Stella Dimoko Actress Laide Bakare Advises Women To Cheat Back On Their Cheating Partners Instead Of Dumping Them


Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Actress Laide Bakare Advises Women To Cheat Back On Their Cheating Partners Instead Of Dumping Them

Yoruba Nollywood Actress Laide Bakare has advised women not to dump their cheating partners but instead they should cheat back.

The actress highlighted very strongly on the fact that all men cheat and suggested that women should cheat back in a mature way rather than breaking up the relationship.  

In her words:
"All men cheat...100... all men cheat,is there a man that doesn't cheat?"
Replying to the question of what women should do in such situations
she said:
"I will say don't pack out but you can cheat but you have to do it with all level of maturity".

Laide Bakare in an interview with Oyinmomo TV-


  1. Maturity and cheating in the same sentence? Orisirisi
    Let the people that can't think positively for themselves take the yeye advise.

  2. Women una don hear am? Them say make una cheat back ooo but stay put for the marriage. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    If them catch you, then you're on your own whether you cheat maturely or not.

    See eehn, cheating is very bad in an affair and to some it's a deal breaker. Some can cope while some can't. Everyone should just do what works for them but what I strongly hate or dislike is, a married woman leaving her marriage cos of cheating and then ending up with a married man as a sidechic. The same thing she ran away from and condemned.

    © TEEJAY

    1. What will you say about the man she is cheating with?

  3. You cheat with maturity. 🀣. Just when you manage to think someone has tintini sense, boom, they open their mouth and spill nonsense.

  4. WINNER, YES I AM!31 January 2024 at 16:19

    In sometimes to come, some women will overcome some men in this game called cheating. Some men caused this.Do me I do you, God no go vex!!!

    1. Overcome us in paying for your tfare, overcome us in paying for dates, valentine is at the corner, overcome us with more valuable gifts,.

      ABI your do me I do you no reach that side..

      Una no dey shame

    2. I really wonder the kind of women you have been meeting Dante. You mean they can't afford tfare? Maybe you attract broke girls naturally .

    3. 🫣😁😁

  5. Maturity with cheating that means the woman cannot do it with her full chest. What you cannot do freely just forget about it. You cannot steal what you own, in this case do not take what she said serious.

  6. Maturity with cheating that means the woman cannot do it with her full chest. What you cannot do freely just forget about it. You cannot steal what you own, in this case do not take what she said serious.

  7. Like I said earlier,cheating is not gender based,it's lack of discipline and commitment.

  8. Shameless women..
    That's the only competition you'll see them..
    When he buys you iPhone 13, you won't buy back, he buys you car, you won't buy back, he goes extra mile to make you happy, you won't do back..

    But it's cheating we'll see your talent..

    If he puts hand in fire, will you also put yours?


  9. 😯 Who is this one again?
    Most of these celebrities with their senseless advice all for trending sake.

    Euphemia u

    1. Broke man goan make money..

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£
      Doh @ Anonymous 19:08

      Euphemia u

  10. Who cheats with maturity? Obviously a lowlife. The moment you're not proud of what you're doing, then you shouldn't doing it.

    Adviser isonu πŸ™„πŸ˜πŸ™„

  11. Cheat with maturity? As in how

    1. Says the woman who divorced and married another and is now engaged to another.
      Why did she pack out.
      Some people just open their mouth wahhhhh and say nonsense, then you wonder if they actually have sense before and after speaking.
      They can never advise young women to strive to be better but everything is man man man and nothing else.

  12. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£
    My evil mind likes this method.. Because u can't leave and then be a side chic to another married man, so two can play the game.

  13. By their fruits you shall know them πŸ™„
    Thought she was planning another wedding

  14. Cheating can never be a flex for both genders,so I understand don't understand this do me I do pattern...most men cheat, but that shouldn't make the woman should cheat back, if cheating is a deal breaker for you,why not take a walk instead of stooping low to that level of shameful act

  15. Another example of a bittered woman!
    Where did she get her data that all husbands cheat? We are living in a generation when women are more unhappy than ever despite being more successful than ever. Unfortunately, they see men/husbands as the sources of their unhappiness. Some wives believe that cheating on their husbands will bring them more happiness.
    A woman was cheating on her husband with me, her reasons were the husband was violent and didn't care about her wellbeing etc. S*x with me was great. Eventually she left her marriage of about 15 years leaving her kids behind, she manipulated her ways to make me a husband figure in her life, quite successfully though because I became addicted to her and I tried my best to give her a comfortable life. At a point, she became sad and very moody, always unhappy, and before I knew it, she started cheating!!! I sharply rewrote the equation and turned her back to an object to satisfy my urge when there is no other option available, max of 20k for a weekend.
    Nowadays in our society, lot of things have changed and we aren't going to be able to put the toothpaste back in the tube no matter how much we try.

  16. Some so called Nigeria celebrities ehn, na so so air full their head

  17. My jaw is still on the floor. Someone please help me pick it up.

  18. Not all men cheat , and those that cheat had mental problem. So I will not behave like some one that had mental health. It means that bcos my husband cheats those mean that I will do the same. I havei to set a good example for my kids but rather I will love myself more and surrounded myself with happy people.

  19. Everyone don dey crase for this world

  20. She dey cheat wella

  21. Cheating as a retaliation will not solve anything, lets apply wisdom & be guided.

  22. take and apply such manner of counsel at your own risk.


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