Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Thursday, November 03, 2022

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative




Good day Stella. 

I'm a worried Bv. I sincerely need to hear your opinion and that of Bvs. 

My daughter has rapid growth (her father is hugely built,so I'm guessing it's from the genes) .

She is ten, but looks bigger than her age,has developed small breasts and p#bic hairs plus hairs underneath the armpit. 

Stella, my worry is that she just started m#nstruating at ten!.

 I googled it and saw that some girls own actually start early, but I am worried.

 Actually i am not happy. Is there any cause for alarm? Has anyone experienced this? Is it necessary to go to the hospital ?

I need answers please.
Thank you Stella.

I dont have answer for you at all on this one cos i dont have a daughter.... scary!

I know some who said her girl started at 7 years,nah wah!!!

Let me read comments.


  1. My lay man's opinion is it's from the food children eat these days, GMO foods. Nothing to worry, madam. Some girls actually start earlier than your daughter. Calm down please.

    1. Yes Gene, I started at 10yrs, after some months, it stopped and came back after some months, I started before my elder sister who is two years older than me, I am a copy from my father's family, she is a copy from my mother's family, you wont even know we are sisters from same parent, She is so fair, I am so dark like my dad's people, infact they call me my aunt's name as we look so much alike and they are big. So it does happen. Even children born from same parent have differences, so there are children that starts early and come dont. My sister started almost 14yrs. You have nothing to worry about, I am in my late 40s and still seeing it.

    2. Yeah she needs to calm down and focus on how to walk through every stage with the little girl. Madame, this is the best time to talk sex education. I said talk not put fear in her. Take her by the hand and lead her down that pathway, carefully and you won’t regret it. You have a mobile phone and data, utilize Google and YouTube to your best advantage on how to relate and educate the younger ones on sex and other things that come with it. If you can’t, engage the services of a psychologist and offer to be present during the meetings.

      Please don’t scare her or she will seek opinion from outside which might lead her down the wrong path. Be gentle 🙏. Good luck 🍀

    3. Me I started at eight sef pubic hair dey since 5 and armpit hair all follow come

    4. Poster your daughter ‘ll be alright, There is no cause for alarm , Our daughter started at 9 years she was still in Pry 5 with already developed breast she wears top bra to school,Her overnight growth is from her dad, because I started seeing mine almost when I was done with secondary school @ 17. Now she is in her senior class everything including her body weight is now perfect. You just need to bring her closer to you, that way she becomes your friend and tell you everything, Start by helping her monitor her date , time and how long the period lasts.
      Get a special calendar and always tick it with her, when she has a better understanding of her cycles she ll be the one to update mummy before her flow comes out, Goodluck to you and be gentle with your teachings, touch every topic about puberty and cautions about her environment and people, including boys and girls at school, home and worship Areas. Help her to be Alert of her body.

      Mummy Anthony- Clever

  2. Just start ur sex education. Make sure you make her feel comfortable with herself because if u are scared, she's probably a lot more scared than u are. Make her feel loved and yea, start watching her like a hawk.

    I am not sure there is anything u can do to change what is already happening

  3. poster why are you afraid cos she started at the age of 10, remember the way children grow now is not the same thing with before. I stared my monthly flow when i was 14 years and some stared at the age of 12 so i feel what we eat affect our growth lately. Same thing with fibroid growth wasn't like this before now but right now most women are suffering from fibroid.

    if she is having too heavy or her period comes with too much pains i will say you should see a doctor but if is normal please educate her on sex, look at for her, make her your paddy so that she can be open to you, keep an eyes on her cos pregnancy can happen now.

  4. I don’t like Rapid growth either, just keep a very close watch on her.

    There’s someone in same situation over here, her mum didn’t watch her properly and she’s already clubbing at 16 but when you see her she looks 30

  5. Some starts early,you don't need to worry about that because of her rapid growth..

    Just take care of her and monitor her closely...

    I started at the age of 11..

  6. I think you need to read more about things like this so you can be better informed. And please, try and be her friend, I believe she also has a lot of questions. Guide her the best way possible cos she's new to most of these changes too.

  7. Nothing is wrong with your daughter. All you have to do now is educate about her hygiene and sex. I welcome your daughter to womanhood🤗

  8. You should go to the hospital, they will examine her and run some tests to be sure everything is fine. They have a paediatric endorcinologist at LUTH, if your physician believes you should see one.

