Stella Dimoko UK Allegedly Deports YouTuber Who Exposed How Nigerians Migrate With Student Visas


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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

UK Allegedly Deports YouTuber Who Exposed How Nigerians Migrate With Student Visas

UK Based Nigerian YouTuber Emdee Tiamiyu who became popular for his controversial BBC interview on how Nigerians use student visas to migrate to the UK, has been allegedly,reportedly deported from the UK to Nigeria.

This development follows his arrest on allegations of defrauding the UK government of £160,000 (N300M).

Tiamiyu allegedly misused funds intended for his resettlement after claiming asylum, diverting them instead to build a house in Ogun State, Nigeria.

His previous interview had stirred significant debate and reportedly influenced UK policies regarding Nigerian students, particularly the restrictions on bringing family members unless enrolled in PhD programs.

Recall that in March 2023, Intel Region reported that Emdee Tiamiyu has been arrested. The latest information making the rounds alleged that Emdee Tiamiyu has been deported to Nigeria as he could not meet the Asylum requirement withing one year.


  1. Mr cho cho cho, it is good for you.

    1. Saint Elsewhere Phoenix (Umu Ada SDK)22 May 2024 at 09:07

      I learnt its more of him applying for asylum. The UK govt gave him funds based on his asylum request and then he used it to build a home in Nigeria. Not entirely linked to calling out Nigerians on the Visa stuff

    2. I know dear. I called him cho cho cho, cos he didn't want people to relocate in peace, exposing them anyhow.

    3. I learnt he's currently serving a 14 yrs jail term for using the money he got via asylum to build mansion in naija. His karma came earlier than expected. Eleribu elenu bi tasin

    4. The guys should have been wise now if he didn't want to return to Naija he should have just moved to another country, back then I heard he came in as someone's dependant I don't know if it was an arranged dependant or original dependant. Anyway this is what happens when you don't have good intentions for your fellow compatroit. He got served, though he apologised for that visa stuff but it just shows that he wasn't a person of integrity *Not doing as you say*

    5. His Cho Cho Cho is still what put him in trouble cos it made them look into his case. People are getting away with what they accused him off everyday but because the UK govt cannot pursue everyone, they use people like this guy as scapegoats.

    6. You are right.

  2. See wetin too much talk talk do to am.

  3. Wicked soul,you reap,what you sow. 🙄🙄🙄

  4. Welcome home boy, Nigerians will show you shege banza!

    1. He dare not show himself especially in Lagos because he go collect wella

  5. He was busy discrediting his own when his cupboard is full of trash. Enjoy.

  6. Good for him, him wan use him ragea spoil other people blues

  7. I’m yet to see any proof of this anywhere

    1. its all over Twitter.....Let me change it to allegedly for now in case.

    2. This story has been everywhere. However, UK govt does not give asylum seekers 160k pounds so unless this is a deal for something else, the story is most likely false.

    3. Yes it was trending on X app yesterday with different memes sef

    4. Are you sure UK didn't give him the money cos his case might be different due to him being helpful to the government. Remember he was an informat for the BBC so he would have been paid for that interview. Anyways there's is no smoke without fire.

    5. The highest they would have given him is residency and protection which has now been revoked. They cant pay him that kind of amount as nobody was persecuted or arrested!!

  8. Have been seeing this news online since last week. But I felt it was a rumour. Well, for you Stella to post it, then that means I can bank on it. It is true after all. I'm sad for the way things turned out for him but I really hope he learnt his lessons. I'm not sure he can pick the pieces of his life in Nigeria, going by how viral his news were then, which was followed by more strict immigration measures by the UK. He might not have been the reason but who will listen to him???

    I hope people that runs others down because they felt they have attain a position that makes them feel superior to others can learn from him.
    People with careless words because they felt life has been too good for them and it can only get better can also learn from him.
    And I hope people that mock others for their pain because they felt they have it all or they are the "prize", so it not possible for them to be in some certain situations can learn from him as well.

    Life has a way of humbling people. Can never be me, could be you and it will even happen the second time so you will know the first event is not a fragment of your imagination.

  9. Haaa he nor suppose do such evil thing..but ol' boy use d article to distract d CID wey dey follow naija n Nigerians misdoings like their first love to enable him transfer dat 160k Sterling.... Okpemu

  10. I feel bad that this news made me happy😩😩

    1. Shhhhhhhh Fidel, no loud am. Me I’m still waiting for proof because I can unleash my evil laughter. I don’t want to waste such laughter

    2. loll
      Fidel leave me hand oooo

    3. Fidel 😂😂😆😆😆.

  11. When you don't mind your business,you get what you want.

    Talkative weldone

  12. He marked himself. Pretty sure he's made himself a pariah in Nigeria.

  13. Allegedly, everyone isn't sure if it really did happen.
    Like I read yesterday,that's it's not possible for the UK government to give him money considering his status.

  14. This is what happens when you talk too much.

  15. The uk government doesn’t give 160k to asylum seekers or settlers. He most likely committed some type of fraud

  16. I kinda feel bad for him sha,I hope he doesn't go into depression

    1. What of other people he blocked their chances? That's his cup of tea.

  17. How can the UK government give him 160k pounds to resettlement? This is not possible. Maybe he committed a fraud. Let me wait for the true story

    1. I heard some Nigerians apply for asylum once they come in, and their status is temporary, but it does not look like it will be permanent. Probably that is what he did; he is status was shaky, and maybe the main applicant pulled him out of the plug, so asylum was his resort to be permanent in Britain. Since he was an informant for them, they decided to help him with some funds, which he did not handle wisely.

  18. Chika (hello iya boys)22 May 2024 at 11:17

    Yes ooo
    I like this news ooo

  19. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
    Life pays always with the same coin we push out either good or bad especially when it relates to humanity .
    Be kind

  20. But with 300M, the guy don hammer already. My bad belle side wished he came back with nothing,as him don use that his mouth spoil things for many people

  21. How foolish or arrogant can one be? He should have asked for anonymity when revealing such sensitive information- not showing his face and probably altering his voice. But did he feel untouchable that he went on TV to spill nonsense. It's only we black people that are gullible. You can never see a white person being that careless.
    *l don't support his actions of revealing what he said on TV but condemn his gullibility. Did the white people promise him heaven on earth?

  22. Social media generation. There is nothing good that comes with anyone putting their business out there.

  23. Good for him. About time Africans and African descended ppl work the system to their benefit. Get your reparations however you can. Not everyday goody goody, prayers and God and Bible this and that, sometimes a raw calculated action gets it done. Sometimes a battle, sometimes a war.

  24. This guys close road for many intending japarians sha. If this is karma, then this is good news.


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