Stella Dimoko Dream Killers....


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Monday, July 21, 2014

Dream Killers....

The title post already says it all but let me go into details for the sake of those who might not understand.....

A dream killer is one who kills your dream of becoming a success; more specifically your dream of becoming a great business success. they are often a friend, family, co-worker, fellow group member, or well wisher. 

They are snakes in disguise, because they are ready to unleash their venom that drains the life from your dreams and plans. 

A dream killer could be male or female ....

A dream killer brings your life to a standstill when you meet them...
A dream killer could be you....or you could be married to one.

How does one tackle a dream killer in a relationship or marriage??

Yarn us biko!


  1. Once one notices a dream killer in their life, avoid, run very far away from them. They will kill ur shine.

    1. LEAVE!!!! There are two types of dream killers. The first set would simply criticize every move you make. They seem to continuously try as much as possible to ridicule your attempts at success. These kind of dream killers are usually most powerful when you seek their advice.

      The second set would take it a step further. They do not stop at just giving you negative comments, they are usually a step ahead of you. They would get to the junction of your success before you and wreck it.

      The only way to live with a dream killer is to hide your progress from them which is close to impossible when you are in a relationship with or married to one.

      What is the essence of a relationship or marriage if you have to hide things from your partner? Need I say more?

    2. Hmmmm I might just add. This goes for the men folk especially since this bothers on dream killers.

      You cannot be going out with Delilah and expect ur hair not to be shaven. Hair means ur glory. If u doubt me ask samson. Samson's chapter closed after he encountered Delilah the destiny terminator. Brothers be careful about ur wayward ways with women. Dream killers are human after all.

  2. How else do u tackle or avoid a dream killer if not poison the person....simple n short...#alinko

    1. Stanley, did you just write that? You better rebuke such idea from your mind.
      Run at away from person please. You don't have to resort to hurting or killing the person. Just avoid the person and keep your business affairs away from such person.

      I remember a story i read from a newspaper last year or so. A 19years old boy was given a "prophecy" by a "prophetess" that his mother was behind his success. The boy killed and dismembered his mother. He is still cooling his heels off in one of the cells in our country.

      Be wise.

  3. Replies
    1. Well done pat!

    2. Abi oooooo my dear sister. Prayer still remains the strongest weapon any one can possess and use against and lurking evil.

      Personally, if such people exist around me, i don't wish them evil or wish them to go away. Mba!!!! Let them hang around and watch me grow....... So they can start serving the living God that i serve because all power belongs to him.

  4. oh yea...but stella dat card was correct oh..let me sanp d pin of mtn airtime i got and send to u to know i did not fake any number

  5. I will not call mine, a dream killer but he talks so much about our private life.

    i am 7months gone but half of his family, friends, cousins etc have heard. but non of the so called family told us about themselves till delivery. i am a private person, this the only part we normally have issues. i cant wait to see him stop it.

    1. @mua, mine can talk 2 for Africa. He tells his so called friends everything about our lives, which is so annoying. At times I feel like strangling him to keep quit, I pray he stop talking much.

    2. Some guys are parrot,dey can neva keep a secret

  6. When u have conviction deep in ur spirit about something, there's nothing anyone can say to kill that dream or deter u from ur set goal... God keep dream killers far from our tents

  7. Don't have time for dream killers..

  8. (1) Prayers... to identify a dream killer. Its necessary to be able to identify him/her. Sometimes,,some people are the architect of evil in one's life,,,stabbing you in the back,, yet they will be the most nice person to you......
    (2) Wisdom... to handle such people....Its not all the time one can avoid bad people....there are times you dont have a choice than to have them around you...but with wisdom,,, you can play ur cards well with such people.

    1. Hmmm! Do I sense a Pained soul through your write up? May God's Grace be sufficient enough for you

  9. When action speaks louder than words, dream killers will have nothing to say.

  10. for thought. my own advice goes thus..stay away from such people..try not to share anything personal with them.

  11. I don't think I have any except some relatives...long story,no strength to taking the back sit..

    1. Seat and not sit. Also, you don't have to say ' I don't have any except... .Using 'except' in this case counters your claim. Which means you already have. Thanks.

  12. In marriage I wouldn't know since I'm still single, but then that's why it is advisable to marry someone that shares your dreams huh? For a rship its quite simple... Take a long walk. And while at it don't look back. Remember what became of lot's wife when she looked back? That's my take!

    1. It is a lot easier to shut the fuck up on topics you don't have an idea of. Wetin concern lot's wife concern this marriage? If wants to leave nko? You don't know some people are so evil that the will castigate any thing you do in life

  13. In marriage I wouldn't know since I'm still single, but then that's why it is advisable to marry someone that shares your dreams huh? For a rship its quite simple... Take a long walk. And while at it don't look back. Remember what became of lot's wife when she looked back? That's my take!

  14. Cut them off, fast! Also don't share your dreams and never publicly celebrate your success but people no dey hear! Hian!!! If Joseph's brothers tried to kill him, who come be you???

  15. neva had one nd Gods grace wont experience I ll pass

  16. If you are in a relationship with one, waka comot.
    If you are married to one, keep your dreams to yourself and do them on your own.

