Stella Dimoko Sunday Morning Spontaneous Post


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sunday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #blessedday #sabbathday #holyday #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #awesomeGod

Good Morning....
It is a Blessed day a day for miracles to happen....
Please try not to use your phone in Chrich, do not chat or whatsapp..... And why not carry a real bible instead using your phone to browse Bible passages?

Catch my warm hugs and see you in the comment section...



  1. Affirm The Word With Confidence!!
    2 Timothy 1:7.


    "In our opening verse, it’s clear what God hasn’t given to us, and what He has given us: He’s not given us the spirit of fear, cowardice or timidity. Rather, He’s given us the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Every so often, declare this as the reality of your life."

    "You have an expansive understanding and brilliance of mind through the Holy Spirit. Say this often of yourself."

    "We’re creatures of faith. Eschew the language of fear and talk faith always. Talk boldly. You’re born of God, therefore, fear has no place in your life. Proclaim the Word of faith with conviction and confidence."


    I'm perceptive, astute and smart, imbued with an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I'm confident, bold and courageous; I have an exceptional intellect, marked by wit and intelligence, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Mark 11:23; Philemon 1:6; Romans 8:15

  2. Psalms 25:1-2. "Oh! Lord my God, i put my trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me."
    Heavenly father we thank you for another beautiful morning.
    As we continue to trust God daily, we will not be put to shame and our enemies will not triumph over us in Jesus name ๐Ÿ™
    Those who are waiting for our downfall, will wait in vain in Jesus name ๐Ÿ™
    There is victory ahead of us and our families in Jesus name ๐Ÿ™


    1521 Spanish conquistador Hernรกn Cortรฉs captured Tenochtitlรกn (now Mexico City) after a 93-day siege, thereby ending the Aztec empire and winning Mexico for the crown of Spain.

    1898 The U.S. Army took control of the Philippine port of Manila during the Spanish-American War.

    1899 Alfred Hitchcock, English-born American motion-picture director whose suspenseful films and television programs are critically acclaimed like Psycho, Blackmail, Dial M for Murder, The Birds & Shadow of A Doubt was born.

    1919 Famed racehorse Man o' War suffered the only defeat of his career.

    1926 Cuban political leader Fidel Castro, who transformed his country into the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere, was born.

    1967 The crime drama Bonnie and Clyde, starring Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway as the outlaw couple, opened in New York City, and it pioneered a new era of filmmaking, tearing down barriers in the depiction of violence and sexuality.

    2004 The Games of the XXVIII Olympiad opened in Athens, which had hosted the first modern Summer Games in 1896.

    2004 American cooking expert Julia Child—who brought the art of French cooking to a vast number of Americans through her books and, especially, her programs on public television, where she became known for her humour and hearty voice—died at age 91.

    2012 American writer and magazine editor Helen Gurley Brown—whose upbeat, stylish publications, beginning in the mid-20th century, emphasized sexual and career independence and adventure for a large audience of young women—died at age 90.

    ~~ Culled from Britannica

  4. Good morning great people. This is a day dedicated to worship the monarch of the universe.
    It's all about Jesus

    1. Can someone actually believe in God and not Jesus? Are there people like that? I have a reason for asking.

  5. In the presence of God there is fullness of joy...
    Happy Sunday to everyone ๐Ÿ’•

    1. Happy Sunday, beautiful ๐Ÿ˜˜

    2. At His right hand are pleasures for evermore๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ

  6. Good morning BVs
    I wish us all a day filled with God’s miracles and wonders ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

    1. Wish you same, anon,๐Ÿ˜˜

  7. Dowry or Bride Price?

    Last year, I travelled to my hometown, Utobiam (Essien Udim) in Akwa Ibom State, for a traditional wedding.

    Innocent the bridegroom, a distant cousin of mine, had told me he'd like us to arrive early on D-Day.

    "That would enable us to pay the dowry and tidy up some traditional marriage rites." He stated.

    I said to him:

    "It's not your job to pay a dowry. That's done by your bride, not you".

    "What do you mean?" He asked.

    I explained.

    Dowry refers to the money (and other traditional requirements) which a woman's family gives to the man that she marries.

