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Friday, November 03, 2023


There is a popular saying that a person in detention does not know the effort of those out there.

A close friend was locked up recently for an offence he alleged that he did not commit. He had been there for some days before his wife told me. 

Her excuse was that he said she should. it tell his friends, also, she thought she could handle it since she has some relatives who are well connected. She said she also told his relatives but their collective efforts did not yield results and so she decided to call his friends too. I spoke with him through his wife and promised him to do all I can to secure his release, I also told him. that I just heard of his predicament that day.

I went into action, called all the people I know in high places. I called my brother who is a top military officer too. Within two days, he was released. We didn't know exactly who effected the release.

When his wife told me, I called him to rejoice with him but what he said shocked me. Instead of him to thank me and other friends for our efforts, he told me that his wife really tried for him and that she was the one that secured his release. He went on to shower priases on her and told me that if not for her, he would rot in detention as he does not have any other person.

I was dumbfounded. I quickly ended the call. Later, when I regained the use of my mouth, I called him and told him all the strings I pulled, I also told him that other friends tried too and that his release may have come from one of us.
 I told him to call and thank everyone no matter where his release came from.

 Stella and bvs, this man cussed me out very well. He called me useless and warned me never to call him again. Then blocked me.
I'm still pained.


  1. Sorry about that. Nothing pains a benefactor more than an ungrateful heart. Blank him. Another time will come.

    1. Among the things that will be happening in the last days of this world, the Bible says that men and women would be "un-thankful". Do not be surprised when it happens to you. Sorry.

    2. Sorry poster but thank God because he just delivered you from a friendly borden.

  2. 😰
    Are you sure there is nothing else? Because I am shocked 😯

  3. Your last line left me on the floor. Bro such is life. Sorry for your experience
    The most complex B

  4. he is an ingrate.

  5. Who knows what the wife told him while in detention. I doubt if he knew it wasn't only his wife that put efforts to his release..... Till I hear from the second side of the story.

    1. Nevertheless, he should have reacted that way

    2. Which second side again. Even if they wife claimed to have done it alone.

      Your friend has told you that they all rallied for you. What is expected is a simple thank you.

      Courtesy demands that.

      It's not like you are to pay.

      Stop excusing bad behavior please.

  6. Who knows what the wife told him while in detention. I doubt if he knew it wasn't only his wife that put efforts to his release..... Till I hear from the second side of the story.

    1. No matter what his wife told him, he should be man enough to still say thank you to his friends because there will always be a tomorrow.

    2. 14:51 you are wise. He should have used his brain and thanked his friends even if his wife did not tell him anything. He is foolish

  7. Sometimes you ask yourself why help in the first place. Thank God for using you to release him. He's just being ungrateful

  8. So sorry about your friend's actions, some people are very ungrateful.

  9. This is serious

  10. I guess his wife didn't tell him about all his friends effort, else I don't think that he would have reacted that way. The fault is from his wife. Only she knows what she told him about how his release came through.

    1. Even if his wife did not tell him, he is an adult and should have used his brain and be wise. He should have just thanked them, it costs him nothing. He is a foolish man.

  11. Ha,I have never heard this kind of thing before especially from someone who got released from detention.

    The guy is an ingrate.

  12. If I were you I would make out time to go to the police station to enquire on whom the release came from .

    This man should not be unfortunate again o because the next time will be very bad

    1. The release may even have been from a phone call. There are powerful people in this country

  13. I understand your feeling but let him be. Another day go come. His wife too should have told him of the efforts of his friends too sha

  14. You should have just left the matter rest. Not that you were certain that it was your efforts that secured his release. The important thing was that he is out. It appeared you were trying to get some credit.

    Look at it from the bright side. He will never call or ask you for anything again.

  15. His wife is not a nice person..
    Block him back and move on too, I so much dislike ungrateful people!

  16. Some people are just ungrateful. Just face your front poster.

  17. Such an ungrateful human being.

  18. 😂😂 sorry I had to laugh at your last paragraph.
    The man might be reacting based on what the wife told him. What an ingrate.

  19. Sorry poster, don't let what he said get to you, he's an ingrate.

  20. Ungrateful couple, let your good deed judge them. Block him and move on with your life

  21. He is an ungrateful person, just free him and move on with your life.

  22. This is why some ppl make it their mission to mind their business. Next time use the standard go to phrase, “So sorry to hear, I‘ll pray for him” just actually pray and let some of these folks sort themselves out on their own.

    Folks out here acting like saying thanks cost money

  23. Some people are so ungrateful .

  24. Replies
    1. Chika (hello iya boys)3 November 2023 at 19:52

      Don't mind him
      He's an ingrates
      He never new he will need your help some day.

  25. Some people some kind attitude shaaaaa

  26. Sorry🤗🤗

  27. I feel he would come around..he's just traumatized from the whole experience

  28. No ned to insult anyone. No matter what your spouse told you or what you think happened when you were behind bars, you should be keen not to have a repeat of that experience. Thank those who cared enough even to ask after you and keep bridges up. The average adult should know this.


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