A BV lost her little son yesterday and she is completely heart broken. he passed due to complication from heart issues.... I feel so sad.....
Please pray for her, that God gives her and the entire family the strength to bear such painful loss.....
Enjoy the rest of the day and thank God for whatever you have and wherever you are at......

Enjoy the rest of the day and thank God for whatever you have and wherever you are at......

I visited a new mom recently and we began exchanging stories and catching up on old gist, I hadn’t seen her for about a year.
The gist was going well and good till I got the shock of my life.
We were talking about colic in babies and she told me about how frustrated she was when her new born was going through it . She said she was so frustrated she wanted to fling the child away on several occasions and since she couldn’t, she resorted to spanking the baby till he cried to sleep.
The moment she said that the whole place went quiet, I couldn’t wrap my head around someone, a new mom who has been trying to conceive for years spanking a newborn.
She was oblivious to the sudden quietness in the room and kept on talking about how once she raises her hand ,the baby starts to cry already. I was so pained by her remarks and cradled the baby to my chest more gently since I was holding him.
She then asked in the same breathe why I was cradling the baby like he is fragile and went on to say why she doesn’t understand why her husband and people are treating the baby like he is fragile and all.
She complained about how everybody kept fussing over the baby and also said the baby was to heavy for her to carry since he is overweight. I was shocked oooo! Because the baby I was carrying in my arm was obviously underweight but I couldn’t say anything.
A lot of things went on in my mind but I kept quiet and on my way home one of the people we went together to visit the baby said “, You sure say na she born that pikin so". Everyone sighed and prayed the child would turn out well.
We were talking about colic in babies and she told me about how frustrated she was when her new born was going through it . She said she was so frustrated she wanted to fling the child away on several occasions and since she couldn’t, she resorted to spanking the baby till he cried to sleep.
The moment she said that the whole place went quiet, I couldn’t wrap my head around someone, a new mom who has been trying to conceive for years spanking a newborn.
She was oblivious to the sudden quietness in the room and kept on talking about how once she raises her hand ,the baby starts to cry already. I was so pained by her remarks and cradled the baby to my chest more gently since I was holding him.
She then asked in the same breathe why I was cradling the baby like he is fragile and went on to say why she doesn’t understand why her husband and people are treating the baby like he is fragile and all.
She complained about how everybody kept fussing over the baby and also said the baby was to heavy for her to carry since he is overweight. I was shocked oooo! Because the baby I was carrying in my arm was obviously underweight but I couldn’t say anything.
A lot of things went on in my mind but I kept quiet and on my way home one of the people we went together to visit the baby said “, You sure say na she born that pikin so". Everyone sighed and prayed the child would turn out well.
Duping With Sense!
Recently I was with a man who takes me along with him whenever he is going to site(that's if I'm less busy)because he is an engineer.
We were at a site located around Ido(after Ologuneru) Ibadan. We were there supervising some bricklayers when he was called upon to come to Tennis club. On getting to Tennis Club, he was about to park when the engine gave a knocking sound but he managed to park shaaa.
He called his mechanic to come check the engine, when the mechanic called that he is at the gate but they need a proof from Engineer before he could be allowed in. I stood up and went straight to the gate because Engineer was busy discussing with someone.
I gave him the key to the Dutch Nitro Jeep to check then I went inside to get busy with the plate of assorted meat pepper soup he ordered for me. Not long, the mechanic came and explained what happened and advised him to buy a new engine instead of trying to repair the two face cylinder. Baba agreed.
Mechanic said, it's sold for 700k but Mr man refused and ask him to go make findings and call him once he gets to the spare parts market. Mechanic quickly left because Engineer wanted to fix it fast because he couldnt afford to be taking his car to sites due to the road. After some hours, he called back and they both discussed, he then asked me to get his token for him in his vehicle which I did.(sincerely I don't know how much he transferred).