    1. She is fine
      10 is normal that this chronicle is almost laughable
      But she’s a mom and I can’t fault her concern
      10 is nothing to ask the doctor about. Focus instead on pain relief if she has any. Someone should have done better with getting me regular pills when I had cramps as a kid

    2. pain relief may only be necessary if shes having cramps, you can advise her to reduce her sugar intake. if the pain is a lot, she can take pain relief a day to her period. dont be alarmed ma, kids grow so fast this days because of their diet and sedentary life style. drivers drop them in school, not like the way we walk long distance during our time. our time na rice and beans, now its shawarma, chicken and chips, indomie, pizza and all.

  9. Her rapid growth will eventually match her age as time goes on,you will see.Also,10 years is not too early for menstruation.

  10. Dear poster, I don't think you have any need to be worried. Just like yours, my 10 year old daughter looks a bit bigger than her age, has started growing small breasts and pubic hair as well as in her arm pits.

    What I am considering now is to talk to her soon about her body changes so that when she starts to menstruate, she won't be alarmed. She would know what's going with her and what to do .

    Please do the same. It's obviously genetic. So don't be worried. Be pro-active and enjoy the journey😉. It can be a bit overwhelming for us but we will get a hang of it.

    ~ Pure Inspirations ~

    1. I don’t understand why you’re yet to discuss periods with a ten year old

  11. There’s nothing to worry about. Some have it early , some have it late. All you need do is walk her through it . Teach her to clean and help herself and of course sex education too. Monitor her with love.
    Everything will be fine. God bless you.

  12. Madam no need to panic.. She's a normal healthy child that started puberty early. Just teach her personal hygiene and proper sex education.

  13. You don't really have much to worry. Just make sure she is eating healthy. Limit the sweets and junk food.

  14. Poster don't worry yourself...Me I started growing armpit hair at age 9...Age 9 my nipple don form koko and the areola was big...Some kids start early...As per menstruation, she may start now but it will pause for some time before it becomes regular...It is called MENARCHE...All these are influenced by genetics as you rightly pointed out....Mama relax and I expect you to kill one chicken for her then commence talks on hygiene and sex education...All the best no fear Mama...

    1. I agree with you wholeheartedly. My daughter is skinny but in January at age 9 she started her first period. It was scanty for just 2 days and has disappeared till date. She clocked 10 later this year. Armpit hair, her breasts are developing and small pubic hair.
      I killed a chicken for her the day after it started and we talked about it. I started sex education with my kids earlier so she was very comfortable telling me about it.
      Poster you have nothing to worry about.

  15. I think nothing is wrong with your daughter, and I also think that this is as a result of foods children eats these days but you can also go see a doctor for assurance that nothing is wrong. Thank you

  16. Nothing to worry about ma'am,all you need to do,is to educate her more about the changes in her body,be her friend and continue to pray for her. Parenting is a tedious task but with God's grace,everything will be okay.

  17. Calm down poster, nothing is wrong with your daughter,teach her everything she need to know about sex and proper hygiene.

  18. Some start as early as 9. There's nothing wrong with your daughter. teach her all she needs to know about puberty and sex education

  19. You don't have to worry. That's how her own growth is. Some children grow really fast than there peers. Just keep talking and letting her know what she needs to know and educate her properly and about good Hygiene.. I know a parent whose child started growing public hairs and breast at 8 years but haven't heard since ghe last time she came to talk about her child's rapid growth

  20. I started at 10 and I am 30 and fine my mother didn’t even talk to me about puberty if not for sex education right from primary school your daughter will be fine and you would only make her insecure and timid if you sound too concern over something that is natural and nobody has no control over.

  21. Poster there's nothing to worry about, everything about your baby is perfect. I remember when I give birth to my first daughter, I didn't know I was supposed to press out some whitish shinny slimming kind of liquid from her breasts then massage the breast with hot water so it doesn't develope before she's ten. It was already late before I was told and the thing already accumulated and I was heartbroken and keep blaming myself. My baby had small strong breast that's very visible right from when she was a baby. Now she's 13 and that breast is now sitting so well on her. I just introduced bra last month and she's so shy to put on bra, lol.
    My point is all this early development doesn't really matter just that we mothers are always worried over our kids. God will help us

    1. My 12 yr old is 36dd 🤣🤣

    2. Press what from her breast?? My 11 years old is eager to wear bra sef, please all this narrative is not pleasing to hear

  22. Nothing to worry about, it’s normal.
    Please don’t panic and don’t be too harsh on her .

    Now more than ever is the time to be her friend , time to have an in-depth sex education (please NOT if you talk or laugh with a man you will be pregnant type of conversation ). She might be a child but you need to have a proper conversation with her .
    Don’t be beating her unnecessarily. Or be mean with her . Treat her with kindness and be kind to her .
    Answer all her questions with love and not in anger . Be a friend so she wouldn’t seek wrong advice from her friends.

