Stella Dimoko Wednesday IHN


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Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Wednesday IHN

Why is Wednesday so boring?.......*wink*

I am about to................................OMG!!!!
I am sure you know by now that I am a drama queen?The most dramatic you can find,and for free....heheheheheheh...........Ooops i take that back and hand the award to that Instagram queen...whats her name again?hehehehehehhehhe


Hi Stellz
It’s my sister’s birthday today.
Happy Birthday sis. Thanks for being an amazing soul. Wishing you all the best life has to offer.
From your sister Blogbrity

Blogbrity your sister is so,see her 'west'



The Story of my life
only daughter from the house of five.
Come from a Christian home.
Lost a sister 3 months ago, found out it that the new house we just rented the old occupant was a juju worshipper. 

I was sent to stay with a aunty whose husband is a pastor, everything was OK never lack food, cloth, attend the best school in the community, never have any issue with her or her husband. 

But I miss my parent brother, I want to go home and stay with my parents and brother. Never tell any one my intention, fear of them begging me to stay
Time for holiday come, I park all cloth , then tell them I want to give some to my friends in the village they said OK. 

Reach home find out my mom is pregnant away has new baby In the house #happy#
News of my father transfer to another state #joyofgoingtoanewenvironment# andnewbabytocarry# 

Dad said everybody is going except me I ask why, your aunty is coming to pick school has resumed.

 Dad am not going...
 why?, what happen? Talk to us we are your parents. #crying#
I call them the next day daddy mummy nothing bad happen over there when I was staying with them, I just want to stay with my family that all. Daddy said OK, message was sent to aunty she's not coming again o. #auntystartbeggingtocomeback# but my answer still NO #biggermistakeofmylife#.CRYING# 

After three month travel to the new base.


Two day after the arrival,me and my senior brother sleep in the same room the rest with my parent and the new baby. 

Wake up midnight my left hand and left leg was so heavy cant carry it at that moment, later I feel relief wake my brother up but was unable to talk he slept back.
After devotion with my parents in there room, tell mummy am feeling some in my left side of my body ..

She reply go and wash the plate take your bath then I will apply something, I say OK I went to the kitchen park the plate to take it outside to wash.
There I find out I can't wear my slipper very well again mom notice start shouting at me to wear my slipper very well. As I was about answering her my mouth turn to the other side sliver start coming out from my mouth. The plate fall from my hand that was the moment my parents notice that something has happening, they start praying calling on neighbour to him, I was taking to hospital the next day they said everything was OK since 2005 been praying believing on God for healing. Now done with secondary school enter university) year 3 now. 

Now i am always scared of the unknown
1. Will not marry a good man or have kid in my life fear of a man marrying me because of pity and not love 

2. Fear of not getting a good job when the able people have not gotten
3. Self pity from people even thing my self know I can am not allow to do it. Etc
Please God heal me
Thank your Stella for you answer
And BVS God bless you all
Pls put me in your prayer.
Pls bear with me for any type error

*I dont understand...So you mean you suffered stroke at such a young age or was it the Juju house you moved into that was responsible?I pray God heals you dearest...dont live in fear OK?



I am going anonymous on this. Please house i need help, my boss of over 7 years just started distributing me to have an affair with him. During these years i have always and still see him as an elder brother. He is married. He has been nice to me and over the years we bonded as family i.e including his wife and siblings. Since I refuse his advances my life is becoming somehow. My self esteem is diminishing, and i have tried applying for jobs but my age always disqualify me.

 I will be 35yrs in few days. I have tried doing business but i am not good at it. I can;t take drastic decision because am the eldest in my family, an orphan and my siblings depend on me.

 Please i do i handle this issue? Will he ever stop? I have stopped collecting any form of gifts even though I need it desperately. Now he does things to spite and frustrate me. Please, how best can I manage him pending when I get another job?

If you live abroad,you can report him to Union and he will lose his job and a lawsuit will be made against him but since it is Nigeria,the person you report him to might end up doing same and you might even lose your job.....

You cant get another job cos of age and you cant do business?..This is a really tight one..Maybe you should just resign and sit at home?