After much enjoyment and watching of tennis match, we picked somethings in the vehicle and left. The next day, I was asked to go wait for the mechanic at the club because he will be bringing the tokunbo engine and some people to work with him. I got there at the said time and the mechanic appeared with two other people (rewire inclusive). We spent the whole day there and they couldn't finish the work. The next day, they came again to finish up(meaning, they spent two days in fixing the new engine).
It was time to take the car to Baba Engineer where he was waiting for us. I called him to tell him they are through and he asked me if I'm sure it's perfect since I have driving experience, that I should test drive that jeep and make sure no issue(I said ok). I told the mechanic to give me the key that I will be the one to drive it down there, on our way, I switched on the A/C and immediately, the engine went off. Mechanic said, it's wiring problem, that, they will adjust it when we get there, then I said ok oo
When we got to Apete, I parked, gave the key to the mechanic and went straight to where baba was waiting for us and told him what I noticed. He followed me,on getting to where I parked , the mechanic and rewire were busy with the engine again, then he asked them what was going on and they explained and told him the same thing they told me. Baba said ok, "just be fast and don't waste my time"
We went back to where he was sitting. Not long, I asked him if he has his own rewire and he said yes, then why not call him to come check this thing, that was when his brain picked up.
He called the rewire and the guy came to the location after 3hours which the mechanic and the rewire he brought were still battling with the jeep. When the real rewire came, he was asked to check what's wrong. After some time, he came and sincerely told engineer that, the engine is not in a good condition at all and they shouldn't manage that engine, if not, it will continue having issues.(I was weeping in advance for the mechanic but didnt know why). Baba resulted in towing the vehicle to the spare parts market the next day.
When we got there, we both went straight to another shop to price the engine and not only that, he gave us guarantee on his product(Note : the receipt mechanic gave us was reading 570k but we saw a better one for 450k). We were there, waiting for mechanic to come meet us, mechanic had not arrived as at 12pm, then engineer was so angry. He bought a new engine for 450k and the same seller gave him a mechanic who charged him 30k to remove the engine and fix another one and his rewire also came.
Mechanic came around 2pm, and saw that another engine had been purchased, baba was panting, oyah, take us to where you bought this engine because it's bad and we need our money not another engine since engineer had gotten another one.(u people wont really understand this scenerio except you were there). He noticed engineer had changed his mood and his voice is becoming harsh then he took us to the shop. , my people, this guy bought the engine for 420k because we got to know this when engineer was shouting and called some police men to come to where he was. When the two officers came, the seller said and I quote "na 420k I sell am for you, na you say make I write 570k for receipt).
Presently as I'm writing this, the seller has been released because he has transferred his own money to engineer but mechanic only gave the officer in charge of the case 50k out of the whole money with him and his wife with an elderly man has been calling to beg engineer but all effort proved abortive.
He called the rewire and the guy came to the location after 3hours which the mechanic and the rewire he brought were still battling with the jeep. When the real rewire came, he was asked to check what's wrong. After some time, he came and sincerely told engineer that, the engine is not in a good condition at all and they shouldn't manage that engine, if not, it will continue having issues.(I was weeping in advance for the mechanic but didnt know why). Baba resulted in towing the vehicle to the spare parts market the next day.
When we got there, we both went straight to another shop to price the engine and not only that, he gave us guarantee on his product(Note : the receipt mechanic gave us was reading 570k but we saw a better one for 450k). We were there, waiting for mechanic to come meet us, mechanic had not arrived as at 12pm, then engineer was so angry. He bought a new engine for 450k and the same seller gave him a mechanic who charged him 30k to remove the engine and fix another one and his rewire also came.
Mechanic came around 2pm, and saw that another engine had been purchased, baba was panting, oyah, take us to where you bought this engine because it's bad and we need our money not another engine since engineer had gotten another one.(u people wont really understand this scenerio except you were there). He noticed engineer had changed his mood and his voice is becoming harsh then he took us to the shop. , my people, this guy bought the engine for 420k because we got to know this when engineer was shouting and called some police men to come to where he was. When the two officers came, the seller said and I quote "na 420k I sell am for you, na you say make I write 570k for receipt).