    In other words, dowry is paid by the woman and her parents to the bridegroom (the man) and his parents.

    Read that๐Ÿ‘† again and look up the word, dowry, in the dictionary.

    Dowry differs from bride price.

    Bride price refers to the money or property given by the groom or his family to the bride's parents. It's also called bride wealth.

    This means that the bride price is paid by the man to the parents of his bride whereas dowry is paid by the bride (and her parents) to the bridegroom (the man).

    Innocent said, "That's interesting! But that's not what we were taught in school."

    "Believe ME. There were lots of Grammar Lies Your Teachers Told You!" I said and gave him a wide toothy smile. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿคฃ
    Got any value reading this?

    I'm rooting for you! ๐Ÿ’ช

    1. I know this long ago.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Thanks for sharing Vicky. I love what you're doing. At this point I think I want to apply for the position of the class captain.

    2. Stella it is true. Dowry and bride price is not the same thing.✌️

    3. Lemme goan show this man. Somebody I paid his full dowry will be misbehaving ๐Ÿ˜

    4. I knew this long ago*

      I kukuma know you sneak in to read replies๐Ÿ™„

  8. Good morning to y'all on this space.
    Happy Sunday to you too.

    Word Of The Day

    Abhor- (v) find repugnant.

    I abhor/loathe that man.
    She abhors cats.


    Its synonyms are abominate and loathe.


    1. You are welcome @Stellzy
      Others should get in here and be truthful too

    2. Vincent ehn
      You will still use big English to define the small word๐Ÿ˜‚
      Shey repugnant nor hard pass abhor? We don kuku learn 2 words. Thanks Vince ๐Ÿคค

    3. Lol @Fidel
      All join abeg
      Abhor can also be taken to mean something unacceptable or to hate something as it's deemed morally wrong
      It's simply to hate or find something unacceptable
      Abhorrent-Unacceptable or repugnant

  9. Good morning beautiful family, please don't miss church for anything. All we owe

  10. Just because you did something wrong in the past doesn't mean you can't advocate against it now. Don't let people use your past to invalidate your current mindset.

    Happy Sunday Guys!!!!

  11. Thank you Lord for this beautiful Sunday. Thank you for covering me with Thy feathers always.
    I am blessed. ๐Ÿ™

  12. Good morning everyone.
    Happy Sunday People.

  13. Reno Omokri points out Russia's hypocrisy

    Why will Russia be warning Nigeria and ECOWAS about intervening in Niger? Did we interfere when Russia invaded Ukraine? Did we poke our noses when Putin invaded Crimea? What is Russia's business with West Africa? Did Putin not panic when Wagner and Yevgeny Prigozhin attempted a coup against him? Did he not appeal to the Belarusian President to intervene to save him? Did he not try to rally the Russian people to defend their 'democracy' such as it is? So, if a coup in Russia is not welcome, why should a coup in Niger be welcome? Was Nigerien the President, Mohamed Bazoum, not democratically elected? Honestly, African leaders tolerate too much interference! This is not a Western or Russian issue. Mind your businesses and leave the ECOWAS to mind theirs.


    Reno Omokri encourages made-in-Nigeria once more

    Stop Using MTN, Use Glo. Stop Driving Toyota, Drive Innoson. Let's Grow The Naira Together!


    1. Glo data too cost nah, mtn is cheaper

    2. That's the problem @Stella.
      I think he should tell them to improve on their data too.
      I have a glo sim card but seldom use it cause their data isn't it for me.
      Not enough and costly too.



    We worked hard, took many bullets & took great risks to put this Government in place & we not only have a big stake in it but we must also ensure that it succeeds.

    Apart from our unalloyed loyalty & unflinching support & our commitment to assist him in weathering every storm & stabilising the country there is only one thing we owe the President & that is to always tell him the plain truth.

    Today that truth is that the pending attack on Niger Republic is unpopular at home &, if unleashed, would be a monumental error.

    If ECOWAS must go into Niger in the name of wanting to restore constitutional order so be it but let them do so without any Nigerian troops.

