Stella Dimoko Madam Amebo Corner


Sunday, February 02, 2025

Madam Amebo Corner


As parents, may we see no shame and hear no evil about our kids in God's name Amen......

I was at the shop one morning when we saw a woman running towards the school around my shop, about two other women were behind her running after her, and since we couldn't ask the woman in the front, we asked one of the one's behind (I know her ), she said somebody called her that her daughter was involved in an accident, she didn't wait to hear. where or how, she dropped the call and ran off, was crying and screaming, she was rushing down the school road cos na school she send her daughter that morning...

She got to the school but no such incident happened there, infact her daughter has not been to school for days, she was last seen when schools resumed and has been absent since then, ahhhh , the woman called back the number and was directed to a compound, she came and asked my neighbor then directed her to a compound around my shop, as she was rushing there, so me and other neighbors of mine followed since the compound is close by....

We got there and met the girl bleeding on the floor, her body was soaked, she no wear uniform , the mother asked her what happened and why she was not in school, she was there crying, na one lady for the compound tell us say, the girl de always come meet the guy during school hours with her friend on morfty, they will play music, smoke, drink, do their tiktok dance and then go home when the school has closed, she said the guy has a habit of beating her especially when she receives calls from other guys, she said the guy brings his guys sometimes to come help in gbenshing them whenever they're so high...

So on this particular day, she thought the guy had gone out to buy cana for them as usual, only for the girl to start calling a guy to send her some money to her opay to subscribe for her tiktok, she even promised to come give the guy some side sugar later that evening, the bros came in and caught her, started pounding her as usual, used pestle to hit her legs, so she won't see legs to go see the guy, then hit the pestle on her head, eje come full everywhere, she was almost collapsing when we got there, her legs were already short and she looked pretty weak..

The compound people said the girl is a strong girl because the kind of beating she endures in the hands of that guy is enormous and she will still beg him after, cook for him with her money and still give him kpekus, na 16yr old girl we de talk about so oo...

The mother cried bitterly, she talked about how she would come home with injuries and say she fought, how she will fall sick after and sometimes be rushed to the hospital, and she would be wondering the kind of fight her daughter was involved in, she said she asked her too many times if she had joined cult, but she denied whereas na them be the leader there, she recalled one time she caught her taking one medicine like that, she couldn't read the name, she took it to chemist and was told it's ab#rtion pills.....

She got a tricycle and took the girl away, I saw the pain and bitterness in her eyes like she has failed her child as a mother, I cried too but that is life for you, what is a 16yr old in a junior secondary school doing with a man in his 30's, now the man is nowhere to be found, even the friend that borrows her clothes to change don japa too....

I heard that court had served him a quit notice sometime ago yet he refused to leave and landlord don tire for the guy matter, a complete jobless broke p#edophile, looking for people's children to mess up....

Raising a girl child is very hard, I pray God comes through for us parents, may we not labour in vain...Amen


  1. Wow, alot of young girls can't wait to grow to experience adulthood.They think it's all fun and Joke. . ..last night my cousin of this age posted one small boy as the love of her life on WhatsApp and I am like no fear of your parents or older family members seeing it, I chastised her and I am sure, she would block me next time before posting her nonsense.

    It's God that will help parents.

  2. Raising a godly children is by the grace of God, may we not give birth to children that will bring shame to us πŸ™
    Amen to your prayer

  3. What 16years old
    Na waoooooo
    This TikTok self I really do not Understand what dey gain in it ooo
    Mayben cos am not on TikTok..
    Abeg oo her mother should tight her belt and sit her down to talk to her ooo, if she will hear and Decide to Change..
    May God Help she and her Mother πŸ™

    Hello iya Boys

  4. You people are focusing on the wrong things!

    What is a 30yr old man doing with a 16yr old??????? What has become of us as a society???? From the moment it was discovered it should have been reported to the right authorities. It seems the convenient thing is to blame the children being groomed and avoid accountability for the evil men and women that groom them.

    I’m happy that some of you were levelheaded as teenagers but people like me it took proper shielding and monitoring to guide me. I was very impressionable and could have fallen prey because I had very low self esteem. I was a dumb ugly duckling so any form of attention would have gotten me easily. Now that I’m in my 20s I’ve built my confidence and gotten wiser.

    I was waiting to read where the man was arrested or beaten by a mob. But nothing happened so he will become emboldened to try this with more girls. The predatory men and women around him watching society’s reaction to these things will also move funny towards teenagers.

    Society has failed its children!

  5. I hope the father is alive because sometimes what a mother cannot see, a father will spot it out asap vice-versa, a child needs the full upbringing by both parents, being trained by a single mom some times creates deficiencies in characters, I pray the girl turns a new leaf after this

  6. She has been absent from school and the school authority didnt try to find out why?
    Where is the father in all of these or is she a single mom.
    What is happening now in our society is alarming. May God help parents.

    1. Osundi it must be a public school. Private schools do call parents if a child is absent for more than one day. Public school no send you, if you like don't come for a whole term, nothing concern them. That is where we have more badly behaved boys and girls like the girl above.

  7. Thank God you didn't write about one of your olosho friends today

    1. I dey tell you. Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are.

  8. The issue of teens and young adult women in their early twenties being in abusive relationships is a conversation that needs to be had.

    Young girls who go that path are usually looking for love. Providing the necessities of life is not enough when raising a child. The child needs to feel security, support and love. Parents set that environment.

    She survived, life will go on and her story hopefully will change if positive changes are
    made on the home front.

  9. This is just so heartbreaking to read. Raising kids is so difficult. May GOD give us wisdoms to raise them.


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