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Tuesday, May 07, 2024



I salute you all...
Hmmmmm i don see say una wan start.....
You can iron things out without taking it South,I hate fights that use dirty words, you can emulate Jeweluchi chocolatenoir and use words that will make us go to the dictionary and learn new words for our vocab and not ''thunder faya you, your mama, your papa, your crayfish for soup....''..........I can never forget the shock of reading Jeweluchi chocolatenoir fight with oyibo workds that looked sweet until you looked them up.....Who can remember the words?Please repost for laughsake.
I am at peace...ARE YOU?
Have a nice day, let me run to do the Z thing...hehehehehehehehehhehe

Kritika come on here!!
Simple Divine e don happen!!!......There is wahala in the Jalal household and Joda is still there shining teeth like horse wey brush teeth....
It really made me sad to see Princes salim and murad fight....Power is really toxic oh, see how they both changed...
Sherrifhuddins father wants to posion Joda, it is today i will know whether he succeeded, he is supporting the King of iran against King Jalal and he said he wants to revenge his sons death..Old fawul.
Anakali has told salim to forget about her that a dancer and a cortisan are not the same thing and that though she never wanted to be a courtisan, she is now one and cannot change it.....sebi cortisan nah ahewo...she gbensh anybody? abi i no understand the word?
Roshni and siddart are still there with that DDs ex husband ish, even sam and yash have come out into the issue, nah there we still dey,i am irritated with the scenes, of siddart doing mumu with those his wild legs like who carry heavy gbola...hisssssssWetin the Roshni do to her eyeslashes sef? all of them always stand at attention and its natural, even when she cry it standing, like say she use starch hold today i will know somethings....
Karan and britta dem are still in that warehouse where schristi was kidnapped to, infact all have them have been tied up by the kidnapper becos of Richard and his i too know moves... dem dey even beg to increase the
Mehek don foloajay go house becos of house pepper..these pple think they can reduce my IQ, see Shoria mama wey dey do big chic suddenly begin behave like werey agbero,the way they shift from poor to rich and rich to poor is too fake....everywhere dirty and you be rich man.....Their lifesytle is too dirty i swear!!
Misha has also arrived to do major damamge according to you.......I cant wait for her to scatter kritika and her mama.
Some people wan use cunny join our zeeone movement, i see dem yesterday...hehehehehehehehehehe
Fidel you and your geneg dey play!..knock and krity will open!



As a young teen ,I used to tell anyone who cared to listen that when I grow up, I would have four biological children and adopt eleven more to make the total number of children I have fifteen. I was so big on adoption and couldn’t understand why rich people didn’t adopt a lot of kids.
I had this plan of building a big house with 30 rooms, and buying space buses as our mode of transport. I would spend most of my day escaping into this imaginary world of my large family.
I told a few friends, and they laughed at my idea . My plans were ridiculous. Imagine a twelve year old telling people I would be adopting my first baby at eighteen because I was so sure that was what I wanted, and i thought nothing could stop me.
I am an adult now, and I start to laugh when I remember the heated arguments i had in the past about it. Now I don’t want four children. I can hardly keep my head above water with the three I have. Also, I will cry and faint at the thought of having eleven more under the same roof.
Do I still want to adopt eleven children , yes and more but this time around the plan is too adopt or own an orphanage, provide for the children with a team of professionals that are skilled to handle them.
Raising kids is a lot of hard work.

You are talking about a small one...I wanted to have triplet 8 times, I dreamed of having kids that would be look alikes......I dreamt of all boys household and a huge house...That dream evaporated when i expereinced the first labour pain....
Motherhood drains emotionally and physically, unless you are very rich and decide to use nannys and only see them in the morning and at night.......Which is a very bad thing to do!
Who else has that dream?



