Stella Dimoko TUESDAY Morning Spontaneous Post...


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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

TUESDAY Morning Spontaneous Post...

 #newdaytoblessandbeblessed #awesome #morgenleute #aha #sdktoodeychopcomments #commentspotbrouhaha #smile #wokeuphungry #neversaynever #didyoureadthistothelastdot #tooblessedtobestressed.

Good Morning....

Was Monday good to you? Did your day end well? Dont worry today will be better!

If you need Data, please send your number and blog ID to the Blog PA for onward transfer to Data seller.

Have an awesomely blessed day!

E go be.......



  1. Called To Lead!!
    Mathew 28:19-20.


    "In our bid to evangelize the world, we must fully understand activism, advocacy and real leadership"

    "Always think about how you can reach more people or a whole nation for the Lord. Then, come up, by the Spirit, with innovative ideas to accomplish it. Remember, you're the Lord's voice where you are"

    "He sent you into that world so you could show others how to live the kingdom life. You're there to make a difference! Create new opportunities for the spread of the Gospel"


    Dear Father, my mind is replete with supernatural ideas and strategies to push the Gospel to the ends of the earth. I pray for open and effectual doors for expansion and increased influence of the Gospel in different ethnos; I declare your righteousness will continue to dominate and prevail in the earth until the coming of the Lord, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study-
    Mathew 5:14-16; Romans 1:16; Mark 6:15


    'We have this treasure in earthen vessels.' 2 Corinthians 4:7 NKJV

    When you don't feel good about yourself, you live with a sense of insecurity. You keep looking to others for approval, and when you don't get it your sense of worth shrivels. As a result, you can spend your life living far short of your God-given potential. You are the only person you can't get away from, and until you learn to accept yourself based on the fact that God loves and accepts you as you are, you will always battle insecurity.
    Think about the last time you were around somebody you didn't particularly enjoy. How did it feel? Not too good, right? Good or bad, we project onto others the thoughts and feelings we have about ourselves. So if you want people to think well of you, you must have a good opinion of yourself - one based on God's Word. Now, the Bible cautions about having an over-inflated opinion of yourself - but don't go to the other extreme. Living in continual self-rejection is an open invitation to Satan, whom the Bible says is like a roaring lion prowling for someone to devour (see 1 Peter 5:8). You say, 'But didn't Paul write, "Nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature"' (Romans 7:18 NLT)? Yes, but that means the good qualities you do possess are evidence that God is at work in your life.
    The Bible says, 'We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us' (2 Corinthians 4:7 NKJV). Today, instead of focusing on your flaws and feeling bad, recognise the 'treasure' of God's presence, power and potential that live within you.
    Word For Today

    1. First time I ever calmed down to read a spontaneous post sermon and this one spoke VOLUMES to me!! Thank you dear for the wonderful piece. God bless you!

    2. Amen 🙌

      Thanks for sharing Sis 💝💜❤️💕❤️

    3. Thanks so much for this

    4. Thank God for His Word and thanks fam for taking out time to read🤗🙏

  3. Good morning my people..

    I am super happy for Banky W but can he do anything tangibly different while up against Obanikoro's son??

    Good looking out to y'all..


  4. Good morning everyone 😊😊😊
    Please stay safe out there 😘💞💞

  5. It's a blessed Tuesday to us all....

    Saying thank you to Master Jesus for the gift of life.

    Una well done ooooo


    Hmmmm… people that are only children of either or both parents, how are you? I hope you are fine.

    My son came to my room yesterday to come and cuddle with me. He has grown extremely close to me in the past 10 months or so. He constantly tells me he loves me. Constantly calls me when we are not together. Constantly tells me he will miss me when he goes to Uni in September.

    Yesterday, he came and lay in my arms in bed while I massaged his scalp. We spoke about just about everything. I asked him if he was scared of this next phase of his life - leaving home and going to Uni. I reassured him that change is always scary. He told me he was not scared about the change but he was scared to be a failure because of me. He said because I have no other child, he feels a pressure to be successful because of me. That if I had other children, he would feel less pressure because I have another chance of a successful child. He says the only thing he wants to do is music. Has no other interest and wishes that he had a backup plan so that if the music failed, he would still be able to do something else that would make me proud of him.

    Ah. My heart. This boy pulls at my heart strings.

    I was really touched. That he placed me on such a high place in his heart.

    I told him that there is nothing he can do that would make me not proud of him. I told him that all I pray for him to have is fulfilment and joy. Not necessarily money. Yes, money is good to have but that is not what is important for me, for him to have. I just want him to be happy.

