Stella Dimoko Saturday In House Gists - Worst Betrayals Ever Encountered


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Saturday, November 04, 2023

Saturday In House Gists - Worst Betrayals Ever Encountered

Betrayals can come from anyone, at anytime from anywhere....

What is the worst betrayal you ever suffered? 
what kind of betraya was it and who betrayed you?was it a friend? Arelative? A lover? A spouse´Your child? Your sibling?
Lets gist


  1. I was betrayed by someone i trusted (boyfriend)guy was planning to japa he pleaded with me to help put money in his account initially i refused, later he came to my house and swear he will never betray me and i agreed and put the money in his account after like one week guy man started acting funny.long story short,i swear to him with anger visa him no see now in the village
    Karma is really a bitch 🚢

  2. I’ve heard plenty stories about betrayal. The human capacity to cause pain to another is vast.

  3. Thinking πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”
    Be right back

    1. Stella please talk about terrible parents who use their children to beat , humiliate other other adult children

      Some stand back and watch while it happens , the evil in some families

  4. In a case where you are the last child of your parents and your elder sister and brothers haven't gotten married and there's a man coming for your hand in marriage but they all stood against it including your parents. Can that be termed as betrayal?

    1. They should allow you o

    2. Better go and do court marriage and move on with ya life.

    3. My dear do not allow your family stand in your way, marry without their consent if your heart tells you to, this is not 1950, go to court and marry. Even if marriage crashes, let it be your choice. That’s how my friend’s family tried to prevent her from getting married because her elder sister was unmarried. Luckily she fought her way and did. The so called elder sister at 60 is still unmarried. Everyone’s destiny is different, do not throw away your destiny for someone else.

    4. First check well well say the man be am. If the man no be, it is not betrayal. If the man be, then it is more than betrayal.

      I be male.

    5. 15:25 thank you
      So they have not married no mean ssy make dem allow you follow wowo

    6. Why did they refuse? If it's because of the man's character or reputation, you better listen to your family. Don't go and have 6 kids with an irresponsible man and then expect your family to pick up your bills.

    7. There's something they are seeing you have refused to see.
      Shine your eyes.
      RED FLAGS don't lie🚩
      Abi na Osu Caste System issue?
      Thread cautiously.

    8. I have had so many betrayed to by people I love and trust and don't know which to talk about; the truth is that their wickedness or betrayal always catches up with them.

  5. It was a sibling, my younger brother.

    I thought we were close and besties, I trusted him with my whole life. I always gave him a benefit of doubt and never judged him, until I've heard from him, especially if someone reports or accuses him of something.

    We got separated from each other when we lost our father but we kept in touch through phone call, messages and visits to my mother during school holidays.

    Life happened to me and I was forced to relocate home to be with my mother. First, I noticed the disrespect from my mother and any of my younger siblings who comes to visit but I'll wave it aside and just remain humble so that it will not be said that I came home to be making trouble.

    This fateful day, this my younger brother came to visit unannounced, I noticed he was looking hostile. I asked him what the issue was, he didn't say anything. I'm very observant and I read mood, my intuition already told me all is not well.

    Few days later, after doing some tedious chores, I was about retiring to bed when my mother insisted that she wanted to eat another type of food, meanwhile we have already had dinner and it was raining. This means I'll have to make fire again with woods. I was already exhausted, with fibroids and heavy bleeding. I did as she said, then she started complaining that she didn't like the taste of the food, I tried explaining that the ingredients was not complete and I used what was available, she continued shouting, I began to wonder if there was something else apart from the food, out of anger, I raised my voice at her and in a twinkle of an eye, my younger brother pounced on me, started raining blows and slaps. I was too shock to react, he continued, tore my clothes and pushed me out naked in my socked pad. My mother was suddenly quiet and she didn't intervened. I called my brother's name to remember it's me, he came out again to attack me.

