Stella Dimoko Sunday In House Gists - In Laws From HELL/ Heaven Sent..


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Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sunday In House Gists - In Laws From HELL/ Heaven Sent..

 We all have in laws either by marriage or ' Relationships'...

Some of us have in laws from hell and some have in laws that are heaven sent...

Which do you have by reason of Marriage or Relationship?

What did they do /doing to you that make them deserve the good or bad tag?

Lets gist!


  1. Good afternoon everyone
    Happy Sunday to you all

  2. My in-laws are from heaven.They welcomed me into their family with open hands.They stood solidly by me when I was almost depressed after my miscarriage and pampered after the birth of my son till my people came for omugwo.I can't stop thanking God for them

  3. Ahhhhh, my in-laws are heaven sent ooo, they respect boundaries, they assist in every ways, my parents in-laws are awesome till father in-law passed on, mother in-law is trying to do her best to make me comfortable, no hassle...
    They are just good people, I try my best alsoπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  4. Mine are in-laws from heaven. Very lovely people I ain’t ever met πŸ˜‚

  5. My in-laws are neither heaven sent or from hell. Everyone just dey in dey. Only mutual respect. In-laws can never replace your parents, speaking from my personal experience though. Had a baby last year and my in-laws stay less than 30mins walk from my house. Didn't visit me more than once and didn't come to the hospital on the day I gave birth. Birth my baby via CS o. She came over the following day. Missed my mum so much but she was outside the country throughout the period of my pregnancy. Noone can replace your mother biko.

  6. My brother inlaw is the best,Tell me a man that is so much involved with his wife's family and I will show you my in-law.He does things for us without expectations.He loves to know everything that's going on in my life so he can provide a solution.
    Years ago when I graduated from University and I didn't know what to do with my life,Out of the blues he called me and started querying me about my future,I found it intrusive at that time but I indulged him anyways.
    I reluctantly told him about my interest in hairstyling and without blinking,My inlaw paid for my training which wasn't cheap atall,Now I'm a proπŸ™ŒπŸΎ
    Imagine if i had waited and hoped for a white-collar job till now.
    May God continue to bless you BroπŸ™πŸ½

    1. That's so good to read. But you know how some mothers and sisters and even brothers would regard a son who is that much invested in his inlaws? Even when they too are getting assistance from their son.

    2. Ms Saphire trust me I know how jealous humans can be, even when they're not the ones making the sacrifices.

  7. Mother inlaw rejected me,call me ashawo just because I was dating the son, she didn't know me from anywhere o, we are not from same town, on my wedding day she came like a guest, my family welcomed them and treated them well, after marriage mama dey look for mother daughter relationship,eskiss ma, I'm still hurt, we go there for visit, I always give her side hug, I don't know why,its been 12 amazing years with the son, but I no just too close with the mother, and she treats my children like egg, in fact if all her grandkids are around, she always give mine preferential treatment,but I don't know why I can't warm up to her, she tormented me in our dating days, still praying to God to help me, I don't call except she calls,and my hubby no dey joke with mine,because my mom has always been his supporter from day 1, hmmmmm plenty things that woman did to me in our dating days oo

    1. Eeya, I can understand,first impression,I don't like it when mothers in law calls wife's names they won't like their own daughters to ba called

    2. Please forgive her. Her actions have shown how remorseful she is. "and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us"

    3. 12 years is a long time

      Get over it na

    4. Thank God you are married now this his son. Everything is in the past. Beloved you are now a mother. She have realized her mistakes that is why she is treating your children different to get your attention. For the love you have for your husband. Let love lead. Call her on day and tell her you love her. You want to thank her for raising your husband well. Take it from there. Nothing dey this life. Peace is prescious.

    5. Anon15:03let go of the past and warm up to , she needs you closer knowing what transpires between both of you in the past

    6. My MIL had bn slapping me since like forever and i retaliated and gave her the beat down. Till tomorrow she never told anyone and we both exist like it never happened. My babh was 2months old then. Omo i pounded her cos i showed her that i wasnt a pushover like the other wives

    7. She was just trying to protect her son. Pls forgive her and warm up to her. After 12yrs you can see she meant no harm just protective.

  8. My mother in love is the type any woman prays for. She's absolutely amazing. Her sisters tho. One was ignoring me perfectly until another of their family practically embarrassed her and then she decided it was time to 'forgive' me for the drama they put up at my wedding. I kuku have open hands with everyone so I accepted the forgiveness.

    But my mother in law, like I said is absolutely amazing and I hope we continue to have the beautiful relationship we have between us.

    My sister in law still uses aunty for me even tho I'm just two years older, I don beg her tire to simply call me by my name.

    I am also not ignoring my part in all of this. I make sure I am the kind of inlaw u want to have as well. Give everyone their respect and make sure I do not influence my husband against anyone of them

    1. I love your last paragraph. It takes two to tango. God bless your in-laws. God bless you for being good too.

    2. Great approach.

  9. My mother in-law and bro in-law are heaven sent. Love them!

  10. Nosy in laws are a nuisance

    A weak spouse especially husband is from hell

    1. Exactly my story. In-laws from hell. Anyways I'm waiting for the day they'll come to my face and tell me what they've been telling their brother then I'll show them who I am. For now nothing concern me and them

    2. Mine are controlling brothers in law and sisters in law, very entitled and my hubby very weak that he can't even defend himself let alone defend me. I built a strong wall around my home with prayers and GOD IS FOREVER FAITHFUL.