''Please my people if you want to get a househelp, please make enquiry very well. Something happened here yesterday. This woman brought a help to stay with her and assist her in her shop. A girl is about 15yrs.She got her from all these villages around.She came in January. 
So yesterday, the woman went to her shop and told the girl to come after she finished her chores. After some hrs,her neighbor called her to tell her she saw the girl leaving with a big bag. The woman hurriedly drove back home. Someone told her he saw the girl taking a bike. 
The woman now traced this girl and saw her in the park, she had boarded a vehicle. When the woman saw her, she told her to come down so they can go back home. The girl started crying and shouting that she doesn't know the woman,that the woman wants to kidnap her .Before you know it, agberos descended on this woman and started beating her. Kai the woman collect o. 
She was just begging the girl to say the truth, this girl insisted that she doesn't know her. Luckily two policemen came and the agberos were telling them to go that they'll carry out jungle justice on the woman. 
This woman was begging the policemen to arrest her and take her to the station. 
The police were able to rescue her and decided to take her to the station. The stupid and wicked girl refused to go with them. She was bundled inside the car. They destroyed this woman car. It was at the station that the girl later confessed that she knows the woman. 
When they opened the bag she was carrying, they saw jewelries, clothes and bundle of money she took from the woman's house. 
Right not w the woman is at the hospital. May God help us.''

WOW... the woman was so lucky!!!


There’s a man, in his early 40s, let’s call him Chijioke, for the sake of this writeup. Chijioke is an uneducated man who is into “container” business, import, export and many legitimate business enterprises. He inherited a huge business empire from his father and he successfully even took it to far greater heights.

Chijioke met a young fine fair skinned gorgeous lady and got romantically attracted to her. Let’s call the lady Amaka, for the sake of this writeup.

Amaka is a well educated, classy, beautiful lady who has just recently finished from university when she met Chijioke. She had just gone through a rough breakup with her ex-boyfriend, a few weeks before meeting Chijioke. 

For the sake of the story, let’s call her ex boyfriend Nnamdi. Amaka considered her ex-boyfriend Nnamdi the true love of her life. However as the relationship failed, she moved on with her life- or so it seemed. And then came along Chijioke.
Within a few weeks of expensive dates, luxury shopping and quality time together; Amaka and Chijioke started dating. Chijioke is what you will call an “Agba Baller”, an “Odogwu”, a true rich money-spending big boy in every meaning of the term.
In no time, she got pregnant - and they decided to formalise the relationship. They had a traditional marriage and within a year, they had a pretty baby girl child. Let’s call the child Ijeoma.
After about 3years, Amaka told Chijioke her husband that she would like to go for masters in the UK. Chijioke fully paid for her masters (about £15,000), he paid 11 months rent (about £13,000), and he set aside £5,000 monthly which he sent to her for her upkeep. He bought her a car as soon as she landed in uk and all she had to do was take the UK driver’s license exams and she started driving.

So while other students were hustling for 20 hours work in warehouses and shopping malls, Amaka was living a super comfortable life. All Chijioke wanted was for his wife to focus on her masters and not be distracted or bothered by any stress. Amaka and Chijioke also agreed that Ijeoma will stay with Chijioke in Lagos while Amaka was doing masters and once the masters was over, Amaka will be back home in Lagos.

As the masters was rounding up, and with the situation and state of Nigeria getting worse, Amaka explained to Chijioke that she feels it would be better if they all relocate to UK as a family.
Chijioke was fine with this but he felt it may be difficult for him to fully relocate as all his business is completely domiciled in Nigeria. So they reached a compromise- Amaka and Ijeoma will relocate to UK first fully, then Chijioke will be visiting from time to time while trying to figure out if there’s a way for him to also fully join them. This sounded like a good plan.

Amaka started sending Chijioke some paperwork for him to sign regarding “consent for school” for Ijeoma when Ijeoma comes to uk. She also sent him some more paperwork and documents - many which were voluminous- but he mostly signed a lot of them without reading much details. 

I mean why would your wife of four years (currently in uk studying masters sponsored by you), why would she send you documents to sign regarding your child and you will be suspicious? Right?
Well, wrong. How very wrong.
This will turn out to be the biggest mistake of his life…. 
So everything was sorted and the only thing left was for Chijioke to come to uk with Ijeoma to meet Amaka- for them to start the planning of their new lives together as a family going forward.

