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Friday, October 16, 2020

The Shocking Memoir Of A Survivor Of Awkuzu SARS

This is the shocking,unputdownable narrative of Dr Justin Ogoo Nwankwo who spent 81 days in SARS Awkuzu ......
This story is like nothing you have ever read......NOTHING!


Crossing the Threshold of Death...My Journey to the Nigerian Anambra Abattoir! 

While I was a young undergraduate, I held closely to my heart that the Nigerian system was a failure. Like most men of my generation, we knew, saw and believed that unemployment was a cankerworm eating deeply into the fabric of our society. Post school days thought was always inundated with memories of our seniors and ex-copers roaming aroma junction, unizik junction, okpuno road, Emma Nnaemeka axis and predominantly Ifite road.

 Most of these guys were first eleven in their departments but now they set up football viewing centers, snooker game centers and 1 photocopier set up attachment. Of course, this was for those who doggedly saved up the then 8,900 naira allowi...for those who could not, sorry was their surname while they posted,reposted and e-mailed their CV to " God Knows When Job vacancies"

On my part, like most other fellows, I believed mine was going to be different. My uncles promised to give me job instanta once I made my 2nd class Upper in an oil firm. Indeed a close ally to my dad came on thé Ève of my departure for final defence and promised me a job in ministry of tourism and culture as soon as I finish my service year...I did my best, I smashed my result but all of the above was empty promises offered to a promising young man in an empty unemployment infected society. Perhaps as you read my had or you currently believe in lofty promises...cave ne cadas.

I searched through for a job while registering for my masters and through to my Doctorate Programme yet that ideal perfect good paying job refused to come. I tried travelling abroad after my masters but the tales of the folks returning from abroad was ambivalent...while some said it was full of opportunities others advised to keep faith that once a good job comes around in Nigeria then you are better off! I kept faith and continued my sojourn into the academics nay with hustling to suffice!

On 28th of November, 2012, I got a job to manage a hotel inside the heart of Onitsha owned by Chief Bonaventure Mokwe-Dikeh It was Upper Class Hotel. With the payment very close to an average, giving me time to attend seminars,conferences and publish my dissertation materials, I felt I had a better combination of work and study. I carried on and came very close to becoming an "academic general" until tragedy struck.

1st of August, 2013 was the day I died.

 Every other movement my limbs and heart makes is a benevolence of the 2nd degree from God. On that fateful morning, I slept in my accommodation unit in the hotel and still had my laptop, apple I-Pad, new set of Globalization and African Economy series by Lassana Keita ordered from all wide open in my desk. I just dropped off the call of my Supervisor Prof. Maduabuchi Dukor and walking through the stairs only to hear shouts of move it...move it, eeh hands up from the bar section of the hotel. 

I quickly but with panic looked at my Nokia torch phone display time and it was 7.38am. Who could be disturbing the peace of a hotel by this time.. Perhaps one or two of my staff have suddenly decided to taste their brows after some round of bottles I declared for them last night for job well done in the month of July. Still wriggling with the thought upon a pair of boxers and singlet... I heard heavy footsteps ascending the stairs and in a twinkle I was face to face with "edom"...police men numbering twenties with rifles halted me and I promptly introduced myself as the manager with a polished ascent thinking that was a routine police visit.

They took to me to the Directors office Chief Bonaventure Mokwe and demanded immediate search of the hotel. We obliged them but carelessly one of the officers said as we left the Director's office

" Let's begin with Room 102"

How could he have known the numbering pattern of the hotel? Why that haste?

But he was quickly overruled by the team leader" Search everywhere"

The search under 5mins landed in the 1st Floor of the 3 storied building and I kept insisting that all the rooms at such hour 7:38am had guests in it. I insisted further that we have submitted manifest to SCID but I was on another story telling to what these butchers came to accomplish.

The next 25mins of stage managed search and display of dry decaying human skulls and 2 rifles with bullets benumbed me. My active brain freezed and travelled on a temporary holiday of tabularaza! The worst has happened and the night have suddenly decided to replace the noonday! 