    Let the French & their Franco-phone allies in our sub-region, with American intelligence & logistical support, do the job on their own & leave us out of it.

    It is only if our nation is attacked or our sovereignty violated that we should get into the fray.

    Outside of that & until then we should use only diplomatic means to setttle the issue & not allow ourselves to be drawn into an unecessary & bloody regional war the end of which no-one knows.

    To the Ivory Coast's President Alhassan Outarra, who has said that this is not a Nigeria versus Niger conflict but rather an ECOWAS versus Niger one, I respectfully ask the following questions: who will contribute 90% of the troops & foot almost all the bills of this force? Is it not Nigeria?

    Whose military hardware & assets will be deployed, mobilised & utilised more than any other? Is it not Nigeria?

    Who shares her Northern border with Niger & whose northern civilian population are bound to suffer the most hardship, the greatest degree of collateral damage, the highest number of casualties & accommodate the highest number of displaced people & refugees? Is it not Nigeria?

    We have trod this path before & we know where it ends. We cannot be fooled again.

    If any force is deployed & Nigeria opts to participate we will pay more than all the other ECOWAS nations put together in the loss of civilian & military lives & in blood & treasure.

    Apart from that the ECOWAS force & their military capability is nothing without Nigerian troops.

    To say that this would be an ECOWAS versus Niger war as opposed to a de facto Nigeria versus Niger one is misleading & disingenuous.

    Such a war would be fought, prosecuted & won by primarily Nigerian forces even though there may be a sprinkling of a few others just for show & for the record.

    All the sophistry, propaganda and delusion in the world cannot change that.

    If & when the whole thing goes down & we get involved militarily, you can bet your bottom dollar that it won't just be a Nigeria versus Niger war but it would also end up being a Nigeria versus Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso & Wagner one.

    Worse still involvement in such a military conflict may tear our country apart along ethnic, regional & religious lines. This must be avoided at all costs.

    To add to this complex mix the wife of Gen. Abdourahman Tiani, the head of the military junta in Niger, is actually a Nigerian from Kangiwa in Kebbi state whilst his Emir, the Emir of Dosso in Niger, owes allegience & pays homage to the Emir of Argungu in Nigeria!

    That is how connected our two countries are.

    The truth is that there is hardly any family in the core north that does not have relatives from & in Niger.

    Can they be expected to sit by idly & applaud us whilst we kill their brothers & sisters across the border for no just cause even when our nation has not been attacked & our territorial integrity has not been violated? Methinks not!

    As I wrote elsewhere, outside of any diplomatic initiatives, let the French clean up their own self-inflicted mess & fight for their hegemonist & parasitic neo-colonial interests & uranium supplies in Niger & let us stay out of our beleaguered neighbour's internal affairs.


    1. ... On a final note permit me to share the following exchange.

      On hearing of my stiff opposition to deploying our troops into Niger my dear friend Umaru Farouk offered the following rationalisation to me.

      He wrote, "the decision to place the troops on standby force is to force the junta to comply with the charter of demands from the regional and other international institutions via diplomatic channels. Also to actionably deploy the troops in case of any future coup attempt anywhere in the territory of ECOWAS".

      My response to him was as follows.

      "You and I know that this threat of the use of force will not work and that it will not result in their stepping down.

      It will rather harden their hearts and eventually lead to a military conflict.

      You do not place your armed forces on alert unless you intend to deploy. It is only a question of time.

      Methinks that it is a very bad step, it is ill-timed and it is ill-advised.

      It is bad for our country, bad for our people and bad for our Government.

      Finally as regards your suggestion that the force can be used and deployed in case of any future coup anywhere in ECOWAS I ask, why should Nigeria be the policeman of the West African sub-region?

      Why should we be used to protect oftentimes corrupt, dictatorial and illegitimate civilian sit-tight rulers and puppet regimes in other parts of West Africa?

      Out of all the leaders in the15 countries that make up the ECOWAS sub-region I can only vouch for the legitimacy, integrity and democratic credentials of the Presidents of Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Senegal, Sierra Leonne and Liberia.

      I cannot vouch for ANY of the others and I have little respect for them.

      In any case don't we have enough problems of our own?

