Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative - RIGHT OF REPLY


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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative - RIGHT OF REPLY


Good afternoon Stella,
I hope this meets you well. I apologise for whatever reaction this right of reply may incite, kindly allow me air my disagreement.

My attention was drawn to this publication HERE as posted on your blog last Wednesday. I could be wrong and might as well be right, I believe that the post has something to do with my person. Because the narrated episodes were too much of a coincidence with a casual associate. 
This might be long, please do bear with me and forgive my typo's.
I believe the writer wasn't sincere in her judgement. Let me start with the invite because that was the last of the episodes. I was ill, and was in the hospital for 4 days and discharged to recuperate at home. I work remotely, and hadn't checked in for 2 weeks due to being sick. 

She reached out to me in the morning of the 6th, which was on a Wednesday, the last week of my 2nd week of recuperation. To invite me "as a friend" according to her, to an "exclusive party" billed for the 16th. And I told her I would turn up except if work happens otherwise I should be available. She went ahead to explain that it's quite exclusive and arrangements are made prior, that I shouldn't let work hold me back and if it will I should let her know early. 

To which I told her that I will let her know by Monday when I report to work, other than that I am available. By afternoon of same 6th she sent the invite, which I acknowledged. On Monday I reminded her that I will let her know about "the 16th" later that night, when I get back after evaluating the work schedule I would be handed. I didn’t get the direction of work until Tuesday morning, as I was told that I would travel outside Lagos for work on Thursday, I argued that it be shifted till the next Monday that I'm not sure I am strong enough to travel. 

But was told it had been pending for a week prior and that since I am back we need to look into it ASAP. Immediately I notified her and apologised. Travelled as schedule, we interacted and I returned Monday afternoon to the glory of God.

On the issue of never seen an image of me and never met, I believe it was our personal choice, we could have requested a video call at the others acceptance if we were in anyway serious about that. But we were both playing safe. Although I have continuously told her that I do use my pictures as my dp a few times, other times it could be anything but most times it is blank.

 That it is either she hadn’t been observing it or she didn’t think it could be me. And it's not my fault, you can't dictate to an individual how they use should their platform. I even used my picture 2 days later after the last discussion on the issue. At no time did we suggest the issue of picture exchange, I needed to respect the boundaries that existed between us and not jump. 

It was apparent we were being careful. I still can't recall if she sent me her picture and I didn’t return the favour, which will be very much unlike me. Knowing her she would have brought that up. Nor did I intiate that. I don't have a personal social media handle, only work and business handles. It's my choice. And I believe there are many people like that.

I don't understand how I have become a scammer, over issues and pain I don't even know I caused or was causing. We don't even have a friendship not to talk of a relationship, yes we talked about what we want out of being friends but the same friendship we did not even develop. I am not married neither do I have any ongoing relationship I could be accused of, I have been out of that game far too long to start jumping right straight into one without having a good understanding of the character and attitude of the individual I want that with - short term relationship is not the road I want to pass into marriage.

 I think I made that clear in our crispy conversations, on how I will like to take my time. We don't even relate well most of the times, our messages are mechanized greetings. From the exchange we could see that we forced ourselves to stay in the conversation. Yes she is beautiful, and a working class. But that is not a criteria for anything meaningful, even for an association. 

We are both single parents, so it has nothing to do with her being a single mom. That is manipulative sympathy. Our communication skills have been poor, which made it difficult for us to have that connection needed to establish and consolidate friendship. We ought to have noticed and address this, but we were both comfortable playing it safe. For something to happen we must flow jointly and be in it, in this case we are terribly outside it. Most of the posts I share or make, she criticises while sounding bossy and combative in a way, that's a turn off already. I never realise there was a likeness from her towards me to the extent of me ticking most of her boxes, that was a strange read in her post. We have never had this conversations. I couldn't have become a mind reader overnight, to the extent of knowing the mind of someone I know almost next to nothing about. How am I suppose to know all these, when we are communicatively distance apart?

I don't even realise our in-frequent online interactions has this much root of anger and pain in her. Honestly we haven't particularly gone deep in conversations other than the basics, very formal majority of the times. So how did I disgrace her to the extent of being disappointed in herself. How was I acting like a prize, when I don't even have an idea that there was a prize nor what the said prize is? If at all anyone was acting the prized, it was her. How do we know how we felt, if our conversations have never crossed the line of emotional interactions, interpretations or innuendos. 