    I was born into a big family. My parents had 7 girls with the oldest one dying very young - when I was a toddler so, I have no recollection of her. I grew up with sisters to love. And fight with. And love. And laugh with. And love. But an only child does not have this opportunity that most people have.

    I am still sad for him.
    For the pressure that he feels. For not having the love of siblings.

    To you, my friend who is an only child, I send you my love as you navigate life without siblings. 💕.

    1. This made me emotional. May God protect your son and make him successful

    2. So touching, may your son find happiness in whatever he does and may he be successful.

    3. What a nice son !!!!
      May God guide him in his new career paths.

    4. I pray he becomes successful and accompanied and also makes you proud.

    5. This is so touching. I pray that your son succeed in whatever path he chooses in life.

    6. This is so emotional,God bless your son and direct his path in life.

  7. Has it ever come across in your mind that one of the very reasons you may not have succeeded in life could be that, there are persons you need to apologize to for the many wrongs you did to them....

    Apologizing over a malicious act and betrayal is no sign of weakness, rather it shows how genuinely you seek peace and progress in life.

    Whatever you do in life, don't let people place a curse on you most especially if you're guilty of why they made those utterances. I tell you, it has the potential to alter one's life.

    Great day ahead 💖💖💖💖💖

    1. Apart from apologizing, also forgiving people for the wrongs done to you that has caused bitterness in ones heart.

  8. What God begins, God completes!
    Stay bless and have a fruitful day.

  9. Up and grateful to God for the gift of life 🙏 🙌

    Good Morning Beautiful Faces and Lovely Hearts 💖 🥰 😍 💕

  10. Good morning..

    The cold is something else this morning.

    Have a great day y'all.

    1. Sending you 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  11. Morning to everyone on this beautiful Tuesday morning, hope we all are doing great 👍

    Have a fruitful day today.

  12. Good Morning Everyone

    Please someone should help me with PA email address.
    I changed my phone.

    Thanks in advance.

  13. This pattern of commenting is really frustrating to me . Unless there's a comment in a post before the comment box will display in my phone. Trying to drop a comment in a post that has no comment is not possible. I have done the update and clearing of browsing history, yet the same thing keeps happening. Sometimes the tempo in which one wants to drop a comment just depreciate when things like that happened.

    So tired and bored about it all.

    1. Can't you scroll down to the web version at the bottom of the blog if you want to be the FTC?? 👁👁

    2. I dropped the solution some nights ago, you prolly didn't see it.

      Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'view web version', you should be able to comment on web version.

    3. Hi Teejay,if you have tried all,then kindly scroll down like a Bv advised few days ago and switch to “web version”..

      It works on all phones and the WEB VERSION Can be found at the bottom of the blog on every post or you use

      Alternatively when you open the blog,click on the link and edit the last one(1) to Zero(0) on the web address..


    4. Thanks for that Anonymous. I will try that.

    5. This happened to me yesterday. Have to wait for a comment before dropping mine.

  14. This is for Mercy and other Bv's that feel overwhelmed. I was out of a job post-covid. The job I was hoping I would get with the Government didn't pull through. I was schooling, and I needed a job that would accommodate that. But none was forthcoming, I prayed and prayed, and fasted for months, but people were not patronizing me for the other skill I had, the few that did offer to sew for 600-800 naira without materials. I was relying on friends and family for stipends. On a particular day, I was already frustrated and home alone, I cried out to God in frustration. My then-boyfriend had told people he could not be with me because I had nothing, not minding that I had 2 degrees and other skills and I was on the 3rd degree. The following week, my pastor called me and said God told him to ask me if I would not abandon him if he does what he is about to do in my life. It was a call I was not expecting, long and short of it, I got a teaching job in an Edu-tech company that pays At the higher end of 6 figures. I work from home and this allowed me to make out time for my studies. The same teaching job that my Ex laughed me to scorn over. If you are down, I want you to be of good cheer, God can do exceedingly above all we need or hope for. Have a great day.

    1. How did you get the job and how can one apply if interested.?Try dey share update, let's all rise together

    2. I really feel encouraged by your story,I pray God remembers me soon

    3. wow so happy for you. May your miracle remain permanent. Amen.

    4. Congratulations on your job and thanks for sharing. Can you also share how you got the teaching job?

    5. awesome, congratulations...

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. You donmeanit 😳

    2. Abeg wetin SDK delete here,someone should whisper it

    3. What did the person post @Anon0926??

  16. Please take your time and heal when you are broken. Forgive at your own pace, do not let anyone pressure you into rendering forgiveness, do not let anyone make you feel like witholding forgiveness is ungodly, do it when you are ready so that it would be whole, pure, sincere and above all, from the deepest part of ur heart.