Presently as I'm writing this, the seller has been released because he has transferred his own money to engineer but mechanic only gave the officer in charge of the case 50k out of the whole money with him and his wife with an elderly man has been calling to beg engineer but all effort proved abortive.
The engine they fixed for two days was fixed in just a day.
*This is so wrong but Mechanics do this a lot in Nigeria and if some people recount what they have passed through , you will weep for them.
We are both young. He's 37yrs while I'm 34 and our marriage will be 4yrs this November.
I am not fat, I am not slim, I drift between size 10 and 12 cos of pregnancy and breastfeeding which is his spec according to him. We have two children. I don't have one single wrapper except for the one I use to back baby who will be a year this month end. I go about in pants and bum shorts plus sexy night wears as he sees on Instagram
I am 100 percent neat in every way. He on the other hand has issues with bathing, brushing in fact, cleanliness in general. I have complained to our counsellors and his Dad when he took matters to them. (Story for another day).
He goes on bathing and brushing Holiday on weekends and public holidays till he's to resume work again or church. Comes back from work all sweaty and wouldn't bath. When we were to have our babies, I begged him to upgrade his hygiene cos of germs and diseases he'll bring through his clothes, hand and every other place. I have fought this battle and lost so, I gave up.
When I go to him, I plead with him to go and wash his pr**** before we do so as not to transfer germs to my toh*** sometimes, I get irritated by his sticky body and rush to bath immediately we're done. His sambisa sometimes turn to dread and I'm turned off.
He bragged of all his s**capades before marriage of how he used to do different girls and even older women randomly. We agreed not to do the do before marriage but, tested it against his wish three months before marriage and few more times. I was disappointed but, he said it's anxiety being the first time. He likes to dominate and does only missionary.
He bragged of all his s**capades before marriage of how he used to do different girls and even older women randomly. We agreed not to do the do before marriage but, tested it against his wish three months before marriage and few more times. I was disappointed but, he said it's anxiety being the first time. He likes to dominate and does only missionary.
I begged that we do other things but, na fight and it's just now that we comfortably do doggy and other styles except riding. Me wey I be James Bond before marriage, he just quench the fire on me and I had to adjust to his style, thank God he allows me use his joystick to wuzzuwuzzu then I
I have sat him down severally, begged, fought, and it ends in fight cos he wears his ego on his sleeves so, I stopped.
His new anthem is that I don't respect him that's why he's avoiding me. He doesn't know much cos he didn't have any exposure aside pressing his laptop cos he's an IT guy. When I try to make suggestions or request that we do some things differently, I'm over Sabi. He feels less of a man to let me ride him or do anything that will make him lie while I'm on top. He says it makes him feel like a woman.
He says he's pursuing some goals and wants to meet target, financial and other wise. I say to him that, there's no end to chasing dreams and goals. Do we remain celibate till he has achieved all his goals? I often tell him that if he says this does this mean that poor people do not have a right to an erection?... Even the richest man in the world is still chasing bigger goals. Will he abandon his family cos of that?.
Our counsellors and his Dad told him to make time for me and treat me right or sleep in our bedroom. He will sleep with the kids and I for two days or act nice for two days then he's back to status quo so, I've given up on spending time with him or begging for his attention.... I focus on myself and children. The only thing that should bind us together, I'm replacing with a dildo so, I don't need him anymore. I told him this yesterday in a chat and he said okay.
I forgot to mention that when we just got married, I noticed he was addicted to porn and masturbating. I begged and cried and fought, still it continued. He has an habit of watching naked girls on Instagram. He follows all the naked girls on Instagram. One day, I unfollowed all while he slept and to my amazement, he went back following then. I caught him looking at a naked girl on his phone and got upset that "I go naked" in this house all the time yet you don't see me but, would rather watch naked girls and masturbate, he didn't say anything and didn't apologize cos he doesn't know how to apologize.
I have sat him down severally, begged, fought, and it ends in fight cos he wears his ego on his sleeves so, I stopped.
