Stella Dimoko Nigerian Man Alleges Paternity Fraud Does Not Exist In Igbo Culture...


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Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Nigerian Man Alleges Paternity Fraud Does Not Exist In Igbo Culture...

 OH WOW!!!...The Igbo culture accepts paternity fraud? Can some that is Igbo tell us how true this is after reading this post?


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah very true.
      I'm an IGBO and can tell you that even if you separate from your husband and still have child/Ren out side, they are all his, provided his bride price is not returned, the woman still remains his wife!

  2. Stella,

    But I said it yesterday morning on spontaneous post on the review of the Afamefuna movie.

    In Igbo tradition, it's true that a husband owns the child the wife conceived and gave birth to provided she's still under his roof. Court no dey judge that one. In fact, them go even arrest you for mentioning that you slept with another man's wife. I knew about that long ago.

    Still, it doesn't seem right to me or justify fraud and adultery.

    Even any child a single mom has before marrying, becomes the man's own provided the child is still with the mother during marriage and hasn't unite with the biological father. This is why they will tell a man marrying a single woman in my place that you're marrying her and the daughter as your own..

    © TEEJAY

    1. In my place, the child belongs to the lady's father once no bride price is paid. In recent times, the biological father will be be recognized as the child's father if he comes and marries the lady by paying her bride price after the birth but in the olden days, once it's not paid before she gives birth, na her papa get the pikin.

  3. Which kain yeye talk be this one? I believe he posted this just to trend. Which man, regardless of tribe, would be happy to know that his wife pinned another man's child on him?

    1. What he posted is the truth.

    2. Only a SIMP would 🤣😂


    3. I don't think you are considering the fact that when these customs were created, they were meant to protect men's honor. Some Nigerian cultures have systems in place that enable men who can't impregnate their wives to become fathers. This example here supports that and honesty is expected. It also protected single mothers and unwed girls who were impregnated and abandoned. My place in Benue has the same custom. I think a few places in Rivers too, and you pay bride price for the children of a single mother. Sometimes, it can be evil, and people can take advantage of what was meant for good. A man paid bride price for a girl who didn't like him. She ran away with the person she loved and had 5 children for him. Years later, they were found and the woman and children were taken to the man who paid. They even bore his name. Their father committed suicide as a result. I thought that was unfair but my mum said it was tradition and honor at stake. 🤷

    4. She gave a different version. Calm down.

      If a 16year old girl gets pregnant, a 50 year old man appears on the scene to marry her by paying bride price et all, the child belongs to the 50year old even if the lover boy who was 25 at the time she got pregnant surfaces 10 years old.
      He's lost the claim.

      Pay bride price. Child is yours.

    5. Pay bride price the child is yours .some of the reasons many siblings are married with out knowing they are blood related selfish tradition.

  4. In the olden days, there was nothing like paternity fraud in my place. Even old men that can no longer impregnate women but childless marry young women to bear children for them; it is still in operation till date. However, there are some names that a man will name his child, people will know that the wife went outside especially when it is just a wayward woman but to reject a child from a wife you paid bride price for...fafafa foul! Also, if you did not pay bride price; you cannot claim any child!! You know there was polygamy then and also a woman that her husband was not satisfying, goes outside; my people no get time for smesme then o. But right now, I do not think a man will be comfortable and at peace knowing that his wife is spreading legs outside when he is still capable!

  5. Lol..

    See how the werey dey talk am as if the culture supports adultery and paternity fraud,. She's trying to act slick with words,.

    That law is only applicable when the man accepts the child or when after the man has invested in the child, the other man now comes and wants to claim him, in these cases, the child is seen as the man's,.unless he doesn't want the child..

    Now, let's talk about the wife that brought the bastard child into the family..

    Ask yourself if that woman would still be married to that man, ask yourself how she'll be mocked and disgraced, ask yourself how embarrassed her family would be and how people would begin to avoid marrying from her family because they don't want to marry hoelosho..

    Now ask yourself again if it's true that paternity fraud is nothing in Igbo land..

    You better not let one air head slay queen go out you for trouble

    1. Dante you're right. You can't intentionally commit adultery and expect your husband to accept the child because he's 'Igbo'. It can only be acceptable if the man gives his consent, which happens when he's impotent or when he agrees to marry you with your child, etc.

    2. In my own family when my grandpa died my grandma went outside and got pregnant for someone else and these kids are still regarded as family they all bear the same surname and from the same family. So the writer is correct

    3. Anon15:41. Did the woman deceive anyone? In this case, the man’s family even pleads with her to do that to preserve the family name. This is not fraud ones some people in the family supports her to do so.

  6. It is true but latter in future becomes an issues especially if the child is male. It is well jare make person no use him hand carry problem way pass am

  7. I don't believe this, it is pure cruise to me. You mean the lgbo culture don't recognize the sancity of marriage🙆

    Licious babe

  8. Not from Igbo Land.

    But it is a basic principle of evidence law that every child born in course of a marriage between a man and a woman and within some months after the man's death, is fathered by the man.

    The presumption is, however, rebuttable.

    Secondly, under native law and custom in most southern parts of Nigeria, every child born by a woman married or accepted as a concubine by a man is the man's child once he acknowledges the child as his. Again, this is subject to continued acceptance. Please remember that Chief M. A. trained many children as his but insisted on DNA test for most by his Will.

    Let's us forget about "Male and brothers permitted surrogacy". It is almost as old as mankind. That is not paternity fraud. What a man knows and accept or closed his eyes to or even permit ahead or in course of is not fraud.

    Male and female surrogate arrangements is not new. An older friend told me he was raised by his barren step mother. Immediately after he was weaned, he was handed over to his mother senior co-wife (his step mother). He didn't know until at much older age. Brothers were also arranged to impregnate the wives of siblings. These arrangements also had their own problems as with all human arrangements.

    Paternity "fraud" is pure deception. The key word is FRAUD.

    Why the sudden fight back to normalise and rationalise it for those who don't accept it as some don't accept adultery? Only men sleeping with married women are likely to vanguard paternity fraud as okay or normal practice under one custom or another.

  9. In my place he who pays bride price owns the child

    1. Do we still call it fraud? Since he knows about the existence of the child and what he is getting into. I believe that is not fraud but known customs that you can agree or disagree to embark on.

  10. "He who pays the bride price owns the child is not paternity fraud". The bride price payer knows the child is not biologically his, but become his child by native law and custom. That's akin to modern day adoption under statutory laws.

    Knowledge of the non-biological paternity and acceptance of the child negative fraud. If the man turns around to deny paternity, he is likely to be sanctioned by the community because he knew he wasn't from the outset

    Paternity fraud occurs when a woman alone or with her boyfriend or co-adulterer deliberately deceive a man (another boyfriend or her husband) that the man is the biological father of the child in the woman's womb or a child the woman has given birth to.

    Deception and lack of free will consent is the key element in fraud. That's why the women involved in it fear DNA testing. And in some cases allege that the accusing man or their husbands gave CONSENT for the women to go sleep outside to be impregnated for diverse reasons.

  11. It is part of there custom. Na who paid dowry na him get pikin. You can whole heartedly bear your mama maiden name

  12. If a woman have extra marital affairs? The child is still the property of the husband . As long as he is not complaining.


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