Please bvs, I want someone to teach me how to be jealous, as in real jealous because I dont know how.. My husband thinks I dont love him and he is afraid of me, no matter who I see with him or the situation he is in with the opposite sex I dont ask questions or want to know the said person, I just act normal because I don't feel jealous or hurt.. 

Even his conversation does not bother me, now he is afraid that I'm not a woman, the truth is I don't know how to feel jealous or hurt. Even after quarreling with him the next minute I'm talking to him as if nothing happened, still joke and laugh with him and act normal.Now I'm so sad, he said he doesn't want to die young, that he hasn't seen anyone like me before, he's been avoiding me, please help me, I want to start getting jealous and be inquisitive too and snooping.

 He doesnt lock his phone because he knows I will never check it even if he doesnt go out with it.. Please help me..



Hello,Get our original 20000mah powerbank for #7500.its a fast charge and comes with 3 USB port,Torchlight and one USB Cable.

Also get quality Bluetooth headset(has space for M.card plus very long lasting rechargeable battery) and original Android fast charger for all phones..our products range from Samsung,Amazon,Infinix,Tecno etc..

Free delivery for all Lagos BV's on any product,while other states come at VERY affordable prices..

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Actymara pastries Enugu is here to serve you bigger and better. Call us now for your birthdays, baby shower, child dedication, surprise event cakes , wedding cakes and small chops and trust us to deliver at the speed of light : 08064563600

And also don't forget our cake promo is still on:

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Please I have a 40cm by 40cm foldable photo lightbox to giveaway (see images attached) People who sell products online will understand and find this most useful. I want to sow into the life of a small business owner that might need it.

Receiver MUST BE living along Lekki-Epe Expressway, to arrange for easy pickup around Ajah - latest by thursday 6th June, 2019.

Also have these size 39 sandals to giveaway and size 39 flats for a working lady.

Please let interested persons contact me VIA WHATSAPP on: +2349056372444. They should remember, that pickup is Ajah. I can't waybill eeeeh. Lol



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Cultivate a healthy lifestyle today by including fruits in your diet daily.

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  1. Good afternoon good people....IHN is here.

    1. Stella you want to get your cookies and cream.😜

    2. Happy birthday Joy, many more years to you.. See as you resemble your sister. Una can fine for una family.

      That blender looks really nice..

    3. Let me perch here
      Good afternoon bvs
      Stells nwayioma, thanks for using my pic for ihn yesterday.
      To all d bvs that called me 'beautiful' lolz, thank you all,i appreciate. I refuse to acknowledge the she has 'strange eyes', strange eyes bawo.
      Happy birthday to ur sister blogbrity, birthdays are special, I always go overboard with mine.

    4. The lady selling rechargeable blender, fear God! That’s stuff is 6k, I just got one.
      And later you will be wondering why you don’t make sales... hmmmmm

    5. Fly girl it depends on the blades. Sold between 6-7k

    6. Fly girl do you know where she got hers from? That you bought yours that amount does that mean very seller sells at same cost price? Do you know things also have grade? Don't come and spoil someone business for them. So if you bought 6k in Lagos or everywhere it automatically means every state should sell same price? Use your head

    7. Guess you are the seller anon 18;09. That 8k you are selling is without waybill fee so if someone is buying outside your state you will still add 1500 for waybill right?
      I didn’t insult you so please don’t come at me I’m not the cause of your problems!

    8. Flygirl, just shut it! What kind of person are you? 2 people can buy the same item at different prices from same shop and seller. If you bring an ad and someone does exactly what you did to whoever is selling those blenders, will you like it?

  2. Quit telling yourself all the reasons why it’s never going to happen. That storm may be powerful, but our God is all-powerful. He controls the universe. Start thanking Him that things are changing in your favor.@JoelOsteen

  3. Hiii

    Happy Birthday beautiful Miss Joy.

    1. Married men in Nigeria can never let that waist rest

  4. Na tiredness dey rush me today,one part of me wants to go hustle the other part wants to stay in bed all day.

    Even though there's food in the fridge,I still ordered takeout. (That's how tired I am).

    Now I'm feeling bad for disappointing my customers by not opening shop today.