    I cried that night, then he promised to be beating me everyday until I'm so frustrated that I'll take my life. True to his word, he beat me again barely two day later, this time unprovoked, out of the blues. I had this impression/intuition/Holy Spirit to go and report him to a particular family member and to do immediately. I heard very clearly, put aside shame and pride and report him, otherwise he would maim me. I did exactly that, and all hell was let loose, people flew in to warn him face to face, some even beat him up. Imagine if I'd kept quiet. When he knew that the odds were against him, he started apologising. I asked him what happened to him, what did I do to him. He said my mother has been reporting me to him and he narrated all the incidents and I was shocked. All lies. We confronted my mother, she denied everything, he was now looking like a fool. I told him that yes, I've forgiven him but I can't bring myself to look him the same way. He should have asked me first before concluding.
    As for my mother, we live like strangers, cooking separately and ignoring each other. One thing is sure, things will never remain the same.

    1. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry you went through all of that. You are still strong inspite all of it. This is so shocking.

    2. Wow,so sorry your own family could treat you this way.
      I hope you're fine now?πŸ€—

    3. Jesus Christ 😳,am so sorry u read so hurt on your behalf.may God come through for you,so you can move out of that place fast.

    4. This is so sad. Sorry poster.... πŸ«‚

    5. Oh my! Sooo sorry. πŸ€—. Your mother didn't do well. Ah ah. Your brother sef, even if your mother reported you to him, and so?? Is that why he could raise his hands to beat you, his older sister. May God uplift you, dear. πŸ™‡‍♀️

    6. So sorry about your ordeal. I can imagine the pain you went through. May God restore you and open ways for you to succeed again. Don't give up, keep pushing, the Sun shall shine again. It is well with you.

    7. Your story made me so so sad and brought tears to my eyes.
      I am so sorry about what you went through.

      May God heal you and make things beautiful soonest for you.

    8. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

    9. Don’t mind him, he is an evil person too may God keep on coming through for you.
      This life sha

    10. So Sorry poster, May the Lord send help to you in Jesus name.

    11. Kai! Sorry for what you went through

    12. Can you relocate to a different state or town? Please seek to leave if you can. Your mother does not like you, and you cannot remain in the same environment with her. If she has other children let them come and care for her, don’t not stay there and die as a pillar. Go and live your own life

    13. So sorry dear πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    14. This is heartbreaking. May you be made whole again.

    15. . I'm just speechless. Words fail me, but God please show his face on you

    16. This angered me so much. May God wipe away your tears.Domestic violence from brothers is not talked about enough. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    17. Oh no. Sorry about that.
      Involve other family members. He's humiliating you.

    18. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars4 November 2023 at 19:09

      So sorry about your Mum, and the Trauma you have had to go through.
      Forgive and move on.

    19. I wish evil and wicked brothers nothing but death. So sorry anon

    20. What if he had killed you? You are not safe in that house, you can be poisoned or killed
      Declaration of hatred and war no pass like this

      Leave there
      Never look back

    21. Kai..... This is sad, may great doors open for you.

    22. Sorry dear, if you have any aunty or close relative, go live with them for some weeks.

    23. Awwwwww πŸ€—
      You’ll be fine. I’m so sorry for all you went through. Your story will change very soon.


    24. This brought tears to my eyes. I pictured my mother setting me up to be beaten by my younger brother, it would be so heart breaking 😭.
      You are living with an enemy - your mum. Don't you have any where you can go?
      I understand that money may be the problem here and I pray that God comes through for you , opens doors for you and make you leave them for good.

    25. I pray you get a breakthrough and things turn around for the greatest so you can leave the house for her. Seems your presence is preventing her from doing somethings she was used to doing before you showed up. Keep praying and being steadfast.

  6. I have from family member but it is well

  7. Promised someone I won't hurt him, but life happened. I disappeared.

    1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
      Abi o.

      Ghosted a bloke in Eko and married somebody else,a wanna gonna returnee who's well grounded jor.
      His cousin sister is a Bv.
      Face of in house news twice sef.
      Abeg, I won't drop details,she knows natin!