Why condemn yourself that much, on issues and things the other person is totally unaware of but which we could have talked over like adults should? Did I turn her down? Hell no, I honestly don't even know what we have. Honestly if she was a quarter as open to me as expressed in her mail, I would have understood the direction we are going. 

It was in this her mail I was able to read how she felt, and how much she rated me and all emotions she housed on herself about me. How does one deal-in on what they have absolute no knowledge about? We did talk about what we wanted in the beginning, and she made it clear she was comfortable being friends until she finds reasons to be a relationship. And at the same time, at the same will only be in q relationship with someone she's comfortable with. Ever since we never weaved any of our discussions in that circle again until July, when we again touched it. But ended up arguing over nothing concrete but our individualism. We failed to establish that we both want a relationship, because she has a disposition towards me which she can't seem to navigate past. But how do people jump into relationships when they don't have the foundation of good friendship? It might work for some but not me.

To say she regretted reaching out and that her pride was hurt, is manipulative for a crime and hurt I did know nor realise I had caused nor committed. Please life is not this difficult, we come from different backgrounds and the ways we treat, handle or process or even manage issues can't be the same. I have always pointed this out to her, whenever she starts her usual comparisons of her physical friendships to our online friendship which we both have failed to developed. Because I am wary of online association, and she is scared of individuals she doesn't know physically. 

So why are we in it and what are we doing? People who have a clear idea of what they are onto must establish a modicum of likeness in their interaction, to germinate and bridge existing differences. This also was non-existent. How do I jump into a motion I don't understand it coordinates at my age? That's a disaster in the making.

Sister,the society is literally already rigged in a mans favour, so I needed to respect your boundaries, until it becomes comfortable like you have admitted to at various times. So as not to cause you to start thinking I am entitled to whatever it is you feared losing. I wasn't raised that way, I wouldn't want any individual to disrespect my sister's boundaries too. I have always being guided by that truth, I don't have any exploitation in mind towards you. All I have ever done was wish you well. 

We both have similar understanding but can't seem to break the ice between us to be friends, we are both being careful too. All I can say is that I am sorry. Forgive me for all you wrote that I did to you or caused you, all you accused me of are things I didn’t realise I did. I am not in any way aware of them. 

Since I was directed to this post, I haven't reached out to check up on you as I often do neither have. I rated you higher than this low and you know it but never rated me in any of our exchanges nor have you ever gave an inkling to it. You just want things done and established in your way, and I want same things defined in my way. Yet you could have communicated this to me in a million other ways than bringing it here, to sound like I stole something precious from you dubiously albeit not even little.

 Inasmuch as I want a relationship that will lead to marriage, I can't jump into waters I have no clue of it composition. Good character conduct and attitude are core to my choice for associating with others, and I acknowledge to have failed you for everything you wrote as posted and you have failed me also for holding all these inside you without relating. How do you sleep with such heaviness in your heart, on someone who was naive to all these hurts they are causing you?

I am sorry for the pains our association has cause you, may God heal your brokenness in Jesus name. As you find it in your heart to forgive me.

So she did this chronicle and sent you the link anonymously? hahahahahaahhahaha
Please life goes on oh, it is not by force to do this...


  1. SHEEESH 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Women, men are not magical readers that can decipher what's in your mind. For goodness sake, speak and communicate.

  3. Pls set up a date with her and hang out na
    Not everything is who is right
    Does she like you? Yes
    Do you like her? Yes
    Has she said she likes you? Yes in her chronicle
    Have you said you like? No. You’re analyzing her approach and trying to tell us you’re not a bad guy
    My brother, forget matter. We don’t know either of you so no need to prove nothing
    Just go get the babe and envelope in a lovely hug. Start by sending her pics that she clearly wants to see but too scared to ask for some reason
    Again, I believe firmly in going with who likes you. She obviously likes you so go for it if you like her too

    1. It's not by force, he clearly doesn't like her

    2. Shooter it’s not clear to me that he doesn’t like her. Guess that’s why she’s confused too

      Poster, do you like her so far? Do you want to meet up?

