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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Wednesday Spontaneous Post...

 #womancrushwednesday #ekaro #ndewo #gutenmorgen #shoutoutanonymous #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #saywhatyoumean #meanwhatyousay #hustleooh #wonderer #wanderer

Good Morning!

I need to ask an early morning question that is really bugging me...

Why do you people watch TV shows/programmes and fight about it? Is there no way to agree to disagree without going personal on the curses? It is OK to disagree and exchange heated words but let your words be guarded....

Train your tongue/yourself to rise about this behavior please. If you are like this on a Blog, how are you in reality? Fight all day?

Do not forget to stay in a positive mindset.

Today is woman crush Wednesday and my Woman crush is Me .I celebrate me every day and thank God for everything that broke me.

Enjoy your day and dont believe everything you hear or read!

Kisses 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


  1. The Day Of Salvation!!
    2  Corinthians 6:2.


    "More than ever before, there's a burning passion in the hearts of God's people to preach the Gospel, just as there's a great hunger and yearning for salvation in the hearts of men and women around the world"

    "Help those around you receive salvation through the power of God that works in you in this hour of His grace"

    Take the Gospel to the lost, hopeless, hurting and downtrodden in your world and in the regions beyond. Remember, the time is short; therefore, glorify God by being fervent and effectual in leading souls to Christ"


    The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. Thank you dear Lord for counting me worthy to be a co-labourer with you in saving souls, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  2. Good morning everyone, a blessed day ahead I wish us.

    1. Good morning Beautiful people 💟.
      Just waking up and am super grateful. God be praised 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌..

      People that promote and Stan strangers more than their blood is a big problem in this social media world. I can't do it. I never fight for real life na online battle I Wan face? Mbanu.

      May this day bring us glory 🙏

    2. Good morning to y'all and stay good

  3. Gooooooooooooooooodmorning😊❤️🥰❤️💃🏻💋💋❤️🥰❤️💋fam!
    Congratulations to all beneficiaries of the business giveaway,wishing you great success in your endeavours🙏

    Congratulations Phoenix darling on your examination success.Much love babes❤️

    Crushing on all nursing mothers,that your sleepness nights will not be in vain;all pregnant women,that you’ll carry to term;all waiting on the Lord for this blessing,that your testimony is here🙏

    Hi EkaJoy,you good?

    Have a blessed day fam❤️

    1. Good morning Sweetie 💕💕 how have you been?

      @Eka Joy hope you're fine? It's been a min

    2. Hey girls. I’m fine. Thanks for asking

    3. Ameeeeeen! Good morning

    4. Good morning darl! Trust you have been amazing 😊

  4. I lost my WIFE👸 I lost my HUSBAND🤴 I lost my CHILDREN👫 I lost my JOB💼👜...
    None of these Statements will come out of your Mouth In JESUS Name
    #amenchallenge 🙏🙏🙏


    ‘Have you caught any fish?’
    John 21:5 NLT

    Sometimes God uses failure to get our attention and draw us closer to Him. In John 21 the disciples ‘went out in the boat, but…caught nothing all night. At dawn Jesus was standing on the beach, but the disciples couldn’t see who he was. He called out, “Fellows, have you caught any fish?” “No,” they replied. Then he said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get some!” So they did, and they couldn’t haul in the net because there were so many fish in it. Then the disciple Jesus loved said to Peter, “It’s the Lord!”’ (vv. 3-7). Notice three things:
    1) Jesus can do what you can’t do. As long as you think you can handle things on your own, He will let you try. As long as what worked for you in the past is still working, you won’t reach for His help. It’s only when you run out of answers you discover: ‘“You will not succeed by your own strength or…power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord’ (Zechariah 4:6 NCV).
    2) God can do more than you can do. He told the disciples, ‘Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get some!’ It didn’t sound right, but by obeying Him they entered a level of blessing and abundance they never dreamed possible.
    3) God wants a relationship with you. After eating breakfast with the disciples, Jesus told Peter, ‘Take care of my sheep’ (see John 21:17). Now fishermen don’t take care of sheep – shepherds do! So what just happened? Jesus introduced Peter to his true calling – and He will do the same for you!
    Word For Today

    1. Àmen 🙏🙏

      Thanks for sharing Nne💜❤️💜

    2. Amen.
      Do have a fabulous day.

    3. Essa do u switch ti anon after morning preaching? Cos I hardly see your ID interacting after morning preaching...just curious

    4. Anon, I have seen Essa's comments several times on BEP and a few other posta. She also doesn't owe it to anyone to be an active commenter, you people should please leave her in peace cos next thing now will be to insinuate she preaches with her ID and abuses under anon. Haba!! E tun ti de

    5. They all go anonymous to insult even Sdk the blog owner.
      Sometimes the ID switch will fail them that's how you know they didn't leave the blog.
      Ot saw Emjay comment too on Unique prayer, someone's greeting her this morning forgetting they're around all the time.