    3. Anon 21.08 we are on the same boat oo. In fact I have prepared my mind to defend myself Incase if any nonsense act from any of them.

  11. My in-laws are from hell but they try to mask themselves under religion. While I was dating my dating my husband( we dated
    for 4 years), I had a cool relationship with my MIL in particular but as soon as my husband proposed and we started planning our wedding, I saw a different side of her/them. Different issues ranging from my husband not telling them he sent me money for the wedding planning to saying that they would be in charge of payments, to bride price wahala, to my MIL saying she is no longer interested in coming for our wedding until my husband pays her N20,000 as an appeasement to her. Hmmmmm, I was so surprised where the animosity was coming from but even with all, I was ready to move forward. But what broke the camels back was how she convived with the help of my BIL gf whom I trusted to take away ALL the money that was sprayed on us on our wedding day . I repeat again, ALL. It was a whole lot of drama, I went through so many emotions but I came to realise that they behaved in such manner because they felt they were losing their cash cow.
    All these made me rethink being in the school of thought that being nice to one's in-law would mean same energy would be returned. Some people are just wicked. My MIL holds the position of womens' leader in her church and she treats a ' woman ' in such a way.

    As for the relationship with my inlaws, its pretty much nonexistent. Even though they apologised after the wedding and tried to make us be the way were before. I have kept them far away from me, never to be bitten twice! I have my peace..People with wonderful in-laws are blessed.

    * Forgive any typo

    1. Hmmmmm it is well. Your mother inlaw get mind o, she clear all the money?? Greed

    2. As you keep them at arms length no wahala since abi?

      Just dey your dey jejeje

    3. For some, money is an idol. If you'd have to pay appearance fee for the mother of the groom, the best thing is to bone their side after the wedding.

      Parents that feel entitled to the earnings of their children and did not manage to build anything that can cash flow in old age are a terrible burden. Please maintain the distance.

      People who can disgrace themselves over spraying and hall money are not worth it. Bringing them close is to give a clearer idea of your fingers do they can dig their manipulative claws in.

    4. If you know what poverty can do to a person. You become blind with greed, you throw love and loyalty in the wind, completely forgetting that there is a tomorrow. Shame and dignity nkor? Evaporated. How far with that aspiring wife/girlfriend who handed them the money?

    5. Thank you guys. Yes ooo I repeat again, ALL the money sprayed on us was taken and till this day unaccounted for. When I kept them at arms length they wanted to start another round of trouble because I don't call , check up on them and give them cash like before and according to them, I am turning their son away from them. They talked and reported me about to get a reaction from me. I just completely ignored them and focused on my work.
      Theygot tired andt kept pquite . Itt ook me about 8 months to finally give them a first call and let's say a year to truly forgive without any bitterness .

      Thank you Sapphire, no shame and dignity. While they were doing all those things, they forgot that there is a tomorrow. And now, I am the wicked one because I don't want to bring you close to me again ?
      The aspiring wife and my BIL have broken up lol. I was a bit disappointed because I wanted her to receive a dose of how they treated me.

      One has to be very prayerful and mentally strong when dealing with wicked inlaws. In all these, I am grateful that my husband has stayed true to himself and not made me ever regret marrying him.

  12. I do not know if my in-laws are heaven sent or not Kos there hasn't been any reason for them to prove/show who they are truly.
    My mother in-law is a nice woman, she has always respected herself, no intrusion of any kind, every body just dey their lane dey hustle, which is what I unnecessary visitation

    1. Seems like heaven sent, at least for now.

  13. My in-laws are heaven sent... I am married to the last born but he warned all from them from day 1 to stay clear 😁.
    My MIL is a Good woman. She has a good heart and thats all that matters. It has helped me to to count her the things she does atimes that I don't like.(that's her level of understanding)
    One of my SIL and BIL are Angels in human. May the Blessings of God never depart from them.

    I will be a sweet SIL in law too😁 My brother is getting married soon.

  14. My MIL and FIL are no more but when they were alive they were God sent but MIL was a bit intrusive till she pass on but my SILs and BILs are God sent......

    1. A bit intrusive is not bad naw. You won't expect her to be completely uninvolved with a child she birthed and nurtured just because he is married, would you? What if his wife was a bad woman and your son is blinded in love? I think moderation is wonderful. My mother in-law was involved with us and I loved her.

  15. Let me go anon on this.

    My MIL needs serious therapy. She frustrated me for more than 5 years until I decided that enough is enough! She's never happy except when money is involved!

    I have ignored her and her shenanigans. I only call or text her once in a while just for checking up on her purpose.

    From wedding to Omugwo to miscarriage etc, she showed her true colours and although I've forgiven her, I can't ever forget.