  8. Met someone in March some years back and we started dating in April same year,he just told me that he wants to marry me by December same year and that we should start trying for a baby immediately so that by that December when he goes home,I will meet my people. I believed him because I thought someone of his age cannot lie(he he was 47) and his friends vouched for him that he wants to settle down desperately without knowing that he lied to them as well knowing that I will ask about him from them. Everything changed when I got pregnant by June of that same year,the funniest thing is that he has talked to my people for date of introduction and bride price and it was set without knowing that the date he picked was also the date he picked with someone else in Nigeria. He didn’t marry me,I have my baby and we co-parent together but it will never be well with him and it’s happening already but people are begging on his behalf and he is sending them but refuses to come himself and even if he does ,I can never forgive him for bringing out my legs outside for no reason other than he wants to prove to people that he can get who he wants . Posterity and karma will continue dealing with you EAO .

    1. Why would a man ask you to get pregnant before he marries you? Doesn't that tell you that he will not stick by you if you lose the baby and start ttc?

    2. 47 years old, yet still very wicked! I join with yours to say: "It will not be well with you EAO.

    3. May God comfort you please

    4. If you have done this It will not be well with you EAO.

    5. 17:02 some cultures ask for it
      Someone has asked me before. He swore we would marry after

    6. No culture specifically asks for it

      Women are ENTITLED to have standards otherwise men will mess you up

    7. 20:12 some do

    8. I've never heard of a culture in Nigeria that requires the lady to be pregnant before marital rites can be performed. Please drop the state/tribe that has this requirement.

    9. If there is a culture that asks men to ensure women get pregnant BEFORE a will marry them, it is a repressed, primitive, barbaric culture that benefits no one, not even the woman.
      Basic common sense should tell you that.
      As a woman you need to learn to chose yourself FIRST.
      These messed up practices you call your cultures were created by MEN to suit their desires.
      They were in no shape and affirm created to benefit you as a woman.
      Even an imbecile can detect this.
      My culture thus, my culture that, nothing that makes sense or us even remotely beneficial. Just primitive remote practices that are of zero value.
      Nigerian women should use their heads for something other than carrying wigs because honestly you lot behave so so so dull.

  9. One of many betrayal. I love my siblings so much bcos we suffers together while growing up with my single father. When my father died I single handed raised him . He did his O.N.D and he got a job at Abuja . Everything was ok BTW us , then I got a job too at Abuja and I left with my teenage daughter and my 8 month old child. The people that brought me lied that their is a accomodation, so their is job but not house to stay . I cried my eyes out so I called my brother and he brought us to his house ( I did inform him before I moved and he was ok with it ) problem started when my brother started dating her fiance now wife, all my secret and including my children was narrated to his wife . His wife called me and my daughter slut , ( have out when they were dating and rented my little apartment then) my brother never ask me how we were coping but he will only come when he needs money from me and I will give with my whole heart for so many years it was like that untill I was sack. He stay away from me and my kids and the insult become increase from his wife. For 8 yrs I cut them off my life and all our family intervene but I said that am done . I never want to see him again bcos he hurt me deadly. I still love him so much bcos he is my brother.

    1. I'm sorry about what you went through. The betrayal from siblings is the most painful. Put yourself first, it's not selfishness but self preservation. Focus on yourself and children, may you be made whole and prosperous again.

    2. Siblings betrayal is the worst. Pray everything moves on well with you and your kids. God please come through for us all going through one thing or The other.

    3. The betrayals from siblings are so painful eh.


    4. Your sis in-law called you and your daughter slut and you didn’t break her head?


    5. Sluttychic

      The best revenge is success not breaking of head, she isn't worth going to prison for

    6. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 chai slutty, you are a wonderful babe πŸ˜‚. I just love your energy 🀣

  10. Too bad to talk about it. the pain is still fresh like it happened yesterday. Life happened....we move.

    1. Same here but I'm at peace with myself. Moved on

    2. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars4 November 2023 at 19:14

      @ Zaram, many are thr afflictions of the righteous. May the Lord heal, may he turn around this experience for good.

  11. Take your time babe. Talking or writing about it helps with the healing. May we be made whole again.

  12. Ee were young and in love. I got addmission while he was still writing jamb. I left for school but was still in contact. Then gradually we started drifting apart. Then we lost contact.
    Then I heard he travelled out. I tried getting his contact from his sibling but the number wasn't going through.