Shouts of ritualist!!

 Hey...hoi...Jesus, Satan rented from the gathering mob! Kill them, kill them, stone them, stone them increased more in volume while the police led us all out staff and lodgers in a single file to an awaiting black maria. Displayed and feasted upon by the journalist...we were locked up in that small black maria...16 of us and that was where our journey to the Nazi Camp began.

Trapped in that van of 5 seaters, the 16 of us chuckled each other tightly that there was no notice of male and female. We remained there from 9.40am till 3.50 or so pm when the door was opened at Awkuzu SARS. Meanwhile, our sweat filled half of the van because there no motion except while we were driven to SARS. 

Emeka, Uche and one other customer lodger fainted and resuscitation meant extra more faints... We simply adapted and waited upon the lord! Let me pause and attend to my door bell...the tales of Awkuzu SARS( The Nigerian Abattoir) shall follow suit.

81 days that's what I spent in that Abattoir !

I rose from the ranks as we grew from undertakers who carried wounded and butchered inmates from the torture hall to the police van or cell either for corpse disposal or for abandonment in the cell!

I rose in my days to the rank of Cell 4 Boss! I brought ingenuity to my cell! I introduced rationed Nylons and rationed tissues inside each nylon for defecation which of course was class from the usage of cartons and newspapers. While we awaited our turn for the " travel" which is the acronym for " killing" at Awkuzu Sars, we at least held the brotherhood of the cell mates to heart! Those who have no body visiting them , we joined in the evening ration with buying extra fufu by the close of each day to mix up with the garri and fufu of those who have registered for food. By this, every cell mate will at least have one ration for the night before the midnight movement of inmates resume

The Night comes with the Question;

Who will be the next to Fire? You or me!

‘I arrived Awkuzu SARS on the 1st day of August, 2013 with My boss Chief Bonaventure Mokwe-Dikeh in a weakened body after 6hrs lock up in the black Maria with 12 other staff of Upper Class Hotel. I have kept my mind alert refusing to faint or collapse in the van. Yet upon arrival, I could read the bold inscriptions on the wall of that Abattoir camp which reads...

" Well come to hell fire"

I quickly told myself that we are in for the worst.

I have heard the tales of this abattoir. I always thought and believed that it was the land of mongrels and that it was absolutely reserved for hardened criminals until I arrived!

But No...I was mistaken! It was a center for butchering both the innocent and the guilty! A theatre of human death and sale of human parts.

Remind me , I shall tell you about the doctor always on white flowing agbada in Awkuzu Sars who comes to treat gun shots and his expertise in negotiating human parts!

Marshalled straight by the almighty O.C SARS to an open rickety hall upon our arrival : all other victims were separated, each to his or her own fate.

Torture in the Abattoir: Perspective and insights into it ( Only the lucky survives)

Standing by one end was a police officer with two suspects who were chained together and tempo of the interrogation was getting higher. Momentarily forgetting my own ordeal...I kept a gaze on all corners of the hall abandoned with an ominous look of a 2nd world war torture camp.

Ropes were streaming down from ceiling tops, bags of sand were elevated on perimeter wall fence of the hall and all types of rod and metal varying in shape, length and size was starring at you while you hear shouts of people from the back of the hall screaming the name of their late great grandmothers to come and intercede on their behalf.

Buckets of water are standby in case one faints or opts to die before appending signature to already written statements. I was still taking the mein of the entire facility when I was jolted back to reality by the sound of a rapid military rifle...tem tem tem!!!!!.

You no wan wan follow am go, you wan travel!!! were the words resonating from the other end of the hall. I tried looking but slaps from my I.P.O...Investigating Police Officer reminded me that I was not in this camp for Excursion or Tourism.

...That guy don travel oooo ..said my IPO.So make you tell me the truth otherwise I go travel you were the words from the officer.

