Stella Dimoko Nigeria's President Elect Tinubu Among TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People Of 2023


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Friday, April 14, 2023

Nigeria's President Elect Tinubu Among TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People Of 2023

Nigeria’s President-elect, Bola Tinubu, has been listed in TIME 100 Most Influential People in the World.

TIME magazine included Tinubu in its 2023 list under leaders category.

The former Lagos governor and the United States President, Joe Biden were among the 19 leaders on the TIME 100 list.
The American news magazine described Tinubu as a longtime political power broker, who according to them, helped Nigeria to restore democracy in 1999 after fighting military rule.

Writing about Tinubu, the magazine said: “Winning an election in Africa’s most populous country is no easy feat. But Nigeria’s newly elected President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has had nearly two decades to prepare. Called Jagaban, or “leader of the warriors” by his supporters, the now 71-year-old ran in a presidential election for the first time this March.”

from Leadership


  1. For you to be "influential" in Times Magazine. A reporter from that country has to submit a name and write on that said person.

    Clearly a biased reporter from Nigeria wrote this report and Time didn't bother factcheck the lies.


    1. Just like the top 100 companies to work for lists. It’s not the employees choosing these places, it’s the same company writing a submission to the place and they get the designation.

    2. Image polishing and garnishing have start o. The eye service to get positions don start

    3. Image polishing and garnishing have start o. The eye service to get positions don start

    4. 14:08,

      You are wrong.

  2. Incredible. After all the news surrounding his former life and last election. Most influential in what pls

    1. You can be positively or negatively influential.

  3. He is very influential truly

  4. I agree with Time Magazine. Indeed Tinubu is very influential howbeit in a negative way that's why people are willing to steal ballot boxes for him, create mayhem for him and eventually die for him.

  5. Congratulations sir.. very well deserved.

  6. Lol, this same time magazine has had Adolf Hitler as their ‘Person of the year’. Yes , the same Adolf Hitler that started wold war II, burnt smaller nations for not bowing to him, killed scores of innocent women and children whose only crime were being Jews amongst other immeasurable atrocities committed upon humanity.
    So just so you know, Time magazine is what it is. 🌝

    Nümero Üno BBM

    1. Did you say scores? More like 5 million Jews! Women,men,children,babies were all murdered by Hitler and his cohorts during world war 2. Times must be a joke.

    2. But, if they had put your preferred person on the list, you would have hailed them.

  7. Hate or like him, he worked for it. Congratulations to jagaban

  8. Obidients fit get heart attack o.

    See them trying to rubbish this event but they would have celebrated to high heavens if this was Peter Obi. You would have heard such cynical comments like 'the world celebrating PO, a man Nigeria does not appreciate'.

    Chimamanda and Madam Zeks would have written articles self.

    Does anyone remember when Charly Boy brought out that fake Time Magazine with PO on the cover?
    Jealousy people!!!

  9. Obidients have been in pain since.

  10. I wish for us to return to the days when entertainment was distinguished from facts.

    I mean those days when people didn't have adhd and really researched on history, those days that emperor will rule with 'no clothes' and na the 'clowns' and jokers will provide much needed relief and humour to such VOLATILE situations, yet their jokes n clowning provided the messagre that empiror is nekkid like the day he was born!!!

    It's so sad that we just mix everything up and miss everything important!!!!

    Please, men and women of science and hard truths google and read up on hard facts, evidence including cover ups, conspiracy or not, allegedly or not. To make up your minds backed by legal evidence@!!

    God help us!!!!!

  11. For me, as a child of a famous controversial high end politician whose parent ruled over yall, I advice that the children and offspring of such despots, to get an anon handle and avatar, and truly criticise all their fathers negative doings while they were in political power, why? just because of God/ our generations unborn and be on the good side of history!!

    They/we won't loose any benefit per se, they, like me, just need to go anon and expose their fathers morally wrong doings!

    Forensic science may not or may expose few of us, but History will place us on the right side of History and the afterlife /Heaven will remember us and our generations unborn, or even our fathers, if they truly repent and retribute!!!

    Nobody remembers blood but everybody remembers names like Martin Luther King, Bob Marley and MANDELA who have unblemished records in the HISTORY OF MAN!!!

  12. I like the accomplishment of BAT in the history of democracy. He fought very well, truth be told.

    I am worried about his physical and mental agility to peoperly lead us! And no am not yoruba at all (side eyes at my tribe brother Teejay)

    I dislike how the militant side of his followers act like philistines and I pray he disowns them openly before his inauguration!!!

  13. 98% of people condemning Tinubu are Igbos. Is it that the loss of PO,an igbo man,should end Nigeria? Can't our brothers respect the Democratic principle of majority having their ways and minority their say?

    Unless there is caution on the side of these people,others are going to start exhibiting same level of disdain for them as they are doing to others

    Ndigbo needs to engage in deep introspection

  14. Looking robust and heathy in the picture


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