Stella Dimoko Couch Convo - Marrying Outside Your Tribe And The Consequences..


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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Couch Convo - Marrying Outside Your Tribe And The Consequences..

Do you think it is better to Marry into the same tribe you are from or go to any tribe that love leads you?

Is there any particular reason why it is better to marry into ones tribe? Are there disadvantages of bringing in an 'outsider' or going to another tribe?


  1. I married outside my tribe. Best decision I ever made. Maybe because we are both fully exposed and not limited to tribal frivolities.

    If u are going to marry outside ur tribe, just make sure u are marrying a thoroughly educated person both in book, wisdom and personality. If u marry an archaic person, na u come know oh

    1. I can marry from any where!

    2. Really Eka I never knew your husband isn’t ibo wow. I thought you both are ibo from same state oh

    3. My husband is from Delta state oh.

  2. This is actually subjective...Becos whether intra tribal and inter-tribal marriage cannot be used to measure the success of a marriage.....What matters is the content and character of both parties entering into the marriage....Love knows no language, tribe.. People who are against inter-tribal are always using bias; based on their encounters with one or few persons, so they use one paint brush to paint a gloriously flawed picture about a whole tribe...

  3. Every tribe has its own definition of evil. There's no one good or bad tribe since each one is made up of different sets of people.
    A tradition can be learnt by others while some find it difficult to adapt to certain traditions.
    If you can adapt to a different/strange tribe then don't let tribe be the reason you didn't marry your loml.
    For me I'm still deciding.

  4. Married outside my tribe and I don't regret it.

  5. I will love to marry outside my tribe no hard feelings just love to be speaking English with my husband but if I find love with my tribe I will marry.

    Where love lead is where I want to be always.

    1. Lol... I married my tribe and na so so English we dey speak I tell you. We both understand the language very well but use it when the discussion is confidential most times. Just as you have said, let love lead. It's sweeter that way

    2. Correct, I love your style very well and if I get married to my tribe we will be speaking English and use our mother tongue when having confidential discussions.

    3. Sad to hear your reason is just to be speaking English. What will you be speaking to the children? English too? How will they children learn their parents native language? Lame.


  6. My own idea of inter tribal is inter racial. Any state within Nigeria is fine by me except abokis. But marrying outside my country, that's hardwork and patience

  7. I married my best friend & we aren't from the same tribe. So it all depends.

  8. I don't see anything wrong with intertribal or even interracial marriage.
    I've never been a fan of hasty generalization,I don't care about those beliefs.It's always good to experience things in a different light,sometimes I get fedup with the norm,unusual is cool aswell,even religion shouldn't be an issue too.

  9. Tribe shouldn't be a factor when getting married but love, relatibilty, acceptance and understanding.

  10. Just marry your friend and live a blissful life no matter where he/she came from.

  11. Marrying outside your tribe has no consequences, it's the family one is marrying into that matters o.
    Whether your tribe or outside your tribe!

  12. I married outside my tribe,I wish I never did,cos i was born and brought up in Lagos state,never visited my village but only did my higher education outside lagos.i don't know how to speak my dialect only English, pigeon and a bit of,I went to marry someone outside my tribe,I and hubby speak English at home.I can't communicate with my son especially when visitors are with us@home,shop or hurt me so much, when I communicate with him with my eyes, fingers and yet he is unable to get my message @that time

    1. I can't speak my language fluently but I understand it perfectly.

      In my home, we speak English and my hubby try to make my children understand some few words in their dialect. This will never make me regret marrying outside my tribe. What matters is love and understanding.

      You can always excuse yourself from your visitors and talk to your son. No big deal there.

    2. Dear,what has kept me in this marriage so far is love.there's love between I and matter the stress I go tru during the day,once I come home,it's disappears cos my home is built on love and the word of God.

    3. Teach your child yoruba if that's what you understand

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I married outside my tribe and an exposed man and by God's grace, we are doing very well. It doesn't mean someone that married from their own tribe is not enjoying their marriage. Just marry someone that love and cherish you. Peace will reign.

  15. I married my tribe,best decision...but we still speak English because hubby was born and brought up in Lagos....very very fluent in yoruba...his Igbo language is laughable... absolutely children can't speak yet but they understand when spoken to 80% of the time...
    Tribe has nothing to do with love or marriage...that been said,there r some tribes,I absolutely will not marry from or permit my kids to marry from...

    1. Please teach your children how to speak igbo. Tell them to start replying you in Igbo. That way they can learn it very well.
      Theres nothing cute about an igbo person not knowing how to speak igbo.

    2. Thank you anon, there's really nothing cute in not speaking your native tongue.

  16. I yearned to marry outside my tribe and never dated my tribe.Guess God had other plans as I ended up marrying from my tribe

  17. I married outside my tribe, best decision of my entire Life I must confess 8 years and counting. God lead me always. Thank you.

  18. I pray God gives me a husband from my tribe
    But I have no problem with any other tribe as long as there is no danger!