His new anthem is that I don't respect him that's why he's avoiding me. He doesn't know much cos he didn't have any exposure aside pressing his laptop cos he's an IT guy. When I try to make suggestions or request that we do some things differently, I'm over Sabi. He feels less of a man to let me ride him or do anything that will make him lie while I'm on top. He says it makes him feel like a woman.
He says he's pursuing some goals and wants to meet target, financial and other wise. I say to him that, there's no end to chasing dreams and goals. Do we remain celibate till he has achieved all his goals? I often tell him that if he says this does this mean that poor people do not have a right to an erection?... Even the richest man in the world is still chasing bigger goals. Will he abandon his family cos of that?.
Our counsellors and his Dad told him to make time for me and treat me right or sleep in our bedroom. He will sleep with the kids and I for two days or act nice for two days then he's back to status quo so, I've given up on spending time with him or begging for his attention.... I focus on myself and children. The only thing that should bind us together, I'm replacing with a dildo so, I don't need him anymore. I told him this yesterday in a chat and he said okay.
I forgot to mention that when we just got married, I noticed he was addicted to porn and masturbating. I begged and cried and fought, still it continued. He has an habit of watching naked girls on Instagram. He follows all the naked girls on Instagram. One day, I unfollowed all while he slept and to my amazement, he went back following then. I caught him looking at a naked girl on his phone and got upset that "I go naked" in this house all the time yet you don't see me but, would rather watch naked girls and masturbate, he didn't say anything and didn't apologize cos he doesn't know how to apologize.
Divine Health Confessions!!
ReplyDeleteI vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I am dwell in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness. Glory be to God!
DeleteTo the BV who lost her son, may God's comfort abide with you and yours, in this truly difficult time. It is well!
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon everyone. May God bless us all and cause us to prosper in health, business and life!
Una Gud Afternoon...#ALiSpeaks
Good afternoon
DeleteWuzzu what?? 😂
DeleteBig Booty Mechanic
The bv that lost her son, so sorry about your lost ma'am. May God comfort you.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the death of your son. Our deepest condolences to you and your family
DeleteMay God confort you dear Bv. Stay strong please
DeleteSorry about the death of your son.
DeleteBv that lost her son, may God console you. This is just so sad.😭😭😭
DeleteThank God it's Friday.My Yeye o.No vex say I no check up on you,na werk werk werk werk werk.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to the Bv who lost her son. May God comfort you.
ReplyDeleteTo the woman asking for Dildo, I strongly believe those who masturbate, hardly love sex action once they are satisfied with the act of masturbation they engage in.
Madam, did both of you date before marriage? If yes, was he this way before marriage? Did you notice it before marriage or after marriage?
If using a dildo will give you the maximum satisfaction you need, then it's better than cheating. I really may not know your husband reasons for avoiding his conjugal right with you until I read his reasons from him direct. But a man that loves porn so much should love sex as well or there's something I'm not getting here.
TJ upon all she said?
Delete"I strongly believe those who masturbate, hardly love sex action once they are satisfied with the act of masturbation they engage in"..... abeg talk wetin you know! You're not a woman
DeleteAnonymous that comment you quoted from me was for the man I'm implying to and not the woman. Didn't you read where she said the man masturbates?
Delete@Simply Divine, yes she have said her mind but have you heard from the man? In judgment don't you think both parties should be heard?
"To the woman asking for Dildo, I strongly believe those who masturbate, hardly love sex action once they are satisfied with the act of masturbation they engage in"
"But a man that loves porn so much should love sex as well or there's something I'm not getting here"
Which kain contradiction be this na?
Okay let me explain what I mearnt by that @Eka. I meant that, for a man who watches porn, he should be aroused by seeing her woman's nakedness the reason I made that comment. But here we are reading that he loves watching porn but won't want the actual do with his wife but masturbate. Maybe his case is spiritual or something is amiss somewhere.
DeleteSecondly, on your first paragraph, since the man usually masturbate, he won't feel or have the urge for sex. That's what I meant in that quote above. It's for the man hence I will encourage her going for the dildo.
The porn and masturbation act is common with some IT men who spend all their time on the screen. My hubby is like that too.very frustrating and disgusting. I ended up with a side boy...