    Lady MorgiannE

  23. Poster, there's absolutely nothing to worry about. You can't growing up those days with growing up now. A lot has changed & it also affects the kids of today. Teach your ten year old about sex education and all she needs to know about this new phase of her life. Then keep a close watch. All the best.

    1. *you can't compare growing up those days*

  24. I am the one that talked about health insurance. There is no cause for alarm. Start up your daughter with a paed/gynaecologist that will teach her the basics she needs to know.
    Yes you can teach her but you're not a doctor. Your job is to give added sex ed., Close monitoring and guidance. Please don't let your fears be obvious to your daughter otherwise it may rub off on her negatively and she may suffer low self esteem

  25. Madam nothing is wrong with your daughter na, why are you worried as if something bad is happening to her?
    The only thing I heard one time is that girls who start developing early sometimes hit menopause earlier.
    But nothing to worry madam, educate your daughter, teach her good hygiene and how to take care of herself, teach her sex education, very important, make her become your best friend.
    My nephew is 10yrs old and he is also developing fast, the kind questions he asked his mom and me ehh we will just tell him the one we know and ask him to discuss it with his dad, and his dad always put him through and know those things are very normal. And also tell him whatever experience he has he must tell dad and Mon.
    The boy is excited about the whole growth 🤣😂

  26. Their is nothing to be worried about, just guide her and be watchful.

  27. Your daughter is fine. She is an early bloomer. My daughter started before her 11th birthday. But the good thing is that I already taught her about puberty and menstruation before her first period. I taught her personal hygiene and also observe her closely. I gave her a small notebook to keep track of her cycle. We also discussed sex and boys matter. She will be 13 soon and no cause for alarm. Get the book "Everywoman". We do moral education using the Bible as the standard. Congratulations to your girl for attaining this milestone.

  28. Calm down, nothing to worry about.
    My friend started at 9 she has rapid growth too.

  29. I started at 10,I'm intelligent, beautiful, very focused, and rich, so calm down and teach her sex education Ma.

    1. Baby! Why do i love this comment???????????

    2. Na the rich enter your eye abi?? Close am😂😂

    3. @ anon 17:34, baby bawo😂😂😂. Thanks for making me laugh.

      Poster, your girl is very fine. Just be her friend and teach her more about her body changes.

  30. I started seeing my menses at 10 as well. I went to boarding school and I wasn't the only one. It's not too early in my opinion

  31. Nothing wrong with her. I started very late anyways, after WAEC, I was 15yo.

  32. There is no cause for alarm madam. I started wearing brassiere at the age of 7, and started seeing my menstruation at age 8. My mother thought I had some cancerous growth and took me to the hospital. I was used as case study that day, it was mortifying!!. However, the CMD of the Teaching hospital we went to reassured my mom that it’s just rapid growth. Now I’m 24, average height with perky boobs. I advise you do your part by adequately educating your daughter about hygiene and puberty, she’ll grow into her body.

  33. There's nothing to worry about, I started seeing my period at 11, ensure you put her through sex education.

  34. My second daughter started at 9+. She’s 17 now. All is well. She never had any issues.

  35. Thank you all my blog family. I sent in the chronicle. Your words are sooooo encouraging. May God help me to do the best I can. God bless you all. I really appreciate.🙏

    1. May God help and guide you aright. Make her your friend

  36. My mum started her period at 9. I started mine at 10. Developed really early as well. Har Breast in primary school. But nothing is wrong with me now. I've blended equally with my mates. Same with my mum. No cause for alarm ma

  37. Check if someone is asexually molesting here. Some of those kids that grow breast very early were sexualy molested. Check if someone touches her when she's asleep. Monitor closely because she may not be aware. Same happened to my niece. She was being molested by my cousin... People do unimaginable things so trust no one

  38. My daughter just clocked 6, but her breast is coming up really fast, it has popped out like a teenagers own is to continue to talk to her about her private parts and that no one should touch them except me or her, then keep praying that God will make her invisible to peadophiles.

  39. Your daughter is very normal, I started early too. Just make sure you teach her the right things to know and the consequences of not listening. Buy are books that talks about this ( there are interesting ones for teenagers & pre teens). Never make her feel uncomfortable about her body, my mum made this mistake, she thought she was doing it to protecting me from being wayward, she ended up raising an insecure girl, who thought there was something wrong with bigger bust and is curver than all her siblings.
    I talked to her about it recently, she apologized and said she didn't want me to be taken advantage of as a teenager but to bust your mind I was abused twice and she I couldn't trust her to tell anything cause I didn't want her to blame me. At 14, I started educating myself. It took me till I was 25 to believe having big boobs& bigger bum, darker skin than my mum& siblings doesn't make
    you less beautiful/healthy


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