Stella Dimoko Lady Jailed For Helping Teen Daughter Abort Pregnancy In 3rd Trimester


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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Lady Jailed For Helping Teen Daughter Abort Pregnancy In 3rd Trimester

Oh Dear!

Jessica Burgess, a woman from the US state of Nebraska received a two-year prison sentence on Friday on the accusations of assisting her teenage daughter in obtaining abortion drugs.

Burgess and her daughter were charged with working together to end Celeste Burgess' pregnancy last year.
Jessica Burgess ordered the pills online and gave them to her daughter, who was 17 years old at the time and in the third trimester of her pregnancy, the New York Times reported, citing prosecutors.

Authorities said the Burgesses later buried the fetal remains.

In April 2022, police began investigating "concerns" that Celeste Burgess had given birth prematurely to a stillborn child, which was allegedly buried.

This July, the daughter was sentenced to 90 days in jail after she pleaded guilty to removing or concealing human skeletal remains.

The same month, Jessica Burgess pleaded guilty to violating Nebraska´s abortion law, furnishing false information to a law enforcement officer and removing or concealing human skeletal remains.
Celeste Burgess, who was released earlier this month, was in the courtroom and wiped tears from her face when her mother was sentenced on Friday, The Norfolk Daily News reported.

According to the newspaper, the judge denied a request by Jessica Burgess' lawyer to sentence her to probation, saying she had treated the fetal remains "like yesterday´s trash".

The 42-year-old mother faced five charges — including one under a 2010 law that only allows abortion up to 20 weeks after fertilisation.

Police began investigating the Burgesses before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, but their case and subsequent convictions have fanned fears of how women and anyone helping them could be prosecuted for abortions in the wake of the landmark reversal.

In August, Facebook sparked outrage by complying with the police investigation, boosting concerns that the platform will be a tool for clamping down on anyone involved in abortion procedures.

The News International


  1. Some people get mind oo. Imagine having an abortion in the third trimester. What a big risk that woman and her 17-yea-old daughter took!!!

    1. That's how they end up parading bloated bellies that refused to go down after such acts.

      17 year old with big belle? Watch it.
      Bad people.

  2. Replies
    1. I feel like crying, a baby that is kicking already. May God have mercy

  3. Chika(hello iya boys)24 September 2023 at 13:34

    🙄🙄 She will get preggy again...
    Pinkin wan the mama for allow her born .

  4. Once you have failed to get your teenage daughter to abstain and realised she is sexualy active, it's best to get them on contraceptive pills. If it fails and you leave in a pro-choice country, please get her an abortion asap in her first trimester. I have seen stubborn ones refusing to have an abortion or even mention the guy responsible and I am who do you want to see you through the pregnancy and responsibilities there after? Not me. God forbid.

    1. You're saying God forbid to the wrong thing here. What God actually forbids the most in your comment is taking your teenager to a doctor to have the baby in her womb killed. Not only are you teaching her to commit murder, you are teaching her that it's okay as well.

      All human life at any stage whatsoever - Zygote, foetus, baby, child, teenager, adult, senior - are sacred.

  5. ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️God have mercy.

  6. They killed someone,this one is no longer blood but a fully formed human being....
    God please come to the aid of this our generation

    1. Well drugs could flush it out so it wasn’t formed

    2. Anon what are you saying? 3rd trimester pregnancy is not formed???
      Enter Google and see photos and videos of babies given birth to at 24 weeks (2nd trimester) who survived and are thriving today.

    3. Anon 16:53 Are you saying that if someone should poison you to death with drugs, the person should be set free? Cos judging by your comment if drugs could kill you, you are not well formed.

    4. Anon is speaking about the morning after pill. Any teenager or woman can go get the morning after pill to prevent conception if they have had unprotected sex. I believe it works even up to 72 hours after sex. But only a young person who has been properly educated would know this. And it would have been a better solution than what occurred in the story.

  7. Parents should really create an open door mindset so their children can come to them about anything and at anytime . That this teen did not tell her mother much sooner says a lot. Growing these children in households of fear is what causes these situations. From a young person start feeling sexual urges they should feel comfortable enough to speak to a parent without fear of judgement. These children are growing up in a hyper sexual culture, that along with the normal biological procreation urges in their bodies will cause disturbances in them, they are ppl not stone. Why so many parents still feel uncomfortable discussing real life issues related to sexuality in a positive empowering way with their children boggles my mind. So many of them paint themselves as perfect, as though the only time they felt any sexual urge was on their wedding night. Mtsscchhwww

    Some children are even being molested at home and have no one to go to because they are so afraid of their parents. Stop raising these children in fear and to be afraid you!

    1. Sometimes it is not about fear, but the feeling that they have let down their parents

  8. She got only 2 years? That's too small in my opinion, she should be getting the double digits, what's the difference between what she did and intent to murder?💁‍♀️

    1. She was sentenced for other things
      Not the abortion per se

  9. Hmmm people and the type of liver they have. Abortion at 3rd trimester by a supposed grandma nawahoo


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