Meanwhile, the O.C Sars, the 2aice (2nd in command) and about 4 other police officers started asking me questions ranging from personal to family to academic background questions

...when I got to the level that I was a PhD student, the questions ceased and the O.C shouted ...Mr. Tell us what happened or in his Abakaliki agbajisie gu ukpa la abo (shoot your two legs). I started my story of what happened but that was not what they wanted to hear. The questions were already made and I must be categorical in my answers

...Your director kills people...No Sir I retorted!

And the torture started properly... Make him talk( ordered the OC James Nwafor) before he went to supervise the torture of Chief Bonaventure Mokwe at the back of the hall)

Ropes were tied by my two the two legs, then both leg and hand bended and tied together with a rod passing through in between them and then elevated to a perimeter wall.

In fact, if you have watched a goat prepared for barbecue of suya night then you are close to the picture.

At the turn of each question and non compliance, a bag of sand is added at my back to add extra pain. Cries upon wails until you pass out. Ooh you want to die...common Justin death is far removed! A cold bucket of water quickly spoils your trance and brings you back to reality.

From minutes to hours, the torture lasted ontop of the beam. In the cell ,we call it " Hanging" The boss of the cell will always differentiate " ndi agbara"hanging with others because you will be laid flat at the cell for at least 3 days before your joints starts to heal.

The " hanging" never stops until finally you start saying that you killed Ibrahim Babangida so that you can be brought down meanwhile Babangida is alive.

From hanging on the beam, tying of rope in a strangulation mode around the neck, Inserting of pin and rope inside the penis to shooting of bullets in a circular fashion around increasing the tempo of the questions at each turn, one is immersed into a theatre of pain and your pre written statements a product of individual pain threshold. In the midst of my torture, I opted to set forth at dawn...dragging myself to crossover the thresholds of deaths but they were Anthills in the Savannah.

On his part Bonaventure Mokwe was undergoing his own routine hanging and strangulation and his shouts of nne mooo, nne moooo, nne moooo !!!!! was re-vibrating from the back of the hall!

I will kill you and nothing will happen...were consistently echoing from the Chief Butcher James Nwafor! But at this point, everybody was carrying his own cross... nothing I could do to help the old man but to soak my own pain without giving up the ghosts!

The gods were wise! Around 8pm that night, I was unconsciously taken into Cell 5. I came to know the real essence of that cell days later.

Cursed with five cells at that Bay...some are better than the others. Cell 5 is the worst because it is tagged "Condemned cell". If you happen to be there, then you are not in Awkuzu SARS because that cell for them does not exist.

 High profile criminals caught with military rifles are kept there awaiting execution and because our case had all the above element...I smelled the cell for 6hrs and was transferred out in the morning of next day while the director remained there till the 5th of August. From cell 5 I moved to Cell1 and to cell 4 where I rotted away without taking bath or brush, defecting in a nylon polythene and not seeing the light of day for 81days!

Cell 4 and Cell 3 in Awkuzu Sara are dark cell! No light, no ventilation and no windows! Completely dark from morning to evening! People who are tortured return back with ambulance services performed by inmates since you can neither walk, move or shift any part of your body ....the demand for water is the case consistently but no one gives you! 

Your Cell boss knows the implications of giving you water and so brotherhood of men is preserved for it transcends the sovereignty of nations!

Cell mates die from suffocations!
Cell mates die from torture effect!
Cell mates die from gun shot wounds unattended!
Cell mates die from trauma!
Cell mates are summarily pulled out and executed in the middle of the night!!!

Akwuzu Sars was a theater of death! An abattoir!

Dying in the cell is a normal occurrence and the ambulance duty each morning is to take them to the back yard for the diabolic looking doctor to confirm!

Cell 4 and 3 were total black out cells filled with the stench of inmates purportedly caught with locally and kidnapping cases.

In my days at Guantanamo bay...I rekindled my pastoral skills and led the two twin cell of 3 &4 in morning, afternoon and night devotions. Sleeping was with one eye open because gunshots fill the air at all times and people are summarily judged through the barrel of a gun. Answering your name at odd hours is risky and mention of your name reminds of the ambulance job we do each day for fallen comrades.

