Stella Dimoko Sunday In House Gists - Audio Relationships.


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Sunday, May 03, 2020

Sunday In House Gists - Audio Relationships.

Some people are in Relationships that they know will not head anywhere but they are still hanging on......

Why are you comfortably dating yourself and think its OK?
Why allow someone waste your time?what is your reason?Age?family?time running out?shame?

Why are you dating someone and leading them on when you know you will not head to the altar with them?Is it mutually audio?

Did someone hurt you and you are spreading the pain?Was it a one night stand you intended it to be but it has moved into many nights and months and years and you don't know how to tell this person?

I was in an audio relationship a long time back,i knew it was heading nowhere but my feelings were so strong and i thought holding on was the right thing until distance separated us.........The distance opened my eyes and whilst trying to settle into University life,i decided i deserved better and faced my

Are you the one being audio-ed or are you the one sending out the audio signal?lets gist!!!


  1. Hmm, my friend is in semi audio relationship, this guy treats her like a trash, but anytime she says he's over, he AI start crying and calling all his village people, then mum u girl will go back, he will even tell her he regretted begin her to come back, this cycle has been like this for 4 years,and they are both in their late 30s. I told her the guy will never wife her, if he buys just 10naira biscuit, he will tell her to call all her friends to show off, anywa she told me the guy can make someone cry and scream for joy on bed,so she die there

    1. Hmmmmmm low self-esteem at play here

    2. Shes dickmatized

    3. Smh...hope she won't regret wasting her time.

    4. The guy is a real 'time waster' He will not wife her. And if she is not careful, he will come back begging after he must have married another lady. She will take him back, giving him poosay
      ..while he will be married to the woman he love. Tell your friend to be careful.

    5. Kemit fall yakata🤣. One was telling the whole World he wasted my time for 14yrs. Oriekwu. I have cured you for the next 14yrs. Na who no know person dey call am ONYA.
      Some girls are afraid to move on, some have tried na only Oloriboruku them find, so dey kuku relax with d one wey no dey give them wahala. Some have Fertility issues and know no single guy will settle if they left d one dey r with, to some is pure BLIND LOVE❌

    6. It takes the grace of God to 'let go' especially wen u love someone more than dey love u, wen the time has gone far, wen u have very low self-esteem, wen u r from a broken home , wen u r seeking a father figure. The list just goes on.

    7. Anon 16:35,You know this. It indeed takes the grace of God. You know you should leave but you can't just find the strength or courage to leave

  2. My fiance is addicted to his phone, He can be on his phone till 2am chatting or playing games while i lay beside him.

    The time we should use to bond and discuss important things, he will busy on phone. I am tired of quarreling and complaining.

    How do I manage this? Should i call it off?

    1. My friend complains of same thing about her boyfriend. That’s too bad

    2. You know what you can stand. Meanwhile don't expect him to change in marriage.

    3. While some know they can never be married in this World, some have very very strong spiritual husband's, the list goes on
      I belong to another, I can marry in this life, no one is wasting my time, instead u r endangering yourself dating me, because if I curse u, that's it for u. ❌

    4. He can't change, except you do something drastic,please if you decide to go ahead with marriage,you know what to expect.

    5. My dear Anonymous 14:16, I've been married for a little over 19 years and I cam tell you your fiance won't be changing anytime soon.
      It can be very painful in marriage, if you know you both are serious about getting married, sort this out if not you will feel very lonely when ure married.
      Wishing you all the best.

    6. My husband is like that too can press phone for the whole day except he's sleeping. he was like that before we got married so I know changing him will be near impossible so I find my way around it. Most times I find ways to distract him from phone by touching his soft spots or saying funny things sometimes we even hide each others phones.if we are in public and he's over doing it I just need to give him this bad glare and he will coordinate. It's not easy but with love you shape your partner to who you want them to be and it's a very gradual mostimes painful process.

    7. Run darling. It is intentional. I have been there. He will keep pressing his phone till u turn old

    8. My husband and his phone are like bread and butter. He doesn't chat and watch phone but can write long meaningful articles everyday o, he will just be replying comments. Atimes, its better than going outside to eat isI-ewu and beer. Well he doesn't go out at all. He's always current with news, and I try to distract him by telling him some sweet amebo around our neighborhood even church, na so he will open up and tell me some stuff shah. If he's not using it for some negative stuff, just thank God.