    Just last year a foreign number called me and it happened to be me it was him and I was very happy. We started talking, he told me all that happened to me. And said he still loved me. He reignited what I felt for me.

    Then he started demanding for nudes, telling me he'll never hurt me. I mumuly sent and the communication went cold. Someone that can't go day without reaching me now stays weeks.

    I tried finding out what the problem was,but he'd say work or give one nonsense excuse. I got tired and left him alone.

    I'm angry because he toyed with my emotions. I don't know what he plans to do with my nudes. I feel like calling him and insulting him and his generation. I feel betrayed.

    1. You've already made the mistake. Please don't ever try to send your nudes to anyone again no matter how much you cherish them.

    2. I’m sorry

    3. Don't call him
      Block and delete his contact
      Move on with your life
      He go meet him own for front

    4. He probably thinks you are cheap. The issue of sending nudes has been extensively discussed, even on this blog but I don't understand why Una no day hear. Why you no ask am to send his first?

    5. 6:45 leave them. Let them do as they want.

  13. My best friend batrayed me Stella.
    She's been the lucky one meeting guys that spoil her silly with money. Mine were always the baby you're sweet thank you boyfriend.

    Then I met Steve,rich and a spender. I fecdeci to use kayamata on him so he will not leave me.

    After preparing the kayamata chicken, I called my bf and he promised to come. He was supposed to eat the chicke but he never came. Infact he disappeared from my life.

    I believe my best friend told him something because she was the only one that knows about the chicken.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I'm sorry I laughed, but do you really think that kayamata chicken works... Well, you've learnt your lessons. Never disclose anything about your relationship to anyone not even so-called besties.

    2. Thank God she told him

    3. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    4. And what makes you πŸ€” that relationship built on kayamata will last.

    5. So, who now ate the kayanmata chicken? πŸ€”

    6. Hahahahahahaa... God saved Steve.

    7. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    8. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    9. Wonder working God! Thank God she told himπŸ™

    10. Lmao. His mom must be a prayer warrior. If y’all let these things flow naturally, you’ll be happier. Good for you anyway πŸ˜†


    11. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
      What did you now donto the chicken?
      My dear sis, you don't need a kayamata to keep a loyal man

  14. I betrayed my cousin,she told me something about herself and I told the mum thinking I was trying to help, but she never forgive me and it always hurt me till date, it stained our relationship till now

    1. Maybe in future she will appreciate what you did

    2. Next time when someone comes to share something, just tell them you cannot keep a secret and not to share anything with you

  15. It hurts when you look back and see who the betrayer is. Surly ,it must be someone close to you.

  16. I betrayed my kid sister, she was 9yrs when our mum died, I practically raised her from then till university level.

    I had accommodation issues and had to relocate to my immediate younger sis house ( she's married) both her and her husband aren't around.

    As I was there the small came visiting, I then started noticing odd behavior, smoking, friends etc

    If I cook is for both of us, if she cooks it's only for her, my sister will hide her food... 😳😳

    One day I tried talking to her and my sister told me I dey person house wey don marry, I should go marry my own.

    Called me I get am before. When last did I give her money.

    1. I was betrayed by my kid sister**

    2. Sorry about that....... Many things we have to endure, May your laughter never end.

  17. This small sister, there's no body I'm dating that doesn't know her. Like they see her as my daughter.

    Na she use her mouth ask me who is so so that's always sending her money, I should give her his number to thank him.
    That relationship no work, so now, I be I get am before.

    Thank God I still dey market, imagine if I don old come see her true color.

    1. Pls forgive her and take good care of yourself. God will do it for you. From now on, think of yourself first before others, invest, save and do things for yourself.
      Most importantly, don't ever give your benefactor's number to either friends or family to greet,never! Trust no one. Your sister may have said some had things about you to the man that made the relationship not to work.

  18. Those that experience betrayal most are good hearts with good intentions. When you think all smile is genuine ,till you hear who is behind the act. Like I said, it's always someone close to you.

    Team loyalty raise your hands up ....###... Are you???

