therapist will perform wonders. I know of one whose child has really improved that it's just unbelievable and I've noticed that autistic children are usually very intelligent and smart.

    1. Please where can we find such good therapists?

    2. Pls ma’am @Ralu, can you kindly link me up with this therapist.. thanks


    3. In Lagos here, my son's therapist is the best. His improvement is tremendous and very noticeable. It don't come cheap though.

    4. If you are in Lagos, you can visit neuro @oshodi

    5. Grateful mum kindly share the therapist details please. I need someone in ph but I am willing to travel or relocate for a skilled therapist.
      Thank you

    6. Grateful mum pls kindly share your therapist's details

  4. This post just reminded me of a biracial friend of mine, her mum is British but her dad is Nigerian. She came visiting sometime last year with her younger brother, she never even told me she had a brother, so I was surprised. Immediately they got in I was taken aback by the boy's CUTENESS, curly hair and a very clear skin he was about 18. I moved forward to hug him but he just held my shoulder, chanting 'you are so beautiful' in a very creepy way. He repeated it again and again, I was really scared o. When he sat down, I noticed he was staring at me with an unsettling intensity.
    In all of these, my friend was acting like everything was OK, I was really confused and curious. After we spent some time gisting, her phone rang and she went away to take the call; that was when the real drama started o. Her brother jumped to his feet, moved closer to the couch I was sitting on, bent close to my face and started looking into my eyes! Me too jumped o and screamed blood of Jesus. I guess my scream scared him away cos he went back to sit, put his hands over his face and didn't remove it till they left.
    When I probed, She told me he is autistic,apparently, he fell off from the bed when he was a baby and the fall somehow affected his brain. I felt really bad and wished she told me before she came with him, I wouldn't have shouted blood of Jesus 😥

    1. You are a clown I swear. The blood of Jesus part got me laughing.
      She didn't tell you so its OK.
      They are friendly and intelligent too

    2. It's well. God will show up for them

    3. 😂u ehenn. I tot it’s an inborn disease? So u can get it after birth 2?

  5. My little sister is autistic, she is a teenage and it breaks my heart. I feel so bad for my mum because it almost feels like she can't catch a break. While she is a teenage, she functions like a toddler. I'm scared for her future and I sometimes try to forget because it can be depressing.

    1. Please keep encouraging your mom and yourself. It will end in praise

    2. *teenager. Thank you Princess.

    3. You writing comes across like you are detached from her. If so, it is hard but a step at a time makes a huge difference towards loving and interacting more with her.

  6. Raising a special kid is not easy. God will strengthen mother's and caregivers to give their best.

  7. My daughter is austistic with other things creeping in.she has just been diagnosed to be epileptic too.Has craniosynotosis too.once wrote stella about her as i wanted to try and get better treatment for her in us too but was not given visa.its hard with diffrent issues coming up cos she is 2+ but i love her to the moon and back.will keep trying.

    1. Please keep on trying for her. The road won't be easy, but you will scale through IJN. Kisses to your baby❣️

    2. Google Gluten free diet and reduce her carbs. introduce healthy oils too( avocado oil, palm oil) Just google it HELPS

    3. So sorry. God will heal her, but please be strong. Don't ever loose hope

    4. Google nemechek protocol. Join the support groups on Facebook.she is still so young and can recover.Follow @simplykiddies on ig and PM me if you want

    5. Try cod liver oil. I know when my daughter stops using it. The repetitiveness is almost non existant if you are consistent. Also I don't give her excess sugar on form of biscuits, cakes, juices and the likes. Water is what she drinks.

  8. God bless all mothers with Autistic children. It is really a handful job and the kids are very hyper active and smart most parents tends to hide them from from the society a painful fact .

  9. Thanks Stella for this awareness! I have an Autistic son(mild austism I'll say compared to others I've seen),he's so caring and loving but the fact is taking care of them is so draining both physically,financially and emotionally. He'll be 11years and cannot read at all but he's trying to write alphabets and numbers.
    He's attending a special school but the cost is not pocket friendly at all, if only the government can come to our aid to subsidize the fees, we'll appreciate it.
    In all, I'm so grateful to God for having him.

    If you know me,you'll definitely know my son. I take him anywhere and everywhere I go. I love you greatly son!!!


    1. God will continue to strengthen you physically, emotionally and financially so that you will be able to look after your son. It will end in praise. Cheers

    2. Wow,,, Super strength to all mums.
      God bless you ma'am and all mums caring for a special needs child

  10. My 2yr old daughter was just diagnosed with autism and boy its not easy especially as a single parent totally draining and tiring
    You question God soo many times especially when you did EVERYTHING RIGHT during pregnancy and there was no complications during childbirth none!
    Hers is not soo severe although she's not verbal and not walking but as the doctors say, it could have been worse.
    We thank God in everything but it's still hard
    The mother can hardly ever catch a break. Hmmm

    1. So sorry dear , she will get better with time by God's grace.

      What signs or symptoms should one look out for in autism? What is normal and when should 1 be worried?