Eventually Chijioke came with Ijeoma and handed her over to her mom. Everything was fine until about 2weeks after, and then Ijeoma with tears in her eyes said “Chijioke I have something to tell you which is eating me up and killing me inside”. He asked her what it was and then she dropped the bombshell on him. 
“I never loved you. I tried to love you but I could never love you. I have never gotten over my ex, Nnamdi. I’m sorry it took me so long to say this”.

He was totally dumbfounded.
There was no response to this sort of bombshell.
Amaka went ahead and said “I also need to tell you that the paperwork and documents you signed for Ijeoma was the formal transfer of full parental responsibility of Ijeoma to Nnamdi who has now officially adopted her and will henceforth be her father. I am really sorry”.

At this point, Chijioke wished for the ground to open up and swallow him alive. He felt he was in a movie at this point and hoped the director will simply scream “cut” to end this horror he is in. But alas, this is real. This is his life being shattered right before his eyes.
Chijioke stood up, carried his box, called his friend on phone who lived in a nearby city and in tears begged him to let him just come over to clear his head. Let’s call Chijiokes friend Chibuzor for the sake of this story.

After a few days, Amaka was able to locate where he went and she came to see him. Chibuzor confronted her and she confirmed in tears to him that it’s all true.
She said “I never loved Chijioke but now my guilt is eating me up so I had to open up to him and say the truth. I wish Chijioke well because he has never hurt me and he didn’t deserve any of this. I never got over my ex and unfortunately I’m going back to Nnamdi as he’s the only one who truly gives me joy”.

Amaka confirms as her uk student visa was expiring in 2023, she has already secured a work visa and it does not have Chijioke on it as dependant, because she feels she needs to move on with her life and she hopes he will do the same.
“Did Chijioke beat you?”
“Did Chijioke assault you?”
“Did Chijioke treat you badly?”
“Did Chijioke cheat on you?”
Chibuzor asked Amaka out of a total confusion as to why she acted this way.
Amaka said Chijioke never beat her, never cheated on her and never treated her badly. “Chijioke is a good man but I’m just not the one for him” she said in tears. She says she feels suicidal continuing in the marriage as the guilt will make her kill herself if Chijioke doesn’t let her go. Amaka stated her mental health is in severe jeopardy if she doesn’t walk away from Chijioke.

Chijioke was sad, lost and confused at all of this. None of it made any sense. He’s lost his wife, he’s lost his child, he’s lost his marriage, he’s lost everything.
He asked her:
“Am I the father of Ijeoma?” “Does the child belong to me or to Nnamdi?”
Amaka looked at him, thought about the question, said nothing and walked out. That was the last time he ever heard from her.
Amaka is back with Nnamdi and with Ijeoma also living with them.
Today Chijioke is back to Lagos. He went back sometime last month trying to pick up the shattered pieces left of his life. 
This is a true life story that happened. 
Till now, I honestly remain in a total awe when I think about this entire story''



-Witzelsucht is a mental disorder that causes the sufferer to compulsively make inappropriate puns or jokes and tell pointless stories.
-We tend to prefer the original version of a song because we heard it first, not necessarily because it's better.
-Anhedonia is the word for that feeling when you cannot find joy in the things that usually bring you joy.
-The cells in your body react to everything that your mind says. Negativity brings down your immune system.
-Sometimes you have to do what's best for you and your life, not what's best for everybody else.
-The phrase, "Happy wife, happy life," is scientifically proven; husbands who have happy wives are more satisfied with their lives.

from weirdfacts



  1. Crusher abi na weytin una dey call am..?

    I Jam girl wey I don dey toast for months inside restaurant today unplanned , then we had eye contact and waved each others for the first time, them don eat finish now, she and six (6) of her other friends.