  3. Sometimes, i date just for companionship, knowing quite well it's not going to lead to marriage..just relish each moment i have with the person, have loads of fun, and when the steam dies down, we remain friends with or without benefit. I have a man like that, d steam died down, he moved on to have a gf when he loved, but he always comes around for a heated session. I also have a lover who wanna marry me, but you see my FWB, we will always have each others back

    1. So for short, your exes use you as their mattress without any obligations! Na wa for you.

    2. Maybe na your village people dey your case

    3. @anon 14:20, Another mumu thinking she’s woke. You’re mentality is ridiculously off. Maybe you need a therapist/prayers to help you understand and heal past traumatic experience. In a relationship no matter how steamy it is initially, it’ll eventually die down and reality sets in to see if you’re really compatible with that person. You have a lot to learn when it comes to relationship. Stop banging every Tom dick and Harry all in the name of having fun. 🙄

  4. Like l always say, there is no need being in any relationship that would not lead to marriage. It's a waste if time, energy and money. Any relationship that would not lead to marriage is useless. And ideally, it's best you only get into a relationship when you are ready for marriage and for the sole purpose of marriage to avoid stories that touch 👌

    1. Eesah. Not everybody on earth is meant to get married. The earlier people understand that, the better. Stop forcing this ideology on people please.

    2. This Eesah matter ehen. How do u know d one that will lead to marriage? Ina agba afa??? R u a God?

    3. Very shallow and Myopic perception @ Eesah

    4. Im about to start a relationship due to loneliness. My heart is still with my ex who i love completely but he has moved on and dating someone else.
      So there is this guy that has been steady on my case. Dont see myself marrying him even though he is loaded but he isnt my type. Physically looks good but his personality is very pushful,boastful and hes not so educated.
      But the pressure from him and my loneliness is just pushing me to date him. Dont see marriage in the cards.

    5. Anonymous 17:22.
      Please you need to detach your emotions from your Ex.
      Learn to Love the man that Loves you ,you may lose him when you 're ready to Love him.

      I was in your shoes years ago ,Today at 31,I am as single as f!ck .

      Please take my advise ....

      Forget about speck ...a man win a good heart is the real deal.

  5. My own be say this kalaba guy wey I date ehh e own na f*k be the rthmm🎶🎶🎶🎶 no future nothing ,no body advice me oo, I decided one day to take a walk.
    E good make person wise no let love scatter your dreams

  6. I'm not in a relationship and I'm almost 30.

    I'm worried and this lockdown made me realize how lonely I am as familiar processes are no longer here.

    I am an AS, hardworking, honest and very much family oriented but I can't seem to meet him.

    God!!! I don't want to be desperate but my mom is really worried as I'm the first daughter .

    I have tried SnM with no luck.
    Maybe I'm not beautiful or rich enough.
    I earn about 100k in a private establishment,an M.A in view and praying to become a lecturer if God permits.

    God help me.

    I need you more than ever now.

    My mom is always in tears . She doesn't bug me but I know she is worried.

    1. What’s wrong in being an AS? You are perfect dear.
      Who says you only need facial/body beauty to attract love?
      Just be open, look nice and go out. Pray too and yours truly will find you.

    2. Go out and be happy you will meet people

    3. Begin fasting like every weekend. Read the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament
      and be patient.

    4. Your mum needs to know that she can make you enter into a marriage with satan himself if she does not put your happiness above Mrs anyman.

    5. I laughed at the almost 30 bit. Not to make fun of you but to let you know that you are still so so young. To attract the right man for you, first go to God in prayer, not desperation. Write down the qualities you seek in a man and present it to God. Then work on yourself. Get busy improving and empowering yourself. Do you have savings, investments? Marriage is not just finding a man. It is being worthy of each other, putting each other first and building a life together that glorifies God. Relax.

    6. Your mum is worried but mine has never asked me nne,how far,not once. In fact,it seems she wants me to live with her forever and I am past 30 ooo and it makes me angry.why can't she even show a little concern? It makes me think sometimes she is part of my problem.i really need to move out.different worlds

    7. Remain focused. Build yourself and the right man will come for you.

    8. Nne,try n take off your mind from the fact that you are not yet 30 already,I don't even have a good job that can take care of my needs,no relationship at the moment,am the first daughter out of five girls but believe me when I tell you that am not bothered...not even in the slightest.Every single person have their time and season.And when your season comes,you go,the best you can do for your self right now is to relax and let things flow whilst trusting God.Worring will only make you age quickly n I love my face as e dey so...