DeleteNot some of them. No it's all of them.
DeleteDiscourage your child from studying computer science and all those courses in IT fields,he go wank tire, cuz they're bored, monotonous,lonely
DeleteNo contradiction. Porn watching charges most men to even experiment all they see. But most men who masturbate while watching porn get exhausted and don't have the full urge for sex with a female unless they have incredibly high libido, the type one woman or two cannot satisfy.
So sorry for your loss, may the Lord rest his soul and comfort you all. Amen. Please take heart. @ Bv
ReplyDelete@ Motherhood poster, I wish you had said something to the new mum, telling her she's not doing the right thing. This hurts abeg.
So sorry for your loss
ReplyDeleteTo the bv who lost her son,may God comfort you,@candy,hope your sis is getting better?
ReplyDeleteHi dearie, sis is getting better by His grace. Thanks so much for your concern. Appreciate. 🤗🤗🤗🤗
DeleteTake heart dear Bv. May God strengthen you
DeleteIf u have to manage or endure a marriage, is there really any need remaining in one?
ReplyDeleteThat man has deep seated psychological issues and I hope he doesn't graduate into physical assault
She don start. She is always the first to mention domestic violence if even nothing close is implied by or to it. Do you have such problem that makes you jump to it always?
DeleteHygiene holiday to the point of not brushing and bathing, being sticky... Low libido, His keeping to himself and all... His parents should be more honest about what they were managing in him before marriage and how relieved they were for you to take the baton from them.
DeleteThe lady who said she was packaging an innocent woman for her brother, this is likely what will happen in a few months to years or even WORSE.
Beautiful weather. Good afternoon everyone
ReplyDeleteHolla Boo 🥰💝
DeleteSorry for your loss.. God comfort and console you and yours..may his soul rest in peace
Parry nwa hope you're good, may the little one soul rip amen
DeleteSo so sorry for the loss of your son ma, Please take heart
ReplyDeleteGod will strengthen you and your famlly
Black Slimzy
So so sorry for the loss of your son ma, Please take heart
ReplyDeleteGod will strengthen you and your famlly
Black Slimzy
Condolences and consolations to the bv that lost a child.
ReplyDeleteAbeg the evasion jamesbond bv, wetin be wuzuwuzu?
I for tell you, but you go pay chinkini moni oo. 😂
DeleteMark d bad guy!!! How u no go know eh!!!
DeleteLyrix babe😍😍. Hafa naa??? Hope you are doing fine? Been awhile.
DeleteYea am aiit.hope ur gud also.i miss u small sha😜😜
DeleteDildo would be the least of my worries and I would have been seeking for a divorce long ago. Nyamakata. What some women endure all on the name of marriage ehn. Chukwu aju!
DeleteIf this is your mindset about marriage, you aren't preparing to nurture one to success. Same way the man will be saying, "I married you and for 2 years, you haven't conceived, divorce straight away;" how about that? And you know, it is so easy for humans to go and chant "for better for worse. .." but in practice, Hmm
15:55 not sand thing pls
DeleteConceiving is for both of them to do
This husband is dirty
A grown ass human is not bathing and you are talking about conception? Don't couples who are trying to conceive bathe? Bob the builder, please let this woman state her case and let other BVs state their opinion. The man is uninterested in being better. From her own side of the story, there is a Mental illness in the background he is not willing to treat and this is besides the porn addiction. This man is not well and his parents are being evasive about the real issue. It didn't start with marriage hence his unwillingness to be sexually active with her despite this addiction.
DeleteSome of you shouldn’t have had your marital vows at all let alone on an alter in church before a multitude. Since to some of you your marital vows are as useless as pick up lines. Marriage no be bf/gf wey any small thing una go tell people to jump out especially when e concern women.
