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Thursday, July 04, 2019

UK Based Nigerian Lady Talkes About The Extreme Abuse She Suffered And Trying To Heal


This is one story that will break you ...It is a must read but Please dont read if you cannot deal!!!



  1. I couldn't read it all😢
    it broke me😢😢
    Lord in heaven thank you for preserving me.
    will this have been my case?
    thank for the speed you gave to my legs, thank you for the distraction you always cause for me to run.
    thank you for rescuing me from my Uncle, teacher and neighbour.
    thank you for guiding me always.
    thank you my creator for not letting those paedophile and perverts succeed in my life, hence i wouldn't know if i will be able to live thereafter.
    I'm forever indebted to you My creator.😢😢

    1. I have same story as you. When I came to this point of gratitude, I stopped my cries and I knew how God kept me, this would have been my story and if He hasn't healed me and forgive me for me to forgive one particular one (family friend), I would have been calling his name out by now.


    2. I learnt 2 things. Be less strict to a child and ALWAYS listen.
      My father is my hero, like hers. 2 things i will insist with my daughter ,like my pop tot me. Always wear JEANS always, if u must show ur mosquito legs , wear SHORTU NIKA jeans ( shorts) secondly, Accountability, always say where u r going , invite friends to d house don’t go visiting, ur house is big enough for anyone to play in ( this man is partially blind but his suspension with visitors r on a 100. He will b sneaking about , monitoring every move and occasionally asking boy or girl visitors questions.
      May God heal all rape victims, reading this kept making me sick in d stomach but I finished it and I wish Nigeria will Mk rape a serious crime 🙏
      Get well soon dear. Prayers washed away a lot

  2. OH MY GOODNESS 😨😨😨😨
    This is the sadist thing I have read this year.
    Some parents are just useless and make it difficult for their children to open up to them.
    Is that what it takes to be a strict parent?
    Her mother failed her all through.
    What kind of a mum is that?
    Parents should pay more attention to their children, give them the opportunity to confide in you at all times.
    Mothers know when their kids are not doing okay, but some turn a blind eye.
    May God protect our children from rapists.

    1. I was telling someone recently that there are loads of abuse cases that are unreported cos most parents do not even make themselves available to their children , its really CRAZY and Sad , I dont pray for any ill to befall my children but I just pray they'd find me worthy enough to confide in me without fear of distrust and castigation

    2. I was telling someone recently that there are loads of abuse cases that are unreported cos most parents do not even make themselves available to their children , its really CRAZY and Sad , I dont pray for any ill to befall my children but I just pray they'd find me worthy enough to confide in me without fear of distrust and castigation

    3. SluttyChic: Can we spread the blame? She had a father too. Both parents are tasked with the responsibility of protecting their children. One parent being absent is a factor as well.
      That being said, her Mom did not try at all. Look what "No nonsense, strict Mother" cost her child.

    4. OhmyGod, this is deep,too much for any human being, notice she never called d woman mother but the parent... Parents should pls be vigilante and more observant. Hugs to you dear poster

    5. I honestly couldn’t continue after the first. My heart bleeds. May God heal you and all others who has had to go through this. I am so scared for the girl child, me being a mother of one is even scarier. I am glad people are telling their stories.

      To the lady from yesterday’s IHN comment, I donot know how you kept quiet when your instincts told you that man was doing something to that little boy he was carrying on his thighs. How could you? Your story broke my heart I tell you. You could’ve even said something to the mum. At times like that, you should find your voice. Your voice of reason!

      May God heal everyone going through one hurt or the other. May God help you find the courage to take a step forward.

  3. Rapists should be killed outright. Even castration is not enough. This lady should fully name and shame and sue the bastards who did this to her. Even the so called Pastor could not even apologise sincerely. This shows you the mindset of these type of men. Unless there is no God, those men and their generation are cursed for eternity.

    1. I do not even understand the joy in such animalistic behaviour how can someone be so evil it bewilds my imagination !!!!
      What a mess . I cannot imagine what a lot of people are going through especially the men that cannot speak up ,I saw a story where a man was being ridiculed after sharing his abuse experience.