    Goes back to catching up on post I missed,can't come and go and quench on top hustle

    1. Maybe it has to do with the weather. It's so boring here couple with the holiday.

    2. inconsistency kills any business...until you are fully established you can't rest fr nw

    3. @Teejay: The weather here is cool for biz oo, just a little bit of body ache and that "I cannot come and go and kee myself feeling".

      @Dede Ugonna:
      Mehn,you said nothing but the truth.I'm ashamed of myself.I guess I will work this weekend to compensate for today.

    4. Yeah,she can't rest for now till she breaks down or fall sick and then the customers will port to another place to eat. Abeg, listen to your body and rest.Life no get duplicate.

  5. Replies
    1. how long would it take you to type in full

    2. And how long would it take you to end your comment with a question mark? Take the logs of wood off your Eyes before attempting to do same for another.

    3. 40secs is sometimes the answer.

    4. 😂😂😂😂 kamikaze

  6. There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:
    17 haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,
    18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil,
    19 a false witness who pours out lies
    and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Proverbs 6

    1. Olori Orente that thing you did yest no try it today
      14:36 off to cinema. 16:10 ended watching of folm. The cinema is inside your house?😃

    2. person wy get Tv and sound system 4 he house, dt wan na he own cinema..abi olori didnt you buy pop corn?

    3. Dede, didn't you just bash an anon up there for typing in shorthand? What's the 4 and dt called? Are they not shorthand too? Double standard

    4. Anon 14:24 you think say she know go cinema?I no understand this your rant

    5. Ayayaaaaaa.
      The list on breakdown
      1.haughty eyes.
      The swagger group.proud nonsense things.
      Led by Swag La Fresh, Modella. MsA. shooter gyal
      2. Lying tongue.
      The lie lie WhatsApp group.led by Lolo ideato, Blogbrity.oki royalty.teejay.ayaoba
      3 Leg that runs into evil.
      Agbero people WhatsApp. Led by Fuck you, Aproko queen.miss Aboki.
      4 their members been dey bitter before becoming beevees. Pepper body. Led by Reasonable Doubt.castle Windsor, miss aboki. Eesah.kelvin Ogun.
      General overseer for the 4 groups na Lady bug.
      Happy birthday Joy
      LMAO more
      LMAO d more

    6. So you think I will be lying because of #1,500
      To tell you, I watched mine 4pm.
      My brother who saw before us narrated and I said it was worth the watch. So what are you saying detective. Please lemme alone.

    7. What's this Anon 15:18 saying?

  7. Happy birthday Miss Joy... God bless your new age... More beautiful and fruitful years to celebrate... Blogbrity your sister is very beautiful...

    Good afternoon all

  8. So yesterday, I was watching Ava Duvernay and she said she does not like being called Auntie and frankly, a lot of women don't like it either.

    I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand, it's endearing... On another hand, it's used to make fun of a woman's age or a sassy way to be rude.  I 'd just cringe if it were said to me, to be honest.

    And it's not the same as Sis which I often use because it's my way of bonding with people.  But I 'd respectfully stop if anyone feels offended by it .

    I mean, if someone tells you she's  not comfortable with being referred to as Auntie then you are being deliberately obtuse to continue calling her that.

    Do y'all find it odd to call a woman you aint related to Auntie?

    1. Funny enough, I know someone who instructed the children to address her as aunty and not mummy in public. Some people aren't cool with that aunty thingy, they prefer been called their names rather.

    2. I don't find it odd o. But I'd rather use the word 'ma'am'

    3. Sometimes women love to get called auntie as it makes them feel in charge of their subordinates. Different strokes for difdiffer folks.
      As for me i no dy call them anything. Na their na name sure pass for me

    4. I prefer my name too, TJ & Elk Man.

      That's nice, Rhoda. Ma'am is standard politeness.

    5. Different strokes for different folks. I'd rather be called Aunty than Sis. Don't why but we are all different.

  9. bvs, pls help me choose.
    between Teejay, Martins Aboy and Kelvin, who will make a good husband.
    I want to start praying for future husband and I want to make the prayers direct,

    1. Lmao!
      Do not limit yourself.Pray for the three.Miracles do happen and protocols must be changed for your sake.Amen

    2. go for essah Mr nobody

    3. Lol! Martins Aboy! He’s such a cool headed young man

    4. Martin's seconded

  10. Boss's advances

    If you want to be used for rituals then go ahead.
    Please resign from that job, it is not
    enough and nothing is enough for exchange with your soul.
    Fast and pray and seek God.