    9. Maybe the guys she always meets are AS. Anonymous 14:26, don't marry an AS out of desperation I beg you, its very tough having a sickling child and I see people who do such as being heartless, making an innocent child go through such pain.
      If uve ever met a sickle cell warrior in pain, ul never ever bring one into this world out of selfishness.
      May God give you your own husband.

    10. Greetings Anonymous3 May 2020 at 14:26. Can i pls have your contact, or you can mail here . Waiting to hear from you. thanks.

    11. You just described me. Being AS is soo difficult.

  7. This reminded me of one time i dated one guy or i dated myself. With everything i was doing for him oga was not showing me love i wanted. So i asked him one day and he told me that he has a girlfriend. I now asked why he still asked me out.

    Lol you thought that will make my head correct 😂😂. It made me started working harder to be the main chick. Chai cooking cleaning every every. Until i gave myself sense.

    You see having low self-esteem is really a death sentence for everyone.
    How can my self-esteem be high when the people that gave birth to me calls me ugly.
    I grew up thinking if you are in a relationship with me, you are doing me a favor.

    Until i read books and found out you receive the love you put out to yourself.
    I started loveing myself and having fun. No cook or wash and once you bring it up i just move on.

    Got married to hubby without even doing those wifey duties.
    I hope this helps someone out there. We did passed through alot.

    1. 💕💕💕💕💕💕

    2. Very true we ladies need to build our esteem to be top notch

    3. Once your esteem is low,women settle for less

    4. We were in same WhatsApp group,he had a babe, but I wanted to be the main chick, fuck ,clean, cook,run errands,even gave him money. Well he promised ti marry me as a second wife,doneonevtgst hasn't even married o, he said he can't break the babes heart, that he will marry me 6 month after marrying the girl, and that he will do registry with me only. Him and the babe na same tribe,and me I no even hear "come" in their language. Well we were together till the day he went to marry the girl,I will even call at m7d night,and he dare not pick it,we will gist n talk,but I already know I can't marry him, he begged n cried when he came back and I told him I can't sleep with a married man. Up till today, 10 years later he still sworn he really wanted to marry me, cos he loves me but doesn't want to disappoint the wife.I married few month after him, e shock am

    5. True and parents please always tell your kids there is nobody as beautiful as them in the world. They are going to meet alot of haters in future, but if you have already pulled them down, those people out there will drag them from where you stopped. I am a very beautiful lady, na fat i fat i no kee person.

      Mum never stopped reminding me how fat i am until the day hubby told her that's exactly what he wanted.
      Please mum is not a bad person, she never knew those words kills my esteem because i didn't say anything to her.
      I have always been a plump child my dad was orobo na😂😂.
      Bet why did mummy agree to marry orobo na😁.

    6. My goodness. What you wrote is deep. Thank you.

    7. My dear, My mum from the age of 12 reminds me I am fat, at a young age I starved for days, ate as little as possible, but she always reminded me that I’m fat. I gone on liquid diets for two years stretch once I take a break. You’ve started adding weight again. Now I have terrible Ulcer and feel terrible pain. This is the first time in a long time my mama is reminding me to eat. But I love her a lot

    8. Am happy your hubby told her that's exactly what he wanted.
      It's really sad to throw nasty words at kids.l had similar experiences and vowed to do better with my kids.
      I tell my kids everyday how beautiful they are and I am super proud of them
      My first child had speech delay,oh it was quite draining, started school at 3+ and her teacher were not even helping matters, she could not communicate so well at school, so they would complain and complain, just told them to give her time but I understood her well.
      Went online to do some research,got some materials, fasted and prayed, yes I prayed.
      She is 7 now,she dey talk for Africa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, sometimes I dey hide for toilet 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Faithful God her sibling started talking at age 1+.
      Parents should help their kids by bringing out the best in them not curses and damaging their selfesteem.

    9. 😂 😂 😂 orobo husband and she was complaining of your size.