A room of not more than 2 Square size packed up by 29 to 31 suspect

...heat kills,
hunger kills,
mental switch on and off kills
...and police bullets does the rest.

Who will be the next to fire?

At the abattoir, talks of going to court is freedom itself and remanding one in prison custody was answering of prayers from God.

Every day we waited for our turn...singing to the Almighty... Abraham Blessing are mine!

He delivered Paul and Silas!!!!!To the government of my country...

Awkuzu SARS activity was legitimatized and was acceptable by the Government of the Day!



  1. I cant.......why so blood thirsty, why?

    1. Is this real??!! Is this how bad Nigeria is? What is this?! That James should be arrested, the governor should step down.

      Would he say he was unaware? He made a mass murderer his SSA on security issues?

    2. The Original Shugar Girl16 October 2020 at 11:49

      I couldnt finish the story of torture.

      My God!
      How can you maltreat a fellow human being like yourself as though you can't relate to their emotions? Worse, framing up innocent people and killing them away?

      Humans playing God.
      I can't deal.

    3. I was privileged to hear the story of Upper Class Hotel, and how it was pulled down. I was present in the day of the arrest. The Mokwe man is a deadly man, as we heard then. It was a political motivated stuff, cause they saw the man as a figure in Onitsha who has a lot of Agberos at his disposal.
      Sorry young man, you were an escape goat to the planned operation.
      I later heard that the human skull was planted, and Mokwe was later released. It was an awkful site to behold! People were scampering, and shouting at them not knowing the staff were innocent. Such a sad and unforgettable experience.
      I have been saying it here, that Awkuzu Sars is were they sell human parts of any kind.

      The case of this young man was, when two elephants fights, the grass will suffer the blunt.

      God will give you closure and peace.
      Justice for the victims of Awkuzu Sars.

    4. African leaders are dev incarnate. More like they overthrew the Devil and took over his chambers. Since Idi Amin, they have never failed to show or pride themselves as Demi gods who has the right to take life but when they are on their deathbed, they realize all the evils they have committed. Thanks to them, such places exist all over Africa like a cult inclined project.

      Some day soon, they and their families will definitely have a taste of it all. Very soon.

    5. Jeez.I am so scared.My fiance lives and work in Anambra and is doing well in his business,God is really helping him.He has waited for 6 years to stand on his feet,in those 6 years,he refuse to be involved in scamming or any vices.And now he is doing well,someone will come and frame him or suffer in SARS cell!??I am really scared on his behalf.

    6. the white enchantress you touched the heart of the matter.

      EVIL African leaders God will avenge the blood of the innocent on you , your families and generations❗

  2. It's an experience better not imagined. Those idiotic Sars blood tasty men saw themselves as demigod. Hundreds of innocent people were murdered by those demons. #EndSwat #EndSars #EndPoliceBrutality

  3. That murderer,james does not deserve to be shot. He should be tortured till he dies.

  4. OMG what did I just read. This marks the peak of man's inhumanity to man. I pray that all erring sars officers are arrested, prosecuted and jailed with hard labour staring with James Nwafor.

  5. Oh my ! Cans of worms are being opened. I didn’t know things like this existed in Nigeria 😳😮

  6. This is heartbreaking...may those involved in all these killing and torture be destroyed in Jesus name. Mr Nwafor and his cohorts will never go unpunished.

  7. Jesus Christ of Nazareth

    This has really messed me up damn!!!
    The James nwafor and every other person involve should be look to immediately.

    May God curse you all may life make you experience all this you have brought on people... Even to those who knew about that abbatoir and never say anything about it may death locate you all...

    What a sad thing to read about

    1. Many families have been fighting them but they got serious backing. can't imagine the outcry when sometimes dead bodies of able bodied men are found floating on Ezu River on the boundaries in Anambra State. It's been long coming.