  4. hmmmmmmmmmm this is deep. Noticed how she constantly called her mother 'my parent'. Some mothers are not MOTHER indeed. Lord help me to treat my kids right and always be there for them.

    1. Yes, I noticed that too. Prays she finds healing.

    2. I did notice too. She has been damaged to the point that she can't possibly fathom how that woman could call herself her mother and watch her go through hell.

  5. If this could happen to someone from a comfortable background, I wonder what it will look like for indigents sent out to do house helps where ever , I just wonder. Guys , people should be extra careful with their girl-child. Don’t ever trust any human around them, except their siblings , till they’re 18tears. We learn every day. Be warned.

    1. If House helps start their own chronicles enh many men own don finish.

  6. OMG!!! I am so short of words, I pray you find healing

  7. I feel so drained emotionally after reading this. Can the writer ask for justice against her abuser at 5years. The pain is sooo deep. i pray that God truly heals her completely. gosh......this is so cruel to do to anyone.

  8. I read it word for word. OMG! This woman shouldn't be allowed to live alone. Only God can heal you, only God.

  9. This is heartbreaking.. i can't imagine what she has gone through.

  10. To think that one of those demons ended up as a pastor , beats me. I can imagine members of his church honoring him with ‘man of God ‘ & going to him for cancelling. Thank God I’m never carried away by this pastor rubbish of a thing. Gradually , people are beginning to borrow themselves some sense , & withdraw from their so-called miraculous anointed heaven-bound churches.

    1. whether you like it or not we all have a past including pastors....his congregation have a right to honor him cos he is not what he used to be. he apologised to her and it shows he has truly repented. the older brother was the evil one who was taking advantage of the little girl

    2. Lady T/worth more than a thousand dollars4 July 2019 at 13:28

      God is forgiving. That is the part we can't understand about Him. If any sinner realises his errors and turns back. God will forgive. And not look back. Painfully its in his past.

      I read a book where a serial killer was caught in the US. Guess what? He met God and repented. I was so angry, that those people he had killed he probably sent to hell but here was this same man receiving the Mercy of God cos he asked God.

      That's the aspect of God we can't understand.

      God is merciful and he will show this lady mercy as well. It wasn't her fault. Its fallen the nature of man.

    3. That's why I call my unfortunate abuser man of devil.

    4. You do realize that the Kayode was also sexually abused. He was 9 years old for chrissakes! He was a child and his brother made him do all of that

    5. Read and understand. She was 9 years, not Kayode

    6. Not everyone has got an evil or bad past, you wicked people should stop lumping everyone together with your evil self.

  11. This is heart breaking.
    Am just short of words
    I pray God heals you completely

  12. ������������ My heart is crushed. I feel soo angered. Omg, I am so terrible sorry this happened to you. I am literally crying. What nonsense!

  13. Hmm... I totally understand this woman...

    I don't even know what to type again...😭😭😭

    You have spoken your truth, I pray you heal completely...

  14. This lady is strong but she needs to be stronger still. She needs to confront her abusers and curse them and their generation to their face. After that she should work on her own healing and forgive firstly herself and her abusers. Forgiveness does not mean that justice will not prevail. She should also channel her anger into helping other victims. She can give talks in schools and help to empower other females. To be a female in this world is not easy.

  15. Oh my Godddddddddddddd

    I cried reading this


  16. I just finished reading this somewhere. Just wanted to distract myself from the sadness engulfing me and here I am again.

    The usual questions by world people, why is she speaking out now, why did she get raped over and over again, why didn't she tell her folks.... Are utterly irrelevant and should be shoved where the sun don’t shine.
    I weep for this child. I weep that there are other kids/adults being raped at this moment. How do we rid the world of terror? Chai..