    6. 10.34 you can say ALL, speak for yourself if you go under anon to insult. You people just like trouble.

    7. *can't say ALL

  6. Good morning.💞😘

    Stay positive and wear a smile, everything is going to be fine.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. The video for this song when she was running through the maze still sticks to my mind to date. Toni Braxton, beautiful woman.
      Thanks anon.

  8. Good morning everyone. Have a blessed day ahead. 💕

  9. I thank God for today. Goodmorning everyone. Today is blessed

  10. Good morning to you my people.

    Stella, we have individual differences about what you asked up there. That alone makes us act and relate differently to issue.

    There was a country...!
    Great Societies struggle to improve the value of Man, imbibe him with the civic ethos and the tenets of patriotism.
    It is this ideal Man who combines diligence with the love of his neighbour that the Yoruba call 'OMOLUABI'.
    It was such great attributes that define Nigeria of old when character meant more than money and a good Name was worth more than Gold.
    Ah! In Nigeria of old, a good Name was a thing to cherish. Of course, that was before the advent of the latter-day Thieves and Pen Robbers...!

  11. Why must people fight because of bbn housemates when you don't even know these people in real life 😒🙄 to me the show is for fun I support anyone that is giving me the vibe I like and catch my fun cos this life is not hard at all.

    Please people should understand is just a reality show and not their life, support who you like and allow me support who I want. We all cannot like one person cos we have different personality.

    Happy women crush Wednesday to all the beautiful women out there, keep holding on.

    1. I always wonder too. Fight over people that don't know you exist?...wonderment

      I am crushing on myself and my mum today...we are both special beings💪💪

      Have a blessed Wednesday

    2. They same way you see people even stab themselves over Messi and Ronaldo. I always wonder

    3. Like i really do not understand it. As i was on my way home yesterday about crossing the road leading to my house, I overheard a guy and a girl gisting about bbn. The girl took it personal and started shouting "Arin must go. What are you telling me? She doesn't have content. With all her piercing, she'll just be eating big brother's food and wasting away in his house. No she must go this week. Check it nah, o wrong nah" blah blah blah. Some agberos around thought they were fighting and wanted to ask what's wrong. They just turned back when they heard big brother. I was like 🙄. Like seriously?

    4. People like us that watch it on the blog, nothing concern us with fight. Let them keep fighting

  12. Crushing on myself today💋💕. Saying thank you to baba God for his mercy and Grace so far.

    Who else is enjoying the weather/rain?

  13. Good morning Stella and Bvs . Wishing everyone a money day. Stay safe out there, protect yourself and protect your family

  14. Good morning beautiful people

  15. Good morning lovelies. Paris I am fine o, thanks to everyone. I will try my best to be commenting. Let's all have a splendid day❤🥰

    1. The space between your eyebrows is called a glabella.
    2. The way it smells after the rain is called petrichor.
    3. The plastic or metallic coating at the end of your shoelaces is called an aglet.
    4. The rumbling of stomach is actually called a wamble.
    5. The cry of a new born baby is called a vagitus.
    6. The prongs on a fork are called tines.
    7. The sheen or light that you see when you close your eyes and press your hands on them is called phosphenes.
    8. The tiny plastic table placed in the middle of a pizza box is called a box tent.
    9. The day after tomorrow is called
    10. Your tiny toe or finger is called minimus.
    11. The wired cage that holds the cork in a bottle of champagne is called an agraffe.
    12. The 'na na na' and 'la la la', which don't really have any meaning in the lyrics of any song, are called vocables.
    13. When you combine an exclamation mark with a question mark (like this ?!), it is referred to as an interrobang.
    14. The space between your nostrils is called columella nasi.
    15. The armhole in clothes, where the sleeves are sewn, is called armscye.
    16. The condition of finding it difficult to get out of the bed in the morning is called dysania.
    17. Illegible hand-writing is called griffonage.
    18. The dot over an “i” or a “j” is called tittle.
    19. That utterly sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much is called crapulence.
    20. The metallic device used to measure your feet at the shoe store is called Bannock device.