DeleteMy condolences to the bv that lost her son..affliction will not rise the second time..I pray Genesis 15:15 be your portion...God give you grace to overcome the pains
DeleteKai!!!... Marriage
ReplyDeleteI get scared everyday but I still believe I will get the best man/husband in all ramifications. Amen, ❤️
DeleteIt takes two to make a marriage (work). There is no human on earth without faults. Whereas you look forward to getting "the best man," are you also working on your own faults?🤔🤔🤔
Better be reading and learning, some people will read chronicles from genesis to revelation and still end up marrying total rubbish.
DeleteImagine someone was saying yesterday that a woman has to reraise her husband as if na goat with collar.
What was he doing throughout his childhood and trenage8/adult years?
What was the purpose of his mother and father? Na yo occupy space abi wetin?
Soooooo, somebody will just enter marriage with these kind of men, somebody will not bathe during weekend or during public holidays? 4 days public holiday he will not bathe? And he will come back from work and will not bathe? As I dey tink am, be like make I vomit. Una dry try, walahi. 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 tueh tueh kelebe
@16:28. First paragraph very true for both men and women. Only the mothers, sisters and maybe female cousins of some husbands know what they see at the hands of wives just as the poster of the chronicle is seeing at the hands of her husband.
DeleteSorry to the BV that lost her son. Be comforted.
ReplyDeleteOk... Get a dildo. Maybe you constant pressure on knacks has affected the connection from his brain to his gbola, he's at six and sevens, and he doesn't wanna fall his hand. Atleast he gave you belle.
You forgot to comment on his hygiene.
DeleteGood afternoon everyone
ReplyDeleteBv that lost her son, I'm so sorry about that, the Lord is your strength.
Motherhood poster, please always check on that your friend 🙏🙏 I was so shocked while reading your piece.
Chronicles poster, if using a dildo will help please do, since he has agreed.
Sending love to you all 🤎🤍💙💜
Public Notice..
ReplyDeleteWhen you board a bus either from a registered transport company or the road side pickers, please be alert to this information.
Do not allow the driver to transload you people to another bus when he says his bus is faulty.
A rescued kidnapped victim narrates how they were sold by their bus driver and kidnapped for ransom.
Their driver claimed his car was having brake issues, so he (driver) flagged down another bus, who stopped and picked the entire 18 passengers to Kidnappers den..
They were later told that the driver had sold them for 150k each.....150k x 18 passengers for goodness sake!
While the Kidnappers called their family members demanding for 1 million Naira ransom..... Making 850k profit each.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the days are evîl. May Almighty God continue to protect and watch over us.. 🙏🏻
Shared as read.
May the soul of the little angel rest in peace,may God grant the parent the fortitude to bear bear loss.
ReplyDeleteLosing one's child is a pain that only God can heal. I pray God grant you comfort.
ReplyDelete@motherhood, the new mum needs help asap.
Re: Evasive husband
ReplyDeleteMadam, you forgot to mention the most important things that are causing your sexual sorrows
"That he is addicted to porn and masturbation" -that is where satan stole his libido for his wife.
That "you were a James bond in styles before marriage" -that is also where you spent your marital
sexual enjoyment.
Using dildo you will soon find out won't solve your problems but rather compound them. As that won't
take away porn addiction from him nor will it make your libido less. It is like pouring fuel to a raging fire.
The surest bet for you is to fast and pray and study the Bible. Get him to do same with you, or let me say
that overtime, he will join. It requires a lot of patient on your part. May the Lord help you.
And supposing he does not want to work on being free from his addictions?
DeleteYou’re not correct
DeleteSex before marriage doesn’t stop sex in marriage
Open your eyes and see the world around you
So porn is not allowing him to brush and bathe? They have brought your favorite food and nothing else matters.
Delete18:26 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you dey mind am?
DeleteImagine how mouth that has not brushed for 4 days will be smelling and the person will be eating like a dinosaur and still bring that kind mouth and says he wants to eat poozay. Incurable disease lo ma je.
@14:59. Solid advice given. Thanks. God bless.
DeleteOpen your eyes and see the word of God: Flee fornication. ..
DeleteYou have never met chronic porn addicts, nothing else matters, not even eating.