    2. Pls put her in therapy as she's still young and the younger they start the better.
      Iv seen someone whose son is functioning almost at normal capacity for his age cos they started early and the mother worked constantly with him also.
      I know funds can be a problem. God will see you through.

    3. Some are really easy to detect but mine was quite difficult because although she wasn't meeting her developmental stages, she was progressing and people kept telling me children grow differently but my sister and I felt differently so we kept going to different doctors and hospitals till we got the diagnosis..
      Her own is sensory so she does not do any solids at all, won't eat rice only pureed food.
      Still not talking but is verbal, not potty trained so still diapers at 2.
      You know I say that as a mother, you know something is definitely wrong and the advent of Internet makes information ℹ easily accessible so you read and read.
      She's now in a special intervention school and boy its not cheap! A semester is about $1000!
      But she's soo cute and lovable so you get frustrated and you remember the good parts.
      It's really God

  11. One thing I hope I can do very well in 2019 is to educate people about AUTISM.

    It is a personal story and journey that I was on and I can boldly say it we defeated Autism. When people look at us and ask me that am I very sure of what I am saying, I am always happy to tell them that yes we defeated Autism. From no word until age 4 to when I got a feedback from school in 2018 that Boma talks so much now and he is a talk-active now to him taking part in a stage play and to him leading the school assembly. It has been a great journey full of learning and unlearning and to the better understanding that our journeys are totally different.
    So please feel free to ask me about Autism.

    Can we also change some narrative, such as he is an Autistic child to he is child with Autism.

    1. How did you do it help a mother

    2. Are you in the did you do it

    3. Do you live in abuja? or can you suggest good therapy centres here? Thank you.

  12. When my daughter was around 6 months, I noticed she was not the bubbly type. I will come home from work expecting a smile but she never smiled, she seemed to be too independent even for that age. I complained to everyone who cared to listen but they told me babies are different. Hmmm, by the time she was 18months, I noticed the delays. She was yet to say mummy or any word at all, I complained again and people kept telling me children are different. Thank God I listened to my instincts. I took her for hearing tests and all, she passed all, so I knew she had no problem with hearing. Thereafter I took her for evaluation in two different therapy centres, they still didnt consider autistic but said she just had speech delay since her father did not talk till 3 years himself. I knew something was wrong so I listened to my instinct again and took her to neurologists and surgeons and all, they all said her brain was normal. Hmm, that was when I came across an article that stated how difficult it was for girls to get diagnosed cos they exhibited less symptoms than boys. If you see my girl, you wont even know she is on the spectrum. I decided to enrol my daughter in speech and behaviour therapy and it's not cheap at all at all. I also removed her from her school and took her to a more expensive school where they take children on the autism spectrum but only those considered mild. I also removed all form of diary, gluten, casein and sugar from her diet. Now she eats natural gluten free foods and I also import gluten free cereals and coconut milk for her from time to time. Do I see an improvement, yes. My daughter can say her A-Z, her numbers, she knows her shapes, animals, fruits and what have you. She sings all her nursery rhymes and the only thing we are now working on in therapy is her taking instructions and two way communication. It has not been an easy thing for me but I really do not mind. I feel there has been a rise in autism because we parents and even doctors are not patient to let us wait the 40 weeks out. Inducement is so rampant this days. With my daughter, I was just 34 weeks pregnant when I went for my antenatal, my doctor noticed I was having contractions and concluded I had gone into labour, he swept my membrane and I gave birth the next day. I knew something was off when she weighed so little and she was gasping for breathe. Trust our doctors here, they didnt put her in NICU or anything, they discharged us in 3 days despite all my complaints. For my second, that was when I realised the contractions I was having were Bratton hicks contractions. I had them from 33 weeks till the end of my second pregnancy. Am currently 38weeks 5 days gone with my 3rd baby and despite the tiredness and all, I am not inducing. I will wait this out till 40 weeks. God knows why He made pregnancy 40 weeks but yet we always want to change it with our hands. Even in developed countries, unless there is an health risk to the mother or the baby, they dont advise inducement till 39 weeks but here I our country, doctors just want to get it done and over with. It is well sha. I thank God I allowed my second daughter to stay till she was ready and she is perfect. I intend to wait this out too and I know my baby will be perfect.
    While it's not easy taking care of autistic children pls understand that they can recover especially where the case is considered mild. God will help us all.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Iv learnt alot. Your daughter will continue to progress IJN.