    1. I have had heated conversations with a lot of people because of this question "why did it take so long to speak up".

      This story drained me the first time i read it. I'm still drained rn.I pray for complete healing for this woman, I pray for our children born and unborn. I pray for all survivors. God help us. Amen

    2. I swear it totally broke me the part where she had just been raped,got home late and in distress and the next thing the mother could do is to beat her because she thot she had stayed behind to play.
      Nigerian parents need to do better. Not everything is about disciplining and beating a child. Alot of kids are damaged today partly due to the abuse they received from their parents. Your child shld not fear you to the extent they cannot confide their deepest hurt to you.
      There should be a special place in hell for rapist. I can't just stand the thot especially of raping a child. Hardly will you find a Nigerian woman that hasn't faced one form of sexual harrasement or abuse either at home,church,school or the work place. Mother's pls be a safe haven for your kids,let them be able to confide in you.
      I pray this woman finds healing. She is totally damaged. This is so sad.

    3. One of my friends on her FB wall typed something like,
      "Some people will say, 'I don't support rape, but. . .' but what?"

      Like, what is the but? Why add a but? Why must the story add up to you? A person comes out that he/she has been raped and mentions names; why not ask the people mentioned directly if her words are outright lies? Why rationalize crime?

    4. Guys, I have fought every single person that have had something stupid to say at these times. Like I am crossing them off my people list.

    5. I hope everyone remembers Tokunbo Ajayi the NTA news presenter that got raped didn’t speak out then commit suicide . With all the shaming Busola got some people will continue to keep this inside till they get suicidal.

    6. I blocked and is still blocking people asking such stupid questions. The fact that you weren't raped or you were able to fight off rapist doesn't make you wiser, just thank God for the grace that you have enjoyed so far.
      I don't even have the energy to argue with anyone, I just block you and your mentality from my time line.

  17. This is heart wrenching OMG. It's so sad because EVERYONE HAS A STORY! What is wrong with humans for God's sake? Why are some people animals like this? I'm praying for this lady. She has been through a lot an I hope the Lord heals her.

  18. God please keep our children safe. That's why I don't want my daughter out of my sight. A lot of men out there are sick.

  19. Lady T/worth more than a thousand dollars4 July 2019 at 12:01

    This is so horrifying. May God who knows and does the impossible heal this beautiful lady.

    Praying even more for my daughters.

  20. OMG!! I'm yet to bring myself to telling my own truth. I still find it very hard to talk about it not even to a soul.

    1. My dear anony, you need to find your voice and speak out...

      Will it be easy, No! But it will help you heal faster so you can move on with your life.

      I needed to move on, I kept saying to myself your old self is dead. You're a new creature now. Pls don't stay in that dark place no more...


    2. I know that feeling, you will get there, take your time.

    3. I can understand @Anonymous 12:02
      Just use these stories to encourage yourself and draw strength. Your story is yours to tall or not tell at your own good time.

      Take care

  21. Jesus Christ!

    No child deserves this! Her mother failed her all through! She actually picked friendship over her own daughter? O my God! Our generation of mother have to do better than this! This is so painful to read! I pray she gets the healing she deserves. And the painful thing is that the Bidemi character might get away with it. I pray he gets his comeuppance! All rapists included!

    1. God is indeed merciful. Some women don’t deserve to be mothers.
      They keep moving from one place to the other in search of gossip. You neglect your children like they don’t matter.
      You abandon them for strangers and go about your work/business, not even a phone call to check on them.
      When they try to tell you something, you shut them up with “ go and play with your friends, I am tired”
      Imagine an idiot coming into your own house to rape your child and you won’t know. That’s an act of irresponsibility!!

    2. Sluttychic: hmmm, there are some women you wouldn't blame. What would you say about a woman who in the space of two days lost her children then her husband's family decided to take her only and remain child because they thought she killed her children. In the process of trying to save her only child from family, she decided to "hide" the said child with her family friend and there she was abused. Now, I called it abused because the child was 5/6 and the other was 8/9, who would you blame? Hmmm...