    3. Trust me, he doesn't!
      It's very clear.

      You see how she was making an effort to hang out with him. Even inviting him to an outing she deemed 'exclusive'. That was supposed to be his move right there and not hers (and that was enough clue that she was slightly interested, he is a grown man and her inviting him to an exclusive party gave her away but he chose to act clueless ).

      Anyways, he was the one meant to be moving like that, inviting her and all. He didn't move at all. He seemed lackadaisical because he was not interested. Okay, he was indisposed and couldn't honour her invitation, why didn't he suggest a different meetup with her afterwards? Or he just apologised for not making it and kept quiet

      He said they were both playing safe but I doubt a woman who could invite you to an exclusive party could be termed as playing safe.

      If she didn't send her pictures or asked for his he could have taken the bull by the horn as the man and asked or sent his to her if he was interested a tiny bit.
      Instead of writing this,
      "At no time did we suggest the issue of picture exchange, I needed to respect the boundaries that existed between us and not jump".

      The only person that needed to suggest or ask for pictures was you so stop trying to act like you both needed to make a collective decision when it came to exchanging pictures by saying, "We did not suggest picture exchange".

      Besides, you went further and wrote, "Although I have continuously told her that I do use my pictures as my dp a few times, other times it could be anything but most times it is blank." That statement right there showed she might have expressed concern over not knowing what you looked like or directly asked what you looked like. Or else why tell her "continuously" and expect her to check for you on your DP when you could have sent your pictures straight to her inbox?

      The first poster should move on from him because he was never really present to start with.

    4. Did you also read that he returned Monday afternoon, who knows what might be on his mind only for the post to be shared on Wednesday. If na you, you go invite her? Some things are better talked over, before calling out. Her call out here was unnecessary when both have not talked it over.

      There was chemistry that they failed to connect. I think they created a standoffish atmosphere from the beginning reason for their cautious approach. And you wouldn't blame anyone for that, especially with people they meet online.
      The guy might just be waiting for a reassuring greenlight, not the type she showed him. We must agree that many people are like this. They are avoiding drama and this kind of call out, so would rather walk slower than they ought to be. When I reconnected unknowingly with my baby daddy here, I told the individual I liked him and would like us to meet and define what we want and how we intend to go about in person.
      This two might have worked though, if only they were very friendly with their interactions. Pride and ego doesn't get any good work done, humility does more.

    5. 15:41, he doesn't like her. Didn't you see him mentioning character and all? Didn't you see where he said she acted bossy and combative when he shared posts on his SM?
      He does not want a relationship with her but didn't want to tell her off. Some men are like that, they may even gbensh a girl they don't like and later dump her.
      Some women too would not tell a guy that they don't want him, they will collect gifts and money from him and later dump him.
      The first poster, waka abeg, he is not into you.

    6. Definition of he’s just not that into you. Madam block him and move on. You are not his spec

  4. Thank God I did not comment. After listening to both sides, block that lady immediately. I am a woman o but you see this woman here, na them. Run for your life.

  5. Pls the 2 of you go your separate ways, too much stories telling over nothing, both this response and the initial write up are awaste of ours and your time. You are both are just chasing shadows with too much effort, the life is too simple, you two are too complicated for it.

    1. lol. I really wanted to read his response, but when I saw all those words and nobody paying me to read it, I couldn't. Internet charges are too high for all that. I hope they both find their way though.

    2. As in long winded epistle with not so subtle jabs here and there.
      AFI, 'God heal your brokenness as per na you break am???
      And how are you sure she is the one who wrote that chronicle. As in you two are the only single patents who may abs are going through challenges??

    3. As in ehn. Une si longue lettre.

  6. Some other ladies will say bros reach out to her and sort things out and I say bros keep it moving. Women that think they are fine and have money listen up. He said and I quote "Good character conduct and attitude are core to my choice for association" oga hold on to this your values o. Let her getat. If you consider this kind woman eh, your pikin no go forgive u. Who cares about exclusive party. That is already a red flag. What if them kee you there harvest your organ nko? Abeg I am a woman too o. Thank God you did not go. Thank God say I no comment when she post. Lie lie geh wey wear red pant.