My condolence to the Bv who lost her son. May his soul rest in peace. 🙏🙏. Motherhood Poster, pls keep checking on that lil baby. I felt so sad reafing your story. Dildo poster, pls get a dildo. No harm/crime in satisfying yourself, yourself.
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to the Bv that loss her son, May God strengthen your family in this difficult time. My prayers are with you
ReplyDeleteMadam get a dildo Asap and get that sweet're still young and you only live once.
Una Good afternoon 🤗
To the bv that lost her son, do accept my condolence may his soul RIP
ReplyDeleteSorry to the BV that lost her son..
ReplyDeleteI just listened to Peter obi's interview on Berekete. Bvs pls you guys should search for it and listen as well. Nigerians that man is all you need to get things working again. If you guys lose him, I'm afraid, I don't know what else you people would want in life again. That man came at the right time. Don't miss this golden opportunity and moment.
ReplyDeleteNa politicians we go contribute for and sponsor we go die for and no be the ones wey go give us now and collect our joy when them enter power.
Good afternoon fam
ReplyDeleteBV that lost her son,may God comfort you,He alone can give you that comfort..
My baby is currently sick right now and it's really affected me talkmore of loosing one,sorry ma
Divine healing to your baby
DeleteDivine healing on your baby.
DeleteAmen,thank you BV Olori and osundi
DeleteI don’t think you mean harm but don’t tell someone that’s lost a child about your sick child or anything about your living child
DeleteIt’s not comforting
She would rather be in the hospital with her child but he’s gone
May God comfort the B.V who lost her son, so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteMy condolence to the bv that lost her son,God is with you.
ReplyDeletePoster from all you've written about your hubby,Dildo is the least important thing you need in your marriage rn,Your marriage is in shambles sadly,
You can take a break,You're enduring too much.
Set your priorities right first.
Toys can come later.
Hello ihn 😘
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon everyone, hope your day is going well.
Bv that lost her son,so sorry for your loss pls take heart.
Motherhood poster,I'm sure that woman is going thru postnatal depression just as Jewelu said. I once met my aunt crying,she was alone at home with the baby and a new mum then,when I asked she said the baby wouldn't stop crying and she was confused on what to do.So a mum spanking a baby isn't normal.
Poster that wants to buy dildo,so your hubby is onye dorti and u are even begging him for sex,all what u described about him can kill ones sex desires sef even if I'm a maniac.You are supposed to be the way running away from him,abeg buy yourself a dildo.You even tried sef.
Bvs I hail o🖐️🖐️
E go surely be ✌️.
Bv that lost her son, may God comfort you. So sorry.
ReplyDeleteMay God comfort you, bv that lost her son.
ReplyDeleteSorry to the BV that lost her son
ReplyDeleteIs okay to have sex and do nude video chat with a man I met barely 2 weeks ago please help
ReplyDeletePlease take heart. The BV that lost her child
ReplyDeleteBlog visitor so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteThings are happening.
My condolences to the bv that lost her son. May God comfort you and grant you the fortitude to bear this loss 🙏
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to the BV who lost her son,God will give you double for your sorrow.
ReplyDeleteEvasive husband..poster I thought you were writing about me. Hubby is same safe for the hygiene part and being an IT guy. Dude will always give excuses to make love,when we get round to it sometimes he goes soft . But he watches porn steady,he watches anal sex porn ,likes domination of younger females in porn. I am very neat and still in good shape. He claims ladies with big ass is his spec,I no too get ass so why u come settle for me? We get to have sex once a week. Funny enough,one of his side chica has a flat ass but he would gladly engage in sex chat with her. I have spoken,cajoled ,quarrelled with him over it. Have even initiated sex chat to show I am not frigid or anything,but he will read my chats and ignore it. Funny enough, I have an ex trying to reconnect with me but because I don't fancy that kind of lifestyle,I have struggled to make him understand how his actions affect me too..not like I am a sex addict,I have two kids too but a woman has got needs that you will be feeling glad to have a husband to help satisfy them. God dey o
Go have sex with your ex
DeleteYour husband won’t care unless you rub it in his face
Anon 16:27 see devil has sent an agent to physically come and encourage you to scatter home wey you dey manage build for you and your presently two kids o. 😂 see the way the person just dropped the comment o 😂 😂
Delete@18:53, if well checked, @1742 may not be married. Woman who is being begged by her in-laws. Let her try adultery and see the changes she would wrought all round from same in-laws, her family and this man.