    No one can kill a dream they don't know about.

  17. I have never been in relationship with one but I lived with a relation that was one, so many instances that he almost killed my zeal for something good. For example, I left a killing marketing job in a financial firm to pursue my masters so I can better me and get better employment. I told him about it, he just laughed and affirmed that I can't pay the fees. I didn't relent cos I knew God wanted me move on then. To God's glory, I finished and got a job that wanted to send me out of Naija for training and he said that it is scam, that no company can do that. I ignored him and pursued the offer, turned out it was real. I can go on and on. How I handle such people is to click on ignore and follow my dreams through, I always tell myself that I need to take risks so I ask for God's direction. Once I get a confirmation that the path is a good one, then OYO for the person.

  18. Dream killers dey o..chai, when I entered school..I had an exam that would determine whether to continue with the course or drop fail and drop out stuff, I went to my cousins house...the dad told me that its not about taking the exam, its about passing it...that no be everybody dey pass, I took that exam and passed it....I went to tell the man that I passed...infact, I went 2 rub it in his face, after telling him I had passed....he jst laughed and told me;" so u passed, well, its not about passing this exam, na to graduate be the matter" .....hehehehe, the last time he saw me I had already graduated and I graduated a stellar student. ....Thanks be to God

    1. Ignoramus. He was motivating you to look beyond the immediate challenge and in your mind you thought he was trying to kill ur dream. Btw wots the dream?

    2. Anon,I purposely didn't go into the REST of what he did 'cos' I felt it wasn't necessary...feel free to disagree with others without calling them names. Whatever the dream was isn't your business....he wasn't motivating cos he did a lot of other things to kill that dream but they didn't work

    3. Shutup anon, u r d one dt is ignorant. People come here to exhibit their emptiness without knowing they r the ones lacking knowledge.

  19. Na real wa! I never realised I wasn't the only one running (tear race, Ben Johnson, 4040) from dream vanquishers.

    It's so bad that other than work colleagues and my immediate family, I talk to NO one! Except Stella of course :D I take my dreams, plant and nurture them with the prayers of my family and mine as well. When so called ex- friends (they don't realize they are ex) call I always promise to call back but never do. My linkedin profile is on lock down, my facebook has cobwebs as I don't use it and my bb permanently turned off. I norr fit shout abeg.

    By the way it's my birthday o!!! But since I am running away from dream killers, I won't send my pictures in. Coincidentally, my name is the same as the other fine yellow paw-paw who's birthday was a few days ago :)

  20. Cassandra baby21 July 2014 at 15:46

    Dont have one around me,,

  21. Irony is most of the dream killers are usually those closest to one,mine will have to be my hubby always pointing out the odds in any ideas I suggest,he never sees any potential,outsiders will be like go for it girl,and the moment he makes a negative comment the drive is gone.

  22. the solution is simple, dont share your dreams,take it to God.

  23. I don't even have a dream they know of not to talk of killing it.

    i'd rather keep mum and fulfil my dream, then 'they' see and keep beefing... hehehehhe


  24. Dream killers are everywhere, it is easy when they are just friends because you can work away from them, if you are married to one ? TROUBLE!!! If you are married to one then just do your thing without letting him or her know till you are done.

  25. When u see dream killers u will know,dey can not encourage u but kill ur spirit especially when u are close to success. When I see such pple I ignore dem and use dem as prayer points,before I say jack robinson,I do not see dem close to me again. Dream Killers come near me again and DIE(no mercy)

  26. Having a difficult time right now my years have not stopped flowing. People especially women marriage is not the end and be it all. If i didn't grow up in Nigeria i won't have this mentality. Young women marry for your reasons not societal expectations. Husband's can be more than dream killers and remember your happiness is in your hands.

  27. When you see a dream killer do not run away from them prove to them that you can
    I remember when I wanted to start open a boutique my friends and my husband told me not to but today I have one

    I am so proud of myself for not listening to them

    And I can boldly tell you this
    Do not let anyone tell you you can't do this! You dont have the money! Hold on a little! this is not the right time
    No no no no no no no
    Just set your mind and you will do it

    May God bless those that have a plan to execute it in CHRIST name AMEN


  28. @ SDKB babe many thanks hun.

    @ Anon why do you want to know what her dream is? Are you a dream police? Free her o.

  29. Man's great enemy is himself.

    The real dream killers are not the people around us called the naysayers with negative vibes;

    But sabotaging one's belief with doubts and fear.

    Love yourself and teach others how to treat you.

  30. I don't have dream killers around me, just people who talk too much, and u can never tell who they might be blabbing too.

    I don't like my personal affairs out in the open, so I'm careful about what information I give out. Actions speak louder than words.

  31. I don't even give dream killers d chance, I kip to myself n my lovely immediate fam n dey so much believe in me ***kiki love***

  32. Non of my relatives know that I'm a graduate now. Since when I lost my elder sister after all my parent struggle for her to finish school. She died a day before she was to resume work in an oil company. It been 3yrs now my family is still mourning her.

  33. So sorry dear. God is greater than them. You will succeed and excel before their eyes. May God be with you and your family...

  34. I am married to a dream killer, God pls help me.


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