      My younger sister is in her early 30 and I kept telling her to marry right. She is orobo but very Industrious and beautiful with a good heart. She has suffered in men hand but I pray that God will send her husband this year..

    10. I suffered same, parents need to learn how to say beautiful words to their kids. I suffered severe low self esteem(still working on myself). I'm planning on doing a great job on my kids. I'll tell them how special they are and how much I love them.

  8. Hmmm. Some people are deliberately time wasters. They KNOW they dont want to settle down but they want to be around people that make them look good. I was a mature single in my late thirties. There was a guy, responsible, God fearing and a successful entrepreneur. We got close and I thought he could be the one at some point. We talked extensively about our lives and had a lot in common. We were not sexually involved, because of our faith and belief. Not long after, he introduced me to his family... but I was REALLY curious as to why he never expressed his feelings. I asked about his previous relationships. He said he was never into a serious relationship. Hmm. Red flag. At over 40, that sounded weird to me. After a while I told him that we needed to talk o. I wanted to define the relationship. No point tagging along with a guy who was not ready to commit. I realised he was just using me for show off. I started to distance myself and I told him I had nothing against him. I just needed to move on. Why be a stumbling block for potential suitors? I ran. I got to know he was in the habit of attaching himself with no aim of next level relationship. They are the dangerous types. I am glad I used my head. Over 10 years after, he is still single. Probably dating a lady who thinks she has found the one.

    1. You were wise. He might be gay and using women to divert attention to that.

    2. Thank God you dodged a bullet.

    3. Na lifetime bachelor be that. NFA type. His village people already settled his case and threw the keys away. 10 whole years!!!

  9. my own suddenly ghosted me for a wk now, no fight,nothing oh maybe he thinks I'll be all over him begging asking what happened kwakwakwa. he left jus like dat and I can't even be bothered 😄 life goes on jare.....

    1. Did you guys fight?
      Has he ghosted you like this before? If he hasn’t, reach out to him and find out if he’s okay. And if you find out he ghosted you without reason, ghost him too o 😂

    2. Don’t reach out to him. Don’t chase! He ghosted, he ghosted! Let him be and whenever he comes around, don’t entertain him as you did before.

  10. Mine wasn't audio but I was dead hurt. I know I wasn't in my best behavior,I know how many times he'd talk to me to change but with time I was changing for him i was willing to be different for him, I was ready to do all that and more because I loved him unbeknownst to me that he was planning on returning to his ex wife. He traveled and didn't call so I'm like maybe it's different timezone 1day,2days,3days passed he wouldn't reply messages nor take calls until one blessed evening he sent me a photo of his ex wife and himself! deadass yo! No cap! It was that day I knew the meaning DIED AND RESURRECTION I'm sane today is by God's grace. Anyways he ex wife dumped him again after she has gotten enough money from him to pay her sugar son (she likes them teenagers) he came back to beg and I'm like nah!!!!! Not tuhday Satan! Hell no.

    1. 💕💕💕💕💕💕hugs to you dear

    2. Why did he send you a picture of both of them. I detest childish men like that.
      Thank God you came out strong.
      Please, don’t ever accept him back. Good riddance.

    3. Longie,Awwww thank you baybi😚
      Slutty,yeah that was a chldish thing to do at that moment but he is not childish I promise you and don't stress sweets I can never go back to anyone that sees me as a 2nd option I promise hun😘

    4. Is he the same guy whose mum promised you a gift if you stopped smoking?

  11. Maybe I'll be back to share my story but I'm just scared of the bashing. I just want to let go and be free

    1. Share your story. Don’t bother about bashing. Just learn from your mistakes and move on and be a better person.

    2. Sis forget bashing, nobody will be there when you start crying for not letting go on time. Please love yourself now and move on.

    3. The bashing will only help you reset ya brain. That is how I view the bashing. And yes I have been bashed before and it helped reset my brain.

    4. Why should you care if they bash you? My dear develop a very thick skin. Some BVs are just that way and telling your story may help you heal.

  12. If people will be sincere ,don't lead someone on if you know you don't want to spend your life with the person.
    Or knowing too well that you are not ready to settle down, you just enter a relationship, giving your partner a hope while as you are just playing.

    Some guys that leads a lady on might be gaining something from the lady, either s*x or money reason he doesn't want her to go.