    I wanted to be a gent... I tell them to leave, bills on me, then we exchanged numbers with a peck.
    I later found out that their bill na #18,500, just for ordinary rice six plates.
    How much be local rice for kura for kano state??
    I dey unbutton my coat like this cause I'm sweating already.

    Make nobody disturb me right now ooo.. I dey where I dey blow big big grammar inside manager's office. Me wey eat food of #900, is mumu abi? Henceforth i no go look any girl again even if you greet me, I no go answer
    I DEY VEX like this.

    1. Murife don't run😂😂😂😂

    2. Paprika eeh🤣🤣😂😂. I like that murife don't run, don't run.

      Jerry, abeg pay, na man you be joor..

    3. 🤣😂😂🤣😃😃🤣

    4. I served in Kura, Kano State. And yes they have very sweet Rice 😁😂. Chai Jerry, sorry you hear🤣🤣

    5. Lol..
      18,500 or 180,500 for 6 plates of rice?

      I know it's a joke but even that price is not feasible for 6 plates in a restaurant,. One plate alone done almost collect that 18,500 finish nah

    6. Chika(hello iya boys)7 May 2024 at 18:43

      Man Of The Year🤣🤣🤣😛😛
      In House News Welcome Jare
      Where all the News Re Portable💋💋

  2. Good afternoon one family.
    ManChester United, if una never give me heart attack, una mind no go touch ground. Mtchewww.
    Have a nice day ahead guys One Love.

    1. Holla darling 🩵🩵 how's your day going? So you are still putting your heart in trouble over Man UTD match? You no like yourself be that now,just remove mind abeg

  3. We're all living by His Grace and nothing more.

    Baba na only you fit run am as e dey be.

    Thank you for your guidance and protection from Port Harcourt to Anambra

    Umudioka and Ifitedunu be nice to me🙏

    © TEEJAY

  4. Good afternoon beautiful people 💜.
    I pray that nothing shall steal our joy. From Glory to glory in Jesus name amen 🙏.

  5. Good Afternoon besties,please I need an advice.. I lost my father recently and I want to take over his business but I need ideas to grow the business.. I really want to grow the business,expand it and take it to the next level..

    My dad was into plumbing materials before he died..The market is competitive and dominated by men but i am not scared.I really want to make my dad proud and I am a female by the way.

    1. So sorry for your loss.
      Educate your selve on YouTube,
      Look for a good friend your dad is close to in the business and learn from him.
      also make enquiry outside the market of another plumbing base market, look for a good dealer to teach youmake sure someone recommend s him)give it 3months and come out ready and determined.
      Don't run that business without learning the ropes, you will regret it

    2. Online is the key and edge over your competitors! Open an Instagram page then start creating engaging content, show when customers come to your shop( with their consent) show your challenges, packing orders and so on before you know it you’ll have created another revenue source!

    3. Relax. You have made him proud by continuing with the business.

      My advice is use 3 - 6 months to understand the rudiments of the business; check the account/sales books, hold meetings with his suppliers and vendors. Discuss with his business partners. Also review the existing contracts.

      Be observant: gentle as a dove and wise as a serpent.

      Don't entertain fear or intimidation. Observe your competitors and make sure your customer service is top notch. Being female gives you a leverage. Check which business processes in the business to stop, start and continue.

      If you have friends who are street and business smart, draw them close.

      All the best

    4. Wow! I love your idea

    5. Just make sure your sales reps won't take advantage of your nativism in the businesses to steal from you. Shine your eyes because if they do to you what's in their mind your business will slowly die without you knowing that they were secretly taking some goods and money. Also,make sure you have a very good knowledge of how your dad has been buying the goods from the producers. Don't leave the dealings for your sales reps and the producers to do.

    6. As a literate person, use the net to study more on the business. you will see new areas to adapt to your local setting.
      Humble yourself before his boys to learn the practical sides.
      Areas you can easily improve on are the service delivery - courteous service, quick service and deliveries, stocking of few quality products for discerning clients, seeking out of bulk buyers who pay on time, etc.
      Again, if you have not being in the business, be ready to learn where and how to buy cheap, well, good, quality, etc. and know the difference in each grade of the same product.