    1. She should just resign ba?
      You will feed her abi?
      Some of you are too silly and flippant for words.

  11. you can go ahead and call God as you've called my siblings and friends

    I ain't picking your calls


  12. Happy Birthday Miss Joy. You are beautiful. May God bless your new age. More sales to all business advertisers here.

    A cold Wednesday here and a lovely one too. Looking for what to eat, something hot and peppery.

  13. Ahhhh madam Stella you be Case o. "West" and that face you made with the dog got me real laughing.

  14. Happy birthday beautiful Joy.
    Faith, beauty runs in your family, your sister is beautiful like you.

  15. Blogbrity, I saw your comment the other day about weight loss being a scam.
    Weight loss is not easy ooo.
    What works for me is portion control,cutting down on carbs and fruits and vegetables.
    Your meals plan: half of your plate is vegetables, 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbohydrates.
    Do this judiciously and you will see result.

    1. Happy birthday to your sister. This your sister is fine mennn.
      Wish I had some responsible Male relatives, na me for do the waka for them but their entitlement nature no let them shine.

    2. Hahahahhahahahahah thanks anon 💕

  16. The poster talking about stroke,why do we always attribute anything that happens to us as a spiritual attack.
    Probably maybe because I dont believe such exist sha,I see it as just mere you think if you were at your aunts place you might have lost your life.
    You better be thankful and grateful to God for staying alive.
    I believe you will receive your healing soon.

    1. Please, you cannot use *Probably and *maybe together in a sentence. It's either you use *probably or you use *maybe.

  17. Happy birthday beautiful.
    Stellz i love you since 19100
    thanks alot😘🤩🤩

  18. Stella please I wanted to report one incident to you.... there is this page on fb called COURTSHIP SEEKERS.. THE ONE WITH ONE COUPLE ON BLUE NATIVE. I strongly believe this person copied numbers from your blog and posted it on this fb relationship group called COURTSHIP SEEKERS.. I have been getting non stop calls and WhatsApp messages from diff guys. Telling me I posted my number there that am looking for a life partner.. this is uncalled for!! Am so tired replying both chat and messages from more that persons... I dnt know if any BV experience it too. Since yesterday.. I want to called out the admin on fb. I even told my bf. What rubbish is that. The admin is very stupid to have come to this blog and copy single and mingle post. Very annoying. 😎☹

    1. So u have a bf but still participates in single n mingle?

    2. What is your number doing on SNM when you have a boyfriend

    3. Igbuduuuuu 😂😂 una de ask her question when she de find solution 🤣.

    4. @ Anon 14:14, I'm experiencing the same thing. Been getting a lot of calls and they keep saying they got my number from Facebook, meanwhile it was on SnM I posted that number and was the first and only time I used the number on social media.

      Now I know what happened. Stella, please look into it. Thanks.

    5. Sexy Hips, na God catch you... 😂🤣😂

  19. Happy birthday miss joy, greater and higher you go

  20. Good afternoon house

    Happy birthday Joy. Blogbrity, your sister is beautiful

  21. Happy birthday beautiful.
    Thanks alot Stellz. i love you since 19100😘😘

  22. happy birthday dear, u too fine, as in you are beautiful,lets get married na☺☺
    may God perfect your health
    that house looks nice,real estate is d best investment

    1. Another shorthand from Awon "don't type in short hand". Yinmu!

  23. Welcome woman crush today is Stellz,wish to be able to handle different personalities on this blog and remain sane.....I raise Beyonce hand for you ooo.More power to your elbow..

  24. so a relative called me yesterday for some advice - his ex girlfriend of a year (they broke up in Sept/Oct) last year, went to attack his new girl in her place of work
    Ex girl actually went with her older sis and younger brother for the attack - they have seen him with the new girl several times as the new girlfriend works close to where his ex girl's sister lives.
    New girl was badly injured on her arm as she tried to block her face from the attack - police were called, ex girl arrested and asked to pay for the injuries, she declined stating that they snatched her Boyfriend - How??? your relationship ended over 9 months ago; NO Phonecalls, texts, dates etc since the breakup, which imaginary boyfriend?

