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Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday In House News...

 Monday Hailings....


You know how something wey you wan talk go hang your throat but you no fit talk am and instead you go dey do  ''Hmmm'' ''Hmmmm'' ''Hmmmmm''.

Make you no worry i understand. LOL

The BV that made a comment about wanting to bless their mum with the 100k giveaway, you made the comment inside one of the giveaway post i said people could apply.. Its either the spontaneous post or the in house news and you made the comment with your ID which i noted.. Please contact me with a screen munch of the comment you made to be able to collect the 100k waiting to be owned by your mama.

I hope this BV is not the once in a blue moon visitor!

My lovely hashtags in the spontaneous morning posts are about life generally and points at no one in particular.... I don't know anyone here well enough to make hashtags that will hit their nail on the head... 

END OF NOTE - The recipients chosen today for the giveaway should send their account details this evening.. even though they did not come into my inbox to ask for the giveaway ,God remembered them and chose them..... Thats what a miracle is, no one can explain it.....

Thank you.

Enjoy the rest of the day.



I was informed about how harsh and terrible nurses and medical personnel can be or behave towards expectant mothers, this was a major determinant when I was registering for ante natal classes and choosing the hospital I wanted to birth my baby.

There are a lot of wonderful nurses and other medical personnel out there but truth be told, there are a lot of bad eggs. I was lucky to get the good ones but I have a lot of friends who got the other end of the stick.

Someone very dear to me told me about how she and other women in labour were abandoned in the delivery room. She said the Lady beside her kept shouting that the baby was about to come out. Nobody answered her. She had to leave her own bed to check on the woman and truly she could see the head. 

She had to grab hold of a nearby cleaner who went to hurry the nurses. Her story is even better than many I have heard, cases where nurses are hitting the woman in labour, derogatory words being used and all. The ones at the immunization clinic is story for another day.

I am sure many women at one point or the other have experienced or know someone who has experienced such issues. Please let’s do better. And to every amazing nurse and medical personnel out there may God bless you.

People should also show love to all these Nurses and medical personnel and they will get it right back...Most times they react like out of the frustrations that come with their working environment, lack of pay and ill treatment from patients et al.

They are nasty to the Nurse all through Ante natal and boom when its delivery time , think they don't remember? Some are evil but love always works...#justsayingoh



Good day y'all....

Some days back I was talking with my sister and she told me something that took me down memory lane. All 8 of us children in my family went to the same primary and secondary school ( the same school with primary and secondary arm) so we pretty much shared the same subject teachers. 

So I was talking with my sister, our last born who is the most recent graduate from the school and she told me some teachers were sacked and the school took them to court, these teachers are really old staff, I, the eldest, met when I started primary school with them. 

My sister said they where sacked because they were found to have misappropriated over 8 million naira from the schools account over the years, they were fished out when the administration of the school changed and an audit was done. 

What took me down memory lane was one of the sacked teacher, let me call her aunty B, aunty B was my business studies teacher and she was the one that introduced scripture Union to my school when the secondary arm was formed
 ( my set was the first set of students for the secondary school), picture this smallish woman who always had a big scarf on her head, no single hair escaping, always preaching and judging.

 Years ago, I was a small girl, 13 years old in JSS 3, I was seriously introverted with novels my best companion, home life was not so great then because my mum in a bid to make sure I turn out right totally ended up giving me a partly sad childhood ( we are very ok now, best of friend, she explained the reasons for her actions and I understood her, story for another day), so I was this moody but intelligent 13 year old that minds her business, I think I acted more than my age.

 I just started seeing my period the previous year and I was having a really hard time of it, the pain starts a day prior to the period, excruciating pain, vomiting and not being able to eat, the first 2 days of the period where really bad, I will be rolling from one end of the sitting room to the other in pain( thank God the pain totally stopped with childbirth). 

Understandably, I will be absent from the school those three days. Another reason for me to miss school was a little bit of truancy, we had a school bus then and that was my only option, if I miss it the thought of going home and facing my mum was unimaginable to my young mind, I will jejely enter the compound in front of which I usually wait for the bus, they had this gateman house that was empty except for some chairs, I will creep in, pull out one of the novels in my bag ( I always have one or two in there) sit down and escape into my imagination till it's time to go home, so period pain plus truancy, I missed school like 4-5 days in a month.

 One day aunty B called me aside and without any preamble she goes " that man you are going to meet is he more important than your education?". I was confused by the question, me? man kwa? how?, The next thing she said was " please just stop pretending like you don't know what I am talking about, how can you at this age already have a man in your life that is deceiving you, definitely you are no longer a virgin at this young age.", she continued " flee from sexual immorality and face your studies." 

When I was able to get a word in I told her that I don't have any man oooo, that my mummy will kill me, and she goes " spare me that mummy nonsense, you and I know what you do". Then followed about 5 minutes of "well meaning advice",  I was just nodding my head till she told me to go, I just went to a quiet corner and cried my eyes out.

Could you believe in S.U meeting that week this woman preached about sexual immorality in young people with her eyes fixed on me, that was the last time I ever went back to S.U. 

It took another teacher, let me call her aunty O, who sat down and observed then asked me what was going on for everyone to know the truth, sometimes I still wonder what they used to discuss about me in their staff room before they knew the truth. Aunty B started trying to make friends ( but never tendered an apology ooo) but I was not interested, the last time I saw her was two years when I went back home to have my twins so that my mum can do omugwo for me, I just pretended as if I didn't see her, I don't know if she noticed and I don't even care.

 for aunty O when I finished NYSC, I bought I hollandaise fabric and lace for top and went to her house and presented it to her,  she didn't even know my reason for doing this after more than 13 years until I explained, she was the only one that cared to ask and she gave me a big hug after I explained and introduced me to Boscopan painkiller and how to take for days before my period and it helped a whole lot, she also told me that whenever I miss the bus I should take a bike and come and collect the t/fare from her, and I never forget that just like I will never forget my experience with Aunty B.

When my sister told me what happened to her, I really tried but up till now I cannot muster even a shred of sympathy for her, if it where to be any other random person, I would have at least been able to rationalize their actions, because after all said and done, nobody holy pass, but I just couldn't for her, my sympathy instead is for her husband who is a respected pastor.

 This woman was still the S.U coordinator in that school till she was sacked, her car had all the religious emblems you can think of and I have never seen her head uncovered, I don't know ooooo, maybe she wanted people to think that she is always in the mood of prayer and holier than all, not knowing that she was busy abusing her position and stealing money from every angle. Let me add that I did not even have a boyfriend and my 2nd year in the university and s*x was even later. 

Have a great day everyone, and be kind to one another.

No need to rejoice that she is down...She was one of the people God put in your way to teach you how life works




I have some used shoes and cloth for a boy of 3/4years old....some were bought used but neatly used incase any BV will want them..
Will just give whoever calls first..... preferably someone close to Oshodi Lagos......I can be reached on 08051162411

Surely there must be someone around you or someone you know who might need this? Collect this and reach out to them.



  1. Divine Health Confessions!!

    My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being – from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet – is vitalized by the Spirit of God. The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease, and infirmity; therefore, I’m uninfectable.

  2. My ears don full
    So cutting down plantain is murder and everyone is screaming "blue murder"
    And SOME people, ladies can cut down babies in their wombs to bits and flush it out and no one is screaming; really? Same people will argue that
    that one is not murder? Wow!🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄May God have Mercy on this generation

    1. I was also so appalled by the outright gullibility and apostacy of the "so insightful" screaming. When one tells them that God "hates hands that shed
      innocent blood" Prov. 6:16-17, and only Jesus blood can save them: They will argue and insult the person and scream "Judge Judy". But someone tells them that kolanut with 5 cotyledon will save them from "wrath of some strange gods," they will hail and trail. And same people go to church and make plenty of noise about it. Isn't that having a form of godliness and denying the power of godliness?
      Dears, you are either in Christ or you are not
      Jesus is either your Savior or he is not
      The Bible is the Word of God for you or it is not
      You are either hot or you are cold
      You are either light or you are darkness
      There is no in between or sitting on the fence when it comes to godliness and eternal life.

    2. I cut all the plantains at the boundary of my dad's compound yesterday. Snakes were hiding there and biting people.

  3. Dear Parents,

    Holidays are here, pls take note of the following :

    Child molestation
    Sexual abuse,

    Child predators are everywhere seeking for whom to devour.

    You really don't want to see this happen to your angels and bobos.

    Be extra careful.

    A. Know where your children or wards are per time.

    B. Leave them with very responsible and reasonable, not just some respectable adult jerks.

    B. Never leave children alone,not for a second.

    C. Apply safety measures in and around the house.

    D. Secure your home and be vigilant.

    E. Check and understand why your kids like an adult and check why some adults repel them.

    F. Don't be caught up in this wayward society, wear modest and decent clothing for your girls. .....Jerks can release sperm on themselves just by looking at a baby's bum, Its that bad.😔.

    There will be a lot of parties, be careful.

    G. Holidaymakers. ....🎒. Don't send your kids off to their grannies without helps around. Most Grannies are weak, vulnerable and not so disciplined anymore. Don't burden them with children stress.

    H. Don't accommodate other kids you can't care for in the name of holiday.

    I. Watch your teenagers.

    J. Get closer to your children and wards this holiday.

    Keep close, embrace your children ,pray and play together.

    They can watch television but be mindful of what goes into their mind. Most of the time ,a lot of accidents could have been avoided.

    Always give them reasons to appreciate life more.

    Do have a wonderful week ahead, and a lovely fun filled holiday to our children and Teachers.

    1. Thank you so much for the reminder

    2. Well written, God bless you for this, pedophiles are on the loose o my people, let's keep a close look on our little ones, God will continue to protect them.

  4. Good afternoon all,we are observing sit at home

    1. Good afternoon good people...

      Angel KOOF indeed you are nothing but an Angel in human form Kwat!!! Only God can replenish your purse, your generation will never experience lack. Ameen.

      Big congratulations to the newest beneficiaries, may God bless whatever business you out it too.

      It's miracle indeed, may Miracle locate me too in all areas of my life Ameen. It's well.

    2. I am so tired. Still at Eko market waiting for the bus to get filled up. 😪

  5. Just coming from SP and saw a comment from BV City Chocolate about a little girl of 5 that has dark knuckles and wondered if her mom was bleaching her. Pls let's refrain from thinking the worst when we see certain things, Acanthosis nigricans causes dark knuckles not only bleaching creams.

    My baby girl has discoloured cuticles and knuckles. She was olive in complexion when I had her so I thought the dark cuticles is a sign that her skin will eventually get dark to that tone but no, she's even pale lighter now than when I had her almost 4 months ago yet the discoloured fingers remain.

    It just means that that's the part of her skin that produced more melanin and I 'd like to believe that's the case of the lil girl you saw.

    1. Thanks o, I'm dark/ chocolate in color but my knuckles are very dark, in fact atimes the thing dey Shame me and I've never used bleaching cream before, some people's knuckles are naturally dark

    2. It's not even her business in the first place. Enter bus and face your front instead of eavesdropping or observing knuckles.

    3. I also had dark knuckles from when I was a baby. My mum is an SU that covers her head and had been using Vaseline on us and herself since I knew what cream means. It was when I entered secondary school and people started asking if I was bleaching that I knew I should be worried about my knuckles. My daughter also took my dark knuckles from birth, just our fingers, toes are fine. So it is not everyone with dark knuckles that bleached

    4. Hi Perxian
      Are you in the medical profession?

    5. Everybody is now at alert and doing unnecessary amebo that nobody asked them..Y'all should learn to mind the business that pays your dang bills

    6. Oh okay ma'am. We learn everyday though 😊

    7. Yeah I agree with you, my niece has dark knuckles too and she isn't even fair but the knuckles is way darker than her skin color.

      💕💕💕💕 to your cutie.

    8. Very true. I'm dark skinned and I have dark knuckles,imagine I was fair everyone would have been saying I'm bleaching my skin

    9. Even new borns have dark knuckles, knees, some even have dark ears n butt at birth.

    10. Hi ****.. No, just well-versed.

    11. Bv city chocolate is good to have observed that. The bleaching rate right now for kids is an epidemic!

    12. I have dark knuckles too,I'm light in complexion and I don't bleach

  6. Good afternoon to y'all on here and hope you are absolutely fine wherever you are at?

    Wetin dey occur for this blog? BVs like Purity and them Anonymouses have every right to voice their opinions too or don't you think so? What's your own Slim Shaddy and Mark Morgan??

    Isn't it hypocrisy on your parts to always laugh under people's comments that you are not cool with on this blog but come all out chastising others for the same things you lot unabashedly do?

    I know the amount of slanderous statements,derogatory words and loathe that i have gotten on this blog just because of the same business giveaway..

    Where were you then? Didn't you see the false accusations being levelled against someone that deliberately changed his blog ID not minding whose ox was gored?

    Where are some of the people that received the business giveaway? Haven't they disappeared into thin air as expected? Let's learn to speak the dang truth and not let emotions cloud our sense of reasoning mbok..

    I am super happy for BV Eesah still whether he was credibly chosen or not cos of the amount of bile or hatred he gets on here most at times for being highly opinionated..Argh! It sucks that most of y'all as educated as you claimed to be still want people and their opinions to align with yours..Must everybody follow your kinda thought process and bandwagon? 👁👀

    I am not a hater but i sure will conclusively say that some names on the list of this whole business giveaway thingy didn't deservedly get it and the selection is flawed..

    Y'all should allow people to react to issues the way they deem fit as everybody can't have the same opinion on a particular issue..

    The list via SP doesn't show that this whole process has been transparent enough but it's all good..

    I would have loved to see regular BVs that applied on here but we haven't seen their names..😆😆😆 I am not saying all of these because of me cos y'all know that i have been disqualified via the SP a couple of days for deliberately changing my ID.

    Who's Kelvin Dat Edo Boi(Stella’s cousin)? Richie Rich? 😆😆 I know BVs Zaram and Eesah..

    Good looking out to y'all and do have a smooth one..🥰😍🤩😘

    1. You are asking who is Kelvin Dat Edo Boi? Then you are still a child on this blog then.

      As long as it's not your money, your opinion on who deserves it or not is moot.

    2. Calm down boo... It isn't that serious. U may get lucky next time k? Arebu kidding me that u do not know Kelvin day Edo boy?

  7. We dey curfew/lockdown since yesterday for Jos plateau state. It's so exhausting, just sitting at home doing nothing; I even have a headache from just being ideal. My data don suffer since morning, I don refresh blogs tire, sleep sef don tire me, 2 bottles of coke down already 🤦 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm going crazy 😧 I hate doing nothing.

    These silly people and their crisis 😏 I can't wait to leave this town walahi.


    1. *I even have a headache from just being idle.

    2. Sorry just take things easy ☺️☺️

    3. I pray that God be kind to Jos soonest..

    4. You shock me today as per you no add food.. Don't fret it's for safety until everything calms down.


    5. It is well with you dear.I pray peace return to jos.please stay safe.

    6. Lovelace is wicked.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Sandra is a FOODLUM

    7. Be prayerful student...

      Congrats Kelvin, Eesah and others

  8. Good afternoon beautiful people.

    Who else finds it very hard to drink herbs(agbo)?
    If I forcefully drink it, especially the bitter ones, I do vomit. Now my daughter took after her hubby and can drink Yoyo Bitters without blinking. I don't even know if I should be happy for her 🤨

    1. Be happy for her, mine chews flagyl without blinking

    2. Your daughter took after her hubby abi took after your hubby?

      If she's mature and married then🤷 but if you meant she took after your hubby-her father and she's underaged biko don't be happy o. Be worried!

    3. Pls and pls stop drinking herbs, agbo etc they usually come without scientifically proven dosage, they are implicated in liver and most kidney pathologies especially kidney failures ,both acute and chronic, the amount of poeple being sustained on dialysis is alarming, pls and pls. Hottie 7.

    4. Sandra she just clocked 8yrs, I meant my hubby, her father.

      Anon 15:57, I'm not even a fan of herbs, I will warn hubby, will screenshot and show him your comment, he likes Agbo Jedi that makes him purge and also urged me to buy for my daughter because the sugary stuff she eats are harmful to her and the herbal drink will flush her system (according to him).

    5. Ekele really? She is trying

  9. God bless the bv giving out the children things. You shall never lack.

    1. Yea wanted to say thank you also. God bless you as givers never lack.


  10. Una Good afternoon
    How is work going abi how market?
    Oluwa bless our hustle.Amin
    Have a wonderful rest of the day

  11. Good afternoon people
    May God bless our week

  12. So true🙄🙄 @signout....

    Congrats to those selected . God continue to bless Angel koof and Jeluchi for reaching out to people.

  13. So you eventually had boyfriend and began fornicating in university, in spite of all the good upbringing your mom gave you? And you too
    was SU, so what's the difference between you and Mrs. B?
    You do not know that heaven sacks hypocrites too? I found what you wrote there distasteful and I can's believe that I read it all.

  14. Finally, the vehicle have been pulled out with the use of Crane along side dead bodies. What a terrible way to die. Read the APC youth leader in the state was among the occupant.

    May God rest their souls. What a loss.

    1. Please TeeJay
      what are you talking about; an accident, which state, which vehicles?

  15. Beadsbyada secondary school was a long time, please let it go!

    Good afternoon

  16. Stella it's me oo for the business giveaway for my mum. I have sent the munched comment to your mail. I'm not once in a blue moon visitor oo. Thank you in advance.
    Hello everyone?


    *1. Always remember that you can grow without destroying others.*

    *2. Always remember that your dreams can be fulfilled without sabotaging others.*

    *3. Always remember that nobody must go down for you to rise.*

    *4. Always remember that nobody must be shamed or embarrassed for your smile to be sustained.*

    *5. Always remember that while others are rising, you can also rise.*

    *6. Always remember that finding satisfaction in the pain of others will never bring you true happiness.*

    *7. Always remember that what you wish others is a prayer for yourself.*

    *8. Become the good fire that genuinely lights up others, not one that ruins the joy, goodwill, and expectation of others.*

    *9. Never take delight in causing pain or sponsoring the tears of another.*

    *10. Never ever use your position in authority to punish others for fear that your position would be taken from you. You never know tomorrow. Life is uncertain.* *Also,never use the position you occupy today to frustrate others, for you never can tell what the future holds tomorrow.*

    *11. Allow the true FEAR OF GOD to guide your days, STRENGTHEN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS and SET YOUR COURSE.*

    *This is the path to true peace, lasting influence and meaningful living!*

    Stay blessed and take care for those you meet on your way up are the people you meet on your way down.....

    *This is a lesson for all.

  18. Good afternoon ihn is here💋💋💋💖💖💖💙💙💞💞💞💚💚💕💕💕

  19. Thank you Lord...
    For the storm is over now,I can see the Sunshine...

  20. Beads by Ada I can relate with your gist. As children, a wrong that brings tears to our eyes ever erases from our memory especially false accusations.

    1. *that brought tears
      *Never erases

    2. @ courage, you are right, thank you so much for understanding, I cried that day like I had never cried before. I am in my 30s now and I have definitely come across other people that have done me wrong, but this I can't seem to forget. But like Stella rightly say no need to be gleeful about her downfall, it's time I forgot it and moved on.

  21. Hello ihn 😘
    Good afternoon my lovely blogfam 😘

    Woman going thru motherhood poster,nice write-up.women are the real MVP,not easy carrying ur fellow human and bringing forth to life. Some nurses have a stone heart maybe cos they've seen it all..I've one in my empathy at all.

    Gist from mama twins,I remembered this your story.They say you can only know a real born again when money is involved.

    Bv Purity that was laughing at me and wrote that e go shock me because I said I'm optimistic that my name will be in the next worry God go shock you o.

    Hello XP maama..imela kpole nnem😘

    The sun didn't come out today,na so so rain is well.

    Bvs enjoy the rest of your day.
    E go surely be ✌️.

    1. Why can't y'all overlook certain things? What's the pity party for? You just wait and see first so as not to make a fool of yourself later on

    2. @ BV Osundi Yeah I brought it here about three years ago, I think it was on one of the Saturdays posts about being in a situation where you were wrongly accused. That should tell you how the whole thing pained my 13 year old self that I couldn't let go of it till today, whenever somebody says anything anything about false accusations my mind travels back, lol. I think I have let it go Sha and freed myself.

    3. Eloquent, same you that does not waste time in clapping back is asking someone else to overlook? Do you take the advice you're giving???

    4. Genius isino gini..pity party? Okay let me just overlook your own insult.

    5. I never insulted you and i am just telling you the reality,Osundi

      I have been seeing you here too unlike others

      I have decided not to give any audience to Anonymouses but the truth must be said even if it's bitter with my ID

      I am not here ass lick anybody just so you know

    6. Same you Vincent that wrote an epistle up there is talking about overlooking things ?

  22. Madam Ada, learn to FORGIVE and FORGET. After how many years? If God were to be recalling all our sins from the past, would anyone stand?

  23. That IM-Purity trolling people's comments on SP, hope you can rest now. Mscheeew.

  24. It's been a busy weekend.
    Long time no comment

    So this morning this well dressed and handsome looking guy came in to my shop. He was the first to come today and asked that I should please grant him a favor. He told me that please I should put food for him that he is very hungry and doesn't have money. I just told myself that I will overcome this temptation. I gave him a plate of rice and stew with water and he ate. Thanked me and left.
    Three weeks ago it was a mad girl that came that I should please give her foodtaht she's hungry. I gave her money and she thanked me and left.

    Omo....the following day she came again o. I had to stop giving heramd she stopped coming.
    Yesterday after service I sold. In the evening she came after a very long while and pleaded that she is hungry. She is now even pregnant.( I don't even want to go into how men do have the mind to sleep with mad women)

    The things I have seen since opening this shop ehn.
    Anyways.... that's how my weekend went
    Good afternoon kpukpru owo

    1. You write like Mrs Gee aka Mummy Jay

    2. I wonder how they do it? Having sex with mad women to the point of ejaculation.

    3. Some of you sabi talk talk tall sha.

    4. It's for rituals, at times after she gives birth to the baby they'll come in the night and take it

    5. Some sleep with them for ritual purpose

    6. Eternal Excellency16 August 2021 at 18:27

      Darajah continue giving because giver never lack talking from experience Sha na story for another day.

  25. Good afternoon people. There's always one teacher with over sabi. Their wahala is always too much for the students. God bless the bv giving out children things.

  26. There are good nurses no doubt,but the day you'll meet the bad ones,it will erase the memory of the good nurses you've met. I'm glad I met the good ones when I had my son and baby girl,else 'body for tell me',cos i can be so dramatic during labour.

    The best way to handle them is,give them due respect and ignore.

  27. The sign out is so true.. good afternoon people...

  28. That essah's name I saw on spontaneous post pained me Sha. Ayayaya!

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣 lmaooooo I don't know why this is funny to me

    2. Ntor! Get in handy of a transformer

    3. Why? Asides his political and religious stance, he's a cool guy.

    4. Why is he undeserving of the blessing to you?
      He’s always on his lane and one of few words.
      Whatever views he has are his personal cup of tea.
      He’s cool.

    5. Castle your shame is shaming me,the category of men u like na wa.
      Eesah is a political bigot supporting nonsense.
      Afghans have changed the name of the country to IER Islamic Emirates Republic, the women in the cities are putting on their shawls immediately even the CNN reporter to avoid being shot.
      Is that way u like?

    6. Why? Is because of his political views? He is a bv and he was chosen.

      May God continue to bless Stella and all the angels here.

    7. @ castle ,it's the religious and political views gangan. @ eloquent, okere si number mi. When you are worthy of my mention, I will alert you. For now you are too small.

    8. Eternal Excellency16 August 2021 at 18:28


    9. Eesah deserves it nah, an old bv. Eesah I dey come KD dis weekend o.

  29. Good afternoon beautiful people 😘
    Please I just want to tell you all to never to give up. It's well with us 😉😉

  30. One particular nurse here in FMC is known (in the Antenatal ward) for sharp and always ready to insult tongue. I've never had any problem with her but I've heard tales about her and I thought within myself that I will be careful not to have any personal encounter with her.

    Not until late last month that I was purging, it started on Saturday and I thought could manage it till my next appointment which was on Tuesday, I actually managed it well not until Monday evening that I started feeling weak.
    My husband took me to the hospital on Tuesday morning and advised me to tell the nurses that I had to see the doctor before their usual counseling and lectures session, because I was still weak.
    Who told me to listen to him o, I went inside the nurses station and saw one nurse and as I was explaining myself like this, I didn't know that the nurse that had that sharp mouth was in the corner, she just started shouting, that me I've been purging since Saturday and I'm just coming now, that I want to kill myself for them, that I'm selfish because I didn't consider the baby inside of me, that she will tell my consultant that I'm giving them problems.
    She was really shouting, she said I should be going to Gynae emergency as she's looking at me o, because she won't let me implicate her, as I was going, she was following me with her shouts, telling other pregnant women that they should look at "alakoba". Chai
    I was just crying, I called my husband and told him that he's the one that didn't allow me to wait for my Consultant jejely o, I was embarrassed.
    He had to come back to beg me o, when I got to the gynae emergency, the female Doctor on ground asked me why I was crying, by the time I explained ehn, she asked me if it was Nurse lagbaja, I said yes, she said I should not mind her, that she has sharp tongue, kai. The Doctor said it's not as if anything will happen to me that the nurse just wanted to scare me so that next time I will rush to the hospital.
    When I went back to the antenatal ward to book my next appointment, the pregnant women there were now telling me sorry, that their sorry sef was embarrassing.

    Sorry for any gbagaun o.

    1. Eeya,I was just picturing the whole drama.😃 Wishing you safe delivery.

    2. Sorry for how she shouted at you,though she was trying to pass important message,please go to hospital anytime you notice any strange thing in pregnancy,its better you go and they send you back that its nothing than waiting your next appointment. Save delivery

    3. There is a nurse Lagbaja in every clinic. Your story got me laughing. See as she escort you like small pikin. Only say she no carry cane follow you.


    4. You waited till the third day before going to the hospital? Even a non-pregnant person is not supposed to wait for that long as far as the purging is still there. An uncle died of purging on the third day, he purged for three days and defied all the shouts of people that advised him to take drugs, he said he wanted to clear his body system of impurities, by the evening of the third day, he could not move or talk, he died on the way to hospital.

  31. Miracle that sounds like a lie is what I am praying for this week.

    1. BettyO I follow you as passenger. God will surely surprise us.


    2. Eternal Excellency16 August 2021 at 18:30

      Ammmmmeeeeeen loud it baby

    3. Eternal Excellency16 August 2021 at 18:55


    4. Eternal Excellency16 August 2021 at 18:56


    5. My people the testimony has happened ooo. Receive yours in Jesus Name Amen.

  32. Cold and sunny afternoon at the same time here, God's ways are wonderful.
    Bv beadsby Ada, mama twins, pls let go of the hurt she caused you and free your mind. God bless you.

  33. The sign out is so true..thanks Stella.. good afternoon BVs

  34. IHN is here. please pray for plateau state, we are indoors.

  35. IHN Welcome.

    Good afternoon people 😍.

  36. Good afternoon lovely bv's
    How market??....hope our day is going smoothly.

    Went for antenatal today and the midwife was complaining that I went to the same lab for scan, that I should have gone to another is that a crime??🙄🙄
    I'm just happy my baby is doing ok

  37. Good afternoon Bvs
    How is the day going
    Bless you

  38. I thought I had let go of the incident till my sister told me what happened. It was as if I was transported to my 13 year old self again. But yeah, it's time I let it go and forgot about it. Thank you so much Stella for the advice, it's well received.

  39. I am grateful Lord. Thank you for another opportunity to live. Thank you for the grace to be a part of the goodness in SDK blog.. Thank you for everything.. Its so good to be good. God bless angel Koof and SDK. Congratulations to all recipients

  40. I no just understand today's weather , cloudy like rain wants to fall since morning,yet no single drop of rain, I just pray it holds on till I get home in the evening sha.

    Be nice to people around you.people are passing through alot

  41. Una good afternoon ooo my lovers������

    1. Envious troll.

    2. FYI - Good things never come to people who mock others and try to bring sadness to them, so continue you here. Both you and your regular ID go soon jam.

    3. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwa,regular ID kwa? I'm not like you that goes anon to attack

    4. Wicked soul, continue trolling.

    5. More like impurity.

  42. This is nothing but God at work. Yes l believe in miracles. I am a living testimony. It can only be God. BV koof and Jeweluchi you and your generations will never know lack or want. Before you ask. God will answer. Thank you.

  43. Good day people, the odds is our favor

  44. Indeed we should be grateful 🙌

  45. Please any tips and tricks to loosen braids?
    I want to minimise breakage even though I know the hair will break.

    1. Apply shea butter to each strand as soon as you loosen it.

  46. My day has been somehow,thank God it's over now, been wrongly accused for something you did not do can be so painful ehn😔🙂

    1. Sorry... let God vindicate you.

  47. Eternal Excellency16 August 2021 at 19:00

    In another giveway ANGEL OF GOD and jeweluchi to look my way


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