Stella Dimoko Shocking And Sad Story


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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Shocking And Sad Story

You wont believe what you are about to read.....

*True story shared on Radio*

'' I am a medical doctor and my hubby is a software developer. We both had good jobs till my husband lost his job and getting a new paid job was hard, we decided that I travel to Canada till we’re stabilized, he would join us with the kids. We have 2girls.

Dec 2018, I decided to come to NIGERIA for the festivities to celebrate and our 20th wedding anniversary. 

When I arrived, I noticed a tensed atmosphere between my daughters and their father. I thought it was the teenager – parent’s issue, so I ignored it but when I noticed that my daughters would sometimes be rude to their father, I demanded to know what was going on. This became a matter of concern cause, my daughters used to adore their father.  

I tried severally to get my girls to speak but all they had to say was for me to talk to my husband.

I had to ask my hubby what was going on. He told me it was nothing he couldn’t handle and that our girls were keeping bad company in school and cause of this, he decided to disallow them from going out and attend parties. He drops them in school and creates time to pick them from school.

I was happy as such strong hand is needed for my girls. I ignored their attitude. Few days to when I was to travel back to Canada. I called my girls to talk to them. After a long talk, they told me that daddy did not want them to go out cause he was having s#x with both of them.

When my husband came back from the office, I confronted him and they repeated what they told me in his presence. My husband denied vehemently but the girls insisted that it was the truth. I was confused and I sought the counsel of our pastor and his parents.

They called our girls and they said the same thing. I didn’t know who to believe.

 My husband kept begging me to believe him but I just was not ready to listen cause I could not see reason why our children would lie about such. I made arrangement and took my children back to Canada with me despite the loans I had to take, for the extra costs. While I filed for divorce. I raised my children alone for about 3years. 

Then I heard the news that my now ex husband was getting married to someone else. I mentioned it to the girls and expressed how sad I was that a man that would do that to his daughters went scot free because there is no evidence to push a case. I bursted out crying while apologizing to my girls about what he put them through. It was there that they confessed that their father did not touch them.

That they lied cause their father did not give them freedom to do what they desire and they wanted to leave NIGERIA. My world shattered. Where do I start from? How do I beg my husband? What do I say? Probably, I should have trusted my husband, but I was just trying to be a good Mom

I lost a good man. How do I get him to forgive his children and I ? Can I still save my home ? ''

Who will you blame in this story? The Children who lied on their Father cause of Freedom or the wife that didn’t trust in her husband despite him pleading he was innocent?  

For those doubting if the Story was real. The Story was shared on a show called Sharing Life Issues on @ifm1005ib


  1. Really sad but not the woman's fault.
    The girls better go and seek forgiveness from their father and even their mother. The mother did what any reasonable and loving mother would do, shes not to be blamed but the girls.

    1. I believe this story. Something similar happened where I went to school. The father was very strict and the girl felt she was very smart. She was able to sneak around and got pregnant. When questioned, she said it was her dad. It took so much for the girl to finally open up.

    2. Is so sad but i sensed from the beginning of the story that the kids was lying on their father just to get back to him for being too strict on both of them . However, the big question is who would she have trusted? Is a very big question and if I’m being honest perhaps I would have trusted the girls too but I think what they did to their own father was evil and ludicrous irrespective of how strict he was to them Very sad and unfortunate story and everyone of them lost. I hope they will all ask for big forgiveness from God and the man! It must be a very bad mentally and psychologically for the man

    3. Society always blame the man. The man is supposedly the born liar and no one believes him. Sad life, having to defend yourself against the words of your own Daughters.

  2. What I fail to understand in life are 2 things
    1:how a married woman travels abroad without her family.
    2:how you expect all to be well with your family (husband not marrying) children not getting out of hand. I can’t comprehend this issues

    1. Hunger never catch you, that's why.

    2. 12:46 lol you are so right. Someone is making sacrifices for a better family and this one is saying he doesn’t understand

  3. I won't blame this woman cause I would've done same not because I don't trust my hubby but because of what the world has turned into. This story reminded me of a story of a man that brought his niaja wife and children to the abroad where he was based only for the woman to lied that he was sexually molested their daughter.The man was setenced to jail abroad.