  7. All I saw was a love letter. I was busy saying awww while ready. Madam the food is served. Cut as much as you want.

    1. I remember your comment that day oh..
      ABI do you want me to come and copy and paste for you?🤔

      Na anons comments go full here today cos shame no go free them comment with their ID after wetin dem been don talk that day😂

    2. Love letter ke? Did we read the same chronicle?

      Guy just wants a distant relationship and be friends first but girl is already catching feelings and thought she's in a serious relationship.

      My two cent, go your separate ways!

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Dante I also remember my comment that day. I said the guy came for the event. Saw her and left maybe due to inferiority complex as the lady might be more classy than he expects.. I hardly forget my comment dear.
      I am awww because the guy has said his own side of the story and all I see are two love birds who lack good communication. 😘

    4. Zaram, you called this up there a love letter?
      Go and read it again. The guy has moved on already. He is not into her.
      Madam, if you go on with this "friendship", na premium tears dey wait for you

  8. If u don't connect with someone, let them go.. Don't keep them around for whatever reasons.. U both will be fine.

    1. Not all relationship or friendship starts with 'love at first sight '. Initially, it may look like you are not interested, until you start talking and it begins to get interesting. Don't get twisted.

    2. Not all relationship or friendship starts with 'love at first sight '. Initially, it may look like you are not interested, until you start talking and it begins to get interesting. Don't get twisted.

    3. Not all relationship or friendship starts with 'love at first sight '. Initially, it may look like you are not interested, until you start talking and it begins to get interesting. Don't get twisted.

  9. That bossy and criticism behaviour was actually the green light😂😂

    See ehn, when some girls tell you they gave a guy green light, ask them what the 'light' was actually, and be ready to be shocked..

    Some things they call green light are actually red light, but they don't want to learn..

    You can't be making me feel less, arguing, insulting, doing shakara like you are not interested and still expect me to come around for you..

    O wrong nah..

    The motto remains: No Green Light No Approach. Most guys won't approach a lady if they don't see at least 60 percent tops, that she'll accept,. Who won go dey chop rejection like say na food..

    I for like tell 2 stories of my own experiences but I no get strength..

    Respek to poster, he took part of the blame even though he wasn't really at fault, he even apologized for a wrong he didn't commit, unlike miss beautiful that refused to take any responsibility or be accountable for her actions

  10. *Side eyes at all those that called him scammer and were insulting him that day..

    Make Una go hide Una face

  11. Both can start anew. Misunderstanding, less communication, assumptions and expectations brought the gulf between them. Now explanations and apologies have been made, if still interested, it could be worked out.

    Why use your office email for private deals/runs? I understand it's your choice but stuff happens and your private life could be out there in the open.

  12. She is love but waiting for you to make the move. Reach out to her better pikin.

    Mao Akuh

  13. Connection and communication is key. Guess both are missing in this situationship

  14. She was in love with him from a distance and never in any way showed it, obviously overwhelmed by her ego. From the narrative, there has never been a relationship, just an online friendship.
    Relationships metamorphose when both meet physically. Physical meetings spark attraction.
    My advice for you both is to arrange a physical meeting and talk about your expectations.

    1. Pls if a lady invites you to something she terns exclusive, how many men don’t understand that’s a signal of interest
      Which one is she didn’t show it anyway
      Na wa oh
      This generation sef. Must they spell everything out for you

    2. No point. It's a waste of time

    3. I don't think there is any ship in this una relationship. From her chronicle, she's obviously in love with you but don't know how to pass the message (I wonder how someone will be in a relationship with someone you haven't seen even his pictures), you on the other hand is respecting boundaries the reason you are blinded to her green lights. I think both of you should let go cos there is no chemistry at all existing between both of you.

    4. Dear original lady poster get some self esteem! You have never seen what a guy looks like and you wrote a chronicle? What will you write after 5 years of marriage? A book? Please go your separate ways, there is no connection between them. The lady seems desperate for a ship but the guy does not sound like he likes her ir she meets his character spec. He assessed her “bossy” and that’s a bright red flag that there is no ship heading anywhere there. Dear young ladies, men know what they really want and go after it. In this case, the lady was daydreaming & projecting her wishful thinking. They don’t even seem like compatible people! Go and look for your missing ribs please!