      Be ready to be on ground until you master the secrets of the business.

      Best Wishes.

      Mr. Mann

    7. Anon,phoenix,paparika,slim shaddy and Mr Mann thanks guys

    8. Plumbing materials is a lucrative business. In order to succeed in that business, you need to learn some basic things in toiletries,pipping etc.

      Give your TIME TIME...You need someone to mentor you. You need to know the following;
      *Names of the toiletrie, e.g, bend, union, palm connector, air valve, etc and their sizes.

      Move close to selfless plumbers and distributors

      YouTube will also help u better

    9. Look for a good person to mentor you for 2 to 3 months and you are good to go..

      My condolences to your family.

    10. Mc pinky and Stella Maris thanks

    11. Lovely. Your dad will be so proud. You can do it.

  6. Good afternoon house..

  7. Motherhood poster, I also decided in my mind that I would love to adopt a kid or two after Xp shared her adoption story. I was really passionate about this and discussed it with my husband before marriage and he was on board.

    But these kids have shown us shege so tey, that passion is turning into another thing. I dare not even mention it to my husband sef because of the bad eyes he will give me.

    Somewhere somewhere inside me, this passion is still there. Hopefully, when our kids are a lot more grown than this, I will revisit the issue with my husband and maybe, just maybe, he will sign off on it.

    1. Not one dot of passion to adopt, to have another child, to anything more children! Abeg!
      All my own now is how they can just grow small, let me get my life back on track. See me about to cut my very long and full hair because the stress of kids is too much. Abeg abeg abeg

  8. 😂😂😂😂, Stella your memo up there is kmwl.
    Good afternoon guys!!!
    I think I need to go on a journey of learning new words🤔🤔

  9. Things are happening o. Househelp from the pit of hell. Thank God for saving the madam.

  10. For those of y’all that can’t drive, when you are learning, please tell your instructor to teach you inner street driving, once you can do that, you can drive anywhere on the road! But I think some people never learnt that part, cuz what in the hell is this rubbish some Lasgidi drivers do?! 😭

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    1. Kelvin which one is inner street driving. Please explain

    2. Na real inner street driving..I swear, u don tey for street..

      Na the right word u use so🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. Kelvin, i totally agree with you on this. People should pay more attention to street driving.

    4. The hardest. I remember driving into a ditch when I was learning

    5. Joan Alexis: The basic thing about driving is know how to control your steering and avoid obstacles in front of you, now inner street driving teaches you that, and it also makes you know how to share the road with oncoming vehicles, if you don’t know how to share roads, then your driving will have issues, once you master the above art, you can drive anywhere, cuz straight road driving is easy peasy! The hardest part in driving? The Reverse! But once you understand it, you will be like huh? This easy thing? Hope you dig? If you don’t, holla back for more tips..

      Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

  11. What can my husband and I take to boost sperm and egg production? We are TTC.

    1. Tomorrow I will look for it and post

    2. WINNER, YES I AM!7 May 2024 at 14:46

      You shall give birth to your own children by the special grace of God.....Pls, go to the hospital for check up, I mean both you and your husband but for now watch your diet, I mean what you eat. Avoid sugars, more of veggies and fruits. God shall surprise you with twins, triplets.

      Also, go to motherless children home, just buy things from your heart for them and let them pray for you.

      Meanwhile you can also consider IVF, IUI, Surrogacy depending on your pocket with prayers to back all up.

  12. What a wicked 15 year old! Thank God for rescuing the woman. This is why jungle justice is never ok. Na wa!

  13. Good afternoon ma,
    That man na really old fowl😂
    Ruquaya will almost die because of her jealousy of Jodha, that veil sharriff's dad sent, Ruquaya will want it because to her, everything is about Jodha, it was Moti that alerted Jodha and Hamida admitted she didn't send any veil, Jalal will now follow the woman to know who sent her, he'd kill sharriff's dad. Jodha is sweet and innocent 😁.
    I won't lie, Murad annoyed me so much with his silly behavior. He will continue to taunt and harass Salim😂.