    1. Yes, do it when you're ready but remember that you'll be delaying your own healing by stalling.

    2. Yes,you are right@anon9:27,but how can one actually forgive on time,what if it's so hard how can you forgive and let go??

  17. Psalms 53:5
    "There were they in great fear, where no fear was: for God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee: thou hast put them to shame, because God hath despised them."

    Those who rise up against you, those who conspired to hinder your progress, those who gather together and pull you down, those who say no to your vision, dream and goal, those who decided to kill you and say you will not live to eat the fruit of your labour, the Lord God will scatter, trouble, and cut off their memory in the land of the living.
    I pray the Lord God will suprise you where men have disappointed and let you down, in a miraculous way God will make way; lift you up and establish you in the name of Jesus Christ.

  18. Good morning from this side 💘🥰💓😘😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍

  19. Good morning all. May we have a blessed day.

  20. Good morning everyone🥰🥰🥰

  21. Good morning beautiful people

  22. Beautiful day. Glad to be here. Goodmorning everyone

  23. Good morning beautiful souls. May today be good to us all 😘

  24. Bonjour Blogfam! Commenting is so hard for me,always showing error occurred

  25. Suicide is not something to joke about!!
    Ignorance makes a lot of you think it's only poverty, relationships or suffering that makes people commit suicide. Which is why you are comfortable making jokes out of it...
    But, the truth is, suicide is not ALWAYS about poverty, lack of love or discomfort. Sometimes, it's a state of mind - A deep feeling of unfulfillment. If we keep joking about suicide, our friends & family will die under our noses, and we won't be sensitive to their feelings.
    To anyone out there thinking of ending their lives, please stay strong and best believe things will get better. Trust me!. 🤗❤️
    Una Gud Morning...#ALiSpeaks

  26. Good morning Beautifuls,how was your night?mine was wonderful....

  27. Good morning from here.

    Just a reminder that God hasn't forgotten you, your time and turn is coming. I am a testimony


  28. Randomly craving hot dogs

    1. Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggidy dog

  29. Good morning beautiful people.

  30. Good morning everyone.
    Have a blessed day.

  31. Good morning everyone.
    It's a beautiful Tuesday morning with the sun shining teeth.

    Let me rant yesterday I went to book for another set of birds only to be told that a day old broiler is 600 hundred naira ha! 600 for day old! Which way Nigeria.. always frustrating its masses.

    Bvs have a great day ahead.
    E go surely be ✌️.

  32. Beautiful Tuesday morning to everyone, came late to the party, phcn is dealing with us here. Have an great day everyone. Let me go and check some old posts.

  33. Career week things, children are super excited. Counting doen to their day. Children's day. Ours will be on Thursday in school. All work and no play play 😁 .....
    Good morning beautiful ❤️ blog famZ 😍

    1. My kids own is on Saturday. We paid 5000 to the school. They will have enough fun and games, food and drinks

  34. Good morning to you all 😍.

  35. A blessed morning to us all peeps ❣️😘

  36. Goodmorning all,let me go anon,I run an NGO and it’s for children and women,for children’s day,we wanted to gift the school children in Makoko slum(waterside) school books,writing aides and school shoes for school,we booked the day with a school there and we had an agreement to come there and celebrate their children on the 27th but the problem now is I was contacted yesterday that the school is having accommodation issues so the landlord of the place have asked them to leave so they have to cancel every appointment with all NGOs.Right now I’m just tired of everything,I want to leave the whole Makoko arrangement and get a school in a very poor area that their children need this help.Note:I’m in Lagos and all materials have bin bought for this outreach.Anyone who has ideas on extremely poor areas in Lagos we can visit to help these kids.please share location so we can pay a visit and check them out before Friday.

    1. Go to Ajegunle, ijora, some parts of ebute meta, or ikorodu

  37. SDK good morning. You did not reply my comment of yesterday IHN. I'm the s*x toy seller, I don't want to collect brain resetting slap if I enter your DM without permission with this my market. Should I come?

  38. Good morning lovely BVs.

  39. Please look for any public primary school in the suburbs of Lagos. God bless you.

  40. Please can anyone recommend a good and cheap condom that feels like the skin...


    1. Good and feels good on the skin or cheap? You are going to have to pick a struggle. Nothing about durability or if it's effective? Just prepare for antenatal and or ARVs. I'm guessing you're triple vaxxed against HBV and HPV.


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