      Curses rained on James Nwafor and his gang by grieving families is coming through.

    2. The Governor and top politicians in the state use SARS to carry out horrible attrocities.

  8. It is God Almighty that will judge these people. As for that James Nwafor, he will die just like Jezebel did and dogs shall eat his corpse. The day of reckoning is here, the blood of the innocent is crying out for justice and God’s ears are open to them. The wickedness of the wicked will soon come to an end. They will drink their own blood.

  9. A horrible experience one should never go through talk more of innocent victims

  10. Jesus Christ! I'm speechless

  11. Jesus Christ, this james nwafor again, my goodness, how did he get to be so heartless?

  12. Wow Stella I am a horror freak and love of that genre!! Kai I am shivering reading abeg!

  13. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


  14. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  15. Nerve wrecking tales from Awkuzu SARS victims.

    Not shocked, not surprised, when roadside roasted corn sellers at Amawbia Junction rioted once, then had to stop selling because the SARS official do all sorts to customers who park to buy corn, some they know their families, once they get into the van they are never seen again. You query them and they beat you and your little kids there by the roadside.

    That Doctor that comes to treat wounds and harvest organs who is who?
    Somebody needs to call him out too not just Nnamdi Okafor.

    Who owns SARS Neni branch also in Anamabra State and what goes on there? Those ones can chase you from Agulu junction to Oye Nimo to block and search your car during Xmas season. They come desperate.

    The revelations are many, will Gov Willie act accordingly?
    Sack is not enough.

    We want JUSTICE!

    1. Ndi Anambra needs to rise up!! Ah ah, this is too much. And all these perpetrators aren't indigenous people oo, Most of them are ndi Abakiliki. Ndi Anambra these people has wrecked our brothers/sons😭😭😭💔.

      Willie Obiano and his family, IT SHALL NEVER BE WELL WITH YOU PEOPLE, Iseeeee!! What a read😱😱😥😥😥.

    2. Chisom you are right
      Anambra people stand up and fight this
      So many parent would have died or currently nursing different illness cos of the loss of their children
      James nwafor and Co you lots will suffer for all the pains you caused


    3. James Nwafor,akara gi g'ayasa na mmanu very soon..devil

    4. I doubt if Neni branch still exists,that's my hometown.It was terrible

    5. Chisom, please don't bring in intra-tribal colouration to this. Wherever or whoever they are, their victims deserve justice!

    6. Senator patrick ifeanyi ubah chased that OC SARS and his boys from nnewi years ago. They brutalized umuanuka local vigilante boys patroling at night(the leader of the vigilante spent months in NAUTH). The OC SARS was dating one woman that owns a brothel in umuanuka and sen ifeanyi Ubah chased the woman out (Umuanuka is his home town). This people have been causing havoc since day 1 and the governor knows of all their atrocities

    7. Where is this Akwuzu in Anambra please??

    8. Anon Awkuzu is along the road from Nteje to Awka ,you see it I think

    9. Yeah, Lily.
      It's on the Onitsha- Enugu expressway. The signpost is on the road. Just divert.

  16. really suffered.coming of that dungeon without having a brain fast is a miracle on its own.

  17. Hmmmm,such a gory tale. And Mr. James Nwafor walks free today? He and the rest cannibals need to be prosecuted asap.

  18. Staying in the school hostel shielded us from most of these happenings of cult killings and arrest at Tempsite.

    But I can never forget the location of Bakassi boys then at the third floor a three storey building right in Bakassi.
    I had to hawk goods all over Bakassi and each time I passed there, I nearly peed on my pants watching them brandish their knives and guns as they transported alleged criminals to burrow pit for killings.
    I can never get the gory sight out of my head. I saw some shoe makers drop shoe making and join Bakassi and how they would beat up alleged thieves with machetes and inflict wounds on them.

    I abhor violence to the core.
    I totally understand what he went through.
    I would see families of detained alleged criminals climb up the stairs to the third floor and if they did not conduct themselves 'appropriately' they were also beaten up with machetes regardless of their age.