    1. Me for 1yr i was in something that wasnt defined. We talk everyday on phone,we were so close. I was already in love that this is my last bus-stop. Travelled to go spend time with him. Did everything couples do,gist,sex daily,cooking going out. This guy still wasnt talking. Tried bringing up he will find excuse. Day before i was to travel back had to ask him. What are we doing? Excuses upon excuses. How hes having some immigration issue relationship not on his mind right now.
      Returned to base,his calls started dwindling,he was distance. Few months later he broke it down that he had reconcilled with his ex he use to tell me about. I was soooo crushed. I really loved this man and he just used me as rebound or whatever.

  13. I was in a relationship like that d nigga had a girlfriend altar bound but I no gri,it started as a fling tho till I eventually caught serious feelings because of proximity..I had to learn serious sexual style so guy man go stay mbanu e no work..he eventually married her. But would still call me that he wished he married me so we can have sex had to give myself brain and block his number. Cos it will end in tears part2 ,sex wont keep a man that doesn't want to be kept.we see signs and still shook head..

    1. A good lesson to learn, that sex doesn't keep a man.

    2. Thank God that you learnt your lesson.

  14. I don't really like to give it much thought sha. He has another girl he's being with for about 3 yrs,when wet got together I thought he was single. When I knew about her he said there genotype is not compatible, her mom is materialistic, he's not happy when he's with her blah blah blah...her house is paid for and furnished by him, her mom stays in his place when shessin town... She has met his mom and siblings everybody knows them as a couple. Even when I try to leave he begs me to give him time... it's been a year plus already. What I need right now is the courage to move on. I'm still in my early 20's I don't want to waste my youth on him. I know I need to move on

    1. Pls move on asap haa,the sign is there his mil stays in his house does he want to marry two wives..

    2. Pls move on my dear. If a man loves you he won't send mixed signals. Forget all the rubbish he's telling you. By their fruit (action) you will know them

    3. RUUUUN, FLEEEEEE. You are still very young and deserve to be with someone who treasures you. This man just wants you for the sex. HE DOES NOT LOVE YOU!!!

    4. If you know you need to move on, what are you waiting for? You've been waiting on him for over a year, and for what? For him to marry the other lady and make you a side chick? If you like, no borrow sense.

    5. Please and please move on,I am sending you so much courage, take a walk, You deserve better.

    6. girl easiest way to get over this is to block him asap. I know it’s going to be hard but block him from any contact you have of him. Wtsapp, Facebook, ig. Whatever. Please.

  15. Aunt stella love mad gann.i have an ex who said he cant marry from my place delta cos he is an ondo man.i told you can fuck delta pussy abi?he got married and told me let's continue I said no problem he will rent hotel as my own punishment for him for not marrying me I don't allow penetration but will ask him to lick toh toh from night to morning nobody tell am before he japa I did it to him like 3times and enjoy myself to d fullest onto his money

    1. Is receiving head really enjoyable??? What if the guy bites your vjay mistakenly. Its too dangerous in my opinion

    2. 😂 😂 😂 😂 Bite vjay kee. Na meat? Na licking not chewing biko. And it's sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet

    3. @Khaleesi, you don't know what you're missing! I could do that till eternity.

  16. In his words "you're too omo get inside"... That was even after two weeks I got the text from him. He already travelled to Germany...I was so stupid inlove with him. It been two years now,he's acting all nice. Guy ko le werk,mo sorry gan.

  17. Cont of my prev comment...He is not the richest/most handsome guy I've been with... But he's the one ivI' felt the most connection with...

  18. Some see signs but choose to remain cos they fear being single

  19. This is why one needs God's grace to have common sense and apply it when needed. No time to waste, please.

  20. Some ladies cling to the notion that the relationship they are in it's a do or die affair when you move on you will realise that the relationship was not no fantastic,d dick was not d bomb
    What matters most is move on and make yourself better.someone else you meet will worship the ground you walk on,just keep your head up
    Confidence is key

  21. I dated myself for 3yrs, it started from audio but later metamorphosed to video relationship.
    She claimed she was a virgin and only visit me and leave the next day once in a whole year. She will beg me for a head, after making her to cum, she wont allow me sex or give me BJ.
    We later broke up after I finally found her not to be a virgin, we did justthe do only 3x and we broke up later.