      Let others deal with their internal issues and let us deal with ours.

      Nigerian blood must never be spilt or shed for the sake of some of these Frano-phone rulers who have sold their souls to the devil and their people to France and who have been turned into errand boys abd grovelling slaves by their former colonial masters.

      For example is it President Paul Biya of the Cameroons, who has been in power in that country for the last 41 years, that our soldiers should protect and die for?

      Is it President Faure Eyadema of Togo who, in classic North Korean-style, is operating and nurturing a system of dynastic rule in his nation and who, between him and his late father Gnassibe Eyadema, have ruled their country for the past 61 years?

      Is it President Alhassan Outarra of La Cote D'Ivoure who is prepared to do ANYTHING for the French, who suppresses and persecutes his opponents and who had his predecessor in office President Laurant Gbabo bundled off to the International Court at the Hague at the behest of their former colonial masters simply because he dared to question the legitimacy and sought to break the yoke of French domination and bondage and restore the self-respect and dignity of his people by coming up with the noble and patriotic concept of "Ivoritie" (meaning "Ivorians first").

      If anyone really wants to know what the French do to their Franco-phone subjects through the auspices of their pliant and servile local "democratically-elected" African leaders they should listen to the explosive and utterly outstanding speech, delivered just over a year ago, by the beautiful, passionate and fiery Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, who lambasted President Emmanuel Macron of France and the French people for enslaving, persecuting and cruelly exploiting the people of Africa.

      Are these the sort of leaders we should protect and vouch for and are we supposed to send our soldiers to die in order to perpetuate French hegemony in these nation's? Surely not!

      Unless our country is attacked I do not see any sense in using our military for anything outside our shores other than for peace-keeping".

      May God open our eyes and guide our leaders before it is too late.



    3. Lol @Stella
      You just said the same thing that tweeps on his page were saying
      He's actually a funny character

    4. As they didn't make FFK Minister, he is gradually opposing the new government.
      He made a lot of sense.


    5. How many times he wan do minister?
      What did he achieve as minister of aviation back then?
      Make e go sleep abeg

  15. Happy Sunday to u all, thank you Jesus for life.

  16. During the World Championships in Budapest, USA; Anita Alvarez sank to the bottom of the pool.

    Looking across the deck, then noticing she was under way too long, her coach, Andrea Fuentes immediately dove in after her fully clothed, pulling her to safety. By this time, Anita was unconscious and didn’t have the capacity to paddle or help herself in any way. If Andrea did not notice, she would have drowned. So she looked for her, quickly noticed she was under for too long, Then dove in without thinking twice.

    When you are under for too long, who are the people that will notice you’re in trouble, look for you and dive in to pull you to the surface when you lose your strength to swim? And can someone count on you to be that person that would go looking and notice when they are under for too long, diving in to support them when they are all out of fight and fuel to swim in these turbulent waters we call life?

    Think about it deeply.

    Good morning and happy Sunday to you all๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’›❤๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    If you have anyone unemployed but with a Bachelor's degree, BSC, HND, Masters, Phd. or any certificate at all in any of the following fields:-

    1. Medicine.
    2. Medical Laboratory science.
    3. Health Information Management.
    4. Nursing.
    5. Environmental Science.
    6. Public Administration.
    7. Mass Communication.
    8. Education.
    9. Pharmacy.
    10. Accounting.
    11. Electrical Engineering.
    12. Mechanical Engineering.
    13. Agricultural Engineering.
    14. Architecture.
    15. Zoology.
    16. Law.
    17. Economics.
    18. Civil Engineering.
    19. General Agriculture.
    20. Animal Science.
    21. Criminology.
    22. Commerce.
    23. Biochemistry.
    24. Fine/Applied Art.
    25. Urban & Reg. Planning.
    26. Mathematics/Statistics.
    27. Accountancy.
    28. Banking & Finance.
    29. Business Administration.
    30. Marketing.
    31. Estate Management.
    32. Accounting/Taxation.
    33. Etcetera/Etc etc.