    1. My dear, you can’t compare Bakassi to SARS. Bakassi kept fighting robbers, ritualistes, cultists, killers, kidnappers et al. They didn’t loose sight of what they were on about. They disbanded at the time they had achieved all that they set out for and went back to their businesses.
      SARS is fille with unscrupulous evil beings who think they are gods because they were given the LICENSE TO KILL. They always had evil motives from the world go. They get influenced easily by who sorts their pockets. Thieves and ritualistes whose days are numbered. That unit should be disbanded and the officials arrested and tortured to death. They need to have a taste of their medication. Demons!

  19. This is bad. why so much blood shed by SARS? May they be judged according to their deed. Poster its well with you.

  20. That last paragraph is the real deal!!! The government knew about it🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

  21. I can' re-read this..😭😭

  22. Oh Jesus! Will I be able to sleep this night?
    Kill that man and his cohorts!!!!

    1. Kai this experience is painful 😥😥😥😥

    2. I remember sitting in church one sunday,about 2 years or so and a young man and his parents and siblings came to give thanksgiving and testify about being out from SARS cell.

      I remember wondering,if he was innocent,why will he be jailed,talk more of coming to give a long testimony like that.Isn't it legal and normal for an innocent person to be bailed? I didn't think much of it until i started reading this stories on SARS and remebered that story..He was the only one released among his friends after 3 wks & his parents r poor,no connection,nothing.That thanksgiving stood out for me till date because of how emotional the mom made me,she was rolling on the floor crying,and the boy knelt to pick her up crying too.They were thanking our pastor for his ceaseless prayers and support.God bless you Pastor S.M.It is important to know God for yourself,but also have a good shepherd.

      Only now i understand that young boy's testimony and started crying.God forgive me for ever undermining someone's testimony.Yes,he was a student of unizik and it must have been this Awkuzu Sars.He truly went to hell and back.

  23. still reads like fiction to me. how can you arrest and toture someone without eidence? the sins of these men will continue to follow their generations except by the mercies of God

    1. That is the reason why i can never marry a police,soldier or politician.I can never envy them or their family.Regardless of how they enjoy their ill-gotten wealth.


  25. I think I remember this story. The hotel was around Ose market. They said they were selling human flesh as beef. Unless I’m missing it up. The hotel was demolished immediately.


    1. Yes,you are right

    2. You don't say.
      Probably a rival company sponsored the rumour.

    3. That story is different. But it was a set up by SARS... The owner has always voiced out his experience.

    4. It was never true my dear.They set Mokwe up.Peter Obi was the governor then ,he was the person that demolished the hotel.I live very close to the hotel,and was present when the caterpillars was destroying it cos we all ran to the scene

    5. I live in Onitsha and was in Ose Market on the day of the demolition of the hotel. It was said that skulls were found in the hotel as it was used as hideout by ritualists.
      Stories later emerged that the owner was set up with the items found there.
      My question is, was the government oblivious of the evil at SARS Awkuzu?
      Just 4 days ago, I overheard a father discussing with his son on phone still in captivity in that abattoir, to come pay and bail him. And I wondered, hasn't SARS been dissolved? It was clear it's a case of extortion cos if not, the son would been on a court process.

      An acquaintance's husband works there and this man lives in luxury in a palatial house with choice cars and power bikes. Pray tell, isn't that proceeds of corruption?
      May all of them and their families/beneficiaries suffer horrible fate in this life and eternal condemnation.

    6. It was a setup! I can never forget what happened. The hotel was not booming like some. They just wanted to smear the man's name, and they succeeded. The man was growing his influence in govt, and Agbero boys. I believe, govt have a hand in demolishing the hotel.
      Mokwe is now a nobody in Ose Market. Then, he was controlling the whole of Ose with the parks. I believe Tony Ume, some indigenous people, with one guy that his Mum was an Ezenwanyi planned this wickedness against him. I was just coming to market that day, and saw my eyes out. They have collected all his loyalties from him, right from that hotel to John Holt. The man is now in total agony after losing out on Upper Class Hotel. What we know as Upper Class is now, a motor park. Govt took over his properties, after that event.