  4. Ehya. This just made me pity men sha, and I hardly do that. You men should see why you should hold your fellow men accountable for bad deeds and stop covering for them now Abi. Cos any bad thing that y’all do, our first instinct is to believe you are capable of such.
    Those children are evil by the way, cos what??

  5. Replies
    1. Why won't you refuse. Because every man must be a dog and desire to sleep with their Daughters.

      Or your father and brothers are different? Eh

  6. Evil children. They will definitely reap what they’ve sown. I only feel sorry from the unfortunate men that will marry these sisters.
    I don’t blame their mum at all, considering the ugly tales we read and hear everyday of how some fathers sleep with their daughters. And again, maybe their mum should have dug deeper.
    Their mum should move on already cos I don’t see them getting back together.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You lost your home already, children from hell. If I am the one, will drive them back to Nigeria to stay with my mother.

    Why will you even travel without going with your whole family. These kind of children can kill. They did this horrible thing to their parents!!!!Damn

    1. How irresponsible. Drive them to stay with your mother!

      She has raised you. Raise yours!

  9. Mbanu....for this one ehn, I don't even have 1 cent to contribute.. I want to read comments. I have never wanted to read comments so badly as I want to read the ones under this post. Because if I speak my mind, I will not only be called a man but a man and woman and maybe a wolf and vampire all joined together in one holy matrimonial body. So over to the contributors.😌

    1. Of course you have nothing to contribute. Go ye and release the skeletons in your cupboard by telling your parents the truth about your sister

    2. Please comment. At the least, you keep it real and some of us appreciate that about you.

  10. While reading, I thought the best thing to do was to go to the hospital and conduct a test (virginity) on the girls🤦🤦. Oh well, I think the woman did not handle it well.

    1. You are truly a simple person.

    2. and so if they are not virgins. does that automatically mean that its the man that deflowered them?

    3. Lol anon you meany

  11. Seriously those kids are evil,how can you do that to your parents but I blame the parents the kids upbringing have a role to play in this issue,they are not well trained with love and fear of God.
    Madam your home is gone but ask for forgiveness from your husband.

  12. Alleged Made up story!

    Probably by those seeking to make less people speak up.
    Please don't hesitate to always be vigilant and know what's going on in your children's life. And don't neglect whatever they tell you please.

    1. Anuty it isn't alleged. At times things that sound too good to be true is actually true. The man is a friend of a friend

    2. It may be true. We had a case like this in Texas. The girl was 8 and lied that her father sexually molested her. The mother didn't even wait. She called the police immediately. The father was arrested and his picture entered the papers. As a primary school teacher, he was also suspended and at risk of losing his license. When it was investigated, the girl showed no sign of abuse. After probing, it came out that she wanted to punish her father for refusing her something. She watched a program where 3 girls her age did the same thing to a strict coach, another true story. Since Love Bryant's rape case, I have always said that we should investigate these matters carefully. There are females who use sexual and physical abuse as a weapon. The sooner society learns to balance this issue, the better because several men have lost their lives over this and the women are still doing their thing.

    3. Alleged made up because a man was innocent?

      Did your brothers or father sleep with you at the slightest chance they had?

  13. This story is composed by a man who is probably abusing a child,so incase yawa gas,he with refer to this story to discredit the girls claim.

    Na me talk am

  14. The mother did the right thing. It's a pity her daughters turned out to be lying. What she can do is ensure the man and the family know the truth, apologise to him and wish him well. The marriage is over.

  15. So my own children will heap this kind of lie on me and i will be pleading for my partner to believe me. Waoooh!!! The kind of slap i will give both of them at the same time ehn..they wont know when they will start singing the truth like canaries. Rubbish.

    1. Honestly ehn......funny enough it has happened to me with my son claiming another man visits me at home when hubby is away. I didn't show any kind of remorse neither did I cry or beg cos I didn't see any reason to even with hubby being very upset. It was a terrible lie from the pit of hell with my little son being used as a vessel to put confusion in my home but to the Glory of God, it didn't last long and we settled quietly.