  16. My SILs are from the deepest part of hell. My parents in law are no more. Never met them. I married my husband out of love. He was very broke but with encouragement,hardwork and prayers, he's rich now.
    One of them stays very close to us but will never visit. We do the visiting. The recent one is telling my husband not to allow any help or extra hand in my own house. The help I got, she told her brother to chase her away after all how many kids do I have that I can't do my work alone.
    She never fails to remind me anytime she sees me how I'm eating my husband's money anyhow. So many things they do but I know God will pay them back in their own coin.
    I wish she's reading this. Just know that any day you come to my presence and tell me all those nonsense you tell your brother behind my back, I'll make sure I leave you with an indelible mark you'll never forget. Anu ofia

    1. You mean business, be careful out their though. Sometimes it is plain envy at work when ppl cannot have your lifestyle and they feel they are more deserving they try ways of removing it from you so you will be like them and they can be comfortable in their mind. That sister is insecure and have no concept about boundaries.

      Run your household as you see fit. That is your domain, that is your kingdom and sit on your throne. Make sure your husband has set things in a way that if he passes you and your children have a home and security. That in-law sounds like someone who will want to take over and want to reap where they did not sow.

    2. Sometimes, some women are hard to please. In-laws visit, trouble. In-laws do not vist, trouble.

  17. My in-laws are heaven sent. Since I got married it's been bliss tho we still mind our various businesses.. I put to bed recently both the ones I know and the ones I haven't met, none came empty handed the ones who could not come made sure to send reps, my FIL and lateMil helped a lot of them so they reciprocate this love to my husband and sib, infact na angels full this family. Baby that's not up to 1 yr the family have gifted him more than 3 million. They support themselves and make sure everyone is carried along, one person's headache is everybodys own. Infact I am learning a kind of love I never experienced in this marriage...

  18. Should I say my in-laws are pretenders or what?? Honestly I can’t explain, there are four sisters and their brother whom I am married too. They act as though they care send my prayer points, but whenever I reach the congregation when I de attend my prayer meetings I go hear say, my mother in law and sister in law de carry my name and my child name Go juju house to inflict us na for here I come confuse oo! Hmm wetin make me wan believe wetin they de tell me for church small na because of my pregnancy experience I saw hell even doctor fear for my case I vomited blood to 7 months hmm after my delivery they never called except 1 of the sisters until after 2days! The eldest after delivery ooo instead make she thank God for my life de ask me why I no tell them say I de go delivery room no bi small thing oo. So how should I classify them? 😴

    1. I think you are the bad daughter/sister inlaw. Those Prophets will show seeds of discord in your mind and you believe them. After the prophecy, you must have been giving out some vibes that make them kuku respect themselves and stayed away.n

    2. My dear, fight your battles on your knees in prayers. Pray warfare prayers without mentioning anyone's name, when it returns to the sender, you will definitely know. There are true servants of God and you can discern the spirit in them if you have the Holy Spirit in you. Just dey your lane, and with fervent prayers allow God to fight your battles.

  19. I always find it interesting these in-law stories. Most commenters will one day be an in-law thrmselves and I am sure there will be bad ones in the bunch.

    1. Like the one just above you. People should stay far from marrying prophet -visiting Wives. They are suspicious of even your kindness and generosity. Their prophet must tell them something that will let them receive or give love freely.

  20. My inlaw's are God sent. Noone disturbs. My mum and dad inlaw are late. The rest are good people. No wahala.

  21. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, Saphire, but one thing is clear, the one who wears the shoe πŸ‘  knows where it pinches. Not all in-laws are good, and everyone won't be bad as well. If a person shares their experience, judging them based on your perception or beliefs is not right. You can disagree without making the commenter feel worse. I've read your comments several times where you make 'The Secret' seem like the latest edition of the Bible (obviously it is to you) but I just read and pass because it's your opinion and mine shouldn't be imposed on you even though I don't agree with you. Live and let live. Not that it matters but I'm neither of the commenters you replied.

    1. Well said!

    2. Are you minding sapphire with her oversabi. Your experience is different from other people

    3. @T S, alright. I just don't like it when Prophets plant ideas that brings discord amongst people. About the secret, it been just so mind blowing for me and I thought it will be nice to share especially to people in need and vulnerable so they don't fall in the hands of Prophets when they themselves are their own Prophets.

      Point taken.πŸ’‹

    4. Her I-too-know oversabi is beyond irritating. Always sounding like a 🀑

  22. Thank you Twin squared! I won’t condemn Ms Sapphire’s comment either, for sure I know I’m not a bad person! If it were to be that my prayer coordinator was receiving loads of gifts from me I would have had a different mindset, but there’s nothing she benefits from me. My oga kuku don use him mouth tell me say people de accuse him mama say na witch, he was even asking me how would someone be accusing his mother; me too surprise give am,no be one person tell am ooo hmm anyway I receive the prayer advice in good faith! May God expose every evil person in our lives AmenπŸ™

    1. Thanks for not seeing my comment as an attack. I just love happy relationships and angry some people drop seeds of discord there. I don't believe anyone of them see nothing. Anyway, take care.

  23. Anon 23:54, May God have Mercy on you!!!!!
    I sha feel Sorry for Your Husband...


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