      Sars people and govt are working together, that's why we don't have any of them, facing the music.

      James Nwafor, na Abakiliki man,and their heart is deadly to other people. They see people as trees, they can cut at anytime.
      He should answer for the crimes against nature.

  26. This broke my heart to pieces 😭😭😭😭. Why should a human be this cruel to another? Pls the govt should prosecute all those involved in this. What a heart wrenching piece

  27. omg!
    This is horrible!
    Are these people created by God?

  28. See wickedness!

    For those hailing Gov Obiano for relieving that demon of his appointment. Know this, he cannot claim not have have an idea of what is going on! A lot of protests letters have been written about this evil Nwafor before now. They will all get what is coming to them.

  29. Oh Lord please purge this country of these demon possessed people in Jesus name!!! Father please purge us of all these ritualists in Jesus name Amen.

  30. Ayeraye o
    In this country?
    This is HORRIBLE.

  31. 😥😥😭😭😭.
    Germs nwafor and his Co monsters must be executed. Ndi Anambra, nwoke abakiliki ahu must be executed.
    Jesus christ of Nazareth😱😱!!
    Willie Obiano, will you swear to be ignorant of all these💔💔😭😭. RIP to all their unfortunate victims.

    1. Willy Willy is 💯 percent aware, he can't claim ignorance.

      Lemme not give further details shaa.
      But know it that Willy knows!!!!

    2. Germs bawo?
      Must you spell the way you pronounce?
      James is on phone dictionary so what is your excuse?
      Come for me and I will bite you, no time for nonsense

    3. Anon 13:58 Chisom is right.He is "Germs" not "James".Such a beautiful and biblical name like 'James'shouldn't be answered by a demon in human body.

    4. Anon 13:58, that was an obvious play at words by Chisom.
      Go and upgrade your IQ and stop harassing her.

  32. OMG!!!


  34. Hmmmm...I've heard and read so much about the SARS in Anambra and their wicked OC, James. God's judgement is on its way...WHAT AN EXPERIENCE?

  35. Ndi Igbo have been sold out by their leaders! Just imagine this in commercial state like Anambra....God do not let’s our protest efforts in vain.

  36. Plzzzzzz how do i unread this????

  37. I know about this case, we live very close to the hotel, it was located at Mokwe park ose. I was present during the hotel demolition ,but after everything it was a big time setup.

    The said Mokwe Bonaventure which owns the said hotel ,still goes to court with Anambra Govt and Peter Obi cos it was during Peter Obi tenure it happend. Peter Obi ordered for the demolition the same day the human skull was said to be found in the hotel room without investigations.

    The man is demanding for billions of naira as compensation and damages of what him and his workers went tru in the hands of SARS.

    I never knew they really suffered to this extent but this is what happens in there. You will be praying for death to come, this was how my brother suffered and eventually got killed.

    1. 😲😲😟😟, Please has Peter Obi paid the man for damages and defamation of character??

    2. Lily so sorry about your brother's death.
      This story is like all these war crime stories,oh God how can people be this horrible bikonu.
      God of vengeance has risen for his people and the sins of these people will surely be meted out to them.

    3. Oh lily I'm so sorry. What the hell is this?
      God protect us oo

    4. Oh dear! You lost your brother?? Nne ndo oo?? So sorry for your loss nwanne🌹🌹.

    5. O I'm so sorry for the death of your brother, may his soul rest in peace.

      This story is heartbreaking, I wonder how
      some people can be so wicked and inhuman to fellow human. Those involved need to be tortured to death.

    6. Sorry about your brothers death, Good to know you are my town girl.

    7. Sally jard, woa you are Nenian too.Yes I am.
      Chisom and others,the case is still in the court, you know how Nigerian courts operates naw,no justice yet ,but we pray he comes out a winner Cos they really dealt with the man and his family.