  17. "Marriage is not an achievement"
    Women and self-deception. Something they yearn for. Something they do snatching for. Something they even do juju for. Marriage is a great achievement to women world over. Women naturally depend on support systems. Marriage is the best place they get it. Agreed, some may get in and want to get out for several reasons, but they still come to crave for it. Make una no dey deceive unasef. Woman wey go see you begin dey size you up inside her head whether you go make good husband. You guys should stop deceiving the younger ones.
    There's this very fat and unattractive girl who consistently insulted men online. Igbo men especially. She spat venom at us everyday. Said she was a feminist. She kept telling naive girls they didn't need men. I recently saw her wedding pictures. The idiot married an Igbo man! Most times, women say nonsense just for attention. Attention is like oxygen to them.

    1. Ceased speak for your sisters abeg, there are some women who would have done great for themselves if they were not married. Some husbands are like militating spirits to them. Next time don't generalise

    2. Marriage is not an achievement. It is a tin of choice. Some people dnt wish for it. If it is to u. Den not for everyone

    3. Not all marriage is an achievement..
      If marry right,a man worship the ground u walk on, pampered u, love you, cherish you..then it will be ur greatest achievement

    4. Anon 08:48, don't mind him.


      This your mindset towards women is very you need deliverance? ah ah

    6. Marriage is not an achievement but a necessity.. For companionship, to avoid loneliness and for procreation for those who want to procreate. Every one craves for companionship, no matter the gender.. Man was not made to be alone... However, people still remain single either by choice or by chance, and I think it is disgusting and despicable to look down on those who are single. Feminism from what I understand has absolutely nothing to do with women not wanting to get married.. submission to a man in marriage doesn't mean the man should 'lord' it over the woman, the way I interpret so called feminism is to treat women with respect, give them equal opportunities to excel at what they love, and do not be-little them for being female. Feminism is not a war against the male gender... Ceasar you of all people should know this... Calling someone fat and ugly is very belittling of you...

    7. Deedee...Wanted to say something but no need .

      All I know is whoever marrys you will definitely not be an achievement for ANY woman that's for sure.

      She has to be a psychopath herself to agree to yoke herself with u cos your mindset is backward from beyond the stone age and not for this century.

      In case you don't know, divorce rates are much higher than marriages from the ratio in Abuja alone so yeah it is an "achievement".

      Ladies, your happiness FIRST and everything else will fall into place. A man is not always an answer to prayer. If it was, alot of women would be alive today.

    8. *Marrys????

    9. a good marriage is an achievement to me and for me...although I am unmarried right now.I love good marriages!!!....hearing and seeing them.may the good Lord bless me and everyone seeking Him for a good marriage with one in Jesus name amen.

  18. Good morning beautiful people 😘😘😘

  19. This new day as you go forth...

    May the Lord arise and cause every gathering of men and demons against you to scatter by fire...

    May you be lifted higher than your challenges, spiritually and physically...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

    Blessed and exciting day, I wish you!!!

  20. Good morning everyone 💕💘💖❤❤😍😘

    Crush on all the ladies here,,Jehovah is our strength 💪💖💓❤

    Emjay baby,good to see your comment at Unqiue prayer request last night,,please show again..

    God's blessings upon us all in Jesus name 🙏🙌 and Amen

  21. I am not feeling too well. I was vomiting and stooling all through yesterday since afternoon. I had to get home earlier than before. I'll be in bed all day today. Should I crush on my sick self?

    Today is midweek service. Please do try to join any Bible believing church or watch online.

    I am now in love with Pastor Joshua Selman's prayer messages. I have them so many now. I listen to them before I sleep. Indeed,we need to wake up our prayer life

    Good morning my neighbors

    1. Sorry for your trouble. May God heal you. 💜

      Have a great day.

    2. Pls go to the hospital or pharmacy and get treated,also stay hydrated pls..God's healing upon you 🙏🤗

    3. I enjoy Joshua Selman's messages a lot too and Pastor Bankie too. Those are the only 2 I listen to for now. God bless their labour in His vineyard.

    4. May God heal you In Jesus Name

    5. Not all weekly services hold on Wednesday, ma'am.

    6. Sorry Mami. You'll be fine.

    7. Apostle Joshua Selman you mean to say . Sorry babe if it persist go see a doc. Also take enough water to keep you hydrated.
      I got loads of Selman's messages on my phone too.