DeleteHer husband is sleeping with his spec
DeleteShe can sit and wait for him if she wants
Poster with the evasive husband... I think most IT guys are like that, very dirty.
ReplyDeleteMy husband tells me about one that works in his office always with a rumpled shirt and smells a times. But he got married and he changed a little, am sure it's his wife that worked on him.
Lately, my husband told me he has gone back to his old self. I'm guessing the wife has more on her hand now cos they have 2 lovely boys.
I will advice you put him in prayer and keep talking to the people he listens to.
God is your strength
Abeg this is not true
DeleteIT is reigning and I know ladies and guys in the field. They are dirty pls
They are NOT dirty pls
DeleteChronicle Poster, Now you have told us the real issue, Pornography and Masturbation.
ReplyDeleteThese are not just physical acts, but have strong spiritual consequences. Your husband is in bondage and fighting or quarreling with him will not solve the problem. It will only drive him more away from you.
Way forward? tighten your seat belt, because that dildo you want to go for, you want to consciously enslave yourself as well. Pray! SISTER PRAY and PRAY WELL. Midnight Prayers, Daytime prayers, Add fasting, keep declaring the freedom of your husband, yourself and your household
There is NOTHING PRAYER CANNOT DO. In the place of prayer, God will give you ideas, revelations, insights on how to resolve this issue and find joy and peace in your home. And it is VERY important to not let it slide because you have kids already, and you need to shield them as well from this evil.
Browse Apostle Joshua Selman's messages on youtube (Koinonia) to ginger you to pray. Forget Konji for now oh, battle dey. Hugs from here 🤗🤗🤗
Wendixx your mama born you well jare. Very sound. Some ladies on this blog should be extremely ashamed of themselves when they see sound women like this.
DeleteBoth parents are inviting demons in charge of sexual immorality into their home with full force. May God’s protection be on her innocent young ones.
Thank you. Sound counsel @17:27
DeleteOnly men in the cage of those two acts or only men who have escaped from that cage will understand what you just written. If only the man would join her in the prayers.
BV that lost a son, my deepest condolences. Cry all you want dear, ask God all the questions in your heart, tell Him how you feel, mourn your baby, and also let God comfort you. Don't lose hope or faith, you will come out stronger.
ReplyDeleteHugs from me .
My condolence to the bv that lost her son, take heart may God be with you and family in this trying period. Abeg where is bv Perxian who knows why she hasn't been commenting she had been on my mind lately.
ReplyDeleteMay God deeply comfort the BV who lost her son. Please take heart.
ReplyDeleteDear BV that lost her son, I can't begin to imagine how you're feeling right now. Please be consoled that he's in a better place and having no more pains. May God comfort you and your family at this time. 🤗
ReplyDeleteYou people are suffering in marriage! How do you in all honesty live and sleep with someone who’s that dirty and unhygienic? How can you not bath in a day because you didn’t go anywhere?
ReplyDeleteNeatness and hygiene is so important to me that I am willing to leave a marriage just because of that , i can’t compromise on that .
In any case me I won’t date a man like that not to talk about even marrying him, Kai Kai, . Your husband is disgusting. All you women married to men who’re dirty are really suffering.
Motherhood woman : please please I beg you your friend is going through it. Kindly do something about it ASAP for the babies sake , please.
To the bv that lost her son, may God comfort you. Ehugs
ReplyDeleteCondolences to Bv who is bereaved. May Almighty God assuage your grieve and comfort your family.
ReplyDeleteMr. Mann
My condolences to the BV that lost a son, may God replace your loss
ReplyDeleteSo sorry BV.
ReplyDeleteCondolence to the Bv that is bereaved may God console her & give her a perfect replacement for her loss