  22. I feel so sorry for her. She has gone through a lot. Even the house isn't safe and every women should keep abreast of this knowledge. I ordered from a restaurant though a bit from from my neighbourhood, I had gone there before and they had really nice meals, so I overlooked the distance and amde a few orders.
    The delivery man came over after a few hours but one thing I noticed the moment he saw me, was that, he stare lingered a bit and his eyes went from u head to toes. I thought it was just my usual self, imagining things(I am highly suspicious). I paid and was about closing my door(was left ajar all along) when he pushed it slightly and begged to use my bathroom. I was taken aback but told him to hold it till he got back to the restaurant. Yet he insisted he doesn't want to urinate but was actually referring to my toilet, while holding his stomach with his two hand feigning constipation. He assured me that though it's obvious I am the only one at home, it was safe to allow him in. At that point I slammed the door and made sure my locks were intact. The whole thing was really scary. He kept knocking but I refused to open till he left.

    1. Constipation, his ass!

      Glad your suspicion got the better of your judgement, better safe than sorry.

    2. Parent should also try to raise their boys right and keep a watchful eye over them. Get to know the kind of friends they hang out with, movies they watch, places they go to and all. She said those boys were watching porn and he had to ring his younger brother along. So sad.

      Forgive NY typo. On my way out.

    3. Boys are also being raped, keep your kids safe,not just females but males too.

  23. I read through it, almost burst into tears at some point because the truth starred me in the face because I could relate with it.
    God has come fully to heal Nigeria and He is showing us where our problems come from and how our foundations have been deeply damaged but He is a merciful God, our next generations won't suffer all that we suffered as an individual, as a family, as a church and finally, as a Country.
    Ma'am, you are coming out and that that troubles you, will vanish because He only has the healing power. Continue to say your truth to Him and He will completely heal you.
    Lots of hugs!

    She couldn't even call her "mother"!


  24. May God intervene in the healing process of all rape victims all over the world

  25. Even animals don't behave like those rapists. For her useless mum to put a so called friendship above her own child is disgusting. A lot of mothers and fathers read this blog. Please raise your boys not to rape!!!! Many of you mothers are so blind to your children's faults. Those boys that raped her repeatedly have now grown into adults and I bet you they are still raping. Also raise your girls to tell you anything that happens to them without judgement no matter how bad.

  26. Omg!!!!!!!!!
    Mothers can be so harsh, unapproachable. I am praying for you right now, because I know it is only Jesus that can heal you, spirit, soul and body. He delivers to the uttermost.. Just ask Him for help.
    I also think you should not hide Bidemi Oladipo's identity. Nor his brother's. Let everything come out in the open, it brings healing in itself.
    It is well with you, dear sister

  27. I could not believe I cried so much while reading, this really broke me.
    I was playing it in my head what she went through while growing up.

    Thank God for my life,I was sexually abuse too from age 7 I hope I will be able to share one of my darkest secret one day...

    This rape issue has brought back so many memories I thought I had forgotten.

    May God heal this poster completely.

  28. Read it to the end. The Lady is my agemate and this is my storyline. The little difference is I found closure when I met my husband 13 years ago. God will bless my husband immensely. He is a support system personified concerning the rape, abuses,violations and humiliation I went through. I am a lawyer with 19 years post call. Meaning :not even your educational background,occupation,exposure and enlightment can save you from the demon this experience leave behind. Only closure and lots of love can make you whole again. It is well with you my dear sister. My own psychiatrist had a kind soul and my psychologist,kept on emphasising that I am strong.Sister And, God will strengthen you. Amen.

    1. You are a strong Queen, sis. ♥️♥️

  29. This is just heartbreaking. No child deserves to go through this and her mum failed her big time. When I got to the part of Bidemi bringing his brother into the mix,I had to stop reading for a bit because I started shedding tears. God help me be a parent my daughter can come and confide in about anything happening in her life. I will make sure we are friends and not just me being her mum. I was touched inappropriately several times too as a young child and I know the anger and hate I felt for my lesson teacher back then. I was only 12years and the pervert kept squeezing my budding breasts whenever he came to teach me maths. Mr Basil Metu of Command Secondary School Jos, my God will continue to punish you.