  15. Go on a date with her and talk things over

  16. Where are the Bvs that called him a scam?
    This gender of mine can be so dramatic. They tell their stories to attract sympathy. Why not say it exactly the way it is? Are you scared of being condemned/rebuked for your actions? How then would you learn if you are not truthful?
    It’s like one will no longer take chronicles from females seriously anymore.
    Both of you have no business being together, you are not compatible!!!


    1. He didn’t say anything much different from what she said actually
      So I’m not seeing any lie she told

    2. "Are you scared of being condemned/rebuked for your actions? How then would you learn if you are not truthful?"

      Points well made!

  17. Ol’ Lady sounds desperate for a relationship that doesn’t have a foundation. Everyone is drooling around you cos of your beauty…. lol, when they sound very conceited like this, something’s definitely wrong. Mr. you don’t owe her any explanation.

  18. This relationship is already dead on arrival, with this much complaints over nothing, both can't even establish a simple friendship? Is it that both of you do not have anything in common to gist about, books, movies, trending stories, etc? Why even invite someone you haven't met or known well enough to an exclusive party? If I was the lady, I will be a little vulnerable if I feel all she said she felt. Ask about his fears, expectations, likes, dislikes, favourite books, favourite movies, etc. Gist plenty unless one or both are not really ready for the relationship.

    1. She invited him because he was stalling, I think. That was a wrong move because Instead of her to keep it moving while holding on to her feminity she pushed further and started operating in her masculine energy hence why she was upset because she felt he turned her down.

      Poster you are not into her and you know it else you could have invited her too before her invite came up. You would have tried to get to know her by suggesting you both meet up before she suggested you guys meet up but you weren't proactive.

      Besides if you wanted to meet her, you would have rescheduled and picked a different date to make up for the one you missed considering you missed the exclusive one. You missed it and made no arrangements for a future date. That was her cue to move on.

      Even though you wanted to be friends first, you could still meet up and take things slowly as friends at least once rather than talk for months on the phone without engaging in as little as a five-minute coffee date. When it was a relationship you seek and not pen-pals

      Why talk online for long without making an effort to meet one-on-one at least just once outside of the online confinements you found yourselves in?

      I don't know why you both decided to go the online route to meet your partner when you both know you are wary of strangers.

      I doubt you both would be a good match. May you guys think meet your kind. Good luck to you guys!

  19. Guy, just keep it moving, free that gyal.

  20. I hate forced relationship or interactions. You'll find someone that complements you. Keep it moving and don't give her a chance

  21. I enjoyed reading this
    This is why it is always good to hear the other side , half the time people would tell their stories to suit them and garner false sympathy, when it comes to issues like this one has to be very careful .
    As grown folks we should learn to be open and direct while praying for God’s guidance .
    I hope she can move on after reading this or make amends if there’s still room for that .

  22. Yadayadayada
    Oga, you are married. You just want to keep her by the side and reap benefits of friendship.

    Morgan Akachi junior meets his desperado
    Inukwa travelled out of State. Invite on 6th for an activity on 16th and you travelled just like that.

    After this your chronicle, she will make more moves on you thinking you're pure. That is why you used reverse psychology.


  23. Keep it moving, she will drain you. No one needs to be in a relationship of constant arguments and hardly in agreement. All these people that think too highly of themselves, always looking for who to frustrate. They should just stay single and leave people alone.

    1. She’s arguing because he’s not giving her the attention she wants. Women are simple beings. Give her the necessary attention she needs and she’ll submit easily and stay in her feminine side. Or better still, let her know nicely that you’re not interested. Simple. But he kept stringing her along and saying she’s combative with bad character. You think say it’s easy when she’s already interested in you! Not fair at all. My advice for her would be to move one and close this chapter completely and not complicate or break her heart further. Previous poster lady, he’s not into you at all. Not interested. Period. Time to move on. Praying you’ll find someone that appreciates you and love you for you. Continue to work on yourself and make changes if you feel that’s why men are not interested in you. No be by beautiful face alone oo. Character matters a lot. Goodluck.