  16. I shouted when I got to the part that the girls confessed of lying. Oh God. This goes to show that you can never know your child very well. Imagine the emotional pain the man went through knowing that his own children are lying against him. The public shame because pastors, church members, inlaws and even neighbors might have heard the lie. The disrespect from people who now see him as a man that slept with his daughters. This is deep. No need for for reconcilation. Everybody dey your day biko

  17. I watched this story on African magic

  18. Hmmm! This story sounds like a lie.

  19. I don't blame the woman,why because of the kind of news we hear this days the children are to be blame here..she should just ask her husband for forgiveness and move on with her life..

  20. A prominent Nigerian Pastor once told of a story as or more dreadful than this. He went to France for ministry. A broken and lamenting African-French woman went to him for counseling. Long story cut short. Her daughter accused her father, the woman's husband, of rape. He was a police officer. The authorities believed the accusation despite the man's denials. The man lost his job. Unable to rise above the shame, he committed suicide. Then the daughter confessed that she lied to get her father off her back to enable her live her chosen lifestyle. The mother/woman was devastated. Life became hollow. According to the Pastor, she was the only person he had heard sing the Aramaic words of Christ on the cross (Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachithani?) as a song at all and then add Amen. The woman said that song was taught her in her dreams when life became valueless to her and had kept her alive until the day he met the Pastor. As the Pastor said, those words are words of sorrow and especially as sang by the woman, was the most sorrowful song he had ever heard till then.

    Always better to test all accusations to the limits as humanly possible. Judgments based on any form of prejuidice are always dangerous because the wicked and very selfish people capitalise on them to achieve their personal aims and gains.

  21. Too many holes. When did she leave for Canada? How old were the children when she left? By 2018 when she came to mark their 20th marriage anniversary the children would presumably be in their upper teens, say 18 years or older. What of school? What class were they? And that was when she took them to Canada and “raised them alone” for another yet another 3 years?As young adults couldn’t they have gone to Canada on their own?
    Except they didn’t have the children early in their marriage, I find it difficult to believe this story!

    1. So you just know she had kids not long after marriage. Sigh. There’s no hold there

  22. One has to carry out your findings before taking decisions. I hope you know ur kids lie. Even on their teachers at times. I was told the guy nearly committed suicide. My cousin is going through something like this right now. I guess time will tell if its him or the child thats lying

  23. That’s why in the chronicle of the lady with a boyfriend and daughter alleging molestation, I advised to be very careful. Investigate well. Also truly know your child. If your child does tell lies, don’t jump at believing. The children and the father here both deserved for their word to be well investigated because this is a man she had known for years.

    Now that they have confessed, still investigated because you can’t be sure which of the things to believe. What if they are confessing bc they see that you are miserable and want the man back Or what if they are mad at you and want to make you feel stupid or even want you to send them back to Nigeria

    If you decide they are telling the truth and your husband didn’t touch them, you can let him know how you feel about reuniting. It’ll be up to him to decide if he wants you back

  24. Story doesn’t ring true. Why on earth would they confess knowing the effect it would have? Anyone malicious enough to tell such a terrible lie is unlikely to have a crisis of conscience a few years later and confess when there is nothing for her to gain. I call bull***t on this story.

    1. You're assuming with your perspective. Don't judge other people's characters with your own standards because people are not the same. Some people, even as children, do not consider consequences before acting. The just do what the situation demands. We also don't know how long it took for them to confess. Widen your perspective because life and people are deeper than you think. The only person you can honestly vouch for is you.

  25. See why I have given up on this blog and the ridiculous women on it? Reading through the comments is infuriating. First off, that woman is a FOOL, and all you thinking she did nothing wrong, need to have your heads examined. Can you even fathom the level of emotional trauma that man must've gone through? It's bad enough being accused falsely but then by his own daughters?? The so called wife, who should've known her husband Enough to know what to believe or better, doubt chose to run with the crowd.
    I've been speaking against this retarded tendency of women to just support without even a moment of critical thinking and the danger it portends, but will we ever learn?? NO.
    Not when you have bloggers like this one that'll rather push a particular narrative.
    Let's continue with our Hypocrisy and senselessness. The train will soon reach all your stations. It's only a matter of time.
    If you like, post or don't post, at least it's been read

  26. The woman did not behave like a medical doctor she claimed to be. As someone said, she was meant to take the kids for test. The first she did was to run to pastor. Africans and religion.


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