    Misha will at first be good, like she tried to separate Sid and Roshni but she later realized that they were meant for each other and that Kritika is just a spoilt brat. She played a fast one between mother and daughter and Simran really gave it to Kritika and stopped listening to her. Karan and Preeta 😂😂😂. Them go dey alright. Same with Mehek and shuarya.

    Fidel and Candy if only you both know 😁

    Make everybody enjoy...

    1. I don't want to know o, Krity baby. 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Una don make me download one Bollywood series o. Heeramandi🤦
      You people have bullied me😕

      If e no just make sense, ah!!!

    3. And yes Stella, courtesan is a prostitute that even normal man won't marry talk more of a king. I don't know if she slept with anyone. But I do wonder why her mother was in with the lifestyle.

    4. As she is a royal courtesan, Jalal can sleep with her anytime he so wishes but...

    5. Oh my! One woman down! Fidel, why?????????

    6. Fidel oh😁, I also searched for it on Netflix. This is hoping it'll be interesting you just reminded me but no time yet to watch.

    7. My goodness, Fidellllll. You fell flat. 🤣🤣🤣. I'm so gonna stand strong on this. 💪

  14. Pls, can anyone suggest good Nigerian movies on YouTube. I’m tired of my trial and error method.

    1. Uduak isong... Until you.
      Two captains.

      E fit nor make sense for your eye sha😴

    2. Thanks Fidel . Will check them out

  15. Yes, you may go through some Gethsemanes, but like Jesus, you’re going to go back to that place with great victory, great favor, great courage. The enemy doesn’t have the final say. God does. He’s ordering your steps. In those times of pressure, keep reminding yourself that it’s a setup. That suffering is a sign that a resurrection is coming. Now quit being frustrated over the disappointments, who left you, what you can’t control. Tell it to sleep on. You don’t need that for your destiny. If you'll keep doing the right thing when it’s hard, you are passing the test. God sees your faithfulness. He has angels coming to strengthen you.

    Joel Osteen

  16. Good afternoon all💕💕💕
    Been a while

  17. Kritika, I dey try read the zeeone story, but the story dey turn my eyes. You and Stella dey try gan. I thank God for deliverance.

    Motherhood poster, see me laughing at you😂😂😂 why did you change your mind? 🤣🤣 Stella 8 sets of triplets? Meaning 24 children 🥺. Me na only 3 I pray for o. And I thank God. Parenting is very tasking o .

    That last gist, me I dey fear my gender. We can be patience to carry out evil. May God help that Chijioke man.

  18. Good afternoon Beautiful People 😍
    This chijoke story is heartbreaking ☹️

  19. I watched the old rattle snake, Ahanna on you tube. Mehn that film win award back then and to think I was just 10 years then and didn't really understand the film Well.
    Pls who knows the Instagram handle of the older Ahanna?

  20. Please don't let your zeal and passion for God die.
    Read your bible
    Praise and worship God
    pray always.

    Jesus loves you

    1. Thanks for this reminder, issues of life make me forget about God's love for me sometimes

  21. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. Thank God for saving that woman's life.🙏🏿🙏🏿. I became an housewife because of househelps issues. You can't ever do enough.

  22. Good afternoon everyone
    The whole market is just quiet. Baba God na your hand we dey

  23. Please, stop leading people on when you know you don't love them! And stop allowing someone you don't love to make life investments on you.This is a sad story. I feel for Chijioke.

    1. That story up is weird. Kinda 'love scam'. Saying something to mean another. I'm feeling for that guy. The lady has used him to escape.
      Not all that say 'I love you' means it. . She has gotten all fhat she wanted and now remember her ex.