    1. Bless you, sis.

    2. I Sabi the baboon ooh,was a teacher in command Jos, Kai shame on metu,shame on him.

  30. I'm angry all over again. They all failed this woman.. Her mother, her sister, the gardener, the absent father, every single person present in her upbringing. 😡😡😡😡

    God, help me not to fail my children. Please!!!!! 😢

    1. dey comment with sense. the gardener did not fail her. he noticed something was wrong but she did not talk so what could he have done with the kind of mother she had? so you expect the father to leave his job and know what was happening at home? military men are hardly home so the onus was on the mum to fill in. sadly her sister was also useless and probably the way she was cos of the kind of mum they had and father always gone...the bidemi guy needs to be named and shamed. am a strict mum but woe betide any man that will try rubbish with my daughters. they are very close to their dad but i still watch them well with him though he has never given me cause to doubt him then again i dont want to ever be living ina fools paradise

    2. Madam overflowing sense.. "father always gone" in your own words is FAILURE.
      "Gardener noticed something but did nothing" is FAILURE.

      With your limited interpretation of failure, how will you even know when you fail? Hiss!

    3. Anon 13:42,what did you mean by "he noticed sth was wrong but she did not talk"?.. Really?.. Kindly read through your comment again.
      The gardener fuck'n FAILED her too!
      As an adult wey suppose get sense, you come notice say a Child dey 'para' whenever he/she sees a 'certain' human..
      What do you do?.. You ask questions. I know I would.. Knowing my person, that child will open up to me and even if he/she doesn't..I will confront that nigga and make it my sole aim never to let that imp come close to that child, like never!
      We all should be our neighbours keeper.
      P:S,... Ehen, since the gardener knew how strict her mum was, what stopped him from informing the father, let the man be in the know.
      Gawd!!!.. This thing dey vex me, E dey irk my soul..
      Bidemi, Satan punish you wherever you are.. I pray you experience a very violent anal rape, aarrggghhhh.. Ezi!

    4. Gardener was not a failure. She said he protected her but it wasn't enough so he did his bit. Gardener was even more concerned than her useless family.

    5. Gardener wey dey fear the rich men kids, the guy tried.

    6. The garderner DID fail her. When you notice funny movements around a child, you report. If it was his child wont he do more?? He failed her too

    7. YEP !
      For him to notice and try to protect her whenever he could means he knows something ugly was going on.
      He was supposed to help the poor child but kept mute .I PERSONALLY WILL TELL THE MOTHER OR FATHER TO QUESTION THEIR CHILD BECAUSE SHE HIDES FROM THIS PARTICULAR GUY THAT IS ALWAYS AROUND HER(does it mean this rape and evil manipulation wasn't that rampant then).
      Her sister herself is what I can't understand.
      I blame the parents A WHOLE LOT AND DISLIKE THEM WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING THEM AT ALL ! That's how angry I am right now.
      I was very young when I saw my sister's undies and clothes ripped to pieces, I knew something ugly happened which she's too shy to say , because no fight with a female will result in such.
      I took it to my dad crying and he questioned her,she still denied everything saying she ripped them for dad to get her new ones.
      My people, I didn't let it go,I went fishing and found her diary where she wrote it and gave it to my dad.
      Well, my uncle that came from Lagos that night, went the guy's house, broke his useless dick with one heavy kick(you heard right, he can't father any child anymore).
      Dad made sure the guy was locked up. My sister actually called me last month to thank me because the guy said he was gonna kill our dad if she opens up then and I broke that!
      Who knows, the guy might have moved to me too or continued doing it to her and other kids.
      Mind you, dad was the Assistant commissioner of police when it happened ooooh AND THIS GUY STILL DID IT TO HER! child is safe out there, be your child,sister, neighbors and wife's keepers, yes, wives too.

  31. I had cold shivers reading through this very lucid account. How hard I pray that she finds complete healing form this darkness she's had to live with. My Goodness.

    Even more, I so pray that as parents, we do right by our children, male or female. It's so easy to blame our own parents and then we realize by some quirk of fate that we're displaying same patterns as they; aggressiveness, anger, impatience, etc with our own children.

    Help, please Lord. Many children did not get to enjoy their childhood and it is beyond sad.

  32. I met Abi in Manchester, sometime in 2016. A very pleasant woman!!! Lover of life and not put down in any way shape or form.