    I also did audio with one corp member serving within my location. We were friends on Facebook for long until I saw a picture of one school I know and she was posted there for service. I began asking her out, she agreed, we met thrice without doing. But later, I wired her condo thrice wella and I japa. She cried and was hospitalised after the breakup. She planned to trap me with belle and insisted that we do it raw that she Wana feel me flesh to flesh. We did it raw twice and she can twerk on top so well with her left handed style whining.
    Later her period got delayed and she sent me a pregnancy test strip result and I didn't even know how to interpret the strip then. She called and told me I should check the pics well that it is negative.
    I jejely broke up the audio love and put the relationship on PDF mode Asap.

  22. I was once in this kinda relationship,love was 1sided.i was trying to make it work but nigga didn’t give a hoot.last year after Valentine’s Day feb 15th this guy stopped picking my calls,relationship of 4years and we were planning introduction by April of last year o,for no reason he stopped picking my calls,I called and called and called no response,he was fine,he was ok nothing happened to him,he just stopped talking to me and I decided I’ll never go to his house to see him to ask him what the problem was that wasn’t the first time he did such he has done it in the past several times he can just wake up one day and decide to stop talking to me and that might go on for like 6months,8months,1year,then 1day he will come back to beg me to forgive him that he doesn’t know what came over him,he was cheating on me too,after some days of calling and no response I stopped .cos I checked myself I didn’t do anything to him,I wasn’t cheating on him,we were together on Valentine’s Day...I it was hard but I made up my mind never to ever dial his number again,I stopped calling,deleted his number and moved on.feb 14 this year made it 1 full year we didn’t speak,he didn’t look for me,for no just was hard oo I kept asking myself what I did to deserve it every day cos I went thru so much shit with him but I was in love.then last week he starts looking for my number someone gave him cos I changed numbers after then he has bin calling but I have never picked any of the calls.what is there to listen to.i was the only one in d relationship he put me thru so much but I stayed coz of never gonna take his calls,relationship has ended long ago.praying to God for a better man he wasn’t worth my tears.

    1. E-hugs to you vahleree. You took a bold step. I pray God answers your prayers.

    2. Thumbs up girl,you did well😘😘😘

    3. Sending you hugs Vahleree and I pray you find that perfect one.

    4. Congratulations on your deliverance. You dodged a bullet

    5. Way to go dear.

      Never go back to such energy and emotion draining person.
      You are not his waste bin and shouldn't allow him see you as such.

      Genuine love will find you soonest. 💕

  23. Mine was a very funny one. I met this guy while doing a small hustle in my final year in school.I didn't reallyblike him before but when i saw his persistence i thought of giving him a chance. Guy man came to my school and spent the night,we talked about so many things and i felt in love with him. After some time,he stopped calling. I talked about this with him but he didn't bulge. He may not call for 4 to 5 days and when I complain,he will tell me that it doesn'tmatter. What eventually broke the camel's back was the day he used a Lady's picture for his status and claimed she was just a friend. I just gave myself sense and walked away majestically. He later called after two weeks and complained that I didn't call him. I was so mad and gave him a piece of my mind. I was single for almost two years after that but I didn't mind. I met my now boyfriend and everything has been going on well.

    1. Good for you Temmy. You are queen, never lower your standards for any man

    2. You did the right thing dear.

      Keep it moving with your current and never listen to any crap of your ex

  24. I had one relationship with someone that had a fiancee I was thinking I could win him over but I met another guy divorcee but wanted to settle down with me stinking rich i found all sorts of excuses nags,ugly and went on dating d one with a fiancee plus na broke guy..the poor guy ended up marrying his fiancee I lost rich guy too cos he married someone prettier than me..lessons learnt..

    1. How is it that you went into a relationship with a guy that has a fiancee? And you still wanted to him to break up with her for your sake? SMH

    2. Aww I’m happy for the other rich guy.

  25. I think I'm about to start one. Even though I told him my mind which is: I don't think I want to get married or be in a relationship for now. We were just chat buddies when I told him this, God knows I never had an iota of feeling for him when I said that. But along the line, I began to realize I was beginning to like him. We met again last week after the month long lockdown.

    Discovered we couldn't keep our hands off each other. This is me that has been celibate for years and never thought to be in any mans arms this year or the year after. I asked him once more, what do you want from me??. He answered nothing. Can't blame him, guy man must have figured I'm scared of commitment so thought not to bring it up.