      Thank you all, Its well.

    8. Chisom and others,God bless you.

      Yes the case is still in court,you know how slow Nigerian court used to be.

      I pray the man come out successful.

      Sally jard, yes I'm from Neni town. Good to know you are from there also.

  38. This Mokwe Man,the hotel owner is a well learned gentle man,he has a big platform on Facebook and married to a lawyer. I think the wife is even a judge.

    The mans reputation was dragged to the floor.It was a terrible sight to behold and the whole mainmkt and ose was shut down that day this happend thinking it was all true, not knowing he had a case with one rich notable man like that who set him up with human skull in one of the hotel rooms and contacted the SARS.

    I thank God this writer came out victorious. YOUR LIFE AND THAT OF MOKWE IS A TESTIMONY!.

  39. I remembered this story, it was believed that the owner was a ritualist, oh so it was all a set up. Awkuzu Sars that evil OC needs to be dealt with.

  40. I read this and didn't even notice I had been sitting on the edge of my chair.. Am still shaken .

  41. I live in Onitsha and was in Ose Market on the day of the demolition of the hotel. It was said that skulls were found in the hotel as it was used as hideout by ritualists.
    Stories later emerged that the owner was set up with the items found there.
    My question is, was the government oblivious of the evil at SARS Awkuzu?
    Just 4 days ago, I overheard a father discussing with his son on phone still in captivity in that abattoir, to come pay and bail him. And I wondered, hasn't SARS been dissolved? It was clear it's a case of extortion cos if not, the son would been on a court process.

    An acquaintance's husband works there and this man lives in luxury in a palatial house with choice cars and power bikes. Pray tell, isn't that proceeds of corruption?
    May all of them and their families/beneficiaries suffer horrible fate in this life and eternal condemnation.

  42. I I actually thought I was reading a book on the slavery era, I had to search for my glasses to be able to read well, it's more like see well well. I am shocked. That man will die a gradual death of butchering gradually. Haaaa

  43. Oh God. Why did I read this????

    Seriously, what kind of training do the police men go through to even make them have the mind to do all of these????

    Those of u saying the #EndSARS protest should end because of the empty words from the president, are u seeing why we should never stop until the entire police and security forces are totally reformed???

  44. I was in Uyo cell for weeks and all that he wrote about sars torture is true. The strongest of men prefers to die than to be transferred to sars. At the mention of sars, the most hardened criminals are humbled. They literally break your bones with hammer just to confess to a crime you never committed. You pray for death, it doesn't come. You don't eat for days and you won't feel hungry. Forget it sars officers are not human

    1. I thank God for your life Anon 14:07.So Sorry about this heartbreaking experience.

    2. I hope you are fine now?

    3. Thank God for your life o, 😭😭

  45. That okafor man need to be set free for Nigerians to handle him for the bad things he has done to people's children

  46. 😭😭😭😭😭 can't stop crying...oh my God!!! We want JUSTICE, this people animals in human forms and their families must be tired to death...#justiceforawkuzuvictims#

  47. BLOOD OF JESUS😱😱😱😱😱😱😭😭

  48. James nwafor nwoke abakiliki is a monster

  49. God almighty 😳💔💔💔😭😭😭😭

  50. Stella,Awkuzu SARS were hectic today, yes oo.People reach 5million today at Awkuzu,no movements, everywhere was blocked, Fino, Flavour and other musician and people from Enugu state joined the protest today,yes oo.

    Tmro is another day.Inquire about this if possible.

    I'm not exaggerating the population

    1. Let there be no movement till government does the needful.

      Ife nkea akali go.

    2. Okariri Xp. May God protect us all

    3. Lily please be safe out there.
      And keep us updated.

  51. OMG 😱
    This is terrible
    Wickedness of the highest order

  52. Worse than Nazi camp inside Nigeria. In Anambra state. Imagine! And the governor is there chopping food and drinking beer and sleeping at night! No conscience!


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