    So imagine my shock reading this. This is what she has been dealing with?? I love you Abi 💝💝 you are a true fighter and a strong woman

  33. I'm speechless!!! I think almost every female has had near rape experiences or actual rape. This is so heartbreaking.

  34. I'm not going to cry reading this. I'll try not to. I'm motivated to write my story too. Soon Stella, I shall. The tears are dropping but I'm not crying. No, I'm not.

  35. Wow..Am inhuman to man
    I hope those fools shouting and asking why Busola came out now can see reason.
    If you ask me, rapist shoukd be tutored to death. This girl has been to hell and back.. I really pity her.
    Some parents are just devil, demonic in nature.

  36. na wa o. I pray daily for a girl child but with stories like this i just say thank you Lord for my boys.

    1. And who told you boys don’t get raped?

    2. I have just boys myself, then again the male child is also being abused. never underplay that.Its even crazier because the society also tells them to keep quiet and "man" up.I start sex education with them when they clock 2years of age. I also try to instill confidence in them. No one is safe dear!

    3. 12:48 what kinda thanks giving is this? Reeks of ignorance.

    4. Too many stories of abused boys and they are easier to kiss because parents like you think like this . They also go untold. Protect your child period

    5. Instead of thanking God for your boys PLEASE TEACH THEM NOT TO RAPE OR HIT A WOMAN. Also pray for them and let them know they can always talk to you, boys get raped and initiated into homosexuality.

    6. 12:48...iberibe n'enye onye ara moral is the only way to describe this your ignorant statement. Boys don't get raped? You must have recently returned from Mars.

  37. This would have been my case but thank God for my Dad. my mom died when I was 4 so I lived with my Dad and siblings were older than so were all sent to boarding schools. At 8 then I would never forget because I had broken my wrist on the school swing and I had bandage on my hand then one of my Uncle then in UNN was home and asked me to come and see him so I went to his room , when I got to his room he lifted me and made me sit on his lap while holding my hand telling me sorry and all that,the next thing he started touching me in a way I was not comfortable with moreover I can't remember him ever carrying me before. So I jumped down from his leg and ran out of the room and saw my Dad out side and went to sit down close to him he sensed something was wrong and asked me if my hand was paining me I told him no then he said i should go and play with other children which I did but ran back to tell him what happened earlier he said ok that I should go back and play. Next day early in the morning he went and brought my two elder brothers back from school and surmorned my Uncle . The next thing I saw was my two brothers BEATING the shit out of him.
    Now am married with kids eche time I read stories like this I feel so grateful to my Dad for believing me and taking action against his brother even when my mother was late though he too is late now God bless his soul and that of my mother. ( Tears everywhere)

    1. Your dad is the best👊🏿👊🏿
      May his soul continue to Rest In Peace.
      See how he handled it.
      I hope they also broke some bones?

    2. God bless your Dad and may he rest in peace. Amen

    3. Dunno why I laughed when i got to the part where your brothers beat the hell outta him. Thank God for you dear.

    4. 🤣I laughed so hard! Your Dad is the real MVP. What an awesome man. The part he called his sons to deal with d guy Na him sweet my belle pass🖤🖤

    5. I love your dad

  38. Before I left home this morning, I wondered, "Why do Nigerian "educated" parents shy away from sexual abuse issues / conversations, especially when it happens to their daughters or dearest ones"? Is it Fear, shame, "What will the neigbours / people think mentality" or "We don't want to soil our family name in public" ignorance?

    Would a woman with less education allow such - I bet no, she would have confronted the culprit head on and damn the consequences. Who "ajebutter" epp?

    I took time to read what was written, you are dealing with rape issues of the past, Thank you for sharing your story in your own truth and if you have to confront your family members and rapist by calling them out (do so), it will free you a lot and break the chains of fear. It is good you are in therapy, but you have to take action as in working on yourself. As for the rage and outburst - Ask for God's help. It works.

    It has taken long for you to voice this - congratulations for the courage to speak out, your healing is one step at a time and when you are healed, only you will know. Your confidence will grow, the people around you might not understand you, But only you will know that it is God's grace that is keeping you strong.

