Stella Dimoko Saturday In House Gists - When The Past Comes Back To Haunt You In A Realtionship /Marriage


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Saturday, January 13, 2024

Saturday In House Gists - When The Past Comes Back To Haunt You In A Realtionship /Marriage

 When the past comes calling in a relationship or Marriage, it does so in a gentle way even though it may not be in a good way but when the past come haunting, its brutal and may swallow everything in its walk...

Were you married and the past scattered the marriage when it came back to haunt you or your spouse? or was it a relationship it scattered?

A female BV lost her marriage when the past came haunting because of the horrible lies she and her ex told each other......Lies that could not be forgiven when it came out..

I heard someone lost his marriage when his first son whom he said is his Newphew went to his wife to reveal the truth and in the process, it was discovered the wife also had a hidden child abroad........

What serects came back to haunt and scattered`? Or were the issues reseolved?

Lets gist!!!!


  1. Someone I knew lied to her fiance, that the daughter she had while in secondary school,is her moms last child i.e her younger sister. The resemblance was just undeniable.

    On her introduction day,thats how her frienemy informed her baby daddy and he came with the intention to scatter things.The fiance said he knew all along as the frienemy told him too but the love he has for her won't stop him.She apologized to his family and they proceeded to live and have more kids.

    1. The guy really loves her. Not every man will still go ahead with the marriage.

    2. Chai! See real love nah but that lie is too much, I wonder how people feel when they deny their own flesh and blood in the name of i must marry😏

    3. Why will the baby daddy come to disrupt the wedding?

    4. Hmmm, see love ooo

    5. Baby daddy is an animal

  2. People should try to forgive these secrets sometimes
    The person was already tortured enough for the years they were scared to tell you
    It doesn’t make him or her a bad person per de
    If they always treated you well, then forgive and move on together
    I know people that did that and all continued well. It’s not easy but very possible

    1. You are right but trying to hide your past from your husband to be or wife to be is the most dangerous and you will regret not saying it

    2. I can forgive everything except lying. I don't care what you did, including murder, just don't lie.

  3. My friend got married as a virgin. Met his wife who also lied she was a virgin because according to her she did not want to lose him.

    On the wedding night, the secret was exposed. He said at that point he lost the trust, love and respect he had for her. He planned to file for a divorce but pleadings were all over the place coming from all angles.

    He opened up that he has lost interest and doesn't want her anymore but the more he voiced his displeasure the more the pleading increased.

    So he went ahead with the marriage but his heart was not in it so he treated her really badly. Whenever she cried and complained about his unloving and nonchalant ways in the marriage, he told her she was free to go.

    I saw another side of him, I never knew existed despite being friends for many years. He was kind, gentle and has a high moral standard but he became ruthless. After some years with the involvement of both families he eventually forgave her but I doubt the lie was worth the years of torture she went through in his hands.

    Words on Marble.

    1. I don’t like this kind

    2. Some people prefer you tell them you're an ahewo rather than lying about being a virgin. She suffered for her lies, but thank God she was eventually forgiven.

    3. Why lie that u are a virgin without a backup plan?
      My friend had a reconstruction surgery and got some blood to disguise.. 😂😂😹 they are living happily ever

    4. Virginity lie is the cheapest scam,to what end exactly

    5. You are right, Morayo. Some people deal-breaker is lies.

      Mrs, Sharon😄
      Well, unlike some men who are not virgin but demands to marry one, maybe in his case, God still deemed it necessary that he deserved to know the truth considering he was a virgin also, remember? So God clouded her senses even though God still wanted him to have her as his wife.

      Words on Marble.

    6. Well he would habe forgiven her na if he really loved her

  4. I hope this is not off topic.
    In my 3rd year at UNN, there was this guy I knew (in the biblical sense). I wasn't really into him.
    Then I met a new guy, we fell hard for each other and started going steady.
    One night, I was outside my hostel talking to the one I had a fling with, he was holding my hand begging me profusely to get back when I saw my love walking towards us. I removed my hand from this guy's grip, he turned to see what got me distracted.
    To this day, I'd never forget the hurt in my bobo's eyes when he looked at me before walking away briskly. I was still thinking of going after him when my fling asked me "Do you know my brother?"
    Your brother?
    Turned out the one I loved was his older brother.
    It was a WTF situation.
    My love never spoke to me again. He avoided me wherever he saw me. I cried bitterly cos he was a real one.

    1. Oh boy eh this would have been a very tough situation which kind life be this imagine getting married to either of them .

    2. Wow wow wow!

    3. Damn babe!! 😆

    4. Castle nwa mama, this your narrative is truly a 'WTF situation'. Painful you lost the one you genuinely loved and wanted.