    1. πŸ–πŸΏπŸ–πŸΏ


    2. Have learnt my lesson in full. Thank God for putting me in situations that opened my eyes, both family and friends. It is well.

  19. Those that experience betrayal most are good hearts with good intentions. When you think all smile is genuine ,till you hear who is behind the act. Like I said, it's always someone close to you.

    Team loyalty raise your hands up ....###... Are you???

  20. Yes I raise my hands am loyal to core but what I gain is betrayal. Stella thanks for this blog bcos it is my only therapy. O Lord do not let my enemies laugh over me and my children. Thanks everyone I will be okay.

  21. I betrayed a friend, I told someone about her secret and odd things she does, The person went and told her everything, And I am the only one that knows, I apologize to her but the relationship was gone, she asked me to leave her house, The one person became her bestie unto say, she no dey gossip and always truthful, but I know wetin she said for her back.
    Hope she forgives me some day cuz I'm really sorry. it's started as a talk from the other girl and that's how the gist started.
    Sha I blocked the other girl may I have peace of mind.

  22. Too many to count. Been housing and helping someone everything she asks. Suddenly she tried to talk me into parting ways with a close friend. When she saw that wasn't working, I noticed she started getting close to the person she always told me was no good. Only for that one to call me one day that this lady has been telling him terrible stuff about me. Of course she never mentioned how hard she tried to cut him off and failed. The guy begged me not to act differently nor tell her he told me all she said.
    I couldn't help it. I've changed. Refused all her recent attempts to to stay at kine

  23. I've really been betrayed by a lots of people sha which has really affected me negatively ranging from family and friends.
    One of this experience made me have serious trust issues with people around me.
    There's this friend I had then that connected me with her colleague at work, I was very much single then, they were kinda close thou, but majorly on work related terms. The colleague wasn't in a relationship so my so-called friend suggested she has a friend who is single so she thought we could be a good match, that was where the whole thing started.
    It was more of like a blind date,.
    So after knowing each other on phone, we started dating and we decided to pick a date to meet and know each other more so I visited him, the guy is actually a nice guy thou but I discover is manhood wasn't friendly at all, like it was very small and he cums easily before even doing the do, at that point I felt very discouraged. Meanwhile we didn't go intimate because he was against us having sex before marriage.
    He was really impressed with me when he first saw me for the first time, he was like "I've found a wife", me on the other hand was discouraged because of his penis.
    When I was about going back, I told my friend that this guy is actually a nice guy and I don't want to hurt him but it's better I end the relationship between us before it's get serious. So she asked me what happened I said I can't really say it the way it is but I'll look for ways to just end things between us, but my friend insisted I tell her the reason why I don't want the guy. So I decided to open up to her after much plead.
    After narrating everything to her, she was like, at least mine is better compare to her own condition, so I'm like pls explain better what you meant by that. She said her boyfriend has low sperm count, really.... But she still believes that he would get better someday. At that point I became numb, but I told her that her case is totally different from mine because hers Can be worked upon but mine is totally different. She was like it's actually a good reason because if she was in my shoes she would do same. And that was the end of discussion.
    So we all planned the excuse to come up with that would be convincing enough because he is a very emotional person. So we thought of Genotype as escape route for me to japa.
    So we decided we tell him when I've gotten home only for my friend to call him and explained everything about his penis and how I plan to run, omo I really felt betrayed and I felt bad for him as well because how will he be comfortable at work talking to his colleagues because that issue will definitely gets to the ears of everyone in that work place because that girl na antena she be.
    The man called me and was thanking me for letting the whole world know his size of dick, omo I was pained and embarrassed at the same time, I was dumfounded as well. Omo that' was the end of my friendship with her and that of her colleague.

  24. When people betral you, don't fret about it. Aren't you a human being that can make mistake? don't dwell in your failures, just give them a tight hug and thank them..

    Licious babe.

  25. Husband jailed for drugs in Europe. Babe was stranded. She cried to me and lent her N500k to start a biz to support her and her young children to pay back in 6 months. Na fight and insult I take collect my money after 5 years. Karma go visit her


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