  25. Even me Stella, I don understand were the thing is coming from. Whether from home or the new environment but some people said is spiritual attack some say is partial stroke. Thank you Stella for posting God bless

    1. It is well with you dear... God will heal you completely.... Cheers!!!

    2. So sorry dear
      May God perfect ur health Amen

  26. The lady with the stroke problem,i will surely put you in my prayers. God will heal you soon ok. Don't give up but keep the faith.

  27. That aunty who is planning to resign..pls,do not resign until he fires u but in d mean time,look else wia.

    Who says u cant be employed.. No impossibility with my able God

    1. I think she should have a heart to heart talk with him first. It may work and get her more respect from the boss. What a boss from hell.

  28. Lady looking for lecture to become jealous 😂. There is nothing one will not see in this life. People who are jealous are looking for a way to always overlook things. I wish you can transfer a little of you to someone i know. Better enjoy your life in peace. Infant you are really blessed

  29. Happy birthday Joy, God bless your new age.

    That bv that wants to learn how to get jealous, how I wish I can be like you in that aspect, Na wa o.

    May good customers patronise every seller on this blog.

    More blessings for every giver.

    Good afternoon bvs, it's really a boring day.

  30. Miss Joy na your big bress na im get me

    Madam whose oga is disturbing for sex, never give him an attitude otherwise you will continue to be uncomfortable and looking over your shoulders. Please remain friendly and jokingly reject his advances

    What else? Ehmm... *thinking *

  31. Blogrity are you using style to advertise your sister

  32. Good afternoon everyone.
    Happy Eld -al-fitri celebration to all Muslim bvs.

  33. Pls don't resign,get a job first cos this country is too hard to b jobless, just try manage him and pls pray pray pray.

  34. you want to get jealous so can av Hbp and fight everybody. ask dos who are jealos hw it worked fr them

  35. Stella this your last comment is da bomb.
    Anonymous with jealous issue, are you me, am I you?
    I have the same issue, difference is we are not married yet. He on the other hand is extremely possessive, makes noise when my phone rings, checks to see who is calling but I take his phone to him when it rings without checking who is calling. He thinks I'm not in love but I told him love is not madness. I can't go fighting, checking every every including smelling pants just to show him jealous. When he cheated, he realised that everybody has two faces.
    Now he knows I don't do all that unnecessary fighting but knows how to respect that side of me.
    Let him know you have another side he hasn't seen yet before he takes advantage and begins to cheat on you.

    1. Cheatings, extremely possessive, makes noise?
      This is how it starts. Don't send chronicles later o.

  36. Pretend to be jealous NSW..lols

  37. What of Davidballer stella that sells gifts pack? It is been long I see his advert on this blog,does he still sell or not I want to buy some from him. If he sees this let him reply please

    1. I am sure he is still doing his business.
      Like you ,I wasn't sure he was still into business, gave him a call during Valentine and he came through.
      David you should announce your business /presence once in a while.

  38. Thanks so much stellz gm💕💕💕

    Thanks everyone 💕💕

  39. Office romance usually doesn't end well. That aside the said person is married, I think you should politely turn him down and never go back on your words, with time I believe he will let go,since you relate with him more like an elder brother. During my days in one of the prominent soft sell magazine here in Lagos, the editor was a nasty promiscuous man. I mean he has practically asked every lady in the org out, whenever we are unavoidably alone and he starts saying his stupid nonsense, immediately I will make a mess of the conversation with useless jokes. I usually hail him ,call him my daddy,or shout Oga ooo..sometimes I will tease him . At a point he stopped talking to me ,I ignored him till he got fed up. Don't worry just stick with your NO,God will help you by his grace.

    The lady with the stroke ish, I really feel for you ,even though you can't outrightly say if it stroke or spiritual stuff ,whatever it's I pray God will cure you completely with his blood, God will give you victory over the strange illness,walk with him by faith. Cheers!