    I'm so confused, I just don't want to be hurt so I thought to stay away from men.

  26. I'm on this table and God knows that few years ago I didn't know love will humble me this much..
    2018 July, I met this dude online, he's so good with words that I fell over and over again with him, he's a naval officer in the US, few mths after, the spark was gone.. Doesn't call me, I'm always the one holding the relationship together, it's exhausting, I gave up but was still emotionally attached to him.. Few months again, he showed up sweet talked me and still hadn't changed from the silent lover..
    How do u claim to love somebody without reaching out to them, calls like once a week, messages is always a response to mine.. I doubted that I was in the wrong relationship and left again..
    Last year, he came back again and I gladly welcomed him as always, then he gave me the good news that he was coming around by March, I looked forward to his coming on a daily basis..
    Guys, first week of March guy came in and ghosted me for a whole week,he later sent message that he lost a family member, he had to rest bla bla bla.. I was mad, I couldn't take the reality that I'm alone in this relationship..
    Eventually, we met first week of April, yes, we had sex I wanted it and I loved all of it.. He was evacuated back to his base and he's back to his no checking up on me status, I'm tired of living in denial.. How do I overcome this torture, I'm not getting any younger, at 32 this guy claims I'm still young, isn't that wicked.. He talks marriage but his actions is totally off all he says.. I'm tired.. Atm we ain't talking and I've resolved not to reach out 1st..pray for me guys, I won't listen to any other guy just cause of this monster tormenting me.. I'm in a fix!!!!

    1. Move on dear. Have some inner resolve and move on.block him,you deserve to be treated better.

    2. We should pray for you? What should be the prayer point? Should I ask God to break up with the man on your behalf? You can see the handwriting on the wall, why wait to do the needful? Continue to waste your time on him.

    3. It's ok dear.don't be so hard on've made the mistake and I believe that you've learnt your lessons.. love will find you ok😘😘😘😘

    4. Hmmmmm, I don't mean to be harsh but having sex with a guy won't keep them.
      I feel sad you let him eat you just like that.

    5. Do you need a prophet to tell you that he's married? Keep living in denial.

    6. I don't think that guy is single. As difficult as it is, moving on is the best thing to do. Your relationship future may seem uncertain but you need to take this step to be able to see what is ahead. You will find someone much better, trust me. Ask most of us who are settled now and we will tell you that at a point we thought we couldn't do better.

    7. Are you sure that he isn't married? He is using you to cruise life. Move on. Stop accepting him because he knows that you are desperate for marriage. Let go of him totally. You will heal and get someone that will cherish you.

    8. The life you described IP their is the life of a married man or a Man with lots of love interest... but the truth is that you are not alone with him.

      Forget all this mushy mushy... LOVE is decision.
      Decide to open your eyes and remove him from your life.

      Adding sex to the mix was a wrong move but Just block him and BREATHE.

    9. Girl the guy is married. That’s their format. Appearing and disappearing like Glo network.

    10. He came to see his wife and used sex to tell you bye-bye

  27. Baby girl, since he said he wants nothing from you but he can't get his hand off you...I will say this...put on your thinking cap and take off...I mean flee cos the more you stay,the more you fall for him.He can never take you serious cos you've already told him that you don't want a relationship.

  28. You are afraid of commitment but not scared of sex from him. Hmmmmmmmm. You both were konjinified

    If you don't want to be committed to any relationship, how would you get married? Goodluck.

  29. I have learnt to detect time wasters and enjoy my own company.
    Lots of audio relationships. My kind of person, if I'm in a relationship with you, it's you alone. I'm loving and loyal to a fault but I don't get same treatment so I bounce out.

    It's better to be alone than be with someone who doesn't value you and who also brings out the worst in you.

  30. I'm glad I don discard every ex.. please don't come back to me. There's no second chance with me..

  31. All these are happening because this world is currently filled with all manner of sexual immorality. Until we purge ourselves of them, and cry back to our Maker and depend SOLELY on Him for everything, including marriage/relationships, we will continue to go round the cycle.

  32. Laa waa oooo

  33. Men what an interesting read,the world is polluted,so much f**ked up men and women out there,it's difficult to find a good person to be in a relationship with,if you find someone who is true and compatible,keep thanking God


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