    8. Teacher NK, please stop with the petty correction. There are no titles in heaven.

    9. So sorry
      Please visit the hospital

    10. Take care of yourself. You can crush in your sick self,it's not easy to make money...


    11. Sorry to hear that. Take care of yyou

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. Good luck all the way. May you be favoured in their sight Amen ��

  22. Replies
    1. It is "I am" or "I'm" and not "Am", Mr Pinky. 😊

  23. Goodmorning everyone thank God for life.have a beautiful and successful day.

  24. Good morning everyone. I hope that we are good. May God bless our day and bless the work of our hands in Jesus name. AMEN.
    Have a fruitful day.

  25. All these lagos Island boyz, them no dey sleep?

    I got to Tinubu some minutes past 6am this morning and u can imagine, those boyz have brought out their wears for sale..

    So ogun laye ni

    1. People make money as early as 4am.they have 300k upwards there.
      Those guys dey hustle baje. They sell before the owners of the shops comes in the day. They pack their goods back to warehouse.

    2. Pinky, it is "wares" not "wears". 😊

    3. Anon, it could also be wears - if it's clothes they sell, e.g. evening wears. Just saying.

  26. Why do people have a problem with being called fat but will not see anything wrong with calling another skinny?
    Why do people call tall people names like long, pole etc but throw tantrums when they're called what they are: short. I had a personal experience in secondary school.

    I ask because I was shocked at how Mrs Sharon was attacked yesterday for calling someone fat.

    1. Don't mind the ndi akpa akpu. If you don't feel comfortable in your fat body, lose weight. Nonsense. They keep eating like pigs and want to look good. I detest it when people eat too much. It shows they lack discipline. They have even made it sound woke by saying "I'm a foodie".

    2. @Ceaser: Some times, fat people don't grow fat because of food. I have met and know two people, for instance, who didn't get fat because of food. One of them especially, can go a week without eating and if she does, it's a small cup of garri she would drink and end up not finishing it. She would tell you, she ain't hungry. My worry for her is, she is an ulcer patient.
      The other, puts on weight whenever she is happy and she can't decide to go sad always to lose weight. Once she is happy, she just starts glowing and adding weight but once she is sad like this, she go lose weight. Mind you, they both engage in exercises and have strenuous jobs.
      Note that, they both ain't FAT, like a basket of tomatoes oh!
      Again, I ain't advocating for them. I am on the slim side and I've been called names because of it, but me, I don't mind,one bit.

    3. I tire o..
      Even WM called himself fat,me saf, I'm fat,I don't why they lined up to insult their generations yesterday over what was meant as a joke,is he not fat?
      Don't come for me and expect me not to retaliate .

    4. Ceaser be calming down, how can you be spitting bile this early morning, isn't it too early?, why so much anger in you? 🙄

    5. Madam Sharon,the real you is out,you're still crying over yesterdays comments that some people have moved passed,e pain u😂stay pressed.

    6. This has always been the real me...get over urself,u have not moved pass it for u e dey pain pass

  27. Good morning beautiful people... Have a wonderful day. Oluwa bless our hustle. Amin

  28. Good Morning!!! Hope everyone had a blissful night. Thank God for his grace and mercies. You all have a wonderful day ahead 😘😘😘😘

  29. Be happy. Just be happy. It has been a long time you were happy? Alaye, set your happiness mode on today.

  30. Good morning.

    I crush on my self today. It is not easy being a mum, wife and all.

    Have a great day y'all.

  31. If you are an Employer in Nigeria and your employees' payee, pension and other statutory payments are being delayed or not paid at all. Shame on you. You are not any different from the politicians stealing from people. How can you deduct from your employee's salary and not remit accordingly? Where is your conscience? Dead? Some of you are taking advantage of a lawless country like Nigeria where employees' rights are not respected. Shame on all employers whose profit also include people's pension...

    1. Hmmn my sister even pays her domestic staff before her salary is paid. Some people are naturally sadists

    2. I had to literally write to Efcc so my last employer can pay me my pension. It took them almost eight months to do so. But the said employer will delay salaries for months and deduct from source every statutory payments without remitting same to the appropriate agency. The wickedness is getting out of hand,government should really enforce laws protecting her citizens.


    3. I had to literally write to Efcc so my last employer can pay me my pension. It took them almost eight months to do so. But the said employer will delay salaries for months and deduct from source every statutory payments without remitting same to the appropriate agency. The wickedness is getting out of hand,government should really enforce laws protecting her citizens.