    2. How old is your daughter now?

    3. How old is your daughter now? Am asking cos some toddlers actually have delays and not autism, you did the right thing anyways giving her therapy either delays or autism. I researched autism a lot when my daughter was having speech and communication delays. At two years she was not talking . I mean she can whisper and talk something no one understands. We took her to Dr's and she was certified okay but I wasn't satisfied.she was diagnosed as having lead poisoning at six months shortly after we arrived us. On account of that she was enrolled in what they called early intervention. She is 3 and will soon be 4 years now.all the autism signs I read in the book that had got me panicked has disappeared oh.signs like humming when eating, turning round in circles until you're dizzy. Normal kids do them too.but everything was magnified once my thoughts was filled with autism.and her lead poisoning didn't help matters as we were going to the doctor over little things so he can sign her off to qualify for early intervention. At age 3, She can read ABC from a - z, knows her colors and shape. Right now she has started reading oh.yep, she can read her books when we do reading exercise. She follows instructions very well, she doesn't and never three tantrums , She will soon clock 4 and am grateful. Please trust doctors too.her peds did diagonize speech and communication delays but never autism even when i was hinting autism to him, he said he cant see the signs, she was tested for communication, behaviour, social behaviours and she did very well but failed speech , she did some things on time like , walked at 11 months. By 3 years she can use toilet by herself, and have stoped even night pee.right now she tries to teach her little one even though she drops some vowels in some letters when saying them. So for those asking for signs. If you feel your child is not at par with her mates development wise, take the child to doctors.the signs are so mixed up and not everyone is qualified to make that diagnosis.

    4. My daughter is 2 years, 8 months now. I saw the signs of autism very early. She used to keep to herself. Doesn't and has never played with her little sister. Doesnt and has still not answered to her name. She is still yet to take and listen to instructions. With the diet and therapy, she has stopped throwing tantrums and has stopped with the spinning, as it used to be really bad. She doesnt chew as well. So I blend all her food including the cereals too. I intend to stop pureeing her food very soon so she can learn to chew.

    5. I am glad you are seeing results from therapy, I hope to say the same for my son soon. My son was born on the EDD date we were given, had a normal development all through, even had a few words but lost them suddenly at about 18months. he is now currently non verbal and we have enrolled him in therapy.

    6. Does your son walk and play normally? 18 months is really very young to arrive at a conclusion just cos he is not talking. What other signs are you seeing? Did you see a certified pediatric before he was enrolled in therapy ?

    7. He can walk and he play.though he prefers to be alone especially in new surroundings. We did see a pediatrician and he acknowledged that his language skills were delayed. Also he doesn't respond to his name or point at objects though his elder brother was like that and he is perfect now.

    8. PS : He is 21/2 years now

  13. Mothers are the greatest, mahn. I'm gonna say a prayer for every mom out there and children with autism. Y'all are superheroines ❤❤❤

    1. Anonymous pls what was done done for the lead poisoning. Was any medications given.

  14. I had an elder brother with it, while growing alot of people thought it's a mental health issue, there was no awareness what so ever back then., in e attended modupe cole(school for special children) but they didn't even know a name to it, at a point he was suspended from school, cos when he becomes angry, he can get violent.
    My mom became a full time stay home mom to care for for him, and he always had hospital appointments in yaba Psychiatric hospital. But that was our biggest mistake, he was placed on some drugs that didn't help in anyway because they thought I was a mental health issue. It wasn't easy for any of us or my mom especially. My parents spent alot back then looking for a way out, it even made us so prayerful and hopeful. But he passed away at age 26 in 2005, may His soul continue to Rest with the Lord! Amen.
    This experience thought me alot, I did a lot of research and got to know what actually it was, today I am a volunteer to creating awareness, I am the lady who through Stella did a post on the awareness we had 5years ago. Nigerian government is not helping, some therapists are still trying. May God continue to enable them all:amen. RIP IKENNA (we still miss and love you.)

    1. RIP Ikenna. Please what killed him? Hope you dont mind me asking you that.

    2. He was given wrong medications which he took almost all his life, I wish I can explain more. He became very weak at a point in his life.
      All I can say is that Nigerian government needs to step up, many families can afford the care and needs. MANY. I met a mother who has 2 kids with autism.

    3. Rip Ikenna. I have a feeling he will comeback a stronger and healthier child

  15. Some mothers do have them! The L order is your strength :amen. They are precious, my brother was, always loved peace, very helpful in the house. God bless his soul :amen


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