    Please, kindly extend my Greetings ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป‍♂๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป‍♂ to them and let them know that EDUCATION ๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐ŸŽ“๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป‍๐ŸŽ“ is still the KEY๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”‘ but our LEADERS have changed the PADLOCK ๐Ÿ”’๐Ÿ”“
    .If you wanna beat me, I no dey house๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ.
    Make I go disturb another group as work no dey ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ

  18. Happy Sunday beautiful people!!❤️๐Ÿ˜Š

  19. Church today is for people that have cars ooo this rain is not stopping anytime soon,very heavy rain! Good morning and happy Sunday everyone.

  20. Bonjour Blogfam ❤️
    During end of the term party, some mothers who sat on my table gave alcohol/ some brownish mixture drink to their kids, iam talking about a three year old girl, the other one is around 2 years or more, they could have given those kids coke and malt that was served on the table.
    I was discomfited, C'est mal! don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against drinking as long as you don't get plastered or muck about, but giving it to a child was certainly out of character. We weren't served alcohol in the event hall, they actually went to buy it coupled with those brown drink shit some people drink.
    As parents, we should live an exemplary life for our kids to follow, the startling thing is that the first woman is actually a Sunday school teacher in Redeem, she told me she can't sit down even at home without taking alcohol everyday.
    No one is perfect, we are all sinners but giving children alcohol can vitiate their moral character and lead them down the bad path in my opinion.

    1. Giving alcohol to kids is very wrong, mothers from hell ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ

    2. You say what??? Alcohol for kids?? Even I frown at teenagers taking alcohol not to talk of kids. Some parents are not worthy of the kids in their care. And if we say what's our own,shebi it's his or her kids, ok nah let me remind you that those are the kids that corrupts children brought up with good manners.

      Happy Sunday madame Helen

  21. Happy Sunday everyone!

  22. Arise and shine ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’ซ✨
    Good morning beautiful people
    Happy Sunday
    Church flow

  23. Good morning SDK and BVs. Happy Sunday. ๐Ÿ™

  24. Happy Sunday everyone
    Good morning ๐Ÿ’•

  25. Orthodox churches n hymns๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

    1. I love hymns, it brings me closer to God in the spirit realm.

    2. Helen, we are on the same boat on this. I love churches that sings hymn more sef

  26. Most churches these days has turned into social gathering. May God have mercy.

    One of my neighbor who's an habitual church goer stopped going to church all of a sudden, when asked why ,he said the church refused to give him the contract he applied for and gave another member despite the fact that he's always following pastor and he even started wearing to match with his wife so the pastor will know he's responsible,he also stopped his wife from wearing trousers so the pastor will know they're godly family. I told him bro ,the pastor saw through you, that is to tell you a larger percentage of people going to church are doing notice me because of some hidden agenda,some is to get the deacon or elder title so as to be bragging with it. Anyway bro already instructed madam to dust all her trousers and start wearing it back, orisa bo o le gbemi

    1. Lol ๐Ÿคฃ going to church only because of what he will get chai!

    2. Many of us go to church for many reasons. I go to church to worship God in the midst of brethrens and also to socialize and get business connects. You know we attend weddings, naming ceremonies, Christmas carols, children's parties, etc hosted by the church and its members. You also get new customers for your business

  27. Good morning everyone ❤️
    So there's this lady i know, she got married to her sweet hart as time goes on they started having issues in their marriage beacuse her husband was cheating on her
    when she was pregnant with their second child her husband treated her so bad that she couldn't take it anymore.with anger she drank hypo with her pregnancy she was rushed to the hospital by the grace of God she and her baby was saved. Then after she gave birth she started having complications from the poisonous substance she took, unfortunately six months later been yesterday she died leaving her two little kids ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    1. Who loose? Go die because of man. ๐Ÿ™„

    2. Hey!
      God will punish that man severely for killing that woman.
      If I was her friend or relative, I would make sure I set that man up so that he goes to jail or I go spiritual on him let him suffer seriously.
      As for other women dating cheats or married to cheats, continue being with him and forming strong woman, one day one day...

  28. A married man that has a wife, everyday you are crying that another woman not your wife is not giving you attention. When the attention is not given, you cook up one negative cock and bull story about her. Are you really okay??


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