    1. I am the poster of the boss advance, thanks for your advise because of a truth, i have started giving him attitude. Thanks for posting my comment Stella you are my lovely sister from another mother. BVs you all are awesome

  40. Happy birthday pretty joy,God's divine favour upon u.Amen

  41. Happy birthday Joy. God bless you more.
    Raining right now.
    Thank you Father for everything.

  42. The lady that doesn't feel jealous, it is ok. I also don't feel jealous and my hubby claims I don't love him. For my sanity, I taught myself not to be jealous and I am truly happy. However, I express my love verbally because he responds well to words of affirmation and we spend quality time together.

    No man will make me go crazy!!!

  43. I am just here wondering why you cant seeem to get alternative employment. Yes, Nigeria is hard. But if it means you earning less for your peace of mind then do it nau. Which one are you acting as if you are stuck there?? Yes you are 35 but age is not an issue if you have the right skills and qualifications. It is only an issue when you dont. My question is: DO YOU?

    I put it to you that you got too comfortable in a small company, rather than develop a career path, you were content with a job and a salary. You also did not expand your corporate network, so you dont have many people to cry to about this. What certifications do you have? Now you are sexually harrased, with no added skills, experience or qualification and cant move. I also put it to you that you are not adding value to the core of the business. No businessman wants to lose a good employee to his sexual stupidity. He would tell you he likes you but if you get upset and you are a very competent staff, he would apologize and let things be. Attitude will come when he knows your absence is of no disadvantage to his business. Instead of staying focused, you went and were making friends and family. Now see the mess.... i am not saying you should not be friendly at work but STAY FOCUSED on whats important.

    Where I work, I can count 4 of my male bosses who will date me if they have a chance. Two have said their mind, the other two are winking and inviting me fro drinks. But they cant try me cos as I dey cry so, I dey see road. My deliverables are on point, I add so much value that no one wants to even get me upset. Make CEO find me and e no see me then they will explain what happened that made me leave unannounced. So my no is no and it will not call for any frustration. If it does, well you lose a good employee and in time I get another job. Who be fool? When we come on here saying young girls should be focused its not because we dont want them to marry etc. Its because as a woman, if you dont show these useless men that you are smart, you will always enter one chance like this. Especially when you are attractive.

    Before running from pilar to post, take good stock of your life and address the reason(s) why you are stuck in such a shitty job mess, first. Decide to do better.
    Las las you reduce age on CV. People dey do am.

    1. Thanks Chikito, i can see you are angry with me but it is from a place of love. That kind of love that mother gives to a child when they allow people to misbehave around them. Dear, hmmmm .... you said it all. But i am a focused, determined and a goal getter person, infact these are the qualities that lead to the Chairman to notice me and I became comfortable. Until recently he (chairman) started harassing me. Anyway, thanks, you passed a strong message

    2. Yes, i am upset because sexual harrasment is too much..but I also know that if we (as women) do our part excellently, it will reduce.

      Learn your lessons and decide to do better next time. I cant say much now, cos you are yet to get another source of income. I dont want to give advice that may make you uncomfortable..but i believe there is a way. You have experience, package your CV well. Even pay someone 5k to do for you. Get on LinkedIn, update your profile
      Let's see how it goes.

    3. Chikito fire for fire...I like you babe 😘😘.

  44. The person selling smoothie blender fear God,I bought mine in the market for 2,500

    1. Someone said she bought hers for 6k, you are now saying you bought yours for 2.5k. Hahahahahaha Bad belle people no go let this seller sell her blender.

  45. I actually bought my own blender for 2k this poster is not ready to sell her wares. Highest it should cost is 3k even regular big blenders are cheaper than 8k.

    1. Which 'regular' blender is less than 8k? The way you people price down people's hustle is like witchcraft. I paid 8k for a blender at Mega plaza over 10 years ago, when dollar was about 130 and it's still functioning as good as new today. Some of you would go and buy cheap chinco which won't last more than 2 years or even be able to blend some stuff properly and still comment as though all blenders have same rating. Even Ninja blenders sold abroad from company's website aren't same price because those with more powerful motors are more expensive. Na wa!
      Blender seller, may God bless your hustle. Look for customers from multiple sources because these ones think na you do them.


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