    2. Very sad and touching. For his sake I pray the same Nnamdi becomes Amaka’s nemesis. Amen 🙏

      Househelp episode, the last one employed by my sister planned her escape for January 2024. She was caught that same day. My sister walked into her bedroom just to pee. That’s her walking in on the girl. Her and her hubs boxes and wardrobe were wide open. On the bed lay the wristwatch collection, 💵 💶 and naira, carefully arranged on their bed. Girl knelt down and started begging her. She just went back to the sitting room to get her phone and make the necessary calls. Long story on the revelations we came to hear. Started from week 1.

  24. The woman and her househelp,God abeg o

  25. Thank God for saving that woman from those Agberos.

  26. Good afternoon my good people of SDK blog.
    That girl is a very wic-ked soul. How can you allow your boss to be beaten to stupor. It's quite sad.

  27. That story up there is pure wickedness. What!!!!
    Like where did she get such mind??
    As in ,she was pretending all these while that she loved him!??
    I can't imagine myself in Chijioke's shoes. All he got after all his good deed was pain.... What!!!!
    This soft heart doesn't need to be messed with. I wish we could see mind.

  28. Some of the worst people in the Bible made the most positive impact. Why? Because their story didn't end with their mistake, it finished with their comeback. You might feel like you're defeated but your story isn't over. Your victory is coming.

  29. Good afternoon everyone
    Thank God for that woman chai
    Very heartless girl
    Enjoy the rest of your day guys 😌

  30. Lols...the first time I'll see jeweluchi choc noir lose her cool was when that imp was acting stoopid here, that was April 1st. Plenty oyinbo fly that day. It's good to have people that will lose their cool once in awhile to fight for us o.

    Jeweluchi Chocolat Noir ��1 April 2024 at 16:40
    Look at this degenerate a good for nothing hoodrat with no means of livelihood. A stinking reprobate calling someone ugly have you looked at yourself in the mirror?

    1. 🤣funny funny, Game mistress thanks

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    The story is similar to what Emmanuel Eboue said. He was just playing football while his wife handled the business side of his profession. according to him, he signed papers whenever his wife told him to. in the end, he found during their divorce proceedings that he had signed off all to her.
    A lot of us have done so in favour of our banks. It is when issues arise the banks show the documents.

    Read before you sign ANY document. If you do not understand, seek professional help. If too bulky, ask for time.

  32. House maid from hell !!!
    People really need to be careful with some of these helps. I know of a fami6that changes helps like it's going out of fashion and fear no dey gree me eat there if I'm offered something to eat . Make God dey save person o.
    My goodness !! The way person dey spend money now 😭 under 2 days 5k don finishna Laidis person go take buy motor , build house . Dear God keep blessing our hustle 🙏🏻
    Motherhood Poster you try o. My own dream no pass 2.. A boy and girl 🙌🏻and I'm good.
    Xp Momma it's been a while here, trust you are good momma🙌🏻

    Pleasant Afternoon Blog famZ 😍

    1. Hello NK Nwanne madu ke way..

  33. The heat today is unbearable and I really thought it was going to rain, I pray for more sales today.

  34. Good afternoon house!
    What a wicked world, the house help is indeed heartless 😔. Lesson well learnt thanks for sharing 🙏
    Hmmm feeling for innocent Chijioke, may God heal him emotionally, mentally and physically what an irony of life.

  35. Some women.
    Hmmmm. Amaka did Chijioke big time.
    I really hope he heals and God gives him double for his trouble.
    We always focus on what men did to women.
    This act of Amaka is downright evil,makes me shudder.
    The stories emanating from that UK about many of our women.
    Hmmmm.Lord have mercy

  36. Good afternoon blogfam. That girl is so wicked. She needs thorough beating. What if her madam was lynched to death? Just 15years and she has such a devilish heart, I fear her o. The madam after collecting all her belongings from her should never ever make the mistake of accepting her back, else she might kill her eventually.

