Stella Dimoko Comedian Basketmouths Wife Elsie Advices Women Not To Tell Their Men Everything


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Friday, June 24, 2022

Comedian Basketmouths Wife Elsie Advices Women Not To Tell Their Men Everything

Elsie's car talk this week advices women to be careful of what they tell their men....... You will have to read through to decide if you agree with her or not...

In her words

''This is for wives and girlfriends that love to tell their partners everything. It's okay but you all need to chill. Team "I tell my husband everything I don't hide anything from him I love him so much so we don't keep secrets from each other."

It's not everything you will tell him, it's not everything he needs to know especially about you, girlfriends.

You know how girls like to talk a lot if they are together, It could be marital issues, relationship issues, general issues. Those friends that like to talk about everything because it makes them feel better, now it should end there.

Your partner or boyfriend doesn't need to know the secret your girlfriend has told you, he doesn't need to know that much. It's okay to share celebrations but not those things that should not be shared. You know what this does eventually, it tends to back fire.

One-day you'll just hear your partner say that girl, avoid her or you see him disrespecting her because of what you've told him.

So ladies learn to use your sieve it's not everything he needs to know''.


  1. I agree with her
    Your friends secret/problems shouldn't be used as a pillow talk between you and your partner.
    We fall short of this on a steady🤦🏾‍♀️

    1. I totally agree with her. I don’t get it when some women blabs everything under the son to their boyfriends or significant others. At the end of the day, those men always shove it to their face. Girls, keep something to yourself and o remember Michelle Obama saying that she live her husband but get away from him from time to time to get away with her girlfriends. Some woman throw away every friends they have the moment they get together with a man and when the man dump them, I wonder what is like of them!

  2. Will they hear? Whereas their men would not tell dem anything until it has become public knowledge. Their women would now be shocked their men knew the gist all along

  3. The same goes for men too. It is not everything you should tell your wife, especially personal issues concerning your family and friends.

  4. Not just your partner.... That should be a standard of living.

  5. Tell a man everythn at ur own risk...they like usi

  6. Meaning that she's hiding some stinking stuff from basket?😮😮😮

    1. 😪😪 so you didn't read this -

      *Your partner or boyfriend doesn't need to know the secret your girlfriend has told you, he doesn't need to know that much. It's okay to share celebrations but not those things that should not be shared. You know what this does eventually, it tends to back fire*

  7. She's right I hope she does what she preaches


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