    5. This happened for real?😫😫


    6. But u didn't lie naw..
      Or did u date him for sometime before u met the one u loved?
      Come and finish this story oh

    7. Thank God nothing happened between you and the first guy ...
      You for fuck two brothers, Jeez!!!
      Awww but from your write up i could see your love for the second guy!! Kpele shiit happens mhen

    8. She didn't indicate whether something happened or not @starr
      Let me re-read again

    9. When I said knew, it's biblical for slept / fucked.

    10. How sad but didn't the conversation ever come up if he had a brother in that school?

    11. Omo! That was how two siblings were asking me out and I didn't know. I met the first one on instagram and the other physically. What saved me was that I wasn't really into anyone and I never gave them a chance cos they were desperately asking to see me.

      How I found out was when both of them posted two guys on whatsapp, wishing them a happy birthday. One was their friend, the other was their last born. I deleted their contacts asap.

    12. Ouch! I didn't expect that ending😩
      Oh well... It wasn't meant to be.

    13. I knew he had 3 brothers and all in that town, they were staff kids. But the possibility... they didn't even look alike!

  5. Let the past remain there Biko........

    1. The past cannot remain past as regards marriage. You think when you marry only the present person . You marry both the past present and the future othat person . So the pàst

    2. This is why the past cannot be let in the past. when you marry anyone you are marrying all part of them which includes there past.This is the reason you see paternity fraud happening because of "forget the past mentality" which has made many out there victims of there own kindness

  6. Here to read comments as I have none

  7. Me I no get secret o..
    The only lie I will tell my current bf that will make him leave after we are married is if he I cheated during our dating stage and he found out about it while married. That guy too get pride and hates lies

    1. Same here, I have no secret. When I'm in for serious matter I'm being real , take it or Leave it. Your choice.

    2. Too much pride is a red flag

  8. Dangerous lie or secret you know while courting it will later reveal itself when you get married, why hiding it ?? Be honesty ,love is unconditional and who loves you for real will stay.

  9. There is this lady in my street that sells fruits..the lady have 2children from her previous marriage which she did not tell her now sunday that we were all relaxing outside to collect better fresh Air,this boy like 17years of age just came from no where and started creating film for everyone to watch..that was when he exposed her and her new husband was there that day..he told everyone that cares to listen on how she abandoned them,that he collected her address to was hell that day shame finish the man that day..

    1. How can she abandon her children?

    2. Me deny pikin wey i born for this life because of man??



    3. Anon she abandoned them cause if you hear what that boy said that day you will pity him and his sister..

  10. Interesting topic and comments 🤔

  11. Some like us don't have these garbage of issues because we gave our life to Christ earlier and we walk with me for ever

    1. Holy, holy, holy

    2. He that thinketh he standeth… let him take heed lest he falls

  12. My own is in the present, I could be a father of twins while on an outpost construction work in Abiriba. Don't know how to manage the situation the woman in question already had two kids a girl and a boy .lied to me and refused using condoms or contraceptive. The twins should be one year old by Jan. 20, 2024. She stops picking or calling me after delivery, I decided to block and delete her number so as to avoid calling her.
    My contact just told me recently that one of the twins that he was able to see resembles me. I think he is just playing sha. Until I see picture evidence. I am AA so my gene is strong.

    1. Try to find out for your peace of mind.

    2. Go and look after your family in Abriba.

  13. Denying the existence of your child/ren to me is one of the gravest sins in my books. I don’t have any respect for anyone who denies their child because they want to pretend they are something else.

  14. Nobody enjoys anything toxic ,why some quickly move on from toxic relationship. What they hold on to is what makes them happy. What joy do you drive from being toxic or toxic drama??? You can do better .

  15. I divorce the father of my 3 kids bcos he dislike my oldest son( the reason was his father was not a responsible mam) later in years I regrets my actions. That my son never cares about me. I sacrificed my happiness bcos I want them to be together. The man was a good man to the cure, is a long story.

    1. No good man would love you, and not like your child. Your child is an extension of you. How is it the poor boy's fault that his father is irresponsible? Forget him! Why didn't he make an effort with your child. I can never sacrifice my child's happiness for any man.

    2. Someone who knew you had a young child before meeting you and yet dislikes the innocent child is not a good man to the core, no matter how badly behaved your grown child is now.

      From your write up, it seems the current economic challenges are making you look in the rearview mirror with rose coloured glasses. You owe your children certain things whether or not they reciprocate you care for them.

      May God meet you at your point of need and also give your son wisdom.

  16. The man definitely sees he misbehaves and you mothers don't want to hear that now he's doing that to you. Can you women trust men who are good to you first before acting?


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