    1. From police station 🚉 she will find her square root.

  37. IHN
    Good afternoon everyone


    X Y



    AS - AS AA AS AS SS ❌❌❌


    SS - SS SS SS SS SS ❌❌❌

    AS -SC SS AS AC SC ❌❌❌

    AS - CC AC AC SC SC ❌❌❌



    AS ( Carrier)
    SS (Sickler) ~ Copied

    Blessed, exciting and fabulous day I wish you all

    1. Educative! There is also AC genotype which is not included in your post.

  38. Good afternoon SDK Bvs and Stella nwanyi oma. Sign out meme so true. Well, I feel for Chijioke, imagine loosing your marriage in including custody of your child. Chai! it is only God that can heal that heart.
    As for that wicked maid, I wish they could take her back to the park to make that confession so those agberos will descend on her full time.
    Side eyes at Fidel, lol...enjoy your kids now they are young.

  39. Oh Stella I had a compilation of some of chocolate nori outvoarst last month. I was imagining her face while typing 😂😲😂😲😂😲. The words were like melody but bitter. I don't know where they entered on my phone😪😪. Her last response to your former worker when he reappeared made me laugh for days. You this🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Plenty characters dey this blog. God bless us all.

    1. What is chocolate nori, ordinary copy and paste you can not do.

  40. Good afternoon to you all

  41. Amaka disappointed Chijioke. She did him wrong. She get mind.

  42. Na waooo,see what amaka has done to chijioke now.i pray he heals ohh, make another woman no go suffer for wentin amaka for amaka,she go regret am last last.

  43. You S!mps keep doing nonsense and complicating this world for us.

    So some weeks back, I posted something on my status/ story, of a tweet with photos made by a girl saying she and her boyfriend exchanged gifts, she bought him a PS 5 and he got her an iPhone,. I captioned this post with.. "as it should be"..

    Then one girl replied my status that I hate women, then I asked her what is the wrong thing in what I wrote to reach the conclusion that I hate women, she started telling me about how heard her boyfriend talking about something he needed , she bought the thing for him, then her boyfriend added 50k to the amount the thing cost and sent to her account, e.g if she got the thing for 20k, he sent her 70k.. she was now telling me that that's what real men do..

    So apparently, her issue with my post was that the lady gave a tangible gift without being refunded, even tho she also got a tangible gift in return, and that means I hate women.

    It's the same thing that happens here,. I'm labelled a woman hater because I tell men to not be used, and that they shouldn't be the only one making sacrifices and putting all the efforts in a relationship..

    I don't blame these women.. it's you s!mp and s!ssy men that are the problem

  44. Chai that Amaka and Chijioke story na wa oo, . Motherhood poster mine was that when I was a child I always dream of having 4 children, 2boys 2girls , but now hnmmmm .

  45. The househelp story was awful. The woman intended to use the maid to take care of home and also her business and the maid intended to use her right back. Exploitation jam exploitation.

    The Chijoke story was terribly heartbreaking to read. Nobody deserves to be used. Men and women when you get rejected just take it in stride cause an upfront rejection is 1000% better than being used and tossed away. Ppl are ice cold, even if love no dey, what about loyalty, respect and honouring those who honour you.

  46. Today's gists broke my heart and of course raised the bars of my intuition and discernment. One can never be too careful abeg.

  47. Good day all
    Na wa o Amaka no try at all

  48. Good afternoon everyone.


  49. The more kids you have, the more you look here and there before you have s#x in your own house as a couple..

    ***Use your tongue to count your teeth***

  50. Good day everyone.
    The Amaka story is so disheartening, the years of deceit and all... Well in this life you reap what you sow

  51. The prongs of a fork are called Tines


  52. Good afternoon blog fam , despite the that fell today, the weather is still hot

  53. My people, I heard Opay wants to pack and leave Naija. Let me go and check whether that my 1000 is still there.

    1. You hear that and just going to check. Pull it out

  54. The least I can't imagine to give me stress is love matter. I have it already, so why loving someone or trying to share love will be a hard work. I won't be stressing myself trying to make an ends meet and to share love with someone or be in love will also be a stress. Mbanu!!!

  55. This sad story about the last that dumped her husband just totally ruined my night. Why are some people just so evil. Na wa. It is well


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