    Life has a way of teaching us what we need to know when we are ready - I am sure you will come out stronger and be all God has designed you to be.

    Stella, Please post this, I had watched domestic violence between my parents growing up - it was traumatic, it had left me numb in fear and anger for years, as for the near rapes, I had become passive /aggressive - Growing up with Nigerian adult women can be difficult especially all they expect from the younger ones is "RESPECT without questioning things"

    May God continue to shield you in is healing.

  39. Some people are not worth being called mothers. It's not all about getting pregnant and giving birth.

    May God heal you completely ma. I don't wish for such on my enemies.

    1. Exactly, they give birth for selfish reasons even when they have no business raising kids. How wicked can a mother be?? Mstchew.

  40. I remember when my cousin lost his mom and he was asked my my dad to come stay with us for as while as he was an orphan. Stupid pervert who was four years older than me started fondling with my growing breast. He did it twice and I developed heart attack immediately after the incident. I told my parents outrightly and he was summoned.I was only 14 then but I stopped all forms of communication with him for over 10years . I tell everybody around him to keep their daughters away from him. May God continue to punish all rapists and perverts. Mothers really need to be close to their children. Stop building bridges.

  41. This deeppppppp
    This is heartbreaking

    This is sad...
    Everyone around her failed her..
    Some mother's doesn't deserved to be called mother...
    Wicked and selfish mother from the pit of hell..

    May God heal you dear...
    It is well dear..

  42. I read this story yesterday, and i didn't know when tears started flowing, i cried very deeply

  43. Jesus!!! How can you have an erection towards a 5 year old? How can you derive joy having sex with a partner that's struggling or crying?? How can a mother be so insensitive to a child?? How can a sister be so stupid and cruel to a sibling?? How?? God please heal this woman fully,only you Can!!
    Shame Bidemi and Kayode,put their names out there. There should be no hiding place for them. Shame your sister too,walking in on the abuse could have put a permanent end to it but she allowed stupid juvenile attitude to make it continue. God will punish her! This post just messed me up badly

  44. Teaching these kids how to defend themselves is very important.
    Like enrolling them in a karate class.
    Some kids get molested by their classmates in schools. They come to class to practice what their irresponsible parents do at home.

  45. Hmmmm, may God give you the grace to move on. People like Bidemi should be sentenced to dead, he doesn't deserve to live. Parents please be watchful, be careful who you leave your children with...

    1. As we watch over our female kids hope we also monitor our male kids. Afterall, those abusers were born by women too.

    2. He will soon come out and say it was consensual sex.

  46. First they make you weak psychologically and when they succeed, they keep abusing you knowing you can't tell anyone. May God heal you totally. Parents should keep an eye on their children. Their abusers are always close

  47. See how a life has been completely destroyed. She can't even think of love, marriage and children. While the rapist is probably having a family and beautiful life.
    Father, help your daughter

  48. Oh lord, I'm short of words
    Crying this has ruined my day
    In a bid to be a good discipline parent, some parent leave the primary duty of understanding their child and knowing who their child is. God heal you Abi
    You are strong lady

  49. Her mother FAILED her! I read her story on Twitter and it's quite heartbreaking. Listen to your children parents I beg of you. When I say listen not necessarily with the ears, listen to their heart, listen to their actions and inaction. There must be a change, a shift whenever a child undergoes anything traumatic.
    She's still struggling with the abuse and it's only God that cannot perfect her healing. I said a word of prayer for her and I'm repeating it now on her behalf. To carry such a heavy load and still have a successful career in radio in the UK is not easy.

  50. Omg...This is totally heartbreaking. My body suddenly got cold after reading this. Ohhh Jesus please heal her

  51. This is so heart wrecking. I can feel her pain

  52. The time is ripe and now or never!!! There are so many unreported cases of rape. There are so many violated by those close to them. The strength of serial rapists lies in the silence of their victims. Many 'saintly' men are on this table. Most people can't deal with rape so they sweep it under the carpet like her mother. Hmmm, may God Almighty heal her pain indeed.Personally, I don't think rapists deserve death as it is an easy way out. Rather, they should be carved one day at a time- one ear today, one tomorrow, one leg next week etc so that they can feel the very pain they caused others.