  19. When I was growing up, I always said I don’t
    Want to marry someone from my tribe. Even as far back as secondary school, I ended up marrying outside my tribe. My parents were against it at first because I’m the first daughter, but now they keep telling me it’s the best decision I have ever made. My husband is my best friend and he literally worship the ground I walk on. We have been together for 13years and he still make me so happy.I bless God for him everyday.

    1. This is how I want to feel, blessing God everyday for my spouse. Lord show me mercy and bless me with the best.

  20. I married my tribal man and thats the best decision ever.

  21. I am from Kogi state(the Igbo speaking part) I actually married a Ghanian though he’s mother is a Nigerian from Osun state,that remains the best decision I ever made.
    My husband is the best honestly and if there’s a next life I will marry him again and again.
    I will send chronicles of how we met soon.
    I love you mon amour!!!

    1. Wow,kogi also have Igbo part?
      I know of the Yoruba part and the other popular tribes there

    2. Anon..igbo in Kogi? What local government is that?

    3. Yeah, MomB, Kogi state has Igbo speaking parts. These are the parts sharing border or close to Enugu state. They only speak Igbo in my mum's village.

  22. Marry your best friend and not tribe very necessary,

  23. Na love be the main thing.
    Na where love carry me dey go I go go

  24. I married my tribe man who doesn't understand the language, we speak in English and yoruba but i try to speak our language to our children. We love each other that's what matter.

  25. Well it depends on the person you are married to and the family.
    Some people are deeply rooted in their customs and traditions,and it has nothing to do with education.It is important as a person to know the family you are getting married to,and their customs and traditions,my dear e get why oooo,the man might be educated and all,but what about the family??
    That's why it's important to ask loys of questions during courtship.Either same tribe or not ask questions.

  26. Tribe or no tribe, Marry your best friend that's all that matters
    Euphemia u

  27. Married my tribe as my mother wasn’t shifting ground on this tribe thing. Never wanted to marry from my tribe. We barely travelled to the village as teenagers so I wonder why the insistence. He’s a good person and a good dad as well but the friendship element is missing. I’m convinced he married me for papers as we both live abroad. He’s been a decent and good spouse but I somehow wish I was with someone else. I guess I have to stick out because of the children.

    1. He’s a good to you and your kids, that’s all that matters. Paper or no paper. You for marry your paper nah. Mchew

  28. See how all of us typing as if is real.. can many of you marry an average Fulani man or igbira man? I married a man from bauchi state and the way my relatives treat me concerning marriage is some how I don't even have the pride of a married woman.. the man just disappointed me with his character cos I thought he was different....
    Lizzy wrote it down

  29. I married my tribe. That's after his father made him marry someone from their place, even though I was pregnant for him then. But all that started well, is sitting well now. Because that marriage crashed and we got married miraculously.
    When it comes to marriage, it honestly has nothing to do with tribe or ethnicity. Compatibility on all fronts is what does it.

  30. Who the same tribe help kwanu? Na to find better man marry be dey Koko abeg!

  31. My friend married another tribe and it's not been an easy ride for her. But I believe irrespective of tribe so many things go a long way to make marriage work.

  32. I married outside my tribe and it is the best decision I have ever made

  33. I'll prefer my tribe but wouldn't reject God's will for me

  34. I thank God i married my tribe, entering another family is a challenge on its own then entering another tribe is entirely another wahala abeg...

  35. Sorry,we are actually igala but our dialect in my village is Igbo,I guess that makes us the Igbo speaking part right? And our culture is similar to mostly that of the Nsukka people just some slight differences too.
    We share boundary with Ibagwa in Nsukka.
    I’m from Igala-Mela/Odolu LGA
    Village is Avrugo (you can find out about that part)
    Truth is I have also met someone from Enugu state that his dialect is Igala too,funny twist if you ask me.

  36. My parents are from different tribes, also I and all my siblings married from different tribes.
    We just chose according to our Faith in God, as this was the deciding factor for us. That means we are all born again.
    We are all very happy and relate as a big family.

  37. The only thing that bothers me about marrying from another tribe is that one's children will grow up without speaking their native languages if extra effort and consciousness is not applied.

    Ideally, marrying from another tribe ought to be a blessing to the children as some learn the languages of both parents.

    I'm not so pleased about the fact that our kids can't speak our languages. We made the mistake of not teaching them early enough because we erroneosly thought it would confuse them and affect their accents in school. It was later we learnt that they can actually learn multiple languages in their tender ages.

    Other than that, love rules above tribe if both parties are good people willing to make their marriage work.

  38. Wishing to marry outside my tribe, l'll love it.

  39. Life is all about adventure and exploring. I'll definitely love to marry someone outside my tribe. Tribe is not a barrier but understanding.

  40. I married outside my tribe to a wonderful man, his children can not speak his language because he is not always around. There is nothing I will say in Igbo that they can not understand but can't speak.

  41. My husband is everything and more, the kindest, sweetest, most loving man ever. He is from Burkina Faso. Funny thing is some years ago when I was like 22 or so my bestie was dating a Ghanaian and I was discouraging her ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was not giving non Nigerians any attention sef ๐Ÿ˜‚ now look at me.


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