  24. Who read everything? Please summarize it for me.

  25. You seem to me like a nice man. I pray you find what you wish for

    1. Nice and uptight. Guys like him won’t be emotionally available during relationship/marriage self. Lady is seeing the red flag right now so she better look for a man that’s emotionally available for her. Men like this poster are married to their job. Or simply put, he’s not interested at all.

    2. Really?😂😂

  26. You can't tell me that this man won't be a good listener when in a committed relationship. His write-up says it all. These are the kind of people I love to be friends with.

    1. He talks more than he listens
      If not, he would have HEARD all poster was telling me

    2. I'm telling you @Anon. 20:10. This one will use talk talk to drain her. People like this love the sound of their voice, nothing and no one else matters once they start chattering away. See history wey him write for relationship wey no get head or tail.
      You know 'all' these yet still full of excuses. Park one side abeg.

    3. But the lady has not really told him the things she has in mind

    4. Nah...this one will talk more. Subtly complains & stylishly insults too

  27. Better leave her she is a narcissist,looking for attention.CONGRATULATION better run for your life,she has ego and pride

    1. How 'narcissistic' take enter this situationship abeg. Nigerians will some bastardise this word.

    2. Hahahaha anon 21:38, as innnnn they don abuse that narcissistic word. 🤣🤣🤣

  28. Dear Poster,
    Please reach out and mend fence, even if means to just close up the hurt. You seem like a nice guy, so be more nicer and close rank. A hangout could work, than to just leave all these emotions on the table like an open wound.

    1. This one na chatterbox abeg. Let him run along. She no do again too.

    2. Yes, you are right. They can start up from here. At least they now know where the misconceptions came from.

    3. He has already mended fences with his reply 👆

  29. Lack of communication has ruined alot of relationship/marriages.its very important we give room for communication and be patient with one another.its well.

  30. Poster you are just a very difficult person, see all you typed o.
    Na wa. I managed to read all just so I can judge you well.
    If you are not ready for a friendship or relationship why accept to have someone around you? You simply where not ready for anything yet.
    Please you both should move on.

  31. God just allowed you to dodge a bullet. If you go back to this lady, your chronicles here would be in series.your

  32. This epistle on top of relationship matter, haba.

    * Poster do you like her?? Yes or No.

    * You haven't seen each other face to face not even picture. The day you will meet how will you know she is the one??

    * You sound so worried like you take minor thing too serious,life is not hard.

    *When you hurt someone you apologise and keep it going.

    * Just be real not just pretending.

    What will be will be with time.

  33. From the write ✍️ up,all I see is incompatibilitness, there is no chemistry at all, so why waisting so much time, end it up early and let each an every one you heal so quick and reconnect to whom God destined for.

  34. The read was a very long one
    Sister please find a place in your heart to forgive him

  35. Potential nag. This one will talk your ear off. See the way he's using words to drag simple 'im not interested'. Mr. Brokenness, I see your 'wholeness'.

    1. Don’t mind him
      You’ve not met someone you’re already calling someone’s daughter broken

  36. Again, the Bible proves its contents true.
    The first tale teller is convincing until the response is heard. Proverbs 18 v. 17

    She read as he was being called a scammer, married, etc.
    She did not write in to clarify that those were not likely to be true or her worries.

    She sent the chronicle as a call out presented as outpouring of emotions?
    It appears she knows they are both Bvs or that he would see her post.
    And she used the hands of Bvs to call him names? Mean.

  37. I suspect the man, he writes like one single Dad on Facebook who is covertly looking for a maid disguise as a 'wife'. What he described when he was making his intentions known, you will know that this one is looking for a maid for himself and two kids. No wonder his ex ran away from him, without bothering to take the children. Yet he will be the first to call women 'bitter' and 'yet to heal'.

  38. Many anons told the original poster she was desperate. I read her post again and she seems truly bossy and presumptive. Saying she is this and that and decided to date so she picked on a man and the man is supposed to jump at her? Whosoever finds a wife finds a good thing. Even if it’s the other way round the man must still do the “finding” afterwards. Her post seems “bossy” for real. That original poster needs to work on her character. Love is not a job interview and not by force. She is desperate and the guy is right to take things the way he did.


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