  53. May God heal you from this pain

  54. OLivvvvvvvvvvv4 July 2019 at 17:53

    Oh God!!!This is really heart-breaking. I feel so pained reading this story.I mean really pained...That Bidemi is such an evil person..Having sexual intercourse with someone you would have taken as your younger sis..All I pray is for God to grant you healing soonest..It is well!

  55. Hmmm... the story of rape, molestation, abusive is everywhere and eaten deep into the heart of SOME DIRTY CREATURE CALLED "MAN"... If you were never reaped, molested or abused as a "CHILD" you should thank your "STAR"... Despite my young age i could still remember vividly how i was sexually abused by our tenant in a face me apartment.. I am married with two and i do not let the dirty past affect my life in any way,i believe the only regret I have, is not graving for SEX because i find nothing UNIQUE about it. At age FOUR, a man of more than 30 years raped and abused me sexually for roughly two years... That story changed when my mummy's elder sister paid us a visit before i could turn six.. I practically grew up with her and left her when i got married in the year 2014...She was my God sent if not only God knew what would have happened to life.. Funny enough when i was in my twenties i saw the FOOLISH IDIOT and i wondered why do EVIL PEOPLE LAST? I do not know if he is still alive now or if he has conscience now because he could tell from attitude and anger that i understood all the rubbish he did back then. I do not blame teenagers who do such because most times they themselves do not understand the gravity and the meaning of what they do although i do not support the ACT... God help us to train our Children to SPEAK UP no matter the "THREAT or FEAR" .

  56. Hm everybody condemning rape. So who are the rapists na????

    1. Ode, go and ask amadioha.

    2. Anon 19:33 You are a foolish human being I swear

  57. Same way an idiot raped me when I was 17 years old...even after that I went to tell a very useless man( yes now I regret my actions, I didn't know better) he was married, in his late 30s about it, he did nothing instead he consoled me and still had sex with me. Sigh..then we were dating. Oh lord! I feel so dirty, used and hopeless. I can't forgive myself. Then he would have sex with me and give me 2,000 Naira. I let him have sex with me, he didn't force..but I was only 17. While still having an affair with the late 30s man, I met another in his late 40s..he deceived me into having sex with him . Right now guys, I feel dirty. I can't forgive myself, I feel very sad. The rapist kept disturbing me to visit, I visited out of pity, the moment I entered his house, he banged the door and raped me. When I tried to resist he made sure he sounded me two very hot slaps that gave me red eyes. What was my offense? I visited him out of pressure and pity...I thought that way he would let me be. That's how I got raped the first time. After the incidence, he kept calling me to say he knew I wouldn't let him have sex with me that's why he raped me. Oh gosh! He summoned courage to delete and block his number..he kept lurking outside my home to see me. I hated him so much but couldn't tell anyone. Finally I left town. Went to school and started wilding..hmm. I met this man I was chopping his money. I became a chop and clean mouth kind of girl. Eventually he set me up, lied about not being able to go back to base because I escorted him to a town outside our base, that's where I schooled. He lied he couldn't get another room for me but I was Safe in the suite with him..I could sleep in the sitting room. Foolish me, I was in the sitting room, he tried to touch me, I refused..he went to bed .I thought it was over, I should have ran immediately. I went back to sleep, next thing I heard was a hot slap and he dragged me to bed and raped me. The most painful pain is that he took forever to can imsimag the bruises I got.

    Ok, my second rape doesn't hurt me because I feel I was trying to outsmart him so he played me instead. But what about the first one? I was so innocent then, I never asked you for 5 Naira, I only visited you out of pity. And he raped me. Jeez. I later got to know that that's how he go about raping any girl that visits him. Those who told me about this asked me if he has raped me too, but I said no. Let me stop here.

    Now, I am married but I still have flash back and get really ssd. I hope I will be able to move on some day.

  58. May God heal her and everybody who has been raped or abused, hope I will muster up courage to tell my story one day.


  60. Keep on working, great job!


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