  32. Good morning jeweluchi and BVs
    Up and grateful to God.

    Have a wonderful day ahead

  33. Good morning beautiful people....have a blessed day.

  34. Good morning Stella
    Good morning bvns
    So sorry about my manners yesterday,but please don't come for me and not expect me to retaliate..
    Saying WM is fat was a joke, cause he called himself fat the other day too..
    Even me too,I be orobo...I never meant it as an insult..

    1. Lol. I saw where you mentioned my moniker with curse words even when i didn't insult nor curse you. Guess what, i typed a befitting reply to you, maybe it'd be enabled, maybe it will not but in whatever happens, just know that God didn't take away any suffering from you.

    2. You dont owe anybody any explanation please..... next time just put the fat on quote ''fat''
      These people doing big brother housemate fans are really pathetic with the way they go about it.....The mentioned person should lose weight and stop spending so much time in the kitchen

    3. Shut it. You weren’t joking.

      Stella is FATTTTttttttttttttttttttttt
      Mrs Sharon is FATttttttttttttt
      I am fattttt
      Who is the Fatest?

    5. That wasn't a joke,but like Stella said next time put it in quote.

    6. So calling someone fat vs calling a young guy an "old man with frying pan face", which of the 2 is body and age shaming? Just stop with the hypocrisy abeg. Rubbish

    7. Sorry for your miserable self. You're lucky Stella deleted my earlier comment. You for enter ICU

    8. @chisom,all my suffering is taken away,u can claim it for yourself..u will put to shame over my matter if u don't stay clear,u can't bully me chisom😜
      @10:02,if I'm joking or not is now ur problem, carry go,.
      Get out from my comments and get busy.

    9. You people should leave Mrs. Sharon alone. And what if she called whitemoney "fat"? Is the said whitemoney not fat? You people can get unnecessarily emotional when it comes to your favourite.
      Na fat she called him, she didn't kill him.

    10. Jewelchi,release my latest freestyle on our fatness,Mrs Sharon fatness,your fatness and my fatness,shebi we are all fat.

    11. See them going up in arms over a simple comment that someone is fat, it shows there is something wrong with some of you.

  35. Good morning everyone have blessed and fruitful day💞💞💞💙💙💙💕💕💚💚💖💖

  36. Beautiful morning to you all

  37. Phoenix, a very big congrats to you on your exams coming out with flying colours.

    Congrats to everyone celebrating and congratulations to the giveaway winners.May you succeed in all your endeavours, Amen.

  38. It's a new day!
    Grateful for the gift of life.
    Good morning everyone.

  39. Amen to all the prayers here.... From our lips to God's ear.
    Beautiful day everyone. Dont forget to crush on yaself cos nobody can love you like you love yourself. Cheers.
    Back to Resting mode.
    E go be !!!!

  40. Goodmorning blog fam..😊
    Have a beautiful day ahead y'all😘

  41. I celebrate me today...My new elevated status is around the corner...
    Good morning Bvs.

  42. Good morning my special people.
    Good morning Jewelu star woman.
    Good morning all the amazing angels here.

    It's a cold morning here,thanks yo to the rain last night.

    Up and God do am for me o.

    Bvs , wishing us all a great day ahead.

    E go surely be ✌️.

  43. Congrats Phoenix on your exam success. I tap into it o when I wrote mine in november

  44. Hello from me to you.
    Have a wonderful day.

  45. Good morning everyone😇...I'm on my way to school for my project defence. Wish me luck guys🙏🙏

  46. Good morning people, have a great day y'all

  47. Good morning everyone ooooo
    Bless you

  48. Good morning all. A blessed and fruitful day to us all.

  49. Good morning my people.

    So one thing I have always enjoyed in my twins is their ability to share, they play with the same toys without fighting they share their snacks with each other and I feed them together but since they turned two the reverse is the case, since they started learning how to talk their favorite words are Me and No, feed one and want to feed the other and a fight might break out ( the boy is fond of this expecially if he is hungry), they even fight over me, if I am carrying one I must carry the other one too if I want peace, if I am lying down on my back, my chest becomes prime property, they will both start dragging who will lie on it, people say it's normal for this age though I can't wait to have them back to co-operating with each other.

    Have a nice day y'all, I pray God comes through for all of us.

    1. Enjoy motherhood ma'am. Twins are adorable

  50. Good morning everyone. I wish you all a very beautiful day.

  51. I'm late to the party